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_ __. . .... .. ... _ . ... .. _..._..----. . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ <br />DEED OF TRUST 2 0110 219 4 <br />(Continued) Page 2 <br />Nuisance, Waste. Trustor shalE not ceuse, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or suffer anV s��pping of or waste on or to <br />the Proparly or anY portiat of the ProperH. Wkhout limiting the yenerality ot the toregoing, Trustor wll not remove, a gra�t to anv ather <br />partv the right to remove, arry timber, minerals (including oil and gasj, coal, clay, scoria, soll, gravel or rock products without Lender's prior <br />written consent. <br />Removal of Improvements. Trustor shall not demolish or remove erry Improvaments rtom the Reel ProperN wNhout Lender's prior written <br />consent. As a conditlon to the removal of any Improvemerrts, Lender mev require Trustor to make errangements satistactorv ta Lender to <br />replace such Improvements with Improvements of st leest equal velue. <br />Lender`s Right to Enter. Lender and Lenders agents and representatives may enter upon fhe Reel PropeAy at all reasonable times to <br />attend to Lendefs interests and to inspect the Real Properry ta purposes of Trustors compliance with the terms end conditions of this Deed <br />of Trust <br />Compllance wRh Govemmental Requirements, Truator ahall promptly compy with afl laws, ordinancea, and regulatians, now or hersafter <br />m effect, oi all governmentat authoritles applicable to the use or occupency of the Property, including witFrout ifmita6on, the Americans WRh <br />Disabllitles Act. Trustor may contest In good faith arry sUCh law, ordinance, or regulation and wltlihold complience durinq arn proceeding, <br />including eppropriate appeals, so long as Trustor has notlfled Lender in writlng prior to doing ao end sa long as, m Lender`s sole opinion, <br />Lender`s interests in the Properiv are not leoperdized. Lender may require Trustor to p�t adequate security or a surety bond, reasonably <br />satistactory to Lender, to protect Lendera interest. <br />Duty to Protect. Trustor agrees neither to abendon or leave unettended 1he PraperN. Trustor ahell do all other acts, in additlon to those <br />eas set forth above in riils secUOn, whlch trom tlie character and use W the Propertv are reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the <br />Property. <br />DUE ON SALE - CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender mey, at Lender`s opaon, declare immediately due and payeble all sums secured by this Deed <br />of Trust upon the sale a Vanster, without I.enders pnor written conserit, oi ell or arry part of the Reei Property, or any interest In the Real ProperN. <br />A"sale or Vansfer" means the corneyance of Rsel Propertv or any nght, tiUe or mterest In the Real Property; whether legal, 6enef�ial or equiteble; <br />whether vduMery a irnoluMary; whether by ou6lght sale, deed, i�staNment sale oontrect, land tbntract, coMract for deed, leasehold Interest with <br />a term greater than three (3) Vears, lease-optlon wniract, or by sale, assignment, or transfer of anv beneflcial interest in or to any land trust <br />holding title to the Reel Property, or by arry other method oi conveyance oi en irrterest � the Real Properly. However, this option shall not be <br />exercised by Lender H suoh exerc�se is prohibRed by tederel lew or by Nebraska law. <br />TAXES AND LIENS. The tdlowing provisions releting to the taxes and Ilens an the Property are pert of this Deed of Trust: <br />Payment. Trustor shell pay when due (end in all events prior to dellnquency) all taxes, special taxes, assessments, charges (including water <br />end sewer), fines and knpositions levied ageinst or on eccount of the Property, and shsll pav when due ell cla�ms tor work done on or tor <br />services rendered or materfal Tumfshed to the Proparry. Trustor shall meintau� the Property tree of all liere heving prbrity over or equal to the <br />interest of Lender under thfs Deed pf Trust, except for 1he lien of texes and essessments not due end except as otherw�se prrnkied in this <br />Deed of Trust. <br />Right to Conteat. Trustor mav wHhhold paymen! ot erry tex, assessment, or claim in cannecdon with a good feith dispute over the obligatlon <br />to pay, so bng as Lenders iMerest in the Property is not Ieoperdized. If a Ilen ariaes or is filed as e resuR oi ranpayment, Trustor shall within <br />fifteen (15) deys etter the lien arises or, 'rf a lien is filed, wHhin fiiteen (15) deys after Trusta has notice of the fillnfl, secure the discharge ot the <br />lian, or if requasted by Lender, depasit with lender cash or a sufficient corporete suretv bond or other aecurlty satisractory to Lender in an <br />amour�t sutficient to discharge the lien plus arn �osis and attorneys' fees, or other cherges that could accrue fls a result ai a toreclosure or <br />sale under the Ilen. In anv contest, Trustor shall detend Rself and Lerxler end shell satlsN any adverse ludgmerrt before enforcement against <br />the Property. Trustor shefl name Lender as an additbnal obligee under anV surety 6ond tumtshed in the contest procesdings. <br />Evidence of Paymeni Trustor shali upon dernand furnlsh to Lender satistactory evidence ot paymern of the mxes or assessments and shall <br />auttiorize the eppropriate govemmeniel official to deltver to Lender at anY time a written staterr��t of the texes end essessments againsl the <br />Propertv. <br />NoBce of Constructlon. Trustor shell notitv Lender at least flkeen (15) davs before any work �a commen�d, eny serv�ces are turnished, or <br />any mflteriels are supplied to the Property, ff any mechanic's lien, matenatme�`s lien, or other lien could be asserted on account of the work, <br />services, or materials. Trustor will upon request of Lender tumtsh to Lender advance assurances setisfactory to Lender that Trustor can and <br />wfll pay me cost ot such improvements. <br />PROPERTY DAMACiE INSURANCE. The followmg prov�srons relating to insunng ihe PropeM are a part o� this Deed of Trust. <br />Mamtenance of Insurance. Trusror sheil procure and maiMain policies of fire insurence wfth standard extended coverage erxlorsements on <br />a ia�r value basis ror the tull insurabie vetue covenng all Improvements on the Real Property m an amount sufFlciem to avokl applicatan of <br />any cansurance clause, and wHh a standard mortgagee clause in tawr of Lender. TrusWr shell elso procure and memtam camprehensive <br />general IlabElfry msurance in such coverage amounts as Lender may request wNh Trustee and Lender being named as additionel insureds in <br />such liabiliry insurance policies. Additionely, Trustor shall maintain such other ir�surance, including bul notJimited to hezarcl, business <br />interruption, and boiler msurence, as Lender may reasanaMy require. Pol�ies shall be wrltten in torm, amounts, coverages and besis <br />reasanaWV acceptable to l.ender end Issued bv a compeny or compenies reasonably acceptable m Lender. Trusror, upon request o� <br />Lender, will dellver to Lerder trom Ume to Ume the pollcies or certificetes of insurance m tOrm satistactory to Lender, inCluding stipulatbns <br />that coverages wlll rat be cancelled or dlminlshed without at least thirty (30) days priw written notice to Lender. Each insurance policy also <br />shell include an endorserr�ent provldfng that cwerage m tavor of Lender will not be Impaired in any wav by arn ect, omission or defautt oi <br />Trusror or arrv other person. Should the Heal PropeAV be located m an erea designated by the Director of the Federal Emergency <br />Manegement Agencv as a speciel flood hazard erea, Trustor agrees to oMain arxi matrrtain Federal Fbod Insurance, If availeble, ior the full <br />unpald principal balance of the ben and any prior liens on the property securinp the ben, up to the mauimum pollcv limits set under the <br />Natlonal Flood Insurance Program, or as otherw�se required by Lender, and to maintain suCh insurance ror the term of the loan. <br />Applicatlon of Proceeds. Trustor shail promptty notiN Lender ot any bss or dert�age to the Property. Lender maV meke proot of toss If <br />Trustor faAs to do so withln flfteen (i6) days of the casualtv. Whether or not Lenders seauritv is impaired, Lender may, at Le�ers election, <br />recerye and retain the procesds af any maurance and appty the proceeds to the reductlon of the IrWebtedness, peymeM ot arry lien affecting <br />the Property, or the restoratlon and repeir of the Property. If Lsnder elects to appty the proceeds to resmratbn end repair, 7rusWr shall <br />repair or replace the damaged or destroyed Improvements In a manner satistactory to Lender. Lender shall, upon satistactory proot of such <br />expendfture, pev or reimburse Trustor irom the prooeeds ror the reasoneble cost ot repair or restoratlon It Trustor is not �n default uoder this <br />Deed of Trust. Any proceeds which have not been dlsbursed within 180 days atter their receipt and whlch Lender has not commltted to the <br />repair or restoretion af the Property shell be used flrst W pay enY amour�t owing to Lender unrler this Deed of Trust, then to pay accrued <br />irnerest, and the rememder, 'rf any, ahalf be applled to the principal balance ot the I�debtedness. H Lender holds erry proceeds aner peyment <br />in tull of the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be pald to Trustor as Trustor's interests may appeer. <br />Trustor's Report on Insunnca Upon request of Lender, however not more than once a year, Trustor shall tumish ro Lender a report an <br />each existinp pollcy of insurance ahowmg: (1) the neme of the insurer, (2) the r�sks insured; (3) the amount of the policy; (4) the <br />properry insured, the then curreM replacertrent value m such property, and the menner of determinmg thet valus; and (5) the expiration <br />date of the pollcy. Trustor shell, upon �equest W Lender, heve an independeM appreiser setistactory [o Lender deterrnine the cash value <br />replacement cost of the Property. <br />LENDER'S EXPENDITI)RES. If anv action or proceedinq is catrnenced that would materially afEect lender's interest in the Propertv or i} Trustor <br />tails to comply with eny provision of thls Deed of Trust or arn/ Related Docurrfents, mcluding bul not limfted to Trustor`s fallure to discharge or pey <br />when due any artaunts Trustor is reqwred to dlscharge or pay undar ihls Deed of Trust or arry Refated, Documents, Lender on Trustors behalf <br />mey (but shell not be obligated to) take anv action tliat Lerxier deems appropnate, including but not Ilmited to dlschergmg or paying all taxes, <br />Ilens, security interests, encumbrarfces and other claims, at any time levied or placed on the PropertV and paying all costs Tor Insuring, mamtaining <br />and preaerving the Properry. All auch expendllures incurred or pald by Lender for such purposes wlll then bear interest et the rate charqed under <br />the Note trom tl�e date incurred or pald by Lender to fhe date ot repayment by Tnmtor. Alt such expenses will become a part of the Indebtedness <br />and, ai Lenders optbn, will (A) be payaWe on demend; (BZ( be added to the belance of the Note entl be apportloned among end be payable <br />with any installment payments ro become due during etther i(1) the term W anV appl'�caWe insuranoe policy; or (2) the remaining term of Uie <br />Note; or (C) be treated as a balloon peyment which w111 be due and payahle at the Note's maturitv. The Deed of Trust also will secure payment <br />of these artrounts. Such right shall be in addltlon to all other riQhb and remediea to which Lender may be entlded upon Detault. <br />