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<br /> _. �. _ , _ _ -, : � : D�EI?O�TRUST : � : -
<br /> THIg DEED OF TRUBT,ia niade a�of the��day of June ,!g_�,by and amonR .
<br /> i�ivla L. kagner .� �!r-leae R•`Xagaer,. huaband bY��t°r°1.whwama�lsng�d�res i�
<br /> _— 1103 N. St. Faul Rd:, Grand Islancl. N$ - �,���,+j�wh�mdVng�dreuis �
<br /> -= z�aof� �. piate zc� W. aia � Ra.. cr�a i��a. . .
<br /> ___..__� .�_. -� -
<br /> , ,
<br /> - wd Doyle L.,i+Tinfrey 6 Violet B. Kinfre�r , t"Bene�ci�sy"}Rhae maitibg addre�s is � �
<br /> . � . < •
<br /> __ = FOA YALUABLE CON3IDERATION,�u.ta�ierevocsbly trensfas.�anvey.and a�ns bo 1Sruat�II�J
<br />- - TRUST.WITH FOWEA QF�AIE,far the 6ene5t and 6ecusitFof Beaefidary►.anikr and sa6qact totiietenas ,
<br /> . `' �undaoaditioasofti�Deedofl�wt.thereatpmpecty►bcatedintbeG�tYof� , IBtO..*� �Cam►�rof
<br /> � Ha1� ;St�te of Nibtari�a,aad le�+�►de�xibed a�Eullow�(tAe"Ptopert�►'7.
<br /> . � Lots 9.9.10.I1 b, 12, Black 4, Pl�easaat Ri21 �ditiisiaa to the Ci�y of��
<br /> - " Gr3nd Island. Hdl.l Qot�nty, Nebrdska. � -
<br />� -_ _ � -_
<br /> TOG�'l�IER WITI�.e11 reo,ts.eaa�meAtis; apPaiten�eno�►,heedttameate�int�eeests in adlainin8 roeds, , �`°
<br /> streebandalkys,itap�em�atsandhw7dit�ofan3!lairidsitaatedtheeeonandsllpersonalpmpetiyt�atm4v ~
<br /> ' -- be a♦�c hecea/l�tu become str:i»te�rst l�att of auQb,biuldinge and imprnvemrnta,alt cmps raiaed tlunean.�nd�11 � �-��__
<br /> - '.4 ���4i�Mh. � . � � _'t.__
<br /> ' The Pf+aPe+'�Y��the enttre estste and intet�dex arnveyed to tbe Truete�are refamed to ooll�ctivdY ar We �.=.:t.rp_
<br /> %''= "Tntet F�afe": � - - --:-
<br /> s . :,�;...
<br /> � :^;�i,.t:�L`'�E:-'4�;`. � ' . FaItTHEELT�'OSEOFS�CURINt3: . �-_
<br /> <. � . . ,- , . �
<br /> .t��.,x;.-�:��4i.� . ; ' -'.� . �; • . _
<br /> -_-.. _�.�.� �;:y_ ' $,peyq�t��in tha fital•Ptindpql�amount of S 2Q.9oD.Qd ,witb�ntereat .,_—. _—
<br /> • �'`;` , ' :`. � tliereon► aei es.i�es�ced by that ce�ain•,P�A►iesor9 note of even date(the"Nate'�with a matueity date of °
<br /> . `,�_ ��7.�;:;:,.:.: :': .
<br /> . �_. - ., , �,�.,�. t._�..t.a� ,e�cecup�by 7`rnsto�w}uch has been delivered and is psyable to the order of _.•�_ .�.�
<br /> ..t�_=_'� _. .: �
<br /> �;`�� : :�� Beaefiaary,sitd�which by this reference is here�y.made a part hereo�and any and sll m«IiGcationa.estea�
<br /> •;:� �-•:,. ._ `,._t aiaes and��en�wale theieo�at�d . � R�:
<br /> ,. . .;3�; , ' �'�� b.Pey�of all stt�s ai3vanced by�een�eGciary to pnntect the 7�rust Estate.wIth mtensttl�es+eoa attherate �'. •�..--;
<br /> :� �;,t;•.
<br /> {:'.i ';-�' .� � ��.: �t( 7 9R)p�SAAUAI. ,
<br /> ,.�• '
<br /> � :..�s .`.�' - '��t �� � ' _ . _�
<br /> ` �;i.��`��' �: :;:� ThisDeedofTrust,theNot�andanyotherinalrumentgiventoevidenceorfurtheree�.�+ethepayatmtand .
<br />- . ,,' '�:;;�".. �,_»� pedormanoe of any obligation aecured heieby are ieferred to oollecbively as the"Loan Iustinmente': � � "
<br /> ~`=;��', .... : . . r •_j..
<br /> :�.��'_��,�:� � . � � Ta PItOR'EGT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRU81� .
<br /> ' I 1. PAYMENT OF INDES7'EDNES3. Truatos ehall psy when due tbe pr�ncipal of. and the intenst on,the � � ' ;j•.
<br /> . � ' inde6tedne�s evidenced by the Note.chargea,feea aad all other eama aa provided in the Loan lnatruments.
<br /> 2 TARES.'IYaetorehallpayeachinstallmentotalltaxesandayecialaaeeaementaoteverykind,noworhereafter � . • , , ..�.
<br /> � ' levIed ageinat the Truat Entate ar any part thereof.before delinquency.without notice or demand,arsd ehall provide � . . __
<br /> Beneficiary with evidence of the paymentof same.7'rnstos ahaU pay all tattes and asseasments which may betevied • . � ._
<br /> ' ' " � nyonBeneficiary'sintereathereinaruponthieIIeedofTsnatorthedebtaecuredhereby.withoutregardtoanylawthet
<br /> � - - - • � may be enacted imposing payment of the whole oo any past thereof opoa the BeneGciary. _ ,_ ._ -
<br /> - 3.JNSURANCE ANU REPAINS.Ttastoraball q�aintain fire and noteatended coveraReinsoranoeineuriagthe � � - :
<br /> improvemente and buildir.gs conatituting part af the TrusL Estate for an amaunt no lesa than the amount of the � • . , : �
<br /> •'��"�� � � anpaidprincipalbalanceafflxeNote(cainsurancenotexeeedingAO%7�permitted).SachinsuranoepolicyehaUcontaln
<br /> , ',.';;;,.:�
<br /> •� aatandardinortgageclauaeintavorafBeneficiaryandshallnotbeeancellabte,terminableormodifiablewithoutten � .
<br /> ;- � � (10)daya Drior aritten notice to Beneficiary. Trnqtor ahal)promDtty repair,maintain and replace the Trua!Eatateor � , '. '.�
<br /> � anypartthereofaothat,exceptforard�arywearandtear,theTrt�vtEalsteehallnotdekriarat�Innoeventahallthe 4 � - �:=:"s��
<br /> • Trustor commit waate on os to the Tr.w��state. � • .. '-'w��
<br /> .� . �,..
<br /> �� ��� . � 4. AC7'lON$AFFECT1N�TAUST F3TATE. Truator aha11 appear in and contest any action or proceeding � ' � . _, .
<br /> �� `�'�:.' . . . purporting to affeet the�siLy hereof or the r�ghte or powers of Beneficiary or T'ruatec,and ahall pay aU coate and � �,
<br /> , ,, eapenees.inclnding cos4 ofevldence of tltle and atlomey's feea,lnany euch action or proceeding in whlch Beneficiary � , .• �
<br /> � orTnutee may aDpear. Should Truetor fail to make any payment or to do any act as and in tHe manner yravided in . .
<br /> • ° t�ny of the Loan Inetruattente.Beneficiaty and/orTrnatee,ench zn its�awn digcretion,wlthout obligation eo to do eitd � ;
<br /> - . :__._._ �
<br /> - without nottce to�derssaad upon Truatos and without releaeirng Trustor from any abligativn,may mske os do the "
<br /> � `�,:, . eame in ench menner and to euch eatent aa either may deem neceasary ta peotect tbe secudty hereof.Truetorehall, •
<br /> � � immediately npon demand therefor by Benefitlary,psy all costs and expeneeaincurred hy Henellclasy fn connection
<br /> "" wlth!he exerclee by bene�c�ary ot the faregoing rights,inetuding without limitation coate of evtdence o!titl�court , .
<br /> ' cats,epDreieele.eurveya and attarneq's feee. Any euch co�ta and expensee not paid within ten(10)dayaof writte» � -
<br />` ' ' . dem�nd�hsll dsew 9ntereat at the default rate y:avided in the I�Iote. , I � '
<br /> " ��� ° 6. EMINENT DOMAIN. $hauld the Truet Estate,or any part thereof or intereet therein,be taken or damaged by
<br /> ` � re�wn o!any public impravement or eondemnatlon Deaceed�ng.ar in any other tnanner including deed ln lien of Condem- ; �
<br /> aeHan("Condemnation"?,ar ehould Truetor recive any notice ot atherfnformation regardinBauch proceedin�Tiv�torshal) .
<br /> ,� � _� .. , give prompt wrltten noHoe thereof to Beneficlery. $ene5ciary aha11 b�entitled to�11 comDensation,awardeandother pay-
<br /> . ments or:elldtherefor,and ehall be entitled at ite option to commene�appear in and praeea�ta9n ite own name a»y actian � ,
<br /> . ' or � BeneHduy ahall aleo be entitled to mske any compromiee ar eettkmentin wnn�cdon with�uch taldna or
<br /> � . . � dama��e. Al�euch compenentlon,ewerde,damagee,righte of action and yroceeds awuded to mrustar(the"Araoee�b'�ue �
<br /> ' . . i�eby neelsned ta Bene6dar�►and 7�uetbr agre�e to taecutr auch further aed8nmenb otthe Froaeedr a�BeaeSrclary or. .
<br /> -- . Trustee maY�4�•. _ . . . .
<br /> 6. APPOINTMENT OF BUCC�430It TRU$7'EE. �eneficiary may.from time tn time,by a written instnume.�t •
<br /> � ' euecnted snd acknowledged by Beneficinry,maited to Truator and Itecarded in the Countq in which the Trnet Eatate is � •
<br /> k�catedand by olherwise camplying wjth theptoviaion�ottheappllcabletawottheStateofNebraekaeubatituteaaucoeaas
<br /> . ar euaaseors to the 74netee named herel�or actlnB herennder. � .
<br /> ' �� 7. SUCC�S5E)RS ANb AS91GN8.This bad af Trust applles ta,inw�s to the bene6t of and binde all partiee hereto,
<br /> ' theLr helrs.le�tatesa,deviaes,P�nal refsreeentativee.euaeaeors and aeelgne. The terra"�eneHciary•,ahell rneer�the .
<br /> . -�--�-�--
<br /> _,. _.:�.._ - . a�vnEr slid�hotd�of the NotL,�whetiieroriroE name�aa Henefci�cy heir$r.
<br /> � � 8. 1NSP'EGTIONB, genefic�ery,ar ifa e�mt�,repreaeatativee ar warkmen,arr aathrniud to�ter at any naeonabfe
<br /> time upon arin any patrt of the Truat Eatate for thp purpueeof inapecting theeameand for the purpose of petinrming eny of
<br /> . tUe eda it ia suthnrized ta t�erfarm nnder tbe t�s of aay of the Inan Inetruments. __ _ _ . ,
<br /> . �'-•� . � �;� � . . .
<br /> ._ -- ------ —- --------, ___-
<br /> � _ -. �
<br />