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<br /> PARTS OE F�OTS FOURTEEN (14), AND FIFTEEN (15),- BLOCK -THREE (3). • ,�_Y,;.:,-
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<br /> � : ofTrwt tlp�llbedoenKdfiatwessndsub'pc�tothelienhurof.andthehercduamenl.van�lAppuAen�ncesperuiningw�6epropettyabalicdescribod.aid , ., a,
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<br /> �nd tMe revetsion��ad rem�inders.all af which ls rcfened to AeneimGer a.c�he"premises". -
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<br /> TO HAVE AND TO EiOI.D the�bwe-0escti�ed premises.with�he appurtenances and fix�aas.unlo th�c�id 8eneficiuy.it�wccassas and auiyns. •:-n'-'::_-
<br /> foreva.fa thep�pa�snd uses herein set fath.froe from atl ri j}�u and beneGts w�ter aad by vinue ai any Na�tead Facemption Laws ot the S��Ie . : , =_-
<br /> � . � '• of Ne1R�Mf[a whiClt�"be CMC1ed.vrhicb said njiN1 and benefi�r 1he said Truuar das hcreby exprecriy roleatie ancl waives. � --
<br /> • . . s`. • -
<br /> � Trwr�o aaipa m Behetki�y a�mets iswes adp��af�aid pemi�es.iwntini the rlgfu w colka and we tla srme.wiU�os�i�ria�w t�ki�s �_ ; ..�. -
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<br /> E�ORi!!BlURP�OS601?SECUAIi�(Cr_Ei)PMornwue otacb�rcernent af Trustarconained hereim,l2I PsYmar of the princiPV •
<br /> ;;'��; ;� , �p��aoei�!°°�the�emis�nA p�nvisioia o�a Promissory NaeYl.oan AgnemeM(herrim(kr�efened toas"Oromis�ary'�e"�d�od :
<br /> : tl � 1'J9P .henewi�ezecukJ by Truslor and payabk to Ihe ader d Heneficiary.ie Ihe Princip�l sumoi'
<br /> .,.;' � ; ;:.,
<br /> ; ;, :;�,ti;._ ��gS11_�n .and havin=the da�e ol its Mal p�ymcni Cue an S/15/96 .ora9exknded.
<br /> •: iY�.,�.---�. 4.__ ' . .
<br /> --.- - z�w --�,;,,�,;,;� . . Qeterredo�asel�Qttletlbyt+enewalatrefinanre:l3lPaymentofanyadditiunaladvance�.witbintcreslthcrcunuvmayhem(terlulwnedbyBeneficiuy_ ----
<br />- . . , i'�i:K?:s•.- W Ti�rYOr in a muinwm swn af S SaS�-20 _. wiihin 1.5 yeus trnm the d�e nt thia Oeed a/Trust: � , ..
<br /> � � s �' Mo�e�r.this��dbexnacnnsti�weacaitmitmen�byBeeeficiuytum�keta�ure�tvanc.w:lalTtkpiymentM'anyawieytha�rraybeativ�nced 4
<br /> : �"�'.` byq�egpie(icluy�o'�custorforuiyrcawnwtoddrdp�Ries.wi�Mimeresi�hereon.whe�ethe:+nxwnla:ur:�dvancedtapralectthesecurityinxcordance ; ' .
<br /> . �=-:�� w1UHb coven�ets d�is Gad of Tru.u:l31 Any renes�at.retiiw�cinr a c�tenaion of wi�f puxnitiMSry ncxe.ar nny other ygrcement ro p�y whicb may ;
<br /> . ���`�: 6e wbstiuNed�hezPa: ` , • .
<br /> �� �.!?a►=... � ` �
<br /> '��' All��ea�s mfde by Trusta vn the obligation sec;:wed Dy this Dce6 a�t 7'ru�1 sha�:l 5e:�ppticd in the fi�linwing�xdet: ' -
<br /> ..,,^ s�k�;-'.,`g . �IRST:To Iha psymeM af laxes�asseti.unen�th�t may 6ie�vit+�and atitiesaed again�l s•r�d prrmiv�M,inxuronce prcmiurm.rrpaira,and all q�tre�. : -
<br /> •�"±`,z�'-�t�.. ct��ges and espenxs a�nced to be paid by the TruaeaE. . 'r
<br /> � SECONb:7'o Qie paYment of interest due on sa�d&iu�. �
<br /> •.'':.�'' ;•:�'��: , THIRD:Todiepymentotprircip�l.
<br /> . h;-ii=:�s.=:s:,�;:`; , � . . .
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<br /> .,. _ o1Malar�r�d�.casu�ItY+adcan�lnLancieyuptotlietuUvatneofaliimprovemee�.+ta�hepraeetwnnf8eneficis�tyinsuchmamer.lnswc6amounts.�ad
<br /> . i iowchooiep�niaasBeneticiuymay(rom�imetotlme�pprove.aod�W�.,prwxedstksyexpenseateolkctioo?sh�11.a18eneticiatyfsopNan.btappNed .
<br /> - - - . . _ p�s�id;ndeMedeess�wlieWerduearatato�here�toatianolsaiAlmpruvcments.Ineventotf�n+Trustawill�Y0LM1�d�71L�A0lICQA�1111�IfOU1C
<br /> � 8esell�iary.wb m� matee proalot loss it na m�depraop11yby Tnuear.•rnd eacb inwr�e comp�y cancerne�is IKrcby authorized and d'irrcted to .
<br /> • � - �ttep�ynr�farsu 61ossAatctlylotheBenficlaryU�stedafwthel'rwtntl2)To{wy�lluxesandspecial�sessmentsotanyl�indth��haveban
<br /> � a�ybekvie0asuesseduponayidpnmisa.aodbQelivato!leeeficiuy.upontaprcslofthedenefKiuy.theott`ki�lrrcelpishnwinBF�Ymen�of . . •
<br /> _ : �,�` allsrchtaxesaodH����.13Ilntheevee�ddefwhbyTiustoruaderP:u�anpMlor2alx�ve.&neficiuy.atits��p1iun.mayla)ptaceandtcepsuch.
<br /> inwtieae a6ove qavided�ut in Rxre tMrwghau tAe lita a!lhls Uad of'IYus1 and py�rrawn•rblepremwmq�uu1 clwrga�Ihere Wr.lb)paY alf yald
<br /> ' - - ' I�xa�1 aaessnkntf w�hnul�lHemtinla�the valldil�r theroof:aM tc)pa9 such iiens�od alt such d�.sbursCments as shall6e deemed a aan uf the ,
<br /> � Mde6led�e�ssecunedby 1h1�t7�eedotTnat�ad�ll6eiemed�lelydreaadD�Y+AkbYT�ustorto8enefic�• yl4lTupaywhendueanytienonthep�openy '
<br /> �-- - -- ---- -- .w!lichh ssnlor to tha!'ien d 8eneticia��!.eaurMh�pdie�e�ear�. u►.�tan ar�ed bY a�►Y�eni�x fkn ar Ay aay seniut IienM�tder to pertnU tAe -
<br /> . . � . � priecipdbd�nceo(sucheeNoelkntoincrea�e.Trustarwitirolpeinml��6eprtnctp��b�7�iceof��sepi�rtkntairt�exs�abovrti�baf�arti�rnnr - �--� --_----
<br /> � • d�hemflcinjdthi.►7YustEkeduiMitthi�Tn�stUeedst�lthrvehotepidlntull.(3)�'oteeptt�eAuitdintE.s�ttdphrNmpn►vementvnnwexisNngnrherea(�er '.
<br /> . em�d ie=ad wndition aed reair.not w cammit awffaaey Yr�e a:�i�y use ots�id premisca cantnry w rrsuktiau uf acnrd ur tvintnry to t�w.
<br /> �d bpermil&eeficiarY to enter uall neasambie I�na ta�the pu�pa+e e�inspeclingthe premisc�;aw tn rcawve ur�iemutish my buildln��herean:lo , ,
<br /> . , . . ... . _ .. : - -- _ -• - - - - - - -- ----- _ - -------- - -- - . --- - . _.
<br /> � . • 2i01T�t�EV.291tME•GEf�.H11Li1.�,UNYLAW ' <. . �. ., ,
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