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<br />�k u'� s;: bonoflnit�n/�undor this Daed of Trust,under end subJect ro tho tertns end oondlb+►s herein set fonh,with right ot emry and poasession ell of Qrantor'spresent
<br /> --�-��t1�' Ab thia nifi��erwe�topetthe►with ell presem endt futwa Irtprov�ernentds and flxlares;�tengible�personal N�ope�tt�Yhis Deed of Trusl end Incorporetad heteln
<br />"� 4iduding wNhout IlmltetSon aN machit�y,
<br />�;y���"�� aqulnotr.nt,buildng materials.end goods of every nature(ezdudng oonsurrrer pood�l raw or hereatter k�cated u"or used in connaction with ths roel
<br /> ,�;-:,.:";'� p�vpory►,whart�¢r a rat atttxed to the lar►d:P�ivfleges,hereditarr�ents,ertd eppurtenances indudinp eli devalopnwm rl�ts assodated wfth ihe AropeRy�
<br /> ." -��,�, wlwther prwlously or eubseryuenUy transferred to the Property from other rea1 property a now or hareafter susceptible of transfer(rom thia Property to ochor
<br />;��a;'k�! ntei property;leasos,Ikenses and other sgeements;rente,lssues end profits;water,weil,ditch,reservoir end minc+rel rlgMs end stotke port�lning to tho roel
<br /> .r�:f� rm{�erty(wmuiatively'Property'1:to have and to hofd the Property and the iighis hereby grented ia the use end beneflt of Lender.hio successora end
<br /> .�:..•r.
<br /> °w+�,t�!� qusigna,umil payrt�ent In lull of dl Obligations secured hereby.
<br /> '""`'"•°°•"'!� Maeovor.fn(uNher conslderaUon.(3ranta does.fa(irantor and Grantor's helrs.representathres and assigns,horeby exPreaell'w�t,covenont,and
<br />-"`;"-�--�`—�°-�� epreo wUh Lendo►end Trustoe end ihek successors end ass(gns es tdlows:
<br />�-���� 1. OBLK7A71mFiS. Thls Deed of Trust shall eecuro tho payrnent and pertom�of e��Presont end tuturo IndebSedness,IlaMlitlos,Qbli�aflans and
<br /> --. -�---- — covenants of Ebrrmwar ar GraMw(curtulathrety'Obllgations')to Lendor pursuent to:
<br />_�-�-�-�.�:�+� (a)this 0¢ed of Tcust end the fdlowing prortdssory oatos end other atfeerr�ents:
<br /> ---- --- ppINClf+�u.AMOtpRr i1o�Z1Et aAAZURITY �
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