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<br /> Barrawcr shull promptl� give Lender writttn �wticc of any invesligation, �laim, dc►nancl, fawsuit ar ncfier action'by any
<br /> 6ovcrnnx:ntul ar rtgulatary ugency��r privatc�ariy lnvalving the Praperty u+xl any Hatard6uv Substance or E?nvironntiental Caw
<br /> c�f�vhieh��rrnwe�� h,i��ac�laai kanwledge. If Bnrr��wcr Icarns,nr is nntiiict;hy uny kcwcrnnunt:d n�re�;ul;�tnry nuthnriry, �hnt
<br /> any rcu�ov.+l uA•utlit��•�����i�diatian iif:iny llozsrcio��y�ul�sttutc�nffcctim��lic 1'r�i���cty is n��si�;s�iyo fintr��tcE�ti•sh:�ll pmmptly t�ko
<br /> afl nrceswry remediul actious in accrirdance with kn��iranmeiitu� l.nw.�
<br /> As ur:ed in Ihin puragraph 2�, "H�rdous Substniucs" ara tho.�c suhswnr,cs dc��ied uy toxic�r huv,�i�dou�; yuhst�nce9 by
<br /> �nvironaxntal La►w ond the ful�owing SUb5fAI1CtS: gxsolint, kerou�ne, uther �lamm•rblo or tnxic pe[r��lrum prcxiuct9, tozic
<br /> pesticitles a�wf herbicldes,volntile solvents,n�aterials cunte.ining ast►est�v or furmnldeFay•do,and realio�ctive ma�erial+. A9 used in
<br /> th�s pnrt+graph 20, "Rnvlrunnxntal Law" meang federsl laws und l�we oP tha Juriyclic►iqn, whcra the Pmperty i� lixutal ttwt�
<br /> relate to health,safety or er.viranrrk�itnl protection.
<br /> ;�?OR!•UAl1FOni!!CUVL'N.AI�t f5.�orrar:,:r ac:d Lcn;lcr furtlicr eovcn:utt:�ntd agr�r as fvllo���s: � ,
<br /> . 21. Apse{ersttoa;Remedies. I,ender alull give nottke to P,ocrowcr prbr to Acceierutton tdbwir�Borrv�wer's fo��h
<br /> ot any covcnant ac a�reanent tn thls Securfty In9trume�t (but e�M �►rtor ta acceler�tlon under parAqraph 1'1 u�
<br /> , tepplkalWe!aw provldes othRrqy'.tRtl).TLe natke shall epeci�y: (�)the def�ulh (b)the.wction t�equired to cue�e t6e detwrt;
<br /> (ca a dwGe,aot Ie�s tluin 30'd�i��A tMm the date the notke le�Ivra to&►rrawcr, f�y wh(ch the default must be cu�+M; w+d
<br /> (d) E'htat failure ta cur�the e]t�IntAt nn or bctore�he d�tk H�►ecltled in the nottee�ney resulr In Accrterstlon ot the Swns
<br /> �a�merl hy this 5ectu�ity Irstru�)tant und s�fe of tht Pr�ipet�K,y. �'he notke shall [urpn�v inform Barrower oi the dght to
<br /> reir.�..��.a^:�r a�csxleration and tlie r�ght.tsr hring a cc�ur!ttctitin tu nssert tlie uu►iw.r�fstence oi A tlefa�ilt or any other
<br /> defta�e aF�orr�wer to Acer.lerat�oa and SatKk. xt the dets�ult is nat cured or,.or befo��e the date speclfied in the notice,
<br /> � Leau1er., at its optioa, mwy require(mmecl�ptl poyrnent in full of all sums e�ecured by this Security �nstrument without
<br /> t�rilrR�^de�aand and may invoke the power ot sale�tnd t�t�y othtr rem�p¢t�nitted by�ppikabk law.Lender edal!be
<br /> ea�tito�tl tu cwllect a1t exper�ses incurred in pursuiu�tbe rotnedles pruvtded In thfs pat�graph�l,fncluding,but nc>!limlted
<br /> re+,x•�swomrJale at�orneys'tees.w�d costs of titk evidcnce.
<br /> • tf thc power cff snk i� iavaked, Truuta sluoll �+ernrd A notke ot def�Wt ia ench county in wb�:.h Any p�rt o[the
<br /> �P�'�Y is loated and s�U m�il coples of such notiet in the maaaer prescribed by appliaa6le law tu Ibrrower And to
<br /> . ¢:ye c.t���r�F:�i�b���t:ab��i�:�. AS:�-t,`.c t€�rey�:r�b- c�lEra�le 1:.�,7fr.�i��s!!glve�b!!c r.rt�-
<br /> or,�k c�►he persons Aaa�o che rn,wner p�r�nea�y apprtca�e taw.�ee, witl�aut dcmand oa Borcower,sfwU sell
<br /> tiie Pr+opaty at public�uctdoa tu tl�e hith�st Mdrkr s�t the tlme�nd al�ce��d under the terma dest�nated in the�wtice of
<br /> sik in one or nwre p�rcels And in A��order T�ustee determines. Trustce nu�y postpone ssile ot all or any pRrccl oi the
<br /> . Prnpa�ty by publk�t al tMe �1me And place o[any previousl}� scheduled ss►le. Let�der oe�it9 desig�tee mxy
<br /> � purch�4e the Pmperty At any sak. —
<br /> Upoa roceipt ot poymmt of the pr�cx bld, Tn�stee stwil deiit�er tu tbe {wnchaser Trusta's deed conveytng the _
<br /> Pooperty. Tt�e recitaLs in tl�Trustee's.�ea:d st�l1 be prinu► tacle evi�ex�ce of t6e truth of tioe siaieuK:�s c:iade thaYfn.
<br /> , • ..Trusta�hal!rpply the pro�r.eds o[the s�le In the(dbwtng order: (�)to all coets snd expense.9 ot exercEsing the power of
<br />�.•:;�. • 9»1�,and the sue,indudlrqs the p�yment of the Ttustee's ices actwlly incurred,not to exceed THE� �50.�nCi �UR � `�'
<br /> ����• ,�:,;�aai the pcioci�l�mount ot the rate�t the time u[t�e deciaration oi de[�ult,and ra�eoruiMe attorneys'feeq as pamittai
<br /> �"by Ixw;(b)ta sli sums secured b�lhtg Cecur[ty Inctrumeat;and(c)�ny exoese¢o t6e parson or pereons Ie�Aily enHtle�d ti�
<br /> ..,it:. , .
<br /> � : .'• 22. RaodreyAnee. Upon gayment of all sums secured Ey this Sa;urity Instrument. Lender shall roqi�est Tcustt�e to
<br />,�' r+ccbnvry the Pcuperty and sh,tl.l sumncler this �carity instrument and all notes,euidencing debt secu�+od by thes Security
<br /> � [nscrumont to Trustee.Tnrstee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and withottt charge to the persou ar pctnons legally
<br />:;;� wuided to it.Suc6 person or persons shall ps►y any recordation costs.
<br /> 23. Sub�etkute Trwta. C.endr,r,at its option,may fmm time ta time remove Ttustee and appoint a succossor tcusta•So
<br /> ;� ' any,Trus�oe appointc�hsreunder by an instrument roc�rd4d in the taunty in which this Securiry Iustrument is rccorded.Wiehout
<br /> �onvoyaria of thr Froparty,1he successo�trustee shall suocced to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustoe haein
<br /> � wiil byapplisablc law. '
<br /> - 24.Request for Notttts. 8orrawcr requests that copie.s of the notices of default anrl sale be sent to Aorrower's address
<br /> whicli is fhe Ympecty Address.
<br /> 25.Riders to t6ic Security Inttrumet�t.If one or nnore riders ate eXCCUtaI by Borrower and rownle�l wgethc�' wlth this
<br /> Security Iiutrument.the covuuu�ts wd agrerments of esch such rickr shall'•be Incozporatod into ancl s6a11 amend and suppleiennt
<br /> the covero�nts wd agretments Qf this Secudty instniment as if the rid�r(s)were a pani{�t this Secu�ty Instcurnait. �
<br /> � [�hock applicable box(�s)j _:; . . .
<br /> � ,
<br /> - Adjustable Rate Riider 0 Condominium Ridcr 1-4 7r'�sunlfy Ric{er
<br /> _= (3rodu�ted Paymn�t Rider Planned iJnit Developmont Ride� �Biwe�ic'ly Pxyment Rider
<br /> , Halloon Rider �Rate Unprovetnent Rider ,• L�Seco�Hame RidG�.
<br /> �-. V,A.Rider � .n l7ther(sl)[specify] ' ' � , ..
<br /> 'c NOTIGE OF DBFlIULT • ,
<br /> �
<br /> . . .
<br /> �. •',.;;BY SIC1NIlVG BELC1'�AR,'�jsorrower accmts and egrces to the terms arxi cavenants contAina!in this Sa.�urity�ifiutrumant aad
<br /> irr.�u�y rider(s)eaecutod b�^Borrower and recorded witt�it.
<br /> Witnesses: . � .
<br /> � 1
<br /> i., .' _ �$C'dl��
<br /> . � , �1 SICH� LII •Bo�YOwer
<br /> ' � � � (Scail .
<br /> � . , . I� •&►►ruwer
<br /> s . �._
<br /> � (5ci1) (Sea1)
<br /> - � -iwrtuwrr =nono�vcr
<br /> STA'['�0F NEBRASKA, x�u,� co�,��y�: -
<br /> 'I7�c fongoing instrumcnt wns acknowledgcd bcforc me this 31 day of AI7GUST � 1996 .
<br /> Witness my hand a�xi notarial seal at GRAt�YD ISLNHD, NEaRASKA In said County,the da+te aforesaid.
<br /> .�� � a�-�'�.-���.�.
<br /> �6fNERAlNOtAAYSt�IeNlleOr�slu �- (,�� `►o�G�y E'u
<br /> JUDITHLRAUERT l ..�-^1
<br /> Mli Co�.F,�g.feA.6,1!!i
<br /> v�.a m a Form SO?.R 8�180
<br /> . _ _
<br />