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<br /> aCy.a�ln/wJ�G/ _
<br /> 7YHiF'�'HGR WITH all thc improvcmcnt9 r:o�v on c�re�tftcr ercctcd on the Rro�rty,and�11 casementa,appw-t�enanccs,end v
<br /> �xtures now ar hereafu;r e part uf the property.All nplacements��d addlt�ons slwl!also bo wvered by thls Secwicy Tnsa�u��tci�G '
<br /> All of the furcgoing is refecred tn in this Sccuriry Inswment a9 thc"Pcoperty."
<br /> BORROW�R COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully scised of U�c estato hereby conveyod and hs9�he dght to gnu►t and
<br /> wnvcy thc Property and that the Property i�uncncumbeced,exGept for�a�cumbrances of rocatd. Borrower war�uiu and wIll
<br /> deferid generally thc tiilo W tha ProPertY eBainst sll clalms and demsnde.aubject w any ent;umbru�as of recocd.
<br /> Tk�iS SECURITY INST�tUME?NT�ombines uniform covenants For nadonal use und non-uniforn�covcnants with Ilmital
<br /> varLdons by juriadicdon w consdwte a unifarm s�urity intitcumer�t covering c�al pro�erty.
<br /> UIIIFURM GOVSNANTS.Bormwer and Lendtr covcmaa.t and egroe ss follow�:
<br /> 1.PAymemt of Princtpnl�nd Interest;i'repAyment and Late Clwr�es. Bormwar shall promptly paY whcn dw t1w
<br /> principal of and intcrest on the dcbt cvldeaced by the Nou and any prc�aymeat and Uite charges due under the rlote.
<br /> 2.Fun�ls for'Ca.res end IesurAnce. Sub,}ect to applicable law or to a wriuen weivu by Lender, Bomowu shall psy to
<br /> Lc�nder on thc day monthly paymcnts arc due undcr tha Natx;,until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")fa:(a)yearly taRea
<br /> end assessmcnts which may aualn prlority oL er this Security Instcumeut ac a 13en on the PrapertY:(b)Ycarly leasetwld paymenu
<br /> or gmund rents an tho Property,if eny:(c)Yavly hazard or prnperty insurancc premiuma�(d)Ycarly flood inniuAnce praniums.if
<br /> m�y;(e)yc;arly mos�gugc insurance premiums,iF any;end(�any s�un�payable by B�rrowu to Lendsa,In,a�cacalanr.e with tha
<br /> provisions of partgrAph 8, in lieu of tha pny�ment of raortgege insuranc�e premiums. 11�o itans an cd3sd�"Escrow Itae�s."
<br /> I,ender may�at any�time.collect and hoW Fti�nds in an en�ount awt w exc�odt lha maximum amoutst a lerrrJer far a fodadiy reWed
<br /> rmxlgagc loan may ra�uiro for Borrower's escrow account�uWer the federnl Rail Bstata Seulcmmt Pracedures Act of 19T4 si
<br /> �N1a16�oii�tirr►e ca W�e, 12 U.S.C.5:�.^tian Zfr�Ul er seq. ("P.F.SPA"j.un��the-r!aw th��lics ui d�e P,u�ds eeta a lrsxr �_
<br /> amounx If so, I.endu may. at any dmo�c�lloct end hold Funds in An eirwnnt not w axcood the lessu amoun� I.ender may
<br /> esdmate the amount of Fuads due an the t�n�is of curn�t datst and n�tson�bk esdmates of wcpa�diun�es�of fuaue�3xrow Ilans a
<br /> otha�lyc in accordaRCO with applicabl�law,
<br /> Tho Funds sh�ll be hcld in an instItution whose deposits aoe insured by a foclaal t�qeacy.i�uuument�lity�uc entity(including
<br /> I,cr�der.if Londec is such an insdNdon)or in any Pedaal Home Laan Banlc.Lcadcr atudl apply the Fur�ds w p�y the Bscrnw
<br /> Itans.Laidu may not chargo�3�zrawer for holding and epplyIng the Funda,annuaUy analyaing tbc�w�nt,ttt vcrifying
<br /> tho Exrow ItaK�v,.unless I.endpr pays Barawa intarst on tha Funds and a.p�llcAbb 1aw pum�it�L�enda b�aako such s�charga.
<br /> However,Lender m�Y�re9�ire IIorrowcr[o pay a onc-tLne charga fa An lnde�atident real extate tax repocting eav�Ce uud by
<br /> I.aKia ire connncdan with th9s:}oaia,unkss epplfcabk law provi�ks othawise.Unkss an agreemrnt iv mde a aQpUcsbb�w
<br /> roquicrs intucst to be pnid,lLcndor shell not be requlnd to pay Borrowa Bny intaest or eamings on the Fund�.Horrower and
<br /> I.p`u�:a�.:�:,�ss:.�sisissg����;o:��.L�L°i siliCS�i�11 L��nn thr_.Fimda.Lr�dct'ShA13�iVe to BO[iow!!.witbnut chxae.an ,
<br />, �cutwil aocaunting of the Fund��showeng credits and debits w tho Fur�ds nnd tho pucpoae fa which tach debit W tbo Fw�da wa�
<br /> mado.'Itit Funds ere pltdgod os addfuonal�ciuiry for all sums arccurod by this Socurtty InsOtument°.• ,
<br /> If the FunAs held by Lender eaceod tho arrrount�pamiued to be heW by applicabk taw,I,asda�stu�ll ac�cu�►t a Barowa far
<br /> the exoese FLnds in accordancc with tho req�1'I�r.rncnts of�pplkabk taw.If the smount of nhe F�uida t�e1d by La�dec At�ay rime ut
<br /> not suff3cicnt to pay the Bsccnw Iwms when due.I.ender m��so nodfy Bamwer 3n wriang�and�in auch c�ue Bc�vet,�1a11�y
<br /> to Leader the amonnt nocessazy w mAke up tha de�iciency. �orcowa ahaU malce}�p•the deficiaicy in no ma�b tium ti+olve� '. .
<br /> monlhlY paYmenk9,�t Lcr►da's sola discretion. .
<br /> Uppn p�Ymait ia fuU of all sums socured by thLa Sectuity Instnuncni,Za�dar shht�llll IxomP�Y���B���y�
<br /> t1Cb�I�l.�.UI►dEt(�til$�A�l 21.I.tlldC!Sfi�l aCQ{l�tC 0[9Cu I�10 PfOpfXl}�.�,CJ1C�t7.j1IIOf f0 1hC fCQ{1LtIt10f1 OJ S�E Of f�1C
<br /> Prq�erty.sheU apply ar►y �n�7s hcid by Letidei at the tLne of acqt�isidon or s+�lo ss fl eredit ag�ir►st ihe wa�s�octaa!by d�is
<br /> �3.App�t�n at Paymenb. Unlcs�applicabb law providw othawL+e�a11 paymana reaival by i,cnder ur�1a p��a� ,
<br /> 1 rat Z shal!bo Appl3ed:Cust.to anY P�9ma►t ch�ages due nnda the Note:aec�nd,W arnounb P�Y��P�B�2;
<br /> thiM,w inbaest due:founh.a principal dne:and 1ast,to eny l�tc charges due wider the Nate,.
<br /> 4.C6�r�es:l.ieas. Barowcr shall pay�11 taxes.as�smatts�ch�r8es.Cu�and impositiau attributsble Itn ��e Prdpaiy
<br /> which t►�y atfain priocisy ovet this Sx�u:ty Insavma�t,md Ieax,hoW paymattt ot Rrotutd renq.if�ny.Ha�ra+ret�a11 p�Y theeo
<br /> vbllgasions in the manner provided in parrag€raph Z,ur tf nat paid in that miuuxx�Aamwer stull p�y theaa oa time d'uxdy to the �.
<br /> perton owed p�tymen�Boctnwu shall P�P�Y furnish to I.ondec oll notice;s�f Knount� to be pid�nder tdie per�t�h. Ii
<br /> Bamwa malces theae payment�dirtetly.Sorrowu stwll P�P�Y fwni9h W I.e+�der rocapts e�rida�cing tbe p4ymaets.
<br /> Bwrower shall 1�PUY��Bc any liea wh�Ch Nag pdority ova tfuu Sectuity Lultuma�t unkas Bomower: (�)a;groes ia
<br /> writing to the payment of Iha obligation socured by tho lka in a monna acceptabb w I,endei;(b)oa��iw good fiid�the Ikn
<br /> by.a defex�Qs against enfo�cement of the licn in� k8� P��Bg which u� the T.atida'e opinion opaa�o to pnevent t�o
<br /> rnfonxment of thc lien;a(c)sx�ucs from tt►o holda of 1he lisn an ag�oement sAdsfactocy to L,ender subordinYing the 11m b
<br /> t1w Soc�uity Instiument If Lender detamines that any part of the Protx�ty 1�subject to a!kn which mey�tnin priority ovea thi�
<br /> Security Ynswment,J.c�ndcr may glve Barowcr a natia idendfying the lleu.gamwer siwll saiisfy ti�o liai or takm one a moro
<br /> of the actions 6et fonh above within 10 days of ths giving of notic:a. , .
<br /> � ��r�n sa:�v�
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