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<br /> CO4�NANTB �.. �,��
<br /> f. Payma�t�. BorrawYr eprpFs,tp meke el1 p9ymen�o,o tha uecurad debt wlsen duo. Unloss 8oe►o�var end Londer aproa othorwl,to, any
<br /> paymonto l.cnd:r raczlvaa f�oo�1 P�+r/�n{cr,p� 4�r k?mruv�e's he�iatit v�91 be cpplleA flrct to ony�mounta Borrowev owoe on the eecured dsbt
<br /> exctuslve o}Interest a p:lndp�l,A}coqq LqJntanrY!nd t n to(xlnclpAl.If p�nlal prop�yment of the securod da4t occure for eny ra¢aon,It will -
<br /> not reducs ar excuie tny�oJ�edulen paylrll�4 umll tP�!�c red deh4 I�peld In tull. _
<br /> �,q�im�A�;Tltp,�wV wi►wb!p'sy ip t�x��,suNCim�nte,�nd oth�r charp���ttrlbut�ble to tha�roperty wh�n due�nd tinrill doTtnd title
<br /> to the�prop�r�y�y�In�t�ny el�im�whlch would ImpNr the Ilen�4 thl�d��d oi trust.Lendur m�y requlre Borraw�r to�ulpn eny rlyht�,ct�lm�ar
<br /> d�t�nso�whlch Elorrow�r m�y h�v��p�lnst putl��who�uppfy I�bor ur materl�ls to Improv�or melntdn tha ryroperty-
<br /> 3,qNUnne�. Barruw�r wlll k��p tha prop�rry Insund und�r i�rmt aeaptibl�to Lend�r at Borrow�r'��xp�ns��nd tor Les►d�r'a twn�fit. AA
<br /> inaurance pollcle��h�ll Includ���tandird mort �pe cl�utn In favor pf Lander.Lender�vlll be nemed ee toae payee or es ths Inaursd on any�uch
<br /> t�sxanc�pollcy.Any Insunr�c�proce�d�m�y��ppH�d,wlth�n 4erxHr's dl�cration,io elii'wr tiw!foa4orZYlon or rcp�lr o1 tfti�c�cm:.a�d prap:rty
<br /> a to th���cut�d d�bt.lf L�nd�r nquku matp�p�Iniunnc�,Borrowu�p►eei to malnt��n ruch insurance for as IanQ a�Lender raqulr��.
<br /> 4.Ptoputy.Barowar wll!ke�p tM property In pood ccndltlon snd maka all reprtrs rea:on�b�y nbc�oury.
<br /> 6.Exp«wM.Borrowx�prN�to pay NI l�nd�r's sxp�n�ss Inctuding re�sorubls attorn�ys'fsee, if Borrowar Fx�ak�any coven�nte In thl�d�ed
<br /> ef trust a In�ny oblipaUon�ecured Oy thl�slo�d of truat.�arrowsr wlll pay thsse emounts to Lender ee provldsd In Covan�nt 9 uf thls deed o}
<br /> trust.
<br /> 6,pr}�r g��r MRSr�sb.Unleee Bc�rrower flr�t obHtns I.end�r'o written consent,Borrower wtll not maks or permit sny chanpea to any pclor
<br /> aecurity Intxasi�. BorrowN will p�rform �II of Dorrowrr's obllgAtlOns under any{xtar mortp�pe,deed of trust or other securlty apre�ment,
<br /> includinp So►rower't covemnts to mak�paymenU wMn due.
<br /> 7.Ass�rx�H ot R�nts�nd Prolfn.Borrower nsipno to Lendsr the rents and profits of the propmty. Unteaa Borrowar�nd Lander have epreed
<br /> other 1ee In wrkirq,Barower may colkct�nd retaln ths renu es lonp aa Borrower Is not In dei�ult.It Borrower defaultc, Lendev, LendK'a
<br /> aA�nt, a+ �ourt �ppolnt�d�eceiver may ak�po�sessbn�nd man�ps tM prop�rty�nd collect th� �ent�.Any rants Lender coltects sh�ll M
<br /> •ppllnd first to tho casts of m�n�gin the ptoperty, Includln� court coats end attorney�' faas, comml�slo�i�to rent�l aysnte, and any other
<br /> rnc�ssary nlat�d expensea.Ti»rem��nlnp�mount of rents wlll then�pply to paym�nts on the sor.ursd debt n provlded In Covenant 1.
<br /> 8.LNa�hotds•Condon�Ink�m�:P��rNd Uoft D�vNoprt�►t�.Borrowsr�pres�to comply with the provlsions of�ny lesss it thla deed of trust ls on
<br /> A leaseholJ.t�tl�ia deed ot t�ust{�on a unk In a candamin:um or a ptanr.�d unit d velopment, Borrower will Dertorm oll of Barawer'a dutka
<br /> under tM cowmnta,by-I�ws,or reyut�tlons oi th�condomlMum or pl�nnad untt d�valoprtwnt.
<br /> �.Au�tprtt�of L�tIK to IMrlorm for RaeowK. N Bonovwr f�ib to pKfam�r�y of BortowK'E dutiN urxl�r thls dsad ot Vust. Und�r may
<br /> porinrm th�dutl�s a c�u�e tMm ta b�p�rform�d.Lender m�y dOn Borco�wr's mm�a psy�ny�mount it r»at��►y for pKtwm�nc�.If any
<br /> coratruction on tMprop�rty I�di�contk�usd a not wrri�d on in a reswnabte m�rmo►,Lender may do whatevsr ts necesrary to prot�at LendK'�
<br /> sscuritY kit�nat I�tM propKty.Thls m�y inchd�eompt�tkq tM contductbn.
<br /> Lendsr'e faifuro to peform wfll not preclud�I.�nder from�xxcisinp any of itt other r:�hta unda the I�w a tlil�deed of tnrRt.
<br /> Any amouMO paid by L�nd�r to protact Lendn'�s�curity Intor�it wfll b� s�cured by thf�daad oT truat.Such rmountr will be due on d�mtmA
<br /> �nd wip b�K tna►�st from th�dats of th�rysy�twnt untN psW fn full�t the iniw�st tat�kt sffsct o�a ths s�curM d�bt.
<br /> 1p, pN�Wt�nd Aee�atfon. If Borrow�r f�tlo to mak� �ny payment wt�n dua w 1x��b an�cov�nsnte und�r thle dwd of trust or aiy
<br /> abepatfon secund by thl�dNd o!trutt a any ptlor mortpp�ot de�d of Vutt, Land�r maY oscolK�t�ttn m�turity of tt�seciueci dsbt�nd
<br /> damu►d Imm�dlate piyment end may invok�tM pow�r a!sak�nd any otMr nmediss p�rmitt�d by�pp9a�bM law.
<br /> � 11.Raaue�t tar No1k�of Wf�utt.It li Mreby requast�d that cople�ot the notices of d�fauK and��M be eer►t i�s�ch person v�fio is a psrty
<br /> Mr6�o.�t tt1��d�nss of�acii�uci�p�r�on.a�sra iviii�iwrii�i.
<br /> 12.Poww of S�N.If tM Lender Invokea tM powar of sale,thu Trustee sh�ll flrst record in ths oNlc�ot tM�s9l�ter ot d�edR oi�ach county
<br /> wtwr�In th�trutt prop�rty a wme pnrt or parcel thersof b�Itu�ted a nOtia of defauh contalntn�th�Intam�tbn requlrad by liw.TM Trustsr ^
<br /> shaH dw msfl copla�of th�notice�of d�fault to tt►�BorrowK, to ach p�raon who Is� pxty i'wr�to,��d to othar p�rsons s� pr�tcrib�d by
<br /> �ppNcaHb law.Not less th�n or�rtnanth �ft�r ths Trustee rocuds the notics o}def�ult, or twa months It tM trust pro{»rry 1� not M sny
<br /> k�cornor:trd clty or vi1N�p�and is t�id in iarminp oper�t1�n�carrkd on by th�huetor,th�Tru�tw�h�ll plw pubBc natke o}ssla to tM p�raom.,
<br /> and f�tM ms�x►e�pretcrf�d by��pppllcabN I�w.Trutt�s.without d�m�nd on B�r,¢wa•,shsH s�ll ttw prop�ty at puWia auotbn to tM h�PwCt�
<br /> biddK.I(nqulnd dy ths F�►m Homsttsad PtaUctian Act,Trustw shal{offa tfio gsrop�rty in two cspuate pien na roquksd by�ppUCebM Spw.
<br /> � 7rustM may post(jnns saN of aN w apy p�rcd of the propKty by pubNC'Announaomartt�t the tirrw�nd ptacs af iny pnviauty sc�dul�d¢eYo.
<br /> � I.�:dK a k�d��ipr�may purchaso 4M PrOP��N�t uny ulw •
<br /> ' Upon aat t ot ph�a�YNm�nt of tfis p►ico 6id,Trust�s sMH de8ver to tlw purot�ter�'rwRe�'s da�d conwyirq tM propKty.TM reY,:itiaTa cmt�insd{n
<br /> } {���s ( )a�II i txp�►s,a�o!tl�i�salr, inctludinp�butaiwt lim te�d 4o�ieaeonable Truftw'��tsiiariiwan�aNe a�ttorns���fea�a Q, ,
<br /> nkKtai«n�nt iMS;(d1 to�II sum�secur�d by tMs do�d oi hust,�nd(c)ths balaneo,if�ny,to tT»persons Np�Ily�rttitled to rec�Iv�k.
<br /> 1�,Fando�un.At Under's optbn,thls da�d of tru�t msy b�foraclo:sd in thn rnnsu�er provlde by appNcabN law fa ta�clowra of monpa��s r�
<br /> ' on��slP�oWnY•
<br /> �
<br /> � 14.Irwp�clbn.L�ndK may sMer tM property m(nrpect It If Lender plvse Bwrowa�notieo befanhsnd.TIN notiw must at�to tlx resawbh
<br /> ! c�lur Lrnd�r's In�p�ctbn.
<br /> r
<br /> 16.Ca�d�n�llon.Barower na ns to L�nd�r th�txocMdt of�ny�ward a cleim gar d�m�p1c com�ct�d with a cond�mnation or ott�t�king
<br /> of all a�ny prt af xhe prop�rty.�uch proe��d�wiil M apptiad as provided In C�vnnant 1.ThIa�f�{Q1MMflt(a bUD�CL t0 LIN tMllt Of�'�Y+9T7qI '
<br /> -, i�qlfjlY�NfMflt� • � .
<br /> • 10.Wiwr.By�x�rcitinp�nY►sm�dY�wRabh to Lsndsr.Lsnder doas not ptvevp�sny riphta to Itt�r us�any otMr remedy.9y not exerCiairsQ
<br /> �r ramedy upun Barowu's d�faWt.L�nd�r do�s not wa(v�any ripht to IstK cont�ths�vent�dsfautt if It hspp�ns apdn. .
<br /> 17.Joint and Swsrr ; Co-M��e SueeNton �f Awians�aNn3. dt�U�duth� undn thb M�d ot vwt sre{o7nt �nd wver�l. Any
<br /> � BartovuK wfw eo-ttpns thN dNd of truat but dws not co•sipn tM undKhrlr�p•d�bt ir►�trum�ntls) doe� w onty to pnnt �nd com�y Yhort
<br /> Bprrovwr'�Intuest+n t1w propsrty to the Trurt��undsr tM tam�of thir de�d aY�uust.In addkion,tuch�Bonuw�r ptlet that tht Lsndet enU..
<br /> a�ny otMr Borrow�r vnd�r thl�d�ad of vuot may�xtmd,rtaNW a m�k�my a'th�r chanpe�ks tM 4�rms ot thU d�ed of trutt or th���cur�@�
<br /> d�bt vrithout tha!Baroww's conaant�nd wltlwut nk�tfnp th�t Borrowar irom tAi torms of thl�dNd of trutt.
<br /> � TM duti���nd b�nofitt of thf�dead of t►us4 ahyll bind�nd berwfit tM wcceston�nd n�ipru of Lender and Borrow�r.
<br /> 1t,Notlee.Unl�ss otMrvila requksd Dy law,�ny noUcs to Borrowu thall be plven by deliverinp it or by m�ilirop ft by certifled meit�ddresasd to
<br /> Borrowa et tM pro �ddnss a enY�otNmt�ddre�s that Borrower hss pi+ren 3a Lend�r.Borrowv wlll plw�ny notic�to L�nder by c�rtifisd
<br /> � m�il to L�'� �es on psp�1 ot tht�dNd of tru�t,or ta�ny otMr�tldress whlch L�ndsr ha�detlpnatsd.Any othx noZlce to lenda��r'nnll
<br /> 6�Mnt to L�r�►'s addn�s�s otat�d on pipr 1 of thl�d�ed oT uuat.
<br /> ; Any c,otics sh�N b�dhm�d to hsve bsen qlven to Borrower or Londer when 81ven In ths marxNr st�tW�b�ove.
<br /> � 19.Tnnshr o}tM�opwty a�Nndictai I�Nt tn th�EarrowK.If all or�ny paR of th�proppty a eny int�rest In It ia:old or uan�torred
<br /> � without Und�r's �rio► writt�n consant, L�nder m�y dommd Im�mdf�ts p�ynwnt oi tA� s�cix�d d�bt. L�nd�r may dao d�mand Inxrndi�ta
<br /> '+ pdim�ind piym nB In�the�above tituation�i N k�aoh(b ti d by f sdiaal liw es ot thD�at�i oT tt�t d�ed of«s�f�nod. Howavar.L�nMr may not
<br /> ' 20.q�ca►wy�nc�.Wh�n thr oWiyallon secured by thft de�d of vust has ba�n�p�id a�d Lender has no fimMr obll9�tion to cnak�advenca�
<br /> undK th�Insuum�nU orap�NnNntY secursd by th(�de�d of bust,the Truetea shalf,upon written request by tM L�n�r, raoanvey tM wst
<br /> pr .Th�Lsr�r�hali d�hYe�to ths Bonower,or to Borrower'c succeicor in Intereat,tlt�truit dead�nd th�mte or athar�vldance of the
<br /> oGl atbn oo sidsfl�d.8orrorver ahn11 pey�ny recordatlon coats.
<br /> 27. Suee��a Truna�. Lendsr, at lender's aptlon, may �emove Tru�tee and �ppofnt s succeiaor trustse by first, mai{in� a copy o! 71N
<br /> substitutbn of trust�e it rsqufred by�ppliceble law,snd then,by filina tfNa cubsiituilon of tructss fa�ecord fn ths offlce of the rep!=ter of E�adt
<br /> af�ach county in wMch the vust p►operty,or soms part thereof,Is eftustecl.l'li�succesnw trustea, wi4hout conveyance of th�propsrty,sluN
<br /> suceeed to�II the power,dutks,authority end tltte oi the Trustee named in ths d�ed oi truat and of any euccessw trustee. '
<br /> IPag�?ol?1
<br /> OANKERS 6V6TEM9.INC..8T.CLOUD,MN 66901 It-E00.99)•29�t1 iORM OCp�MTO-NE e/18191
<br />