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<br /> the indebt�dnods eeaured h9reby an� become secured by the �lien =
<br />::w;•;�: �;4 hereof. 1Benefiainry eha11 not incur any pereonal liabili.�y be- _
<br /> � cause of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> j�.,., _ ���
<br /> 8. ,�Ae�,qnment of ,�tente. BenefioiarX ehall liave the right,
<br /> .Y pow�r nnd auth4rl.ty during the oontcinuanae of this Deed of Trust
<br /> � �o aollect the rente, ieuuee and Pxofit� of the property� nnci of
<br /> .� ="� ' any gereonal property loanted thereon with or without tAleing pos-
<br /> seeei�n of the propsrty nffeated hareby, aad �rustox hereby abso-
<br />--, �`.�� lut�ly and unaonditionnlly aoeigne al], suah rente, iseu�s end
<br /> �rofits ta Bene�ioiary. eeaef�iaiary, hdwaver, hereby aoneenti �o
<br /> � � Tru�tQr'• oollea�ion aad retention of �uah r6nt�, i��uee and -
<br />: :,. profit• ar they aacrue and beaome payab].e, ao long ae Tru�tor ie
<br /> ,� � � " aot, at •uch tim�+, in defau].t with reapeat to paymenx of say in�
<br /> deb�adne�s •aaurad horsby, or in the performanc� of any agreement
<br /> �' h�reunder. I� any svent of detnult desaribed hereatter in re-
<br /> �:�:r�"^�'A�� ' �peat to thi� Deed of Trust �hal]. hava aeeurred and be aontinu-
<br />== �".• �r�g, �3!!llA��,��.AXyp A� e� mat�ex ot right amd without notica to
<br />" ``" ` ' Trustar or anyone claiming undor Trustor, nnd without regnrd to
<br /> =-:==`��"<�"'��� � �ha value of the truot es�nte or the interee� of the Truetor
<br /> � ` - . therein, eha11 have the right to apply to any aourt having juris-
<br /> ��-�r.�, diction to appaint a receiver of the property.
<br />;:�;���:�{•, 9. Inspections. Seneficiary, or its agentB, representa-
<br />�=- tivee or vrorl�en, are authorized to et�ter at any reesanable time
<br /> "�A' upon or in any part of the property for the purpoe�e �f inepeating
<br /> T'�� the seme and for the puzpoae of performi.ng eny af �he acte it ie
<br />:_�':��+;",:.?.;� authorized to perform under th� terme oE any lo�an inetrumente
<br />�=_•°.��' :• executed bv Truetor.
<br /> ...�;o� -
<br /> _";`s���—�
<br />., ,_ . 10. �rans�er of Psoperty and Other Aaaeleration 8vente. If
<br />�-�'���'� any one or more of the following evsnte ehould ocaur, Beneficiary
<br /> -�°_'�`� �ay, at its eo].e option, declarg all eum� eecured by this Deed ��
<br /> -""'�,""�� �ruet to be immediately due and pa,yable and praceed to the
<br /> -��� remediee available� to it under the dofau�t proviaions aantained
<br /> hereia, to-wit:
<br /> �����
<br /> ___ (a) If all or ar�y part of the psoperty os
<br /> -_=-= any interest of Trustar therein ie sold, aeeigned,
<br /> transferred or furthar encumbQred without the
<br /> express or written conssnt of Beneficiary;
<br /> — - (b) I f the Fozd, Linaoln and Mescc�xry nec� and
<br /> _ used automobile aad truck ealee nnd serva.ae
<br /> � denlership presently vonduated on the property by
<br /> __�� -- Roger D. Anderaon and Richard J. Anderson u�der
<br /> _ tho name of Anderson Brothara Motors, Ine., e
<br /> �Iebraska aorporation, is sold or anid Ford,
<br /> ,::�� Lincoln and Mercury de�lership ie moved from the
<br /> --� - property without the exprese or written csonsent of
<br /> � Aeanffafary; or
<br /> -� (c) If the exieting E'orel/Linaoln/Meraury
<br /> _ - = automobile and truck fr�nchi�e agreement between
<br /> -� �_�� Anderson Brothers Motorg, Ina. and Ford Motor
<br /> -_�;�� Companp ehould be tdrminated for any reason.
<br /> - _�:���
<br />- =:.�i���`= - 11. �vents of Default. Any of tho followimg c�vm�et$ shall
<br /> :.-_4:=. , be daemod an event of default hereunder:
<br />°--��_:�::��
<br /> -:=`�'�•': !.� (a) Trustor ehall hava failed to make
<br /> :�Y
<br />--�i� a ent or an installmon� of interest
<br /> :;�,��;• P Ym Y � Prin-
<br /> '__=:;����'� cipnl or principal and inteseet or anv other
<br /> =����.
<br /> eums seeured hereby when due= -
<br /> r4
<br /> `T�",' •����'��� (b) There hae oacurred a breach of or
<br /> ��� � default under any term, aovenant, aqreement,
<br /> �.�.•-l`, i�,.�.w�.
<br /> � -�,, condition, provision, repreeentation or war- _
<br /> x. �' ••� �' rant�r contained in this DQed of Truet, the
<br />;� •� ::,,. .
<br /> _ . note or �ny other loan in�trument aecured _:
<br /> - .. _ ':;', herobY:
<br /> �:. _
<br /> :�: � .t
<br /> - ' °'°, �' � _.
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