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<br /> � -- -------- —,. .. - - �_ - _
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<br /> 1��� ••�..: ....J.y.i�s1� —_ — _.�. .
<br /> . . 97. Trsnsfer of th� Prcp�rty or � B�n�fiat�l Intsr�st In Borrowar. If wN or any peA o1 the Propaty or
<br /> eny Int�rest In IT 19 801f1 Of i(EtfiBiRffau(u� it n u�iioiiLidi Ii�icinnS i�i $��w::�}g��!�@;:l:YSSt�f� �nc!9orrow.��9 Rf!� n nafu�al
<br /> • �Seroon) �vllhout Lcndcr'o prlot ���rtten canacnt, Lettdcr may,nl !ts optlon,requlre Immodlate peyment In full o}all�im�s securad hy _
<br /> t��laGc::wity hishuniu•.d. Horiovcr, thl� optlon aho0 �tot t�o onr.rr.lar,d by I.r.nQcr II excreloo In prahllti�ed hy federn! Inw ne ol lhr,
<br /> �_:_
<br /> dx�la of Ihl� Sac�nlly Inetrumen�.
<br /> II Lwider oxerclaes thle apfion, Lender ohell plvu Fluuowor natico o} acceleratlon. The nnlico ohnll pravld��� perlod oi nof
<br /> I�s�tP�nn 30 c�aye lrmn the cl�t9 the n�tice le ddivenid or mullaci wllhin whlch Eiooawe� muat pay all Bum� nncu�ed by Ihl�
<br /> E7ucudiy Inetii�menl. If Qo�rowQr fMNs tu pey Ihoao nums pilor lo the explretinn ul Ihls perinc9, Lr.ndr.r rnny InVOku uny ranndleo �
<br /> pu�rc�lted by thle 9ecurNy Inetrumant withuut tudher nullcu or dertiAnd on Barrower.
<br /> 1�. HOPYOWIII''� Filgh! ta Fi�llltt�t�. II Borrower mooto cr.rinln condlllonr�, t3oirowor ohnll hnvc t!m d��ht lo havo
<br /> enlarcement ol ihls Security lnalrument dlacontlnued et Fny tlme qrlor to Ihe eerller o1: (e) 6 qays (qr auch other pariod �s `
<br /> �pp7c�ble law mwy specity lor reinnt�tement) bslare e�le oi tlie Property pureuant to�n�power of e�le conidned in lhls Secwfly M
<br /> I►�eWment: or (b) entry ol e jrdpm'nt enlorcing thls 8ecurily Inetrument. Those conditlans ere ihnt Borrower: (�) p�ys lender ell Q
<br /> sum� whlcN then wou!d be due under this Secudty Inetrumont and the Note ae if nu acceleratlon had occurred; (U) cures eny �
<br /> dehuR ol eny other covenan4 or�greemente; (o) paya ell ettpenses Incurred In entorclnp this 9ecurity Insirument. Including, but �
<br /> notNmtted 40, reasonable �ltomeys'Ib09; and(d)takes such ectian es Le�ider may reesonably requlre to essure 4het the Ilen ot W
<br /> thl9 uacudty Instrument, Lender'c tlghtc In thn Properiy snd Bor�ower's obliqetlon to pny the sums aecured by tt�is Security `.i
<br /> QnsW�nent shall continuo unchenged. Upon reinstetement by Borrower, lhis Securiry Instrument nnd the oblipetlons secured
<br /> h�reby ahall remaln tu�ly eflective as If no acceleration hed or,curred. However,thls right to relnstato shall not eppiy!n the case
<br /> 01 ecceleratlon under paragreph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale af Note; Change af Loan Servicer. rne Note ar a a partlal interest In sne Note (together wfth thls
<br /> Security Instrumeni) may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may resuit In a change fi the entity
<br /> (known as the 'loan Servlcer")that collects monthty payments dua under the N�to and this Sacurity Instrument. Thefe also may
<br /> be ono ar maro ehang� of the Loan Smricer unrelsted to e sele of the Nota. if there is e chango o} the Loan Sarvica, _
<br /> Eiortower will be glven written notice ot the change (n accordance wf(h paragraph 14 above and eppilcable law. The noGce will
<br /> state the name snd address ot the new Loan Servicer and the address to which psyments should be made. The ootice wiH also
<br /> contafn eny other Infortnation �qulred by epplicabla law.
<br /> 2Q. Hazardoua Substaneus. 8ortower shall not cause or permft the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release ot
<br /> any Mazardous Substances on or In the Property. BoROwer shall not clo, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Praperty that is {n violatlon of any Em�ironmental Law. The preceding rivt� sentences shail not eppy to the prosence, use, or
<br /> stnBge on tha PropeAy of small qusntttles of Fiazerdous Substanaes that are generelly recognized to be approprtato to nortnal
<br /> rresidentlel uses end to malntenance o}tho Property.
<br /> Bortower shall promptly gNe Len4er written �otice o} any Investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other actlon by eny
<br /> � goremmentat or regulatory agency or prlvate perty i�volving the PropeRy and any Hazardous 3ubstence or Environmantal Law of
<br /> . 4vhich Borrovrer has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, ar Is notTed by any govemmentel or regulatory authoriry, that eny
<br /> ;aws; :.: oi`cr rrrr.ad3a;lar. c! sn, !-ls:..�s�+e�.ss &��hsr3�zp wkar_.t�n� Rrn�,arty la necessary. Bonnwer shall Oromptiv teke alt
<br /> .�eassary�amedlal aetion:s In.nccardsnce w�th Enviro�mantnl Law.
<br /> • F►�usad In thla paragreph 20, 'Hazardous Substattces" are those substances deRned es toxic or haziudous subs1encas by
<br /> � Enrin�nmentnl law end thd tollowing substances: gasoline, keroaene, other flemrneble or toxlc petroleurh products, to�Jc
<br /> pespcides ar,d herbicides,volatNe soNents,materials contalning asbe�tas or fommidehyde, anJ tadionctiva materiela. As used In
<br /> puegraph 20, 'Envirormental l.aw" mears federal laws and laws of the �udsdict{on where tho Property Is located lhai reinte to
<br /> he�Kh.satety or er►vkonmentat proiection.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lendor turther covenant end egree ss toNowa:
<br /> 21. Acc�lsratinn; iiam�dtss. I.snder ahatl give ootic� to Borrow�r prior to accrl�raHon
<br /> fdlowinp Borrowsr'� �b�oach of any covsnant or agn�m�nt tn this Ssaurity lnstrum�M (but nut
<br /> prlor to accoleratlon under p�ragr�ph i7 unt�sa epplicabts I�w provides oth�rwi�a). Th� noUc�
<br /> sh�ll r�poaHy: (a) tha d�fauk; (b) th� actlon roquired to curs the d�fauR; (c) a daH, not less than
<br /> 30 days ham tl» d�tm the notics Is givere to Borrowsr. by which th� d�huk must b� cund; and
<br /> (� th�t failure to cure th• defauR on er baforo the dato ap�cifl�d In ths natics may r�suit In
<br /> sccsbration of ths suma a�eured by thls Security Inatrum�nt �na! sale of th� Prop�rty.Th� natles
<br /> shdi iurth�r iMorm Borrower af the right to reinstate edt�r Nccel�rstlon �nd th� right to brinp a
<br /> � court �ction to aa�art tho non-sxistence of a def�uk or any oth�r d�f�ns� M Borrow�r to
<br /> accaNrallon and �I�. ff tho dahuk !s nat curod on or t�fon 4h� dat� spscHi�d In ths nolic��
<br /> Und�r �! ib option msy raquire (mmediata.pa,ym�M �n full of s!1 sum• a�cund by this S�cui4ty
<br /> • � Irt�trumb�4 wfihnut fuKher drmand and may invok� 4h� power of sala �nd any ott�er rsmadiss '
<br /> 4 p�rrniltoftl,Jtay s�pplixabls law. Lendsr sh�ll !� t�x+titled to coll�ct al! �xpons�a imcurr�d In Rursuin�
<br /> th� ram�diss provided In thls paragraph 2a, �ncludtng, but not IOmttad to, reasonabl� attom�ys'
<br /> • tws and Ccsts ot title svidsnce. '
<br /> If tf� powar of sata Is invo9cad, Yrust�a si�afl cc�cord a noiice of dofault in os�ch county in
<br /> whlch x�y �art of the Propsrty as located and shall qn�il copl�s o4 such nctic� in tho m�nn�r
<br /> pnacriino�by appilcahls law tA �orrower and to the othar persons presct�be�cll by a��Uasbl• Isw.
<br /> Aft�r ttr�ttme nqulrad by appllcabls Isw, Trustee ahall g�ve pubUc notics o!sala ta#!ee pusons
<br /> and in tho manner preacribed by applic�bl� t�w. T►ustee, without demand on Borrower. afiall seR
<br /> ths �rapQrty at pubtic �uction to tha highest bldder at 4he time artd plac4 ae� undsr th� torms
<br /> � drsiynated fn tha notice af e��l� ir� one or more parc�ls and tn ony order �'rustee determinaa.
<br /> 7rustw may patpone sa1� of siJl or any parcel of ths Proparty by pu6pc announcem�nt at th�
<br /> Ume and pla�e of any prevlousiy scheduled sale. Lender or its dsslgnee may purchase tha
<br /> Prop�rty at any ealo.
<br /> Upan r�x�ipt of payment of the price bld, Trustee shall deliver to the Rurchaser Truste�'s
<br /> .�.�.�...........t,...���.�,na.�.. 71.n ran_[�n➢c In fha Tr�iatao'c daod ct�il bo nrlena fa�o ovldd�nco oR
<br /> � • ��s»'s ^ ' '_r_ 's. _.'_ '----^— -•- --- ------- — ---- --�--� -- - . . . . _
<br /> th� truth of the statoinents made therein. Trustee shall appty th� proceeds af the sale In the
<br /> tollawing order: (a) to all costs and expenses of exerclsing the power of sale. a��d the sala,
<br /> Includtng the prymant of the 7rustee's fess satualty incurred, nat to �xceed three
<br /> 96 of 4he principal amou�t af the
<br /> nota a�t iF»time of the declaratlon of defauk, and reasonable attorn0y's fees as permitted by law;
<br /> (D) to a10 sums sscured by thla 5ecurity instrument; and (c) any Axcess to th� person or persons
<br /> I�gally entitivd to it.
<br /> a13+ti.�.td0 i3.�1 a�gc a ot 5 /_.L� /, �.
<br /> ��� __�.�,_�.
<br /> ?GC9I
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