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<br /> , g, w� o�. p�op�ty ipnu�ace. Burrower ehafl koep tho tmproaements now ealating or tiettaft�r erectod on tha a+==-
<br /> prolrecty insured ag�inst lase by fin, haurdi itieluded witbin the term "extended ca�Kec�e' �nA u►y olher h�zaMs. including --
<br /> tlood�oc floodiaa, for which l.en�r requtre�inaw+aoe.'i'hie fasuc�u�ce sh�Li b°maiatelned in the amounta uu1 for►he{xrioda _
<br /> that Lender requires.Tha i,nauraace t;uries pmeidins�ho inaur�nce�hall be chtnen iry Borrowcr�ubJoct to L.adet's pprovsl ----
<br /> w�ntuu ei�xll not i�u;�:::ooa�.bly r.�ith�atd. If��rro��ter feil�ta �*Int�!i�eover�qe deaGribed above�Lender tnay. at Lender'a �
<br /> option�oM�in cova�e to protact l,endsrb d�bu ia the Pmpecty�a�ouardutce with paraat�ph 7.
<br /> AU insuru�ce policfea a�d renew�le �hall be acoept�ble to l,ender+md�11 lnclude a�s�ndand mong�ge clause. I.eAdcr
<br /> n�li h�ve the daht to hold tbe policia u�d naew�ls.If l.euckr roquirea�Bocrower�hali promptly give to I.ender ull c�ecelpt�of
<br /> paid pre�niums uid re�w�1 noticta.Ya the event of losa.Borcower sh�ll give pmmpt natiea to tfM t��u�e carrier�nd i.e�xler.
<br /> L.enckr may makc pc+oof of loss if aot m«k promptlY bY Bocrower.
<br /> Unless L,end�r aad Borrawer othen+rix egres in writing,insur�nce procxede ctuU be�ppl9ed co rator�tion or r�ep�ir of the --
<br /> property dama�ed,if the restontiom ar rapdr if eaonomically fe�uible and Gender'�eaa�rlty is n�1a�ened•�f the re�o:at�ou or
<br /> rcpa�r ia noe ecoaomieally feuible or I.ender'e eecudtY would be le,a�a�ed,t1�e iiuur+nce pc�oods�u1I be�PPliod to tho iva�s
<br /> aocured by thia Socurlty [astrum�nt.whether or not thm due. with u►y ex�cas paid to Borrower. IP Borrower abuidons the
<br /> pcopeity.or daes noc amwer w[thin 3U d�y�a nutice h'°m I.e�der thu the insura�e c�1�1�offe�ed to�ettle a cliim, then
<br /> L,eader m�r colloct the inwrmoe Pe+ocoods. I��der maY ��P��to repair or raton tl�e Propetty or to p�y :ums
<br /> aecuredl by thia Socur:tY Iasuumeat�whether or not thw d�ue.The 30-d�y perFod wIU begin alxu t6G notia is given. .
<br /> i�nleu Laxler�nd liotroNa otI�rnviae agtee L� w::t�n8. �Y�Fllcst�oa of(t�� to�ig*� �►,t1 r�t extmd ar �-
<br /> postpeoe the due date of tbe ma►tb1Y WY�+n�i0����9 1 and 2 or cl�e the#cootmt of tho paymeate.U undtr —
<br /> p�tragrq�h 21 the Property ie acquiced by Lender� &►nnwer's rtght tu �ny iuwr+oce policia amd pr000eds rauldng irona
<br /> dmr�e to the PmpettY Prlor ro tbe acquisiti°°°baU p�to�.moler to the eatr,nt of We sumi aecured by this Sax►dty In+tcument
<br /> iunnuedi�tely pxbr to the acquisidon.
<br /> i.acnepw�cY•P�er��toa,M�lotea�ece aed Pt�otectlon of the Propacty:Hotrower's I,on Appik�tloe:I.wd+old�. .
<br /> Borrowec sha1J oc�uPY,atabllah.�nd we tBe Prapaty u Borrower'i pr�ncIpal resideooe within�Gay day:aRer tl�ee execution of
<br /> t.h}s Securiry Imtrument�nd etull oontiaue to aocupy the Fropetty u Bomower's princi�►�l residoace for u leut ono yoar�ftar
<br /> th�d�se of o�cupancy,unleas L�erider otberwl�e a�roa in wr�HuB,which conseat slt�U not be nnr�awnably withheld.or ualess
<br /> extenuuin8 �inv�u�a ex�at which are l+eyond Borrowex's ooutrol. Borcower �il au: destroy. dam�de or i�ir t}�e
<br /> prnpaty. tliaw the Property to dcterIor�te. or commi.t waate on the Prnpesty. Borrower�hall tn.ia defiult if arry forfeAune
<br /> actioa or prooxding�wnem�r cir;i�:L�;,,:t. i�r.;so�L�s:t i�L�'•�t f��th�ud„ameat aennlht cesWt in for[elNre of tla�
<br /> � pr,�aperty or oth�errvik muerLily imp�ir tUe llea�rated by this Socurity U�rtromeat or La�der��ecuciry�nterest.Borrow�er may
<br /> ��b wct�.a defiWt�ad rsInat�te�as pmvided in pu�gtyq►h�8�by cwtins We�ct�on or pr0000dic�to be d�amissed wish a tuliol�
<br /> o��dt;in Leader's aood futh daermia�tion. Precl�dos �'ac,feiture of tLe Bormwer'�intaen in t�o Pmpaty or other�attr'.�l
<br /> iaqitirs�nt oP We llea creaeM bY this Secudty Inann�t or L�ader's eecudty inta�at.Borm�va��11 al�o ba ih defaWt if
<br /> Bormw�er,duan�eg the lam�pplication proa�s.W�va mat�tiallY falte or in�ccur�te informadon or�t�tameat�w Leader(ar t�iled
<br /> , �o$rovide l:aader with�ny materl�l infarmuiony in oo�un with tl�e Iom evWeaoal by tbe Note.incl�din8.btu twt limited
<br /> � ev�.;��rakatations concxming B�orrnwrr's oocupancy of the PmpertY�a R Pr�c�i.�s�. ff thie Sec�uttv Ir�n ie o�a
<br /> i��old, Borrower ah�il oomply witb all tt►e provisioaa of the lcaae. If Botza�usr aa�uina fa titlo w ctrs Pmoecty. the _
<br /> leauhoid md the fa tiNa�ull not merBe unleat I.eackr�gc�e�to t6e meriet in wnitiil�. .. . _.
<br /> T.Ptatatioo af I.eader'�Ri�6U tn ti�a�'rap�rty.If Borrowa fiils to paform tha oovenu�•ts�pd�Lnemcat�coatainod ia
<br /> : il�Securlry Inurumeae.or there i�a icg�i p:oc.ee�iag that may signiflcaatly affext I�eader's ri�11t�i�n d�e Pmpexcy(a�ae�
<br /> - �qit;�ding in b,aauvptcy�probau.for condemnition�r forteittue or w wfo�e la�vt or r�vlxioo�).ttkn Iresdot mty do�md
<br /> pa!}�for wLataver is necesrary to prouct the value oP thc Ptope:ty and I�eadec's dghts in tLe P:vperty. 1Rader'a�ctioss miY
<br /> : �aiclud� P�Y�S �Y eum� exured by a llen evhich laas P�iority over tbis Sxurity Inpmma►�:�ppeatlns in court, PsY�
<br /> ir�eoosblo eKtc�tn�Y�' foea�ad auerina on the Propercy tu m�kie re�ai�.Although L�a�y i�k�e�dion undes this pats�tjp`.1
<br /> ?;�l.eader tiaes not have to do so. '
<br /> . Any amaubta d�siwraed bY I.ender uader thie patagraph T shall beoomes addidos�l debt of Hono�v[ar eecu�+ed try Ua ia .
<br /> ,5equity imtrumeat. Unlas.6ormwer smd I�mder ag�:o othrr terma oY payment,Zbese amowmu thai!beu I�►ta+dt from the .
<br /> . date af di�bnrsemeat u the Nou cate aind studl be pa;+able. with intereat. upoa nooico fmm Leader to Borroaer raquettin6
<br /> • �Mort�e I�ance.If I.endcr nequiral mortg�ge insutat�ce as a oondition af m�sing the loan te�red by tW4 Securiry
<br /> Inauuc►eat. Borruwer shall pay tho premiuma required to maint�in We murtgage inaur�noe in effi�t. U, for any na�on� th�►
<br /> ' mamgage las�raace coverage requind bg�1.erWer 1�pses or a:se.+to be in effax.Horc+owar ah�ll pty[he premiwns roquircd tn
<br /> . oMAin covesage eubauntially equivalent to the murt�age insurance pnwioualy in affax.u a cost suMtaadally oquivdwc to sbo
<br /> casi to Hormwsr of the mortgage insuraace�z�eviouaiy ia effect.fc+�m an alternste mortg�go inxura�pQroved by I�endor. If
<br /> aubatanti�lt�eqwiv�lent mortg�ge insurance cover�e is not avai�abla.Bommver eh�il pay to Lenckr each month n sum equsl t�n
<br /> osK-twelflh of�he,yearly zuortgage imur+iacr premium bain8�� 1�osa�reaerve in �ieu ofs mortg�geY ia�urn`�oe�. Los� reeerre
<br /> lh�e in affxt.T.ouder will accePt,use and i+atain thtx p�ymen .
<br /> Fotm 302� _
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