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20�102143 <br />Exhibit "A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E1/2NE1/4), <br />of Section 2, Township Nine (9) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6�` P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast <br />corner or said East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E1/2NE1/4); thence running southerly <br />along the east line of said East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E1/2NE1/4), on an assumed <br />bearing of S 00°00' 18" E, a distance of Five Hundred Thirty-Nine and Twenty Hundreths <br />(539.20) feet, to the northeast corner of the Roger Sullivan Second Subdivision; thence <br />running S, 90°00'00" W, a distance of Two Hundred Fifty and Five Hundreths (250.05) <br />feet, to the northwest corner of the Roger Sullivan Second Subdivision; Thence running <br />S 00°00'00" E, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty Seven and Seventy Seven Hundreths <br />(327.77) feet , to the southwest corner of the Roger Sullivan Second Subdivision; thence <br />running N 88°09' 12" W, a distance of Five Hundred Seven and Five Hundreths (507.05) <br />feet; thence running S 86°53'S1" W, a distance of Five Hundred Sixty Four and Eighty <br />Two Hundreths (564.82) feet, to a point on the west line of said East Half of the <br />Northeast Quarter (E1/2NE1/4); thence running N 00°04'44" W, a distance of Nine <br />Hundred Nine and Six Hundreths (909.06) feet, to the northwest corner of said East Half <br />of the Northeast Quarter (E1/2NE1/4); thence running S 88°47'33", along the north line <br />of said East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E1/2NE1/4), a distance of One Thousand <br />Three Hundred Twenty Two and Thirty two hundreths (1322.32) feet, to the point of <br />beginning. <br />