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r -r •.z";s. 2�,� ,3r� „1�:.;YFVv.', t. '�r'2 i.�i�j' r <br /> - ' .. x� t� �� �'x � s��5:�"is.C' �T i� ft �� F ..5�=.-. <br /> { � i <br /> .�''r't r� - C,�°`r.'_� i ''f .y x.+�a� '4 . .�=3 _.. ._�__ <br /> , _ <br /> . :. <br /> . .��-'� . L.�fi+r s 4� x 'f �+Y`r`:.-._ . . <br /> " J - . , . F - � R!i xy F:� � ,. . <br /> c .� ' �[ <br /> ._ . 2 : : ` .. l'tf h tt} '``�'it. <br /> .0 . �..� . .. ' � . ` ��Y � f .�k�l� " <br /> L• q�� • . <br /> �,f_.`_ ' � ' � � ` _l .�:F t.p;w< .t ' .: ) . <br /> � ,.. � , -. _ -, _ � � .' � . - ` � " � ,'�c4•.� � . ^�<`����. I,� <br /> . _ . . . _ . � . . ."t'�y3;:�S`_7.�;:= :!�— - <br /> � � ' conde�m�tion a odicr t�kin�of+iM�Y P!R o�d�e Ptape�ty.`a�for oonveyaace in�eu of ���4�4u►7r,�ic�iercby assi�ed atld "�'° <br /> � , shaUbepaidtoLende� . - ����:;':;�:;,:�.v�:::��.: ���:;.;- <br /> ,�•._..>.. t;-., - <br /> �`, . Iu tbe evsnt of a wtat.t�kinj of the�toperty. the poc[�eds sfuil be applied w�:s�i.'s:sccaiea by,t�l�s'S�C�Y <br /> � . �..,-_ . <br /> Trouvmtnt.wlKdkY or aa tbeu due.wid�any eztYS�pMid to Basower. In the event of�pama'E_'t�tig_:Qf.dtC�Y"s <br /> �afiich the fair m�cet riiue of tbe Phopetty immed��tbty before the taicing is eq�l to or gRaie;-��!��:aio�aunt a�tfx sums . <br /> secured by this.Security Instruinenr imm�di�tely befo�c the t�Icing,uniess Borrower and Leizdec'�si�iiust agree in writing, <br /> � dre sams secumd by this Security instrument shal!be nductd by the�nounc of the piocec�s�•3aulapTte�by d�e fofiawing` . <br /> • �actioo: tp)tbe t�otal�a�ouas of t6e wins�eeuned immediauty hefore the t�king�divided D�'�3:??s�fasi�arkei�lue.of�he . — <br /> piro�pMy imtnediately betixe 1he t�icitl�. Any�e shalt be paid to Botrower. In tht;�:v,e;rt.:sif$::patti�l,.. , ,.8 <br /> takin of the • ' <br /> — - <br /> PcapettY in v�fiichtthe fs�r-m�zicet vaitie o€t��nopeity imtnedistel�-,bGforG th�_takiag-is.kss:�i;.�ie;a�wiT�o��lte sums . _.. . --- ------ <br /> - secured im�adi�ety-6eEae tbe takia�.unkss Bon+awtr and L�sder oti�erwise agree in.x�ituig�;`i�r:�tuttess apptie�able taw = <br /> � � a�wiso prdvides,the pcocoeds st�U be�pplied to the wms secuied by tbis Securicy insw�ii.tvlyedt�r,or ndt:thegums ace = -- <br /> thea due. .. ,. . • .;: �:.• : .�`-.; �;�` ,. �<::r'.:'; --- <br /> ' If tbe Propaty�is�wdoaed by Borruwer.o�tf.�fter nodoe by L,eades w Bormwa.;Ciac t'ts�.candennnw o�f�gamake ___�_ <br /> an award or seak a ct�im Por d�r�ages.Barower fails w mpad co Leader within 30 days afte�the date the aaace�is giveu, �__ <br /> -- t.ender Is�to coiEcct and appiy d�e proceeds,at its�ptian.either ta iestaration or.�epa�:of�ie A�+opatyr::oito the .• _ .-- <br /> = siuns secura�by tbis Sectuity Instrun�t,whether or not thm due. ;'-.;:.;:r'��''::;`. ' `, :,; . <br />- �.:.:�:1.: .,. <br /> = Unlesa Leader snd Bomuwer aherwise agtae ia writing.any applicatian of pmceeds tp:g�nap.z�sball n:at;e�s,eud a � — <br /> Pastpoac tbe due dua oE che mortchlY PaYments�fertd to in pua Phs�and 2 or.change�he a�ount o#'S�uch pa;�rfp�c�s.. : : -- -- <br /> 1L Borr�wer Nat Rek�d: �a�6�r�aot By I�nde� ot s Waiver. Bxtension �€thz t�me fof:.Pa�nr ar " . . - - �- <br />'".�� modi�ication of amoRizatiao of the sums secu[td bg this Security Insuument granted by Lender'ta.'rury..successor�,uite�esc =;: �-�`- <br /> _ of Barower sha8 nqt oper.�te to ceie�se the liabiiity of the arigmal Bo�rower or Borrowa's sucr?ssaas ir�iilterest�L�adet` : <br /> �� - <br /> shall not be requiml m comm�nce proceedings agaitist any successar i»interest or refuse to exte�n�:titne'for paytiient or ., -�-_ <br /> _ aberwise modify airturtizaaon of the sums securM by this Securiry Instn�ment by nawn of aay demati�t i����iy tfi��igznal _ � :_ <br /> - Bormwer ar Barrower�s successors in interest. Any forbearrnce by Lsnder in eacrcising any ogh�9F remeci�shalt ziot Uc a -_ <br /> - vraiver of or pc+ocludc the exercise of any dghc a�smedy. :. :: : �` - <br /> - - 1Z. Succasors s�d Ass�rts Bo�d;loiut sad&veral6iabilityt Co-aisners. The covenantt�d�agreei�te�tts of this �!�-___ <br />-���, Securiry Jastrument shall bind and 6enefit the successas andas.signs of l.ender aad Borrower.s u i�j i�:ta�t f�±isions o f _ . --__— <br /> paragraph 17.B�mwer's covena�ts and agreements shall be Joint and sever.�l.Any Borrower wbo�ca3i�ns_this•Seeuriry :.: �� <br />�,,� ; � Iasaument but does not execute the Note: ta)is co-s�gning this Securiry Instrument only to mortgag�:�nt.and canveg that ; �. , r= <br /> .Bo�mwer s intenest in Ux�rn under the tertns of this Securi lnsuumen� I6)is aot rsonalt o62"'iire�rgpag=th;'�sums .� �`J� <br /> '_�. PertY ty Pe Y_.?g,._ ��:cx±:+�°`:__- <br /> . ' :�,;`: secund hy this Secarity Inmumen�and tc}agrees that I.ender and any aher Borrowei may agree toeicxen�;innd'�j%3arbear. �.. .,..... .:�:��r:�:,.�..:�� <br /> �s% a make any.xcommadations with tiegaN to the temts of this Security lnsmiment or the PIote w:.haut tTrat'Barr'awer's� ': . <br /> -r"�., CO/ISC11t. . ���. . % ,.. ." .:,. •:;� ,` .i�.�_.'��-'�,r�_ <br /> .`,, .. <br /> ` 4..` .:.. . . . . � . " :� .. {•�.3•„e.::�� <br /> "L +i`^ <br /> ' �.��;`��r 13. Laau CLarges. If the loan secared by this Security Insuument is subject to a law whiciY se3s ma�imucri Ioan•�:.�°:`: ��- �,;r;.. , ,,� <br /> ' charges.and that law is fiaalty interpceted sv that the iaterest or other loan charges callected or to be colle�ed in�a�t�e.c[ion �°? �. � <br />• j� ` with the lo�n excced the pemutted limits.then: ta)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amaunt necess�.tai�e¢uec , M,: �:� :� <br /> • ,:�. -`-thc thacge ta the pertnitted limit;and(b}any sums already collected from Borrawer which exceeded pem�itted limut�vVilt he . : Q�� <br /> . tefnnded to Borrower. Lenda may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by riiaici��..'���: : �r`?��_m-:''��. <br /> :. direct payrnent to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction wiN 6e treated a.g a partial prepayment anthotu astiy.:: .::' ;` �`'=r'�'t"� <br /> . �t;. <br />� :%. �` " P�Yment charge under the Noce. . .- . .: - _.�� <br /> � . '. 14. Notices. Any notice to Boaower provided for in this Sccuriry Instrument shall be given hy deliverin�:iCor by , . ;;��;� <br /> ' m a i}i n g i t b y f rs t cla�s mai l unless a p plicable!aw re quires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the�mperty `;'-'�`<'-' "'�'� __ <br /> ':' ' .l,T.'•i <br /> ��` ` � � � Addiess or any other adds+ess Boaower designates by notice to Lender. Any nadce to I.ender shall be given by:firn class ��•i:�,'•�;� • :� <br /> . '�'�d�i"� � mail to Ler�der's address stated herein or any othrr addres�i.ender dc�signutes by natice to 8oaower. Any notice provideB far . _ <br /> := r 'ar,;�� �. in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Leader when given as provided is �hu . `���. ! • �'r=:.- <br /> . �•�,s�+i.�. h. t.,,- _ -_ <br />- � �Sp Govern Law; Severabili 7'his Securit Instrument shap be ovemed b federal law and of the � '•���`: . -- <br /> inS tY• Y S Y � • ��.�:::�.:,. <br /> � • jurisdiction in wlucb the Properry is located. 1n the event that any provisian or clause of chis Security Jnstrument oi ihe Nore '��:;r: .. _�, , <br /> �.: <br /> r�,���s;••� <br /> con fli c t s wi t h app l i c a b?e l aw,s a c h c o n i l i c t s h a l l n o t a f f e e t o c h e t prov isio n s of this 5ecuri ty Instrument or the Note whielt cati . 5;,,..,,;, r,-,� <br /> _ � be given effeet without the conflicting provision. Ta this'end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note are . ' �".�f�' , `;.fs,,,=_ <br /> �'=�` � declared to be severable. *�-`=. <br /> �:��. <br /> '�'tt "r'�. • 16. Borrower's Capy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Natc und of this Security Instn�ment. ��•_- <br /> �: ..; <br />� • - �.Y.;f.' ; � ,. 17. TrAnster.otthe Property or a BeneDclal Interest in 8orrowea Ii all ar any part af�hc Property or any interest in j;�,•..;., ,. ,.•- =--- <br /> it is sold or aansfened{or if a bcneficial interest in Borrow•er is sotd or transfcrrcd and 9orrower is not a nutural personl , ;�";;%;�,::,• ., � <br />•.����, �� :��' � without l.ender's priur written consent,Lender m� its option.require immedi,�tc puyment in full of all sums securad by �k'��ry;.::;,�'..'•,.."•.;. _ <br /> •,�;. , <br /> ,. . �..;r:•. . . ,:,, .,��.,,.. <br /> �y ; ,, this Securiry lnstrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lend�r iiexercisc i�prohibited by federal law as of • ;ss,: ;.;,,;; ,_ . ��.�- <br /> ,. �;;. the date of this Securi Instrumen� . r4:`.,'�'' • '� �-��' <br /> �5' {;. ;.;,. . .' �'"n";T� <br /> ' ',t� ••, If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Bvrrower nodcc aF acrctcratic,n. Thc no�ire shsfl provide a periad of <br /> ;..�.,.,,: <br /> �•�I�''% � ; i.��.;•: not iRSa than 30 days from the date the notice is detivered or mailed within which Hurr�nccr mu�t pay ul!sums secured by this �`�~� <•::� . � <br /> 1`� � - �'�" '�`�-� Secari�y Murument. lf Borrower fails to p�y these sums pdor to the expir,itiun nf tl�i�perind.l,cnder may invoke any �< '1;,�,.,,:, <br /> • ,.•�, - � �r�� �;`'��.,-��. <br /> . .�:.. ,.�.,,.�',`?�.'.:� . <br /> _.,,�. ., _ . rentedies permltted by this Security lnstrument without funher natice nr demand c�n I�orrower. ��, ��. ' <br /> ��:'�'• •'` 18. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. lf Borrower meets cenain conditic+n�. Burro«cr �hall have tt�e right to have ::;�' `. : <br />_ ,_ .---�± '=t----_ __ eqfaceement of this Security lnstrumeRt discontinued at an}•time prior tu�he carlicr��t': I:u S d,�yv lor sucb other period as ?����' <- __" , _ <br /> �{�y'N;,`.'`...:,'., , �'f r�:�' � . . <br /> !t�'�.'t�,':a�:�•4- Singlc Family»Fannk;fae/F'reddir�tac I:�IP()pJt I�tiTRL't1i:%'1'•-1'nifunn C'uvcn�ni� 4�90 Irur.qe J a�r,� , � <br /> ;G?'� <br />_ ;�4i- , ' � . . ' '�";� �. <br /> `;.;: . . • <br /> �'.a rs'St����t�' ' � •• • _ <br /> • . � t <-�. . . <br /> . . <br /> r ',r��.�, . . . ,�.� • .. <br /> ' � 'ic�::}xi;,.r.j. � ,.. - -- - --- -._ , . - • ;`',F.� , . � . <br /> � _� ,-- _ ._� . . . '�.;:�: ' <br /> . , "'; , • , . � . . . � . <br /> ::},::;'�� • .. , �. , ,. � . . . .. <br /> '��' ..��,,�, �_ ' ,. .. , ' . , <br /> ';. . . . <br /> . :.�ti. • . � . ... . . . . ' '. - . <br /> � . . ' � � � ' � � ' . ' � ' ' i � . . . � . . . , ` _� . ' . • ., . �. <br /> . . . - . : . • . � . . „ , .. . .. , <br /> � . .. • v. . . , , . . . <br /> . . _ � . , : ��� ,� ., '; .. . ' . - ' . �' , . � <br /> . 'f. . . � . _ •.r. • - - <br /> � . <br /> . .. <br /> ' . � . . ... - . , , . • , � . : <br /> . , . . . • . , � <br /> . , . . . , <br /> . <br /> ' + �. ' . .. . . . .. , ` . - . t � • ! � <br />� . � .' . . � . • j ,. . . <br /> ., ... . , . <br /> •. , ._ . <br /> � ., r• <:. , , • • , _ _ . _ _ _. - <br />