� .. d��
<br /> -_ t ��: =}' � ` - --�-----�•-- -- - •_ — —
<br /> j _`� �n_-.�.���� ` , ', .. � . ,.. , �, ` ' '_ , . _ -. —_
<br /> _, c t. . �F;_ < , - ` ' . . ., � ` ��.^��� .
<br /> . • ���M�C�1�RE tE�C710a i0 l0��?r Cf�1�G�C�IiO�Of SIiC�I p1�110E0�S•;/�A31 CXCCSS QfOClC�a OYC!il1
<br /> �.o�r�t re�e�d q p��aQ o��nde6todnes�ueda we rto�e tm mis securiry t�ent shau 6e prid w tlre eotity .
<br /> 1e�1�altdkd dieteto: = � � ` ,
<br /> - � - i►.F�e�..I.eoder mny ooltect fas aod c�r�es authaizad,by We Sac�tsry- . '.
<br /> � �t Grw�i�NrAe�derae�a�D�ebt. : . . ,
<br /> � . (s1 Oell�If. I,mder maY,exoept+�s limitod DS►�eguTs�oes issu�bY��Y�the case of paymrnt defw�[ta.
<br /> , mqnne imm�edi�te ia full d a11 sams seeised by this Savncy 1�wme�t i� . .
<br /> � • (i}Bam��rer�efa�ul�by�'ailin$W pry iu fi�l aay ttjaetNY MY��4�bS'���Y�P� '
<br /> - - ioerc�mednad�aftbene�mmt�Sypa]meat.a�-- >-
<br /> � ` (u7 Barm�va def�uits by fa�ing,far a period of Wirty days.to perform ar►y otha obligatians caamioed m this .
<br /> �yimuoma�t. '
<br /> (r)Sat�Witro�t Cr�iit Appro�al. l.ender sI�D.if pe�minod by applicabk law aad vritb t6e priar appravai of dre
<br /> �p�y.��PiY�in faU of sU tUe aums secu�ed by this SCC�ritY h�ommrnt i�
<br /> (�1111 a p�t of Ihep�pe�ty.as s 6�aKfici�l in�at in a trust owning aU ac put of the Ptoperty.is soW a
<br /> . � adia�rise transfa�od(od�- t6an 6Y devise a descent)bY the Bonower.and
<br /> (n7'Ibe Ptaperly is nat occupiad by tLe put�er or grantce as 6is or 6ec prinapil iesidea�x,or tbe pu�haser
<br /> cr gEaotee does so accupy the Ptoperty 6�t 6is'a her c�edit bas aot bxn appmved m sccardance
<br /> ` . with tbe�ure�of tUe Sazs�ry.
<br /> (cl No.WaiveG If cirp�accur that wauW patnit Lender to cequire immediate payment in full*bnt l.ender
<br /> daar��wchptyme�s,i,e+d�r does�wt anuve ifs aghts vrnth nspoct w sabseq�eat eveats.
<br /> (d) oE HUD Seaetary. In many cinvnut�eces ceguiati�s issved by the Secte�y will limit l.ender�s
<br /> Ag6ts in�the c�ue of psyment defauhs, to iequine immediate payma�t in fuli arW farclase if not paid. This
<br /> Secunty Ia�nar�rjt docs mt a�nlmize aocekra6oa or foreclosua�e if nat permittod by cegalations of the Sa.�et�y. . .
<br /> : (e11�pR�� ���tbat should fhis Securiry Insanunc�[aad thc aote sxa�od d�et�eby t�at
<br /> be cTip'bk fa i�we wxkr the Na�iaal Hwsmg Act within 8 � �s fram tbe
<br /> d�te beneof.l,ender may,at tts�and notwithst�din8 anyd�i�8 m Pan�Y.�aM��WY��� .
<br /> fuA of all snms sec�uod by this Savrity Luaumen� A wriuen statemeat o�poy authoriaed agent of the Sec�etary
<br /> _ datod subseqaeot to @ �ont hs from tLe date hereof.declining co inwce this Secqrity
<br />-= Insnvment and tbe note secuire!tliereby.shall be doemed coacl�isive prnof of such inelig�bility. NatwiULUa�tding
<br /> thc foiegoing,tbis option may rot 6e exi�rcised bg Leada aben cbe unav�ila6itity uf ins�ttnace is solety dae to _
<br /> -- L.ender s fa�un to�emit a martgage insurance pnmium to the SaYetary.
<br /> _— iR ltei�te�ea� BoaowEr l�as�nght to 6F ieinstated if Lender has requind jmmedia[e paymont ia foU bxause
<br /> of Bonower's fa7rue to pay an amount due under thc•Note or this Security Inshument This nght applies even afur
<br />- fa[oclosure procadings an msbtuted. 'Ib ninstau the Secarity Ins�ument, Borrower shall tender in a lump sam all
<br /> =�,r-- amounis oeqciited to biiag Bomawer�s account current includang,to the extent they are abligations of Bamawer�mder diis �
<br /> _=' Serauity Insuumea�foteclosune costs and reasonable and castomary atrara�eys'fees au�expenses y assacia�ed with
<br /> ed
<br />_.:;;�, the farccios�ue proaedin& Upon:eiastate�by BorroWer.this Secucitg�tn.4tminent and the - . that it secures
<br /> �.�- sh�ll rRnain in effect as if Lender 6ad not c�ed tmmed�ate payment ia f�c:1. How�ecer.Lender is nat nquinA to�ertnit ,
<br /> _ Kiastatement if: (7 Lander has accepoed seinstaument after the c�onunencement oE Eoceclosure procadings.witWn two �
<br /> ::-,'� . . yeus imrnediately preceding the comiriencement of a cument foreciasu:e pnaoeeda�g..tiil�nstaument wdi preclade
<br />;!�`y- foroclosun ort diffeient grow�ds m the future.or(iii)ninstatement wiU adversely affe�tfie priority of tbe Gen ctraud by
<br /> tj�is Security Instrument.
<br />��,-�"i'r. ll. Borra�r� Not RdeASed; For6earana by'Leader Not a Waiver. Extension of the ame of payment or .
<br /> ::;'�:�� modificarion of amonizaUon of the sums secured by tbis Securiry lnstrument granted by L,ender to any successor in interest
<br />_ � of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the ariginal Bonower or Borrmw�er's snccessor in intsres� Lender ,
<br />-- _ shall not 6e rcquired to commence mgs aga�nst any successor in interest or re�e to eatend time for naye�eat or
<br />-_=-•. otlxrwise modify amortizadon of t sums secused iry tt►is Security Insuument by rricvn of any demand made bp ttie
<br /> .:"�'�}:i: adg1na18omuwer or Borrower's successors in interes� Any for6earance by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy shall
<br /> -�_':° not be a w�iver oi ar prtclude tf�e eaercise ofwry right or remedy.
<br /> -wr•�` 12. Suecr�ors�nd Assi�ns Baund;joiut and&vent LiabOity;Co-Sl�ers. The cavenants and agreements of �
<br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the provisions
<br />--_ of Paragraph 9.b. Hortower's covenan�s and agreements shaA be joint and severcl. �ny Borrower who ca4igns this
<br />__ Sxuriry Instrument but dues not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this 5ecurity�ss�^nent onty to motigage,grant and
<br /> - .', convey that Barrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Securty fsstr-wcr:�t:(b)is na personally obtigated to
<br /> �-�'.;;..;;; pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument:And(c)agees that Le;a.�.c�:^.3 a�y other Botrower may aga to extend.
<br /> ::-•�;,;� modify.fotbear ot make any accommodatioras with regard ta thc terms c:"��is Secarsty Instrument or the Note without that
<br /> = Borrowerk consent. � .
<br /> --- 13. Notlas. Any�otice to Barrower provided far ia�ehis 5ecurity fnsuumer�s5ap be given by delivering it or by ,
<br />-_. mailing it by flr�t ciass mail untess applicable taw seau��se of another metl�vcl. .`Che notice shaU 6e directe�r�s the •
<br /> Ptoperty Address ar any other address Horra�cer designa,es by noticc to Lender. A�,y^otice to l,e�der shal)be gi��by
<br />- first class mail to I.ender's address stnted hec:ir�at any address Lendea designates i�y notice to Sorrower. My not�ce
<br /> '•�;;:�., prov ided tor in this Security Insmiment sha116e deemed to have been gicen to Borroa•er or Lcnder�1 t'.en given aq provided
<br /> � ��'�',�:! in this paragrapD.
<br /> . -- -- - -_-= 24. t:ove�ing Law;5everability. 'f'his 5ccurity tnsttumcat shall be gavcr�nec���Futc,�rat iaw aad the 1aw of t6e
<br />_ � jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. ln the event that Any provision or c1;,a<e af this Secudry lnstrument or the
<br /> � � Note conflicts with applicable law,such canflict shail not uifect ather provisions af tisis 5ecudty tnstrument ar thec.bote
<br /> �,'.'��'� which can be given effut withnut the conflicting prnvlsion. '[b ihi�en�the provivions nf this Security Instrument und thc
<br /> :;",`:�;'�. Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> ; �:�; :. 15. Bnrrower's Cupy. Borr�wer ShalE be given une canfarmed ccg-y of this 5ecurity lnstrumen�
<br />.= �': 16. Assignment ot Rents. Boaowcr u;�cand�hortallg��.c�ignx and ttansfcrs tv Lcnder all the rentv and revenues af the
<br /> Propctry, Boaowcr authnrizes Lcnder ar L��d:r c agenc;c���ollect the rents and rever.;:es and hcreby direrts each tenant of
<br /> .. the Praperiy to p�y the rents to l.endcr or Lender's ager,ts. Howevcr,prinr ta LcnC�r's na�icc tv Borrowcr of F3oaawcry
<br /> • brcarh nf any rovenant Ur agreemcm in the Security Instrurncnt.BnRO�ver tihall cnitect and reccive all rcnts and revcnues of
<br /> ' the Property as trutitee far the benefit of l.cnder and Horcowcr. 'i'hic assignment nf rcnts r�nstitutes:u�absalutc a.csignmenl
<br /> and nw ran assignmcnt far additivna!sccurity only.
<br /> _ If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower: l.�)all mntc received by g�nnwer sha11 be hrid by gortuwer a.�Itustec
<br /> __ _. '_ .for benefil uf Lender unly,t�►be applieJ w�he sums aecured Ny Ihe 5ecutity Instrument:(b)L.ender shall be entitled tn
<br /> '��'; colle�t and receive a!1 of thc rents af the i'ro rt and(r)cach trn;►nt uf ihc Wu crt tihall i all nnts duc and un ,�cd t�
<br /> ..�._:,� D� y: P Y• V�Y' 0'�
<br /> - - -' - - Lcndet or Lendet`s agent�in Leader ti wriu�=n demand tc►the tcnant. -
<br /> � `" 8orcowcr hac nnl exccutcd uny prior:�tisiFnmrnt of thc rrnts:u�d has nut:irtd will not perform�ny act that would
<br /> , _.��
<br /> �• � preveni Lcndcr irnm excrcisin�its r�ghts undcr�his P:�ragraph 16.
<br /> l.cnder shall twt bc rey,u�rcd tn cntcr upnn,wkc control of vr malntain�lic R'opcny tirPom or after giving no�irc��i
<br /> , • � breach to Bonower. H�wevrr.t.endet ur a judicially appaiated nrciver may dv w ut any�ime there is a brcach. Any
<br /> ' .t.-�r�� application ni'ren�v shal!no�cure or w�ive any defauh ur inv�tidatr uny uther right ur remedy uf Lender. This a�sigmnen�
<br /> • _ �i� of rents uf the'i'ruperty shall tcrmin;►te when�he�teMt srcured hy the 5ecurity Instrument is paid�n fuU.
<br /> ,
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