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<br /> 'I'Ite �unds shall tr� hcld fn an inslitutian whosc depasits nrc insurcd by n fedcral c�fsency�, i,'n ts n�i n�G�nitftll�'.�y,�'r�i��iity
<br /> iincludin�l.cndcr,if'[.cndcrls such.m in}tltution)or in any Faieral Horoic[.onn El;�nk, l.cixtc;r shaU unply ttic�unds t��iay the
<br /> Fs�r���v Itc�ns. Lcndc�•may nax clia�rgc Borruwcr for holdiii5 nnd iipplying ll�c➢�unds,anm�ally tuialyzinp;the c�cm�v nca�imt,nr
<br /> - vc,1('ying tfcc t?scruw Itcnr,,urolcsr 4cndc�•pays Uuf�owcr intcrest ou the 1'urvls u�id npplicablc low�xrmits Lcndcr to rnakc st�cl►
<br /> a char�e. Wawever, Lcuder mi�,y reyuirs I3orrc��•cr to pay a mx�-tiine cBacge for nn indepc�xlent re:d estntc Inx re�xitting s.rvice
<br /> used hy l.cixler hi c•om�ctlon w1�h thi� liian, unless applkablo Inw p�Yrvides otBerwisc. Unless �n ugrcemei�t is madc or
<br /> applicnblc i�w requi►•�rti Interest to Ixx��ict,C.c�adcr shnll not t�rrquittvl to�uy ik►rrnwer any interrst or earninF;4 ur��he Fi�ixls.
<br /> 13�rrowct•u�xl I.cixlcr muy ugrc.e in writing, linwevcr, timt irdcrest sl�all be pairJ un QiC Funcls. Lendcr slu�ll give so��rmwer,
<br /> wittx�ut churge, an unnuQ! nccuunting of d►z Funcls, showing eredits and debits to the �utxls unti the putpc�se for w1tlCh e:�ch
<br /> dehit to the!'unds wns ma�fe,The C��uJti ure�lecOged us tuidition;�l scemriy fiir all sum�secured by this Sec�irity[ncmvnAnt,
<br /> If the "runds hetd by �.cncier excecd the aitxwnts permittecl to bc luld by uppiicAble law, Leixier shal!accounl to Borrower
<br /> f�r thc exccsc FunJs in accorclancc with tFe requircmcnts of i►pplicable law. If thc anx�unt af thc Funds held t�y 4cnder nt any
<br /> dnx is ix�t sufficlent to pay thc Eseniw�tems when due,l.ender may so notify iiurrower in writing,nnd,in such case Borrower
<br /> shatl pay tn I.crxler tiu unwunt ixx:�r;sary to muke up the deflciency. Banower shall ms�{;c up �he deliciancy in no mu;e tl�an
<br /> twclve mo�Ythly p;ayo�rnts, at I.c:��dcr's salc Qiscretion.
<br /> Upon papntent itt full of all smns sccurcxi by this Security Instrument,,Lender shali prumpQy refund ta Burrower uny
<br /> Funcis held by l.endcr. If, u�xler par.�graph 21, l,ender shaJl uc�uire or�el!the Prnpeny, Lender,prlor to the acquisition or sale
<br /> uf'the Prapeny, shall apply ony Fands held by I.end�r At the time of ucqucsition or s�de as a c���dit aguinst the sums securcd by
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> 3.hpptk�Uun�l Pwy�nents.Unlcss Applicablc law provides otherwise,all p�yments reccived by Lender undcr parn�raphs
<br /> 1 und : shall be applied;G�si, to u.ny prepayn�ent charg�:due uixicr ttk Noce; second, to:imnunts payable uudcr paragraph 2;
<br /> third,to interc.,t due; founh,to pnncipal due;and last.ta uny lat�charges due undcr the Note.
<br /> 4.Clwrges; Llsn�.Borcawer shal!pay �11 taxos.ass�snxnts,¢harges, fines and impositions attributabla to dio Property
<br /> which mAy attein priority over this Security Instn�n�ent, and leasehold�,�yments or gr�und rents, if any. �orrower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner provicied in parograpli 2,or if not paid in rhar mnm�cr,Fic�nawer sha!!pay them Un tims directly -
<br /> to the persun owedpayaxnc.Borrower shaU promptly furnish to I.ender nll notices of amounts to bc paid under t1�is paragraph.
<br /> If Borrower malces thrs�payments airoctly,Borrower shull promplly fumish to I.cnder receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Bonower shall pmmptlydsu(iarge any Eien which hus priority over this Security Instn►ment unless&�nower. (a)ag�ePS in
<br /> writing ta tha payment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a manner uoceptable to Lencler;(b)cantests in gooJ faith the lien
<br /> by, or defcrxls against enfor�ment af tht licn in, legal procecdings which in thc I.cndcr's opinion operate to prevent thc
<br /> enforcemcnt of the licn;or {c)secures f�om the holdcr of the licn an abreement satisfactory to i.endcr subordinsting thc lien to
<br /> this Security Insmument.If l.eixler detem�inc�th�r;��y p�rt of the Progc�y is subject to a Iien t:�hi:�:may a.taip p,-;uriiy i,ve�
<br /> this Security Instrument,i.ei�dcr may give 1Borrower A notice identifyiog the licn.Bonower shall satisfy the lien or tsdcc one or
<br /> more ef thc actions set forth al���c w9thin IQ days of the giving of notice.
<br /> S. Haau�rd or property �nsura�xe, gorrower shall keep the improvements naw existing or hercafter cr►xtcd on tlx
<br /> Property insu�cdi against lass by fire, hazards includod within the term "extenefed coverage"and any other hazards, includi�g
<br /> floods or flooding,for which Lender rcyuircs insurance.This insuranc�shall be maintainecl in the sunounts und for the periais
<br /> that Len�er requires.The insurance c.urier providine the insuranm chnll I,r��.+�nn�� �,�Q:y���u�s�t��,r�Y�o���at ,
<br /> which sliall �wt bo unreasonablyi withhetd. If Borr�wer fails to maintuin cov�rage described nbove, L.en�ier may. at L.ender's
<br /> option.obtain ca►.��ernge to pratect Lender's dghts in the Property in acenrdance with paragruph 7.
<br /> All insuran��e policies and renewals shall be ucccptAble to Lende.r and shall include a stan�nrd mortgage clause. I.endtr
<br /> shall have the r�glat to hold tht palicies e�xl rer�twals.If I.ender requir�s,Bonower sh�ll promptl}�g�vc tn l..ender uU rocefpts uf
<br /> paid pnemiums and renewal notices.In thc ev�nt of loss.Pottower shall give prompt notice to the iruurance carrier and Len�ier.
<br /> Lencler may make pr►x�f of loss if not n�ade promptly by 8�orrower.
<br /> Unless Lencler and BorroKer otherwisc agree in writing,insurnnce prooeeds shap{�e applfecl to rc.atomtion or repair of the
<br /> Property danwgod�if the restoraeion or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not less�nod.If the restorat9on or
<br /> �pair is not eoanomicrtzlly feasible or Lender's security would be lessenal, the insurnnce proce�xis•s`�ill be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instmrr�ent. whether ur nut dten due, with any excess paid to Borrower..fY�Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property,or does not nnswcr within 30 days a notice from Lender thut the insurance carrier has otferod to settle a claiim,then
<br /> Lender may collect the Ins�tance proceeds, i,ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> sa.�urod by th9s•Securiry Instnment,whether ar not then due.Thc 30-day period will begin when tht notice is given.
<br /> Unless t.�:nder and Bonower othctwise agree in writing, any n�vplication of procecds to pi�3t�clpal sliall not e�.tend or �
<br /> _ postpone th�'�lue•date �f the monthly payments nfened to in para�ca�hs 1 acul 2 or change thc ;+mount�f the payments. If
<br /> ` uncier pamgr�1�.21 tt�e Propeny is acquirai by Lender, Bo[rower's�Ight�to nny Insurnnce policies and procecds resulting from
<br /> damage tu the Properry prios•to ti�e acyuisition shall pass ta i.ender to the extent of the sums securai by this Socurity Instrument
<br /> imin��t{intcly prior to the acqtei�ition.
<br /> 'i�.�O��cvpancy,Preservatbn,MaintenAUCe and Pro?a�1�oa of the Proprrty;Borrower's Lr�An Application;Laaselw�ds,
<br /> Bormwer shntl occupy, establish,nnd use tt�c�roperty as��Borrawcr's principal residence within si�c�y days after the execution uf
<br /> this Security[nstrumcnt nnd shall continuc to occupy the Property as.Bt�rrower's principal residr,nc�e for ut least one yenr aftor
<br /> • ttte date of oc;cupancy, unless Lender othenaise agrces in writing, whlch consent sl�all•not be unyrasonably withheld,or unies�
<br /> � extenuating circumstances exist ��hich are beyond Borrower's controQ. Bn-r�+nwer shall nut destroy, damage or impair tho
<br /> Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on thc Property. Borrower shall bc in default if eny furfe3tur�e
<br /> - action ur prc►ceeding,whether civil nr criminal, is begun that in Lentie�'s good faith judgment coiild result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwise materiully impair the lien created by diis Security��tntrument or Lender's sc,cuxity intenst.Borrower mn,y -
<br /> cure such a default and reinsta�e, as providcci in paragmph 18,by causing the action or procec�lirrg ta�bc dismissod'with A ruling
<br /> . that, in Lcnder's good faith detemunation. prccludGS forfeiture of thc Borrower's interest in thc Propen,y or ottrcr ►naterial �
<br /> itnp;timient of the lien crcatc�d by this Security Instrum�nt or Lei�der's security inte�st. Bo�rower shall alSo be in default if
<br /> �io�wcr,during thc loan applicatian process,ga��c materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Leader(or failc,�i
<br /> ' ta provide Lender with any materia�information)in conncction with the loan evidencod by the N'ote,including,but not litnited
<br /> + to, representations wncerning Borrowcr's occupnncy of the Peoperty�s 1 principal residcnce. if�t�is Security Instrumcnt is on�
<br /> Icasehold, i3o�rowcr sliall comply� �vith all the provisions of the leasc. If Bon•ower acquires Fee title to the Property, the
<br /> ' leaschold and th�fec titlo sl�all not merge uj�less Lei�der agrces to d�e merger in writing.
<br /> • 7. Pratectlon of Letxler's PJghts fn the Frope�ty, If�orrower falls to perform the covenants ancl agrcements contained in
<br /> this Security Instrument. or t�ere is u Icgal procceding that may signifirantly at�'oct Lcnder's rights in thc Property(such as a
<br /> , proccoding in bankcuptcy,prob�te,for mn[lemnation or forfeiture or to enforee laws or regulations), tl�en I.ender muy do and
<br /> , pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. [,ender's actiq�ns may
<br /> incl�ud;hp�a�tng„nv:ms�u�od by a,li�n D hich has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, payinb
<br /> . __�_ .____��.�,...o,,.....°,..,,�,,..� ..,...,nna,��Na,,. niii�oagi►icnaer may caice:tc[ion un4er lh�s paragrnph
<br /> 7. Lcndcr dces not havc to do s�.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed bp Lender undcr thi� paragraph 7 shall become udditionztl debt uf Bormwcr secured by this
<br /> Security Instrunxnt.Unlcss 8onx�wer and Lsndcr agree to otl�rr terms of payment, thesc umounts shall be;ir intcrest from the
<br /> date uf disburscmcnt at the Note rntc and shall bc payablc, with interest, ttpon notice from I..endcr to &�rrowcr rcqucsting
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> �. Diort�age InsurAnce.If Lcnder rcquircd mortgagc insunncc as c►condition of making thc loan sccurcd by tiiis Sccurity
<br /> Instrument, Born�wcr shull pay thc �rremiums rcyuircc! to u�lint.iin thc mortgagc insurancc in effect. If. far.iny reason, thc �
<br /> mongagc intiurance�bvcnge nquimd by[.ender lnpscs ur ccasc�to be in effcct, Borrowcr shall p�y thc premiunu rcyuired to
<br /> obt;iin cover�ge substnntialty equivnlent to the mortguge insur,�nce previously in effect,at a cost substantially cyuivalent to tltc
<br /> cust tn �iotruwcr of Ihc mortgagc insurancc pn;vfuusly in cffcct, from an altematc murtgagc insurer,zpprovcd by Lcndcr. If
<br /> �'•a 2°�• � ' Form 3028 8/8Q
<br />