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<br /> Borrower shnll pron�ptly �ive Lender written notice of isny invcstigution, claim, demand, Inwsuit or other nctfon ny iiny
<br /> po„�rrn:e:�:s! ::r�.h::!.trr,•�be^��^�rr�•�,e ru�; 's:z:�olti�ing thc Property und nny Hnc�lydous Subrinncc or Gnviraumcntul L��w
<br /> oE'which Dorro�a•e•r h:is actuni knowledge. If Dotrower Ici�rnti, ur i+ notiticd by uny gi�vernment�il ur ref�ul�u�u�y u�nliurity, thiU
<br /> any remuval ur uthri�rcmrdiatian uf any l�f v,irduus Suhsuuicc uf'fcrtin�;thc I'r�iperty is ucccssiuy, liurru�vcr shull �irumplly i:�kc
<br /> ull necessary renmdiul actinns in accordanca with Environmcntid I.nw.
<br /> As used in this parAgraph 20, "Hazardous Suhstimces" ure Atose substances dctircd uti tnxir or h:rr�irdouti tiuhsumces hy
<br /> Enviranmcntul i.utv and thc fnllowing suURtanccs: gi�siilinc, kcroscnc, �►thcr tlummidhlc ur tuxir �xu-alcun� �mKlurt,, luxic
<br /> pesticides and hert�lcides,volntile solvems. ronterials cuntuining usbeslus or f��rmaidchydc,�uid rndiu,icllvc mutcru►IH. As uncd fo �
<br /> this paragruph 20, "Environmcntal Lu�v" mcuns fcdcrnl Ia�ws und laws of thc jurisdictiun whcru �hc pru�xrty Is I�k1lIClI 1I1A1 �
<br /> relate to hedlth,sufery�r cnvironmentsal prc.�tection.
<br /> NUN-UNIFUitM COVENAt�ITS.Borrowcr and Lcndcr furthcr cavcn.mt und��grcc iis tiillows;
<br /> 21. Acceleratlonq Remedles. Lender shall glve noticr to Rorrnwer prinr to uccelerwtlon fnllnwlnK Norro�r•rr'r►hreuch
<br /> oP any coveuant nr a�rcement In tLl9 Sccmrlty Instrwnent (but not prlar t�� acccleruUon undcr �u ruµruph 17 unk�Y
<br /> apPlicable IAw provldrs otherwtse). The notfce shall speclfy: (a) Rhe defuult; (b)tl�c ucti�en r���ulred to cure the�lrfwulR;
<br /> � (c)a date, not lezs d�an 3U duys from tt�e datc the nutic�fs gtven to B��rrowcr� by whlch the defnnit must!►r c��recl=wnd
<br /> (d) that Pailure to cure tl�e defuult on an c�:8ore the date tipec(qed In the notice muy r�wult In acceleruttnn oP the ntuns
<br /> secured by thiy Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall tt�rtder Inform Rorrower oY the rlkht tu
<br /> rei�state after accclarntion und the rlRht tu bring i� court actlon to assert the non-cxtstetne nf u dePuult an• uny othcr
<br /> defense of Borrawer to ucceler.�tlon und sal�. IP the detuult Is nut cured ou ur hefore the dute s�xtil�i�Ki In the noUre.
<br /> Lencler, s+t its option, may req��ire immediul:e payment M full��f all sumy s��cured by thfs a�tiurfty lnstrunxent w•tthout
<br /> furt�er demand and may invnke the power uP sa1N und uny o4t�cr remedles permltted by +q�pllcublc h��v. I.�nder shull Iw�
<br /> entttled to cullect aU erspenses incurred lix puryuing tlac remedles provlded iu thfs�turugraph 21�Including,but n�rt Ihn(hvl
<br /> to,reasonable attorney5'fee�und costs o8 tlt[e evldence.
<br /> IP the {wwer of sale is im•oked,Truste4 shall record p notice of default in each county In wh�ch uny �utrt ot thr
<br /> Property is lacnted and shall mnil coples of r�uch notice in the mwnner prescribed by pppllcable�ow to florr��w�er wnd to
<br /> the other persons preserlbed by upplIcobte low.After the time requtred by epptiuible I�w.'CruStEti�sl��ll give publtc nntlre
<br /> of sale to the persons nnd In the manner prescri6ed by app8cabte law. Trustee, without demand un&►rrower, shull ncll
<br /> the Praperty at pubi9c uucttun tu the htghest t���der at the time and place And under the tern�s d�IRnatctt in the nuticc��t
<br /> s;tle in one or morc pnrcels and in any or�tee�'II'rustee detQnnlnes. Trustee may postpone sAle of ull or eny �urc�l oY the
<br /> Pvoperty by public annuuncement at the tim.e and place of any previoasly scheduled sale. Lender�ir ity��ylgnre m�►y
<br /> pr��chase the PropeMy at nny snle. -
<br />� _ Upon reeeipt of payment of the prlce �sfd, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser 1'rusrce's deed conveying the _
<br /> Frog►eiKy. The recituls in the Trustee's dees� rLr.all be prima facte evldence of the truth nf the stptements m�d2 therrha.
<br /> T►�tee shAll upply 4he�roc�eds of the sale icx t6tie follow(ng order: (n)to all costs und expens�.w of exercking tfie�ww�er ut
<br /> sal¢,and the sale,including the pny�nent ot ttte Trustee's tees uctually tncurrecl,not to exceed��'OF $50�00 OR��'�
<br /> 08 tlne principal umount oP the nnte at the t[�tte�f the declaratlou of default,�►nd reasonAble�ttmrncys' tees As permt ed
<br /> Ay[�w; (b)to ull sums secured by thts Sc.�curEty IInstrument;and(c) any excess to tt�e person or per�ny legolly entitled tu
<br /> (i.
<br /> ' 22. Reconvey�nca. Upan pAyment af all sums securcd by this S�:curity Instrumcnt, Lender shall rcyuest Trustce tu
<br /> reconvey die Property und shall surrende�this �ecurity Instrument und ztll notes evidencing debt secured by this Sccurity
<br /> �r.strumr.nt to Tn�stee.Trustec shull reronvey the I�roperty�vithout warranty�u�d without charge ta the perwn or persons Icgally
<br /> enG�lcd to it.SucA person ar perso�is shull pay any rccord�tion costs.
<br /> • 23. Substltute Trustee. Lender. nt its optioR, muy from time to time remove Trustce and uppoint t�successor tnistee to
<br /> uny Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the counTy in which this Security dnstrument Is resorded.Withottt
<br /> conveycuioe of the Proparty, the successor trustee shall succeui to ull the title,power nnd duNes conferrcd upon Trustee herein
<br /> and by a�plicable law.
<br /> 24. Requ�t fur,'iuG�:rs.Bnrrowcr requcsts thu[copies of the natices of default and sale bc sent to l3�rrowcr's address
<br /> wlaicl�is the Property Address.
<br /> Z5. Riders to this�ccurlty �n�3rnment. If one or more riderc ure executed by Borrower und recorded tugether with this
<br /> 5ee�ricy Instrument,the cov�nants nnd ugreements of cach such rider shall be incorporated into and shull amend and supplement
<br /> � tRa covenunts and agreements of this Securlty In3trument as if the rider(s)wem a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> , �Cl.eck applicable box(es)1
<br /> ; (�.�Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rid�r C]1-4 Fumily Rider
<br /> - [�Grade�ated PAyment Rider �I�l:umed Unit Development Rider []Biweekly Pnyment Rider
<br /> • 0 Balloon Itlder C]Rutc Improvement Rider �Second Homc Ridcr
<br /> �V.A. Rider [�Other(s)[specify]
<br />; . 8Y SIC'iNING BEIAW, Borroweraccepts and ngre�s to the terms and covenants contained in this Securiry Instrutnent c�nd
<br /> i�t nny riJer(s)executed by Borrowcr nnd recarded with it.
<br /> 1Fi iUtCyncs:
<br /> ti (Scal)
<br /> � �._� �� ✓�/• ._(Scal)
<br /> ~-- RAUI. SANTOS -Bormwcr
<br /> ....�__w..___._.__. (Senll �_(Scul) ._
<br /> -Borrowcr -Bamiwcr '
<br /> ti'['A'j'F:(Z�'IaIC�;RItASKA, County ss: �
<br /> 'i'h�fuiu:guing inrtrumcnt�viis acknowledged befnre me this 30 ��'Y°f AUGUST • 1996 •
<br /> Wiuuax my hnnd und notariul seal at GRANI) ISLAND, NEBRASKA in said Counry,thc Jatc afurctiaid.
<br /> Ady 1�11111111I4YIf11l L�Rrlt'l:ti: C�Q �A_�'� �- r��d Dil�.. _
<br /> Z ` �`1° Notury PiAtltc
<br /> II GENERAlt1QfARY.5hlcotkeDnst�
<br /> � JUOITH L RAUEI�T aeoo a o�a Form 3@Y@ ele0
<br /> MY Cemm.FYp FeD 6,194E °
<br />