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2011022�� <br />costs of sale and a11 monies advanced in the exercise of the power of sale, including the payment of the Trustee's <br />fees actually incurred, and pay second the obligations secured by this Deed of Trust; and the balance, if any, shall <br />be paid to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. Any person, including the Beneficiary, may purchase <br />said property at such sale. The Trustors covenants that at the time of delivery of these presents, they are seized of <br />said property is fee simple, and that said property is free of encumbrances, except encumbrances, easements, <br />rights-of-way, restrictions and reservations of record, and they will properly maintain the property, keep all <br />buildings insure for fire and extended coverage in an amount equal to the unpaid balance of the aforesaid Note, <br />with loss payable to the Beneficiary, and will pay all taxes and assessments against said property and amounts due <br />on prior encumbrances, and if they shall fail to pay insurance premiums or t�es on amounts due on prior <br />encumbrances, the Beneficiary may pay the same and all amounts so paid shall become additional indebtedness <br />due hereunder; and in case of foreclosure, Trustors will pay any reasonable attorney fees incurred by Beneficiary <br />or Trustee in such fareclosure proceedings. <br />Should the Beneficiary hereunder be made a party to any action affecting this Deed of Trust, or the title to <br />said property, the Trustors agree that all court costs and a reasonable attorney fee paid by the Beneficiary shall <br />become additional indebtedness due hereunder, and the Trustors hereby release and waive all claims to said <br />property as a homestead exemption or other exemption now or hereunder provided by law. <br />It is agreed that in case of default in payment of said principal or interest or a breach of any of the <br />covenants herein, or upon any sale or transfer of the property by the Trustors, then said principal sum secured and <br />interest thereon may, at the option of the Beneficiary, become due and payable at once. Anything in said Note to <br />the contrary notwithstanding and possession of said property will thereupon be delivered to the Beneficiary, and <br />on failure to deliver such possession, the Beneficiary shall be entitled to a receiver for said property that may be <br />appointed by any court of competent jurisdiction. <br />All the covenants herein shall be binding upon the respective heirs, personal representatives, successors <br />and assigns of the parties hereta <br />Executed on this �� day of MARCH, 2011. <br />Trustor: <br />� ����� <br />RIC D. WISEMAN <br />Trustor: <br />E A. WIS <br />