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<br /> � -�-- -' R Prc�ev*yo u� � B�n�ficle) Intarwct in 9orrowsr. N ail or eny part of tha Praperty ur
<br /> ' 17. T►i�i�r��� .,, 4�:. - -
<br /> any Interest In It Is aoid or tranafereed (or if a beneflclsi Interest in Borroviar Is sold or trensterted end Borrownr{n ��ct a naturl
<br /> per3on)v�lthout I.ender'e prlor wdtten consenL Lender may,at Its opllon,requlre Immedlate pnymant In full ot all sums secured by
<br /> thia Secuifty tnstrument. How�sver, thls opllon ahall not bo excrclsod bylender It o�cerclso is prohibited by Iederal law as ot the �_.
<br /> dtite ot thla 5ecuriry Instrumert. -
<br /> I} Lendsr exerc!ses thl� optlon,Lender shafl �.vo 6orrawer noticc+ol c�cceteratlon. The notico ehall provide n perlod o1 nol
<br /> lesa thwn 30 d+ya trom the dete the notice le delivered or melled w�lhin which 9orrower must pay ail sums ascured by thls
<br /> Securiry Instrument. II Borrowsr lalis to pay these oums prlor to the er�iratlon o1 this perlod, Lender mcy Invoke any remedles
<br /> pemiitted 6y this Security Inetrumant without further notice or demand on f3orrower.
<br /> 19. �orrowor'e Fitgh81tt meR��soonttl�nued at rany time priar lo�thn esdlter oi: �()�5 deys�(o h suchhotherr�pedod�as c
<br /> ontorcement ot th(s 9ecurfty
<br /> Appll:able I�w me�y�Pecity 1or reinautement) betore eale ot the PropPrty pureuant to any power ot cale contR!nad In thls Security
<br /> Inntrument; or (b)entry of e Judgment enforcing thls Security Inetrumont.Those conditions ere thet Bortower: (a)pays Lender ell
<br /> sums which then would de due under thla Security Instrument and the Nate ae 8 no acceleratlon had occurrad; (b)cures eny
<br /> dstxuft of any other covenrnt or sgreements; (o) paye all expensea Incurred In enforcing th►s Securiry Instrument, fncluding, but
<br /> not Iimited to, reas�nnb!e ettorneys'fees; and(d)takes such sction aa Lender may reasonably require ta assure that the Ilen of
<br /> lhia SECU�ity Inawme�t, Lender's dghts In the Property end Borrower's obligatlan tu pay the sums securad by this Secudry `
<br /> Inatniment sh�J) contlnue unchanged. Upon reinatatement by Borrower, thls 9ecuri g Ina[rument and the ob4Q�tloin 4heccasa
<br /> hereby shtJl i�rx►wln iu�fy ette��ive as If no accelorutlon had occw►red. liowever,thia r! ht to relnstate ehell nat apqty
<br /> ot acceloi:zUcn Under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Salo 4f Not�; Chang�, of Luan ServlcYr. The Note or a a partlal interest In the Note (together wflh.thls
<br /> Security Instrum"-at) may be sold one ur more times wflthou�t sridue unAer the No eeand thlseSeauritygl stn,ment�There ah a meY .
<br /> (known as the"Laen Servlcer')that coilects monthly p ym
<br /> bo one oe more chenges of the Loan Servlc�x unrelated to a eate oi lhe Note. II ihere {s a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> 0orzower wlll be given wticten noxice oi the chango in accordance v�►ith paragrr+pf� tA ebavo and�ppHo�le Inw, Tho notlae will __
<br /> atate the n�me�nd nddress ot the new Loan Servicer and the address to whlch paymertt:;sliautd be mada. The notice will also
<br /> contaln any other Intortnatlon requlred by cppllcable law.
<br /> 20. H�z�rdous Subst�nces. 9onower shail not cause or permft the pr�sence, use, dIIIp08AI, storage, or releas9 of
<br /> rany Huardous Subst�ncea on or In the Properry. Borrower ahall not do, nor ailow anyone elae to do�tha n osence,usetog •
<br /> Property thet la in vlolatlon of any Enviranmental Lsw. The p►eceding two sentences shall not appfy
<br /> si0r�ge on tha Preperhi o1 sn'ia�� quantRies o} Hazardous Substances that ere generelly recognized to be approprl�te ta nomial
<br /> reslclentlal uaea and to mainten�nce af lhe Prope.ry.
<br /> BoROwer shpll promptty give Ler�der written natice of eny Investigafloc�, cletm. demand, lawsuit or ather aotfon by any
<br /> govemment►�or regui�tory n9ency or prhrate perty InvoNing the Propc+ty and any Huardous Substance or Hnvironmental t-ew of
<br /> whlch Borrower h�s actual knowledge. If Botrower leams, vr Is noVfled by eny povemmental or regulatory authorfty, that eny
<br /> ,�a�: Qs ^?�!!r r��°Uo� of eny Hazardous Substance eftecting Property is necessary. Bortowfx shall promptty teke al{
<br /> necesnary re�nedlxl ections i�►�vcadance wilh Env'xonmental Law. '
<br /> ' As used In thla p�'+4rAph 20,"Hszerdous Substences" are those substsnces deflned es toxic or hMZerdous substences by
<br /> �nvironmmW I.+�W and the foGowinq substunces: gasoNne, kerosene, other N�mmabb or toxlc petraleum produds, toxlo
<br /> '. pesdddes�r►d horbicldes.�ololfln solvents, materials conUlning asbestos or tortnaldehyde, �nd radluot�vo mataiisls. Aa uaed in . .
<br /> p�egreph 20, •Envkonmente!l.aw� ma�ns tadorlif laws and Iaws ot lhe ju�Isdictlon where the Propaty Is loated thnt relate to
<br /> hsalth. a+�tety or en+�konm°^t�4 protecUon.
<br /> NON•UNIfORM C011ENANTS.Borrower and L�der further covennr�t�nd opree aa tallowa:
<br /> 21. Accsliration: R�ns�dl�s. I.�nd�r sh�ll giv� noilca ta Bonawor priar to �cc�l�r�tion .,
<br /> {ollowinp Borrow�r's bra�ch of any� cavoaarrt or �9nom�nt In thi� S�curity IaMrum�nt (but nat
<br /> prior to acc�l�retlon und�r pareyr�ph 17 unlsas applic+�bls lawv provid�a othsrwie�l• 'R�e notltsa
<br /> sh�l1 �p�cEty: (�� � dsf�ulti�(b) the ar,tlon nqu(r�d to cura th� d�afauit; (c) a dat�, not I�w th�n
<br /> -- 30 days h'om th� dwt� Q�+e�.nottae 19 gfvpn to Bwrower, by whlch th� d�hult must b� cur�d; rnd
<br /> (�1) thst f�llur+ to cun tiwi d�fa�u9#�on or bofora th� date sReciHud In th� notic� m�:�c:
<br /> •' ����e��allon of th� sums�seunul�by thl� SscurHy Instrurnvnt and s�ls ot,tho Propo►ty/.
<br /> � �y���:�u�� 1�'orm 8o►towwr of th� right ta �alnst�t� �ft�r �ccsiqratic�n �nd ths ri�ht to bring a ,-.:�
<br /> +c�urt �ction to �ssNt th� non-axlst�nco o��.a d�fauk or �ny othAr dNens� ol Barow�r to . .
<br /> •cc�f�r�ticn �nd ssl�. W th� d�hutt Is not aisr�d on or b�for� th� dat� spraHlyd in thi�•notic�, .
<br /> l.�nd�r at ib option m�y r�quir� Imm�di�'t� psym�nt in full ot all�suma sacurod by tMs S�curtty
<br /> Instrum�rrt without furth�r d�onand and m�y tnvok� ths pow�r at sala and �ny oNr�r nm�dtr�. .' �� ;
<br /> permflt�d by spplicsbl� I�w. L.�nd�r shall be entitl�d to aolt�►c�t all axpeness Incurr�d tn punuing '
<br /> th� rom�dles prov�d�d in this p�r�grsph 21, includittig, but not•punited to, r��aonabb �ttorn��►s
<br /> fNS end costy of tf41� evidencs.
<br /> ff t� poyv�r of sal� Is Invak�c�� Trustoa sh�li r�aord a notSc� oi� d�feuk In ��ch county In
<br /> which any pa� � th� Proq�rty 1s focated and slutl mafl aoptos of auch �ia�1c� �n �t abl� I�w.
<br /> - pr��rdb�,�{ py oppila�bla law to gorrower and to !he othQr persone pra�reeib��J:by �pP
<br /> At�Mr�tha time r�quirod by applicabl� law,Trust�6 8hall $IYO pU�+I111 IiQtIQ9 O} �AMA 14 thfi p�reon•
<br /> � and in tha mannsr pQm�sorlbed by appliaahle I�w. Trustee, witnouE damand on Banow�r. .shall s�ll�.
<br /> tho Propvrty rt puta�ia auat(on ta the highest blddor at the time and pleco �nd und�r th� terms
<br /> -- deaipnatad,in 4hn noiice at sr1� in ane oe moro paee�9e end In any ord�r Truffieo datermina�a. '
<br /> � Truets� m�y Pqml�on� �atn aB ell or any parcel ot tfis Proparty by puWlc �nnounc�mont at tilb
<br /> tim� and plac� of en,y Pv�vlously sch�duled sals, l�nder or ite dssigno� msy purcl��as� thp
<br /> Rrop�►tY �t any al�r.
<br /> — Upon r�cdpt af paym�nt of tho prlae bid, Truatea ehall d�livQr to tho purchaa�r Trus�ee'9
<br /> a� ..�...vsvina th�ProDertfl• �o rQCitals in the 7rustee'e d�ed sha11 bo prima tacEe evldence of
<br /> J ►t.� ��� l: �{W
<br /> = the trut� o! the stataments made theraln. Truc�tea snnii appry iiiv prvc:e.;a �� �•� Q��° •• � �-
<br /> — following ordsr: (ay to all costs and expenaes of exerclsing tho powa� ot salo� and the sale,
<br /> — Inciuding the paymant of the Truateo's tees aat�ally bncurred, nfl�ot thd pp�cipal amount of the
<br /> nota at tha timo � the declaratlon o! datauli, and reasonaDte attore�sy's 4esa as q�rmlited by law;
<br />__-� �b) to all eums socvred by thls Security Instrumant; and (cj any exeosa to thd pors�n or pereona
<br /> laga�lty �ntttiod to it.
<br /> ��:_ cz �
<br />.-_.. Page dof 5
<br />�•�A. F13t�.LMO(3196)
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