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<br /> • �ti ----»"_ -�- � ----- Speco nbove this Ilne for recordinp dats. IA�l1 �L �4782 _.,
<br />=� ��,_ . t�a�em�rclal IVIORTGAGE — Callateral � _
<br /> �> ����°� � �esf�ral Ba�nk Real Estate ilAortgage `�y
<br />�:: � �r � �
<br /> �" �..R Madirity Date Initial Intx�tt flate
<br />;y�l Naturo of ndubtstlness l.e_n Amount 8.190 ,�
<br /> , Cc�nnucne�Loan 23,000.00 _
<br /> . „ . • � i AAN .QC atld AT�CE (� -
<br /> � �y e w+th ovwr oi anle,of the following property together vufth
<br /> ' v, herohV 9ive Commercinl Fedorol Bank.�Federe�:invin0a 9ank(•Commerciol Federel") a►�urt�inances theteto: -��--
<br /> . e111mp��nanfi rtaw or heroafter eroctsd on tho pro�erty.and ell saaemente.rlphU�nd�PP
<br />•, . .., IpR' � (1)� II3l�(K � Q2 �1L E�'!'AZ'E:3 6�i &�. QTY
<br />'•� ' , OF C�1��D ?.�LADl�. � ��'Y� 2�tJ1�Q'�.
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<br /> "� � � ,��. � If moro iha�one pereon eipna this Mortp�po,thn word'I'meana 1iu�e.'
<br />�;���"�.�,`'-� n�(p lyqnrtpnpu socurea�loan made by Commarcial Fede�al.as briefly daearibed above•A note dated the ume data as this Mortpape containa the terma ta
<br />"'.{'"•�1':�'"'�� rop�ryrnant of thnt Iwn.If that note is ever chan{�ai or rep�aced by e new note,it will be cecurod by thii Mortpape•
<br /> '�' -'.'.;` Y.
<br />��':.' -...
<br /> -�-n.« �• I promine th�fdtowinp thinpa:
<br />--_:�-�.y.'�'
<br />�,,py�,T;��� 1, qll paymente on any note or other debt nacurad by this Mortp�ge will be poid whsn due.
<br /> -_�`�''7'�"''�_�� 2. M inaumnca poticy for firo end oMendod covamye wiil be ke t�n farco on the property in an emount et leest eqwl to the dsbu aecurod by this
<br /> n�_=�.��.�.. Martg+�e ptua any othor mortpeges liotod in p�rayrsph 9 b�ow.The inwrance company mwt ba wtisiactory to Commxchl Federal,ansl
<br /> ���'��%-=�� Commoroiol Fodoral vinli be e named Insurod on the pdioy.
<br />�'„:�,,,�"`�.'�'.
<br /> --'-�_�+'1U��` 9. All taxes and�sse�sments w+the Pro{��ri`1 w+ll be pafd hefore tl�ey bceome ddinquent
<br />----� w =
<br /> —_`-.:?:��� 4. t�lo waata w+il bo committed on the proAvrty,snd it wilt be ke�t(n pood ropair.
<br />�;,�o"'��`� will not bs eold (includind by land contract�,loaeed,uiid no interett in it wiil be eufpned in any wsy.
<br /> :� 6. The ProRortY
<br /> -i -�'=� 8. 1 ovwi tho property free and ctear o}any other mort0�gea or encumbnnc�s EXCEPT �� ��
<br /> ----_ .��•��
<br /> —��%�'`�� 7. Qb othor mortpope a ilen on the Property wiil ever bo+Iiovwd to be in default w hs tusclosed.
<br /> - --.:.�:�:a
<br />—:'-."'�1�p�i��
<br /> .i_�II����
<br /> --°—z� If�ny ot these Promiae��ro not kept,then Co+nrtrorcial F�d�rai cen dxlaro�II oi Ms d�bt fmmsdiately due and p�yabte withaut�dvance notice.lha
<br /> —� i�tamst mta nntl inc�eaae to 19.00�6 ar a�yyroator rete allowable by law at that time,�nd thia mortpape can be forocloeed in�ccordanc�with eppOcablel�w N
<br /> - 00 6
<br /> �,=.,_a�w�o��.�:, the dobt lo accelwated,then�e�so aalpn sny ront or other Ueome from the prop�rry to Commsrciol Fod�ral. THE PAfi11ES A(iRE[THAT THIS CONtif1TUTES
<br /> -�rr� . A COLIATERAt.RLAL ESTATE MOfiTQAGE PUASUAM1IT TO SO.OAKOTA C.L 4h328 (FOR SO.DAKOTA RESIDEMS ONLn. In the avent of�ny ddauit in the
<br /> _�� ' mAkinfl af eny payme��t w in keepinp+nY cover�unt heroln,this Mortaepe may be foroclwed by aation,or by�lvsrN�ert�ant�i P�avidsd by st�tuts a the rule�
<br /> of proatico reletind thareto,�nd this p�rapraPh ahall be desrnad�a autiioriziny and constitutinp a pwker oi sa�e es mentionwi in said ctstute w rulw ond ony
<br /> �__-�;;;�,�„ti_o--. 4mendmant ther6to,and may rotain�t�tutory ceari and ettomsy fee�(SD.YYY,MN.OK,�nd MI rKidenU only).
<br /> . � •yr.�;� Certein�mountn can be paid dy Commerciel Fedoral and added to tha dsbt Ncurod by this Mortpape.They aro any texes or Inturonc�1 havm agroed to
<br /> �-:;�.'_..
<br /> ;��'..:d��,: pAy but{ail to,eny�ttamey teoe or eourt expenco�Commercial Federal paya if it ie r�.'e• parly�t any I�yN�otion broupht by nomeone elss concemi�p U�e
<br /> - proporty,and eny ettomey faea w court exPentoe whlch the law ml ht eltow ii Commsrcfa� Federal has to po to caurt eONnst me to collsct the debt or
<br /> ��.:4 :. .
<br /> ';:;;....,.;.~;', taroafuae thfn mortpage.li any o!the�e thinps Nnppen,then ths add dond dobt will�cetue inter�at at the wme nte�s Uis reat of the dsbt and muet l�e Pdd
<br /> _. .. •. immedfutoly.
<br /> - - '�?�' ` �{�Ii proporty Is ever ca�dumned undor s'na power of eminent domein or nny eimilar method of takinp property for pub!tc use,ony proeaeda af Hie Ukinfl
<br /> . -. .'•�'., ;! , will he pafd to Commercfnl Fedenl up to thefull amount of the debt eacured.
<br /> . J;: .
<br /> ia,a�
<br /> nk. � �1::;";; '�� ---
<br /> :��,„�'�' Nutiae e�gcrrovwr Ifor Oktahoma l: A wK of��N h��bNn n�bd in tl�1s Mo )r�T*. A vwr of��b m� �liow ths ����
<br /> - _ . �r��,: ��tt o �n w m oou n• �u�s�o �u �u Y D w�r u • _
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<br /> -- : -�::n'� � I Taduy a Uata .,�/j'FI'1�ER llr 19ltf «,rr ';�,roao...i . x..�.�. --
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<br /> [iortowers Sipnaturo ° �
<br /> S?A'TE QR IL��"'��
<br /> sa. �
<br /> COURltY OF I�ILT+ 1 e
<br /> On thlu 11� day of � .19 � .betoro mo.a notary pubtic in and tor aaid county,peraonally came �
<br /> �� �� a�w=(�; �Q( . to me knarYn to 6e the fdentica�persen or paaons wl+ose -
<br /> neme is vr ero eSf�xad to tho ahove mortgapo,and thoy,ho or nhe eeveroliy eeknawled the snid inatrumont and tho e tion thsreof to b�th untary
<br /> ect end duod. -
<br /> WI7U!!SS my hond and otariel se I tl nnd yeer left written above. �
<br /> [
<br /> �• . My commisciar+expiros: _ �
<br /> � � Ruhlinb Sip a
<br /> . . � NE-IN-WY-IL-5D-MI-I1Z-MN-IA �pT��N� DN-1077 (10/96) :
<br /> �;. � �JENHIfERl�eCFIW'lNDT ��
<br /> 13onrn. Q4.1�
<br /> 1
<br />