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<br /> 5. HaTard or Proporty Insurance. Borro�yer shall kcep the impravements nov+ existin�g�or her�att�r Grected on the
<br /> Property insured ugainst loss by fire. h,�za�ds included within the term "extended covernge" nnd aay other hazards, including
<br /> fl�ads or ticrodtng,for which Lender requires fnsurance. This insurunce shall be maintained in the amounts ami ibr the periods
<br /> that Lender reqaires. The (nsuraace careicr providing the insurnnce shall be chosen by Borro�ver subject to Lendcr's approvul
<br /> which shnll not b�:unreasonably wBthheld. If Borrower fails to mnintain coveragr,dcscril�ed ��bave, Lcnder may, ut Y..r:nder's `
<br /> option;obtain coverage to protect I.ender's rights in tlte Prape�ry in accorctunce with paragraph 7.
<br /> •��.r�l1 in�uranae poiicics aml renewalr shnll bo acceptablo to l,ender and shall include a stAndard mart$aBe clause. Lendxr
<br /> shu11 hnv�4he right to hold the policies and renewalt�.If Lender it;.qte;ires.�.ion�ower shall pmmptly givc to i.endcr all receiFte of
<br /> paid premi�m"s znd renewal aoticey.,'in thp cvent of lc�ss,Borro�v�ar s'U�9a�ive prompt notice to the insurance can•ier and L,ender.
<br /> L.ender mAy a»kc pmaf of loss if rtot madt► prompdy by Borrowor.
<br /> Unless Lender.and�3orrawer otharwise agree in writing,insurance praceeds shttit be applied to restoration ar rapair af thC
<br /> Propeny dan�aged,if the restnration or repnir is economicAliy feasible nnd L�nder's securety is not lesscned.If the restoration or
<br /> repair 1s not economicnlly feasible or Lender's security would be lessenod.the insurance proceals shall be applied to the�ums
<br /> securod by this Security Instr�ment. whetrier or not then cluc. witl� any excess pafd to Borrower. if Borcower abandons the
<br /> Praperty,or does rwt answer within 30 ds�ys a notice Prom l.ettider that thc insurance carrler huti offered ta settle a claim, then
<br /> I.ender mey collect the incurance praceeds. Lender may use th�proceaia to rtpair or restore the Property ar to p�y sume
<br /> s„rcum!h�[.his Src�rity Insin!r►xnt, wh�ther or nat then duc.Thc 30-da,y aerlod wil) begin when the noticc is given.
<br /> Unless I.ender a�x9 Borrower otherwise ugrec in writing, any application nf pn�ceeAs to principal shAll not extsnd or
<br /> postpane thC due datc of the monthly pwyments nfcrrod tu in paragraphs 1 and 2'or change the amount of the poyment�. lf
<br /> uncfer paragreph 21 the Praperty Is acquired by l.end�r, Borrower's right to any insurance polisics and praceeds resulting from
<br /> darn�ge to►he Property prior to the acqulsition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by thfs Socurlty Instrurnent
<br /> immediatcly prlo*to tl�e aoo,uisition.
<br /> 6.Occup�ncY�Presen'atlon,Mnintenance and ProtectioA of t6e Prc►perty;Borrower'g i.opn Application;I.�aeboldr.
<br /> Borrower shali oacupy,establish,and use the Property as Bonower's princlpal residence wlthin sixty duys after the execudon of
<br /> tt�is Socurity I►utrumcnt and shall cundnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residenco for at least one year a�ter
<br /> the date of occu�ancy,unless Lender atherwise agras in writing, which consent shall nat be unreasonably withheld,or unlc�s
<br /> extenuating circumstances exist which ara beyond Horrower's control. Borrower shall not dastroy. dtunnge or impair btie •
<br /> Pr��rtv. aUnw the Propetty to dcteriorate,or commit waste on the Praperty. Borrower shaq be in default if arny forfeiture
<br /> action or proocttiing. whett►cr civil ar crimiinal. is begun that in?Lender's good faith judgmcnt could result In forfeitusc�c�f.the
<br /> Property,or Athawise materially impair�he lien created by this Secw'Iry Insttument or i.endcr.'s securit}!interest. Borroi<<ar,inay
<br /> cure suah a default und reinstate,es provided in paragraph 18,by causins the action or procealing to be dlsmissai with n nlling• �•.
<br /> that, �n I.�nder's gr,�d feith determination, prectudes forfeiture of the Borrower's int�rest in the Property or�ther materiui ' `
<br /> impaianent,qf tho lien creatai ty this Securiry Instrument or �l.,ender's securjty interest. Borrower shall also be in default if ` �
<br /> Borrower.'duang the loan npplication process,gave ma;c::slty fulse or inaccurate infomwtina ar statements to Lender(or fui(ed .
<br /> to provide I.ender with any riuterial inforrreation)in conr►ection with the lorn evidenced by.lfts Note.including,but not limitecl
<br /> to.representations conceming Borruwer's occupancy of the Property as a principal reside�noe. If this Security Instn�ment is on a : , �„
<br /> leas�hold, Bo:rowcr shall comply with all the prav�sions of the lease. If�urrower acquir� fa titic ta the Pro�crty, the •
<br /> leaseholQ a�xi the fee title shall not merge ualcss Lender agrees to the merger la writing. �. . ,`
<br /> 7.�'ar+�tectfon ot I.endtr's Ri�hts In il�e Prnperty.If Bnirower fails to perfonn the covenants and agreca�ente c:ontuici�it.3n
<br /> this Sc�urity'Tnstrument, or there is a legal prozeoding that m�y�algnificantly atfect Len�er's rights in the Propaty (su.ch u"s h
<br /> proceeiling.Yn bnnkniptcy,pmbate. for cendemnation or fodeiturG or tu enforoe laws or regulations), then Lender may�lo t�ixi , .
<br /> pay fo;ahatever is ncccssxry to protect tfu value of thc Property and L,cnder's rights in the Properry. Lender's sctlonS may ,
<br /> include.priyiRg ar►y sums securod by a lien which has prtority over tl»s Sec�rity Instrument, appearing in cou�t, paying ,
<br /> reASOrs3ble attomeys'fees and entering on thc Prnperty to make repairs. Although I.endcr may takc acdon under this pu.;��rap�i�-
<br /> 7.I.encier does not have to do so. '
<br /> Any amoants disbursai by Lender under this pa��ugrdph 7 shall become adciitional debt of Honower secu�d by this .
<br /> Security[nstn►ment. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to other terms of payanent. thcse amounts shall,bcar interest from the
<br /> ciate og disbursetnent at the Note ratc and shall be payable. with interest, upon notice from Lendcr to $orrower rpquesting '
<br /> PaYmcnt.. . • .
<br /> $;il3ort�nge Inauranc�.if Lender requ{reci mortgage insurance ns u:crondition of making tht loa��secured by thig'v�ecuriry .
<br /> Instrumcnt, Banower shall pay t�e premiums �quired to mEiiintnin�d�e mortgage insurance in effect. If, for uny rex,5on, the '
<br /> lnonga,Qe�insurance coverage requircd by Lender lapses or cea.4ees to bc in efFect,Borrower shall pay the prcmi�uns ra�uired to
<br /> obtain�oyerage substantially equivalent to the mortgagc insurance proviously;tn effect. at a cos[substentielly equi�valent tb 4Tic�
<br /> cost�ro��orrower of the mortgage insurance previously in eff'ect, &orri an alternate mortgage insurer approvod by�L�nder. IS
<br /> substand�tly equivalent mortgage insurance wverage is not avulluble.Borrower shall pay to i.ender cach month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twelfth of the ycarly moctgage insursnce prcmium being paid by Bonawer whan the insurance covcragc lapsed or ceasat tu
<br /> be in effect.Lende�•will ar.cept.use und retain ihose p;�yments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage ir►s�c�ance. Loss reserve
<br /> Fom,aaae 9ieo
<br /> Ppa3of8
<br />