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i t <br />20�102��� <br />WHEREAS, Diamond-J owns the approximately 1320' of underground irrigation pipe <br />and wiring which Diamond-J has buried under a portion of Tract 2 running from the irrigation <br />well located on Tract 2 to the Pivot point located on Tract 1 to provide the necessary water <br />source to irrigate the crops grown on Tract 1 and Tract 2 through said Pivot; and <br />WHEREAS, the parties hereto now desire to reduce to writing their agreements <br />pertaining to the use of the Pivot, irrigation well, together with 60 hp electric motor and Western <br />Land Roller Pump and the approximately 1320' of underground pipe and wiring (collectively, the <br />"Irrigation Equipment") and the maintenance, repair and replacement of the Irrigation Equipment <br />set forth hereinbelow. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions as set <br />forth herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is <br />hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: <br />1, The foregoing recitals are specifically incorporated in this Agreement and made a <br />part of this Agreement by this reference. <br />2. Jones, Trustee hereby grants to D& M Jones and to Diamond-J the non-exclusive <br />right to use the water from the irrigation well located on Tract 2 as necessary to properly irrigate <br />the crops grown on Tract 1 and Jones, Trustee additionally grant to D& M Jones and to <br />Diamond-J a non-exclusive easement over, through, under and upon Tract 2 as necessary to use, <br />maintain, repair and replace the irrigation well and the underground irrigation pipe/wiring <br />located upon Tract 2. By this grant, Jones, Trustee does not guarantee that there will, at all <br />times, be sufficient water to properly irrigate the crops grown on Tract 1 and Tract 2. <br />3. Jones, Trustee and D& M Jones/Diamond-J (collectively) shall each share one- <br />half (1/2) of all costs and expenses to maintain, repair and replace the irrigation equipment <br />described hereinabove so as to keep said irrigation equipment in proper condition and repair at <br />all times during the term of this Agreement. Jones, Trustee and D& M Jones/Diamond-J <br />(collectively), shall each have equal use of and access to the irrigation equipment, including the <br />Pivot, whether the Pivot is physically located on Tract 1 or on Tract 2. <br />4. The non-exclusive right to use the water from the well located on Tract 2 as <br />necessary to properly irrigate the crops grown on Tract 1 and the non-exclusive easement granted <br />hereinabove to D& M Jones and Diamond-J shall be a perpetual right and easement, shall run <br />with the land and shall inure to and be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and <br />assigns and all parties claiming ownership of Tract 1 or Tract 2 through the parties hereto. <br />S. The parties hereto agree that no change or changes shall be made in this <br />Agreement except in writing signed by the parties hereto setting forth the terms of the agreed <br />modification. <br />6. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties <br />hereto, their heirs, Iega1 representatives, successors and assigns. <br />2 <br />