��_ __ ____ ....
<br /> �'ry •1^tR�'.•i11fy1A1�"/r . .� ' -_-__.
<br /> .w ^.vl"��i�/_��.'1'�i����t• ��:.. .n)-v�l1'�i��`a.__ �ST�.�_._.-� .r.-n��..nv�m��
<br /> ._ '_ �—�. ���-�-w-�_..�_....�.r�.-au _ _ _.. _ - � _ _ - — _- —.
<br /> '"_��_..... .'�—. '�4l�YF���.— '�— ♦.Y[.�S�/6'1/ . .. - .. .- _��_.'
<br /> �..�r... ...x. .. .
<br /> ..�.v_ .�_ �w`��lWrll�L.t ::.____...L,� C�--C�_ ... ,- _
<br /> •
<br /> � M6 10'�31.a �
<br /> ,
<br /> �-
<br /> �S�O�tB TI�B 801►RD OA 1►P�'R11I��t�B l���t �IICA�'xQN11� L,�A.H�S –
<br /> G�UItiD I�LALiD A,R!!'J1 &OY.YD N�18� RQENCY, ) —
<br /> A Join� �t►�i�y arsa�ncl undnx tria )
<br /> In.t�rloa�l Caa�ssxwtl.om �o�, � r
<br /> Gaadenner, ��
<br /> vr. ; RltTIJA�I tD� A�'PR�1:[S6R3
<br /> TAS HO71RA �1� �DUCI1TIOx1AL I.MiDS )
<br /> 11I�iD �'UNDS O�' T� STATB OS' NEB�1►SlCA. ; • _
<br /> Condsm�m ) •
<br /> Tlie Grnnd Islwnd 1�re� SoYid M�a�e�e Jlgsnay, Coads�x►er, hwvinq
<br /> heretofor4 Qm► fix►e 23rd dwy ar� �'��X. 1�'��,. iiled i�s
<br /> 1►pp�.ia�►tia�x k� �aquir� th� �ag:la�-�--���c�l.i�wd eduaa�3ona►1 lx�d,
<br /> c�xva:iletiaQ oi' w��a�iaately 16.4� wc�te�, gcr t�h0 �peoiR� �w�osa
<br /> ar:� c�o�.laoti.ng ara,d �r�e��sssinq yat�► �s��a, Nhfch a�ce a�di$rm�w" �►� --
<br /> an� �lu�ll xs�a qxa��� oz ehrubb�r� asai�t�.aA�o le�v��o� Cr�e br�nr.�e�m
<br /> and trl.�ueinQe �nd o�ez osqaniq yaata�ri�l• r�MUl�� ��ro�• ths cRra
<br /> at �.a�. shirub�►sry, firses nnd qwrdsms, �naA a�us��. zsot iaclude �ny.
<br /> gaxlaaqd ar non biLada4rad�ble� �ateri.ai, we ��� fses� ia swid
<br /> App�.iaatinne �
<br /> Fwrt o� the Sout.lu Hw�f o�' 'tlie Southew�ets Quws9t�^�r '�3'52�1l4)
<br /> � . of 8w�tiom S3.ata�n �9��y, �oxnship 1C1AV�e� (1��•�'b�o�'1��L .
<br /> ' . Ran�a Ten (10) K�et ar� '�3ae G�h P.M.. �a��,�. Caauanty, �
<br /> . . Nabr�n�]ca� apaas.l.��c�a31'� �a�aribrd a�c ���.�.nttr: . , ..
<br /> Heginning at a pai:�i �n N����f.line of'sa�ld Sout��ti�t ����4:r "� � � , . ,
<br /> � (SB�i)of Soalion Sixt�n(I��'�Township Bl�va�(x 1)fi?�3��Ran;�,z � �'.� ,
<br /> Ten (10) West, �a,id polnt being Six Hu�dred Ntnety (690.0��ct"
<br /> more or l�rax North��f the aoutineast cornar e��'aald Sectlon Slxt�r�
<br /> (16)� Townahip P.lever� (11)North� Range Tc+t(x0) West; the.�ice
<br /> Wwt on a llne Sk Hundral Ninety(b90.0)feet more roa.less�Iort}i� �
<br /> of the Sauth line of aatd Saction Siutxa (16j� Tou�mahip Hiavcn •
<br /> (i 1)North,Rango Ten(10)Weat for n dtstsnce of One Thouaand � '
<br /> • �ne Hu�dred Thlrty SIx(A.136.0)feet mora or lera; thence Narth ' •
<br /> � on a line Ona�'housa�id One I�undred 'I'hlrty S�c (1�136.0) feet " ;,
<br /> more Ur le�Weat of an�d pazatI�l to�tha Eaat line of aa�d Sectlore . �';..
<br /> � SI�cteen(16)�Townshtp Elav�n (11) Narlh�R�ngaTen(10)Weat; ���
<br /> �,for a distanoa of Six lHu�drod Twertty Ntrne utd SIx Tenth�(629:6)
<br /> � . � fat mare or leaa; thr.nce�E�tat on a� line One Thouss�nd Thro�
<br /> � . Huadrod Nlncteen and Sk Tentha(1,319.�foGt more or less North � '
<br /> of and paaallel to the South line of Sectton Slxtxn(16)�Townshlp
<br /> Bleven (11j North� Range Ten (10) Wra�t for s dtalanr.e of One
<br /> • Thouaand Ono Iiundred Thirty Slx (1,136.0) ieet mvre or lesa ta
<br /> tl�c.i��y line vf said Soctton Sixtecn (16), Towe�s�fii�;��+1ev� (11) �''�'�
<br /> Noi"�,.Ytanga Ten (10) West; thenr,e Suuth o�n dOrr�.�t 13�a of � , r:; �.
<br /> 5ection Sixtan(16)�Townahip Bl�ven(11)E�iorih,l�r�es:��a{(�t;�j
<br /> Wwt for a dlatance of Six Hundred Twenty Nlca�a,���1����`��9 �
<br /> (fi��t��et more or lesa�c�fi��poln�of beglnningy azrnf�:ar'�ti�ng 16.42 � �` .
<br /> ;
<br /> : �cre�ti-�s�or D�a.a .
<br /> sub�e�at �� n�Til' easdaents, �r�seswwtiome, r�w�r�.ctio�ns, �, �
<br /> ri.qhts–of--�ray, pxiar acnde�axtion p�cAasetliU�g� �dl athMr . .
<br /> w„��:i�u:re, i� wnx, o� �aaord in L•hs ���iae o� �hs �.c++�.rc9.
<br /> -- ...__ �._�_ _� .._7:_.__�
<br /> O� �dDIQ1RC10A�J. let7lL�1s �I�ta !`eL�rnas v= a.sao owaov va. a�a�s.�w�.w
<br /> and EKCEPT T86 SAL�T SPRItKiS, C011L. O]tL, MIN�iHLS �
<br /> Mhicl� are rR�ezved by tihe Hoard of 6duaa�l.onal Lwnda �
<br />= and Bvutds of tha St�te of �ebrwska Rs providad by lw�►
<br />= ��ad tliis procaediny eh�l]. not e�erate �a depr9.va ssid
<br />- Boxrd of any rigt►te aith respeot thsreto; and
<br />� n434 :a� .,,E. .;:t;
<br />_ _... �---R. .. �.T-- - --- -- --_ _ -
<br /> . . . . ..- - --
<br /> __� _
<br /> .�...._-,�..-��;��.a; � ��- .. .r, ,�,.-�.
<br /> .. . . 'F:Sk:�..,. - .._. _ . _ .. . .�.y_" _��L_��_�__. . ,_... .... .Y""'- - '_.._�_�..v..=__--
<br />