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24110219� <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continued) Page 6 <br />Walvsr o} Homastsad Exemption. Trustor hereby releasee and waives all rights and benefi[s of ihe hort�esiead exemptbn laws ot the Siate <br />o( Nebraska as to all Indebtedness secured by thls Deed of Trust. <br />DEFINI710NS. The tollawmg capkelized words and terms shafl have the tollowing meanings when used In this Deed of Trust. Unless specificaly <br />stated to the contrery, all references to dollar amounts shall mean emourKS in lawfui rtroney ot the United States ot America. WoNs and terms <br />used in the singular shell Include tlie plural, end the pural shaN Include the singular, as the context may require. Words and terms not otherwisa <br />defined in this Deed of Trust shall have the meantnps attributed to such terms in the Uniform Commercial Code: <br />Beneficiary. The word "Benef�iary" means Exchange Benk, and its successors and ass�gns. <br />Borrower. The word "6orrower" means TRACY L BREWER and includes all casigners and co-mekers aignmg the Note arxl alf thetr <br />suocessors and aSSipns. <br />Oeed ot Trust. The worcis "Deed of TrusY' mean this Oeed of Trust among Trustar, Lencier, and Trustee, and fncludes without limitatlon all <br />assignment and securitv irrterest provisions relating to the Peraonel Property and Rents. <br />Default The wortl •Detauft" meens the Deiault set forth in this Deed of Trust In the seCtion titled "DefaulY'. <br />Ernironmental Laws. The words 'Environmental Laws' mean arry and all state, federsl and local stetutes, regulatians and ordinances <br />releting to the protectbn of human heelth or the ernrirorment, indud'mg without limitation the Comprehensive Environmental Response, <br />Canpensatlon, and Lisbility Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Secnon 9601, et seq. ('CERCLA"), the Superwnd Amendmerns end <br />Reauthorizadon Act ot 7988, Pub. L. No. 99-499 ("SARA"), the Hazardous Materials Transportatlon Act, 49 U.S.C. Sectlon 1801, et seq., the <br />Fiesource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 8901, et seq., or other appliceble state or �ederal laws, rules, or regulations <br />adopted pursueM thereto. <br />Event o} Detault The words "EverK of Default' mean any of the events ot detault set rorth in this Deed of Trust in the events ot detautt <br />section of this Deed of Tnut. <br />Guaranty. The word "Quaranty^ means the guarantV trom gueraritor, endorser, surety, or accommodatbn party to Lender, mcluding witlwut <br />Iimttation e guaraniv of all or part of the Note. <br />Heurdous SubsWncss. The words "Hezardous 3ubstances" mean meteriflis thet, beoause of their quantiry, concentratbn or physical, <br />ohemical or intectbus cheracieristics, mevi ceuse or pose a preseM or potentiel hezard to human heaHh or the environmeM when rcnproperlv <br />used, treeted, stored, disposed of, generabed, menutactured, trensported or otherwise handied. The words 'Hszardous Substa�ces" are <br />used in their verv broadest sense and include withovt limltatlon arn end all hazardous or toxic substances, ttmtenals or waste es defined by <br />or Iisted under the Ernironmentel Laws. The term "Hezardous Subsfances" elso includes, without Iimitatbn, petrdeum and peVOleum <br />bv-products or anv ttaction thereof and asbestos. <br />Improvements. The word "lmprovements' means all existlng and tuture improvements, bulldl��, structures, moblle homes affixed on the <br />Real Property, fec�ities, additi�ons, replacements and other canstruction on the Real PropertV. <br />Indebtedness. The word 'Indebiedness' means all principel, intereat, and other amounts, costs and expenses pevable untler the Note or <br />Related Documents, together wHh eJi renewals oi, extenaiona oi, modiifcatfons of, consolidations of and subsNWtlons for ihe Note or Related <br />Documents and anV amourns expended or advanced bv Lender to discharpe Trustor's obligetions or expenses incurred bV Trustee or <br />Lender to enforce Truator`s obligations under this Deed of Trust, tagether wilh intetest on such amounffi as provided in this Deed of Trust. <br />Specif�ally, wkhout limitation, Indebtedness includes the future advances set forth in the Future Advances proviston, together with ell interest <br />thereon arn1 all amounts that may be indirecriy secured by the Cross-Collateralization provision of thls Deed of Trust <br />Lender. The word "Lender" means Exchange Benk, its successors and sasigns. <br />Nota The word'Note' means the promissory rwte dated March 3, 2011 In the oriqinal principal amount of $45 ,000.00 from <br />Truator to Lender, together with all renewals of, extensrona of, modlBCatlons ot, retinanc�ngs ot, consolidetions of, and substitutions tor the <br />promissory note or agreement. NOTICE TO TRUSTOR: THE NOTE CONTAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. <br />Personei Property. The words "Personal Praperly" meen aA equ�pment, fixtures, and other aNOles ot personal property now or hereafter <br />owned by Tn�stor, and now or hereeiter attached or affixed ro the Real Property: together with all accessions, parts, end addiNons to, ell <br />replacements ot, and all substitutions tor, arn m such property; and togeU�et with all proceeds (Including witlwut IimNation all Insurance <br />proceeds end refunds oi premiums) trom ern sale or other disposition of the Property. <br />Property. The word'Properly' mesns collectively the Real Property erd the Personal Prpperty, <br />Real Property, 7he words 'Real Properly" meen the real properW, interests and rights, as rurlher described in this Deed of Trust. <br />RelaLed Documenta. The words "Related Documents" mean all promissory notes, ctedR agreements, loan agrsements, environmental <br />agreernems, guaranNes, security agreemeMS, mortgages, deeds of trust, aecurriy deeds, collsteral mortgages, and all other instruments, <br />apreements and documenis, whether now ar hereafter existing, executed in connectbn with the Indebtedness. <br />Rents. The worc! "ReMS" means all present and future rents, revenues, income, issues, royaltfes, profits, and other benetits derived from the <br />Properry. <br />Trustee. 'ITie word "Trustee" means Exchange Benk, whose address is P.O. Box 760, Gibbon, NE 88840 and any substih�te or successor <br />hustees. <br />Truator. The word "Trusta' means TAACY L BREWER. <br />TRUSTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVIN(3 READ QLL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TAU8T, AND TRUSTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. <br />TRUSTOR: <br />TR B E ����� <br />