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<br /> __.,c.�..:.-Ys: - ._' ' ". _._...'_— _—. _-_
<br /> . .}.�: . ._.
<br /> •Y�y ..
<br /> !V`iS•.... . � . '_ '. . ___-
<br /> . .
<br /> . . . . ."'_'__'...__..,........ ., �
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<br /> .. ._.. ra.. ,
<br /> .nf5�w�l��Y11t..._"'.........,_.-.._........ . . .. ... ... . . .. ... . . .... ._._... 1�.
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<br /> ,.. :` 96— �l)'�352 � tie:.«.•a,s:.��.,
<br /> . . „:.i.'����
<br /> _� h�:�,ia Morcrarro. I+dnrtnreaor ehell na,y ta Mort(�a8ee the amount of any deSoienoy tieLWeen the Qotual ta=ee,asseAe� _ _ ° '"`
<br /> monw. inauranoe pramiu�ne and grauAd ran�:.ad.�c da�aai:a h�.-auad�:~ithfa !4 d,:;,��NoT d�1R°.^t1!e a!!�A�lnaa a.. . . . ..- -.'
<br /> lldortgugor requoeting payment 6hereot.
<br /> ^ 8, A�p�tr��lalntettruae Rad Use.To pmanptly repabr.reetore or rebuild c►ny buildinga or impravemeate now or .
<br /> ' hexeslter on thn Property;to kaep the Psoperfy ln f�ood oonditioa e�d repair,without wate,and�ee irom meoh�aio's or
<br /> � otLor liens no!ezpraealy eubordinated to the lien!iereof;ao�to malce,euifer or permit sny auis�►noe W e�i�t,anr to .
<br /> ' diminiah or lmp�ir the vwlue of the ProperRy by�ay sat or omi��ioa�to rot;and to oomply wlth ell requirementu of l�w
<br /> � wlth respeat to the Property. `
<br /> � 7. Oand�m�attlon.In the event ths Property, or way psrt thereoi,shall ba t�kea by emf.aent dom�ln,ths
<br /> ..�,,
<br /> Mortgagee is empoweied to oolleaS and reoeive all oompeasation whioh m�}r be paid for any pmper�y taken or for d�ua-
<br /> � '-�. � oges to properiy aat takea,and Mprt(p�ee ehs11 Apply aixoh oompena�tion,at its option,elther to a reduotion of the
<br /> fndebtedaese eeoured heseby or to repatr uad re�tore she pmper4y�o diunaged.
<br /> 8. Perlosmanoe by Mort��s•MurtB�ee mqY�but sh�U have no obligotion,to do auy aot whtoh the Mort��gor .
<br /> has a,greed but fidle ta do,and MortgaQee m�,y also do a�y sat it deemn ueoewr�y to proteot the lion horoot 1liort�agor ..:
<br /> a�reee to zepey, upon demend, awy�ums su espended by the MortQ�ee for the above oses�end �qy eum�so ' �'.'' � '��*+���
<br /> P�P ,.w��'k•,,.
<br /> � ezpeiuied by the Mortgagoe ehalll�a added to the fndebtednes�seoured hereliy nnd b000me sub�nat to the lien hsr�oL . :'::;,.,��b;�
<br /> , l4iort�agee ahvl uot inour w�}►penonal liabilit3r beoAU�e oi auythdng it m�►do or omit to do hereunder. ._'.;4 ' -''----- _
<br /> . � � - '�==-:.:
<br /> p, D�fwi�A�i�msnt a!Aaata.Time ie oi the e�aenoe hereof,and upnn Mortgagor'e default ia any oovenent ���--�°--�
<br /> �,..n„��-
<br /> •• � or�greement o!tYiir Mostgage,inoludi�ag oovenanta to pqy when�lue the eume soaured by th1A Mortgege.the Mort�ee
<br /> t s
<br /> shail be entitlecl,at tb eo16 option ond without natica,to dcolaro all euma c9oured by E�MorEgt�ge to the immedfl�.emSy ___
<br /> „ �. � eiue aad pAyablD swd mqy aomaneaoe forealosure oi thir Mortgage by judioi�►1 prooeedin8s:and,provlded further.t.haf : _-_—_
<br /> � upoa auoh defi�ull the Mortgagee,or�reaeiver appointad by s aowrt.mie3►st ite optlon sad wlthout reqard to tha�dec�a- �
<br /> oy of tlie seawrity,eator upon snd tolce poasesaioa of the Property and oolleot the rents,iasuea and pmftta theratrom and ;;_ ��;
<br /> '; � � � �pp�y them�st W the oost of colleotioa and operstioa oi tho Proper49 md�hen upon tha indebtedne�n seoure►d Uy thLr ,,,� ,,;• _ _
<br /> 1 MortgaQe:said aente,inauee and prolA4� heing aaeigaed to the Mortgagee se further seourity tor the pqymant of the ,:��� �-�__;
<br /> r indebtedneer eeoured hereby. '�x ' •`
<br /> � �
<br /> :a,.,.,, _
<br /> ', �•. 10. �fsr ot Paoperiy.If ail or eny p�t of th�e Proparty is eold or tmnsferred without the e�ivss writtea oon- '�"=��
<br /> • �' �enS oY ths Mort�aQs�,MostQ�es m�,y at ita wls optioa.dsolare aU sum�eeatued by thls Moxig�go t�be imansdl�te�►
<br /> ���:..' � due e►nd payable.
<br /> '-, �-= - xi, ±aa:w�..i.'?:,:.G::.U a r wL OS�OS�mnQr M�Troaaww roav make additioaal and tltEute odv�IIOer tC
<br /> « jso ..tlu" -e-e -�-o-- ---
<br /> �� Mortgagos.Buoh wdvaucoe,with interesC Lliereon,shall bs eeowrod by tLi�Mortge�e whea evideaaed by�rxomiposy aoter
<br /> ' �. stattng that s�id aoteo are eeourad hereby.At no ti�ne shW the prinoipml amount of the indebtednaee seoured by thia
<br />��,,�':�' Mcrtg�g�e,not iaoludln�sums advwaoed to proteot the seouri�►of this Mortgage.ezoeed the orlgLial l�tote.
<br /> � 18. ]iisoeltaaeous Provf�fon�.
<br /> , ;:�
<br /> �.,•.�
<br />'±: . (�) Aqy Lorebsar�nae 1n eiemi�ing any right or remeJy ahall not be t►waiver fhereoL
<br /> . ,
<br />`,�•,..,' (p) All remedie�providsd he:ein are dis�ilnot and oumulRtive t9 aay other rlp�ht slforda�Y by law or equity. ,
<br />� ; snd may be e:eroised aonourreatly,indepeadentl,y or suaoeulve3y.
<br /> .!"• '
<br /> 1,..� .,r.! ��� (o) The aoveaaatai�nd ngreement�aontatned hereiu ehail bind.and the rfghte inure ta.the reapeotive suo- ��
<br /> i;', :..;;,�.,' : aos�ore and e�si�s of the Mortgeg+or and the Mostgagee.
<br />_ •:�e•-...-
<br /> ��'iYr.' .J
<br />��'f: � ..� (d) All aovenants�nd agreemente oi ttxe Mortg�gor nre ioint and eeveral.
<br />_ .,
<br /> . (e) �he headin�e oi the pa�c�►gnphs of tLie Mo:t�rge tuo fos ooavenien�ce only stiad ehcAl not be ussd to inLe�
<br /> _- „:, j, pret or�*eL(ne ths provisioas hereoL _---
<br /> ' C '
<br /> ��_�: : _. i�.Rel�ss. Upon yaymeat oi sU ewme eeaured by thi�Mortgage.MorDgagee ehdl disaW�rge tt+te Mortga�e o�ad —
<br />_:R.,�.r�..;: ahall ezeouta and deliver A�sWs�irotory rele�e therefor.
<br /> _0
<br /> L_�± 4''.�� . _ _ ��mr�r�'.
<br /> - IN WI'1'�T�88 WIi�t�OF.Morrg�gor hM ezeoutsd this Mort,�ag�e on the �zth �t Septem�er _lp 96 ______ -
<br /> . � �;��
<br /> } . esnrrr ;,r
<br />- � j ,-. ,i
<br /> t
<br /> { ( an ra S. enwe ��*�_ '
<br /> � h
<br /> . Mall .,,_�. V�-�,�
<br /> , � Sts�te of Nebr�wl�, County os: '>::���.0�;ti•.�:.
<br /> .`tt���:c��,;;���
<br /> pn� t 7th dey oi�gpt�mber. ig 96 •krsforo mm.the tuadprei�ed.a Notary Patblio � "'r'.+t,;;,;.j,Y
<br /> . duly oommtssionod ant�qualifted toreatd aoun�y.pemonally aame J8�1t8S D, PenWell snd ,::���;�-�^'.��;, �
<br /> ._. � '• .. _,•.�:.�.._.
<br /> _ " S�„�ra S PenwEll. husband end wtfP .to mo�nown to be the -�
<br /> -- ---�-� -. _ - -°-. -' -. ..-----•-`-�--_-__�i����..��..aLa a..�s.�a...�....t....t..�ti....�n�e..d nnLnn�InrlvnA!hs arm��Nnn ll��w�f ,� --°_---�:._---:.._:
<br /> - -_.._.__.-_.__....-.- 1QEIIIIQii pOiwta�o)�ttavov�aw+sv�o��rv u��rw.•w.�.v wv•v...s....� .
<br /> . �� �'�������_��__—�_'_' __,___r -'
<br /> ' ' tp� t6ta1 r volttnLsry aot and deod. . `
<br /> - Witaeea aLq hand and aotarial seAl st Grand I sland Nebraska in eaid oouny.the �
<br /> dste aforeeaid.
<br /> �NEAAL NOTAAY•SUU o1 x4bnft� �
<br /> — jy(yt(',pIDri1�10IIBIp�YCD2 OEvRA h7cELR0Y
<br /> Yy Go�um EaY Auput�t25�1991
<br /> tary 1'ublia
<br />_ . NeC to668fD5 •
<br /> • O N�tfo�W BWc ot CarmNra Tnut�nd&avkg�Attocl�Uoe.Lirwoln.t�Nbruk�
<br />