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201102274 <br />This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note datetl the same date as thls Security Instrument ("Note"), which <br />provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if noi paid earlier, due and payable on Ap r i 1 I. 2 0 41 <br />. This Secutity Iatsttwnent secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the <br />Note, with interest, and all renewals, extensions and modificadons of the Note; (b) the paymeIIt of all other sums, <br />with interest, advanced u�er paragraph 7 to protect the securiry of this Secx►rity instrument; and {c) the performanoe <br />of Bonower's oovenants and agreements under this 5ecurity Instrument and the Note. For tius purpose, Bonower <br />inevocably grancs and canveys to the Trustee, in trnst, with power of sale, the following described praperty lorsted <br />in H a 11 County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Twenty-nine (29), R& B Subdivision in the City of G�and Island. Hai1 <br />County. Nebraska <br />Parcel ID Number: 400160129 <br />which has the address of 4052 Zol a Lane is���� <br />Grand I sl and (c,cy�, Nebraska 68803 [z�p coae) ("Property Address"); <br />TOG�t'HER WT1�I all the improvements now or hezeafter ere�ted on t6e propertq, and all easements, <br />appurtenances and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shait also be <br />oovered by t}ris Security Instrumant. Ali of the foregoing is refeqed to in this Security Instrument as tlae "Property. ° <br />Bonower understands and agrees that MERS holds only Iegai .title to the interests granted by Borrower ia this <br />Security Instrvment; but, if necessary to oomply with Iaw or custom, MERS, (as nominee for Lender and J endet's <br />su�cessors and assigins), has the right: to exercise any or all of tJ�ose interests, including, but not limited to, the right <br />to foreclose and sell the Property; and to take any acqion required of Lender including, but not limited to, releasing or <br />canceling this Security Instrument. <br />BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to <br />grant and oom�ey the Property and that the Propetry is unencunabered, except for encumbrances of reoard. Borrawer <br />warrants and will defend genera�ly the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subjed to any <br />encvmbrances of reoord. <br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMFNT combines uniform covenants for national use and nott-uniform covenants <br />with limited variations by jurisdidion to consritute a uniform s�curity instnuaent wvering real property. <br />Borrower and L.ender covenant aad agee as follows: <br />UNIFORM COVENAN'TS. <br />L Paym�t of Principal, Interest and I.ate Cha�ge. Borrawer shall pay when due the principal of, and <br />interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and late charges due under the Note. <br />2. Mo�thly Pay�meat of Taxes, Iusurance and Other Charges. Borrower shall include in each monthly <br />payment, together with the principal and interest as set forth in the Note and any late charges, a sum for (a) taxes and <br />special assessments levied or to be ievied against the Property, (h} leasehold payments or ground rents on the <br />Praperty, and (c) premiums for insurance reguired under garagtaph 4. In any year in which the I.ender must pay a <br />mortgage insurance pre�mium to the Sectetary of Housing and Urban Development ("Secretary^}, ar in any year in <br />which such premium woul� have been requited if Lender still held the S�xuriiy Instrument, each monthly payment <br />shall also include either: {i) a sum for the annual mortgage insurance premium to be paid by I.ender to the Secxetazy, <br />or (ri) a monthly chazge instead of a mortgage insurance premium,if tiais Security Ynstrument is held by the Secxetary, <br />in a reasonable amount to be determined by the Sectetary. Except for the �nthly charge by the Secretary, these <br />items are called "F.scrow Items" and the sums paid to Lender aze c�lled "Esctow Funds. ^ <br />.� �0�34 <br />��� , <br />+�-�NtN�? ro Page 2 of $ <br />