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<br /> 03-o9-t�ss DE�D OF TR1�SY c���. �O'�'�� Na��
<br /> l.oan No 31�364 (Conti�uedl
<br /> _.._ ..._.,.__..._.. � �,..,...._.______�_______._._. +—._. � ��._..
<br /> L'______....__.�'.^.1�.^... T.. ......._'...._"..............Y..._'"'.__�_...._"'� _� .��_»__�_�......�.�,.�,._.e..._�."'_ '��.� .
<br /> P�rion�! lkoptrty. The wOrdY"Parsonal PropArly�mRen eil equipmonl, fixtures,ancl olhe► ariictes of personal propeAy now�v he��ttar
<br /> own�d by Trusta,�nd now or hersullor atlached or flffixed lo Ihe Raal Property;lopelher wlih an acces�lons,parta,and ndd:tloM lo,aN
<br /> r�tkamnntt of,end �M eubslilullon9 tor, �ny ol such ptopor�y; and logolhar wiih ell procaaAa (Inctudiny wilhout IlmilaNan�N InsurNrrx�
<br /> proCMdf�and totundf ol qnmlums)Nom any sab o+other dispDSfllon pl lhe Property.
<br /> MopKty. TM word"Prop�h�'mans cdNCllwty Ilw Ro�l Prop�Ny pnd Ih�PargonAl PropeAy.
<br /> R�al Prt►p�rty. TM words'Fieal Proparty'moan lho property,intaresis end rlphls tlescriped ebova In t7ro"Conwyu►c�and Gr�nP acNon.
<br /> AN�Nd Docum�►►1�. Th�word�"RN�I�d DoCUrrNrsls"man �nd Inciud� withoul Iimli�llon �II promissnry not�s,cndif�grNrrNnb,lan
<br /> oQrMnwnb,�nvkenm�ntal�yn�rt+�nb,pwnntly,sacurity�prNrrNnb,mor�q�ps,dwds ol trust,�nd�II olhM InslrutrNnb,�p�nb�nd
<br /> doCUmMb,wlNtt��pw or MrwM�r�xlstinp,�x�CUt�d In ConMCtion wNh lM lnd�bl�dnys.
<br /> R�nt�. TM word"�nb'rr►bm�N pr�nl and tutua nnb,nwnua,IncarrN,Issu�s,royaitlos,profits,�nd othM b�r�ib d�Awd kom IM
<br /> Prop�rly.
<br /> TruMN. TM word"frwiN'm«tns UNITEO NFBRASKA BANK�nd�ny�ubsldul�or succ�ssa IruslNS.
<br /> TYUiRpi. TAe wacd'Trusta"maans any and aN p�rons anQ ontitlsy�xeCUfirsp Ihis Deed o!Tt�t,Irtcludinp wilhout Ilm!t�NOn nN Trust4rs rtamed
<br /> �bow.
<br /> PAYME7iT ANQ PERFORMAhICB. Ezcept as otherwis�p�awded In fhts DNd o}Trust,Trusta shntl pay lo L�ndsr aN�mounts s�cw�d Ey thi�t'}�tl
<br /> W Trusi as fMy b�com�dw,and shaN sMctly and In o timely manner p�form all of Trusta's obli�tlons undN tM NoN,lhls ONd of Trust.and tt»
<br /> �iwiii,aCw".ii�7wilt's. -
<br /> Pp=QESSImIi AMtY MAINTEMANCE OF THE PROPERTV. Trusta�prNS thal Truslor'a possaaston�nd usa of iM Prop�rty sh�N b�pm�rnb by
<br /> IM fdbwirp pravisiorn:
<br /> P�o��lon and UN, u�►w ir�.occu��,c.a.n ewm o�oenun,Trustor may (a)remain In possesslon�nd coMrd of th�Prop�ty, (b)us�,
<br /> Cp�raM 0�n1�t111p�th�PrcPM1Y.�nd (o)CoM�Ct�ny R�nls hom fP�PropMy.
<br /> Duly b M�kfhin. Tn�ata sMN mdntatn tM Propxty In is�anlnbN cendition�nd prompHy pertam a'E npaks,npl�pm�nls,and�nq
<br /> rnaasw+y lo pweww Ns wtu�.
<br /> QI�z�Mars Sub�Mnca. TM tarms"hazardous wut�;'riazerdaus substanc�,"dsposat,"'YaN�s�"end"lhrakrwd rMws�;�s uWd In H�b
<br /> DMd of Tnisl,s1W Mw Ihr auurt►e ms�Mnps as se!forth in tM Comprehenslve Envhonmental Response,Comp�rnatlon,�nd Lhb�Ily Acl d
<br /> 19E0,a�t�mend�d�a�2 U.S.(..a^acdon 9601,et sec�.q"CERCLA"),Iha Supsrtund AmendrrNnis tnd RenutAOriraMOn Act of 19tlE,Pub.L.No.
<br /> 99-t98('�',,AFtA'�,lh�8luardous MatKla�s TanSpoAailon Acl.49 U.S.C.S�cQon 1D01,at soq.,lha RMlotrC�Cons�YaMOn�r�d RdOOwry NCl,
<br /> �2 U.S.C.S�.Mon 6'901,N Weq.,a other�FpNcable stala or Faderel taws.rule9,or repulalions�dopled purswrA b any of ih�tor�Qoi�q. Th�
<br /> Iwrt�s'tsicr�rdous w�al�"�nd�rdous substencu"shnll atso Inctude,wllhoul IlmtlaHOn,pelrowum nnd pshdwm by-producl�a�ay k�cNon
<br /> [nR�tjt�iW�tawaioe. Ttii"sii�i iiyiisiiiw ii�u'iiii�7ni�u i�Lei�u'e:1i�at: ti)�iw"=iy t�:jio�3u v'�.TZs=a GSJiiw.y�"i tn�°t�..'r�w.��'
<br /> b�en mt�d�a1,qwNr*tbn.monuhclun.atonas,lrsa�rtNnt,disposal,refsa.�a Ihnetennd rwlMS�of 4ny hazardous waM a su�6�na by�np
<br /> p�r�on on.und�r,a�D1xA a kom Ih�Prop�ry; (d)Trusta hu no knowt�dp�of,a rsnsan to bMMw that flMre Iw bwn.�oec�pl a pnNou�y
<br /> dsclo�d lo and�chnopAedped by UndM In w�ilinfl, (t1�ny uss,qen�ntbn,►n�nutdr.lun,starps.froatrrwnt,dbposd,rMns�,or MrMMn�d
<br /> ��W�ny hts�rd�u9 waM a wbstana on.u+�dor,abaut a kom tM Propaty by aay pda own�a oocupmis d 1M Pra�ty a► (Y7 u�r
<br /> aG1u�t a tMMMrN4 1Mprtbn a cWm�ol�ey kind:Dy any pwson rokqrp to suCA mafMrs�and (c)txapt es pnWDUMy dbcloMd fo u�d
<br /> v�rrovl�e0p�d by LlndK In wrf}fnq, (p rniltw Trusta nor any tenanl,conh�cfor,�par►1 a olhsr�uthGrized usu of f�PropKly sh�1 tN�,
<br /> q�wr,a{d.ma�uMctun,ston,kwf,�Is�qsY ol,or nbas�any hazardous wast�or substana on,unQa,rboul or hom itN Prop�ry�nd (Y)�ny
<br /> euM m�lhAty sh�M b�conducbd In ComptV�na wilh atl oppHC�bt�todorai,state,�nd iacal lnws,ropiilpllons and qdntnC�s,lr�atidlnp wllhoul
<br /> �mMalbn Ihps�kws,ra��ladons,and adinar�ces dns,.-dbe,i abow. Trusta authodre�3 l�nder Mnt191s ay�nls to sr�upon tM Prop«ty to
<br /> m�k�such Irap�o�a�s and UsW,at Truclor'a sxps��,es Lsnder may ds�m�pp�ot►riala to d�brmir�compM�no�ot th�Prap�Ay wNh thia
<br /> �rcYOn ql tM DMd of i'a�xl. Any Irqp�cUons a t�sls mad�bY L�nd�r sheM bo la l�rndrr'f pwpos�s ony�nd sh�N no1 b�con�tued b orMM
<br /> �e��p.prqihflliy or W�bNfty on Ihe�i�rt ol l.�nd�►fo Trusta or to�ny oihK pKSOn. 7M repr�s�nt�tiprn�nd w�rr�Mws eonWrNd Illw�in w
<br /> b�pKtl�p.:vEtuPs dtJ�diNpCnC�In Invasllq�Mnp Ihe Prope�ty for h�rdtdqus urnsl��nd hazerdous SubSbn�ws. Tnqtd MrM�Y Ia)r�q�MK�nd
<br /> vweiv�e gny�utun clalms e�lnst L�►dK(a Indemnityr a contribulion.ln IM ewnt Trusta b�coma iirbM for dwoup or dtwr ca�r r�ntf�r�ny
<br /> such aws,and (b)aprNt lo Ind�mniy�nd hdd harmless L�ndYr aptlrrsl�ny�nd�N Cl�fms.loss�s,M�bNNNs.d���p�.p�M11M�,and
<br /> �xMnsw wtach l�rvtla rrry dk�etly or Irttllreclry susWln a suH�r e�surilnp kom a brs�ch of thls s�cllon ol tM W�d oP Trusf or as a
<br /> . co�aqtNix�of tny USe.ymwaUOn,menuhcturo,slaiQe,dfspos�l,rN�ase or tlx�[Anned n1NS�occurtinp pilor to Tnalor's owr�shlp or '
<br /> , InNnp in tfy PropKty,wMlfwr or nof th�sanw w�s or ahould haw bNn known to 7ri�s7d�. TM prpvh{otK ef tlds S�CYOn ol tM OMd of TnMf,
<br /> k�cludlnp th�pbNp�tlon to ind�rtxtity,�t�R suMv�tM p�ynMnl ol tha�Indobt�drt��nd ItN 9adsht.�lon and nconwyinC�of IIN Y�n d Ihit
<br /> • OMd W 7nn!and thd not b��Maoted�y I.�ndpr's�caWs+tlon of any tnNnst In ttw Pro�rty,wMtl�by tonclosa�or othMwis�.
<br /> Nulsw�a�W�Me. T�ustor sFMM rx+Y`mt�U�d�conduct a pKmB any nufs�nos na eommN�P�rml►.a sulNr�ny sMppinp of or w�ste on a to!h�
<br /> . Pro�fr mr�ny Do�McM of 1hs Prop�rty��'W►inoul rmlttriy Ihs peneratiy d Ih�ta�yo�np�Trusta►NM nof rortaw�a pr�M b�ny o1Mr I�Y tt+�
<br /> ' rfpNt lo nmaw,�ny ttmba.minKab(includinp of18Td q�s).sofl�qrawl a rocic producls without th�P�IOr writlsn cat�ent of L�ndK.
<br /> RMNOY�I Of tp�ptov�NMntf. Trustor shaN not dsmdish or nmova any ImprowmaMS from ths Rsal Prop�rty wilAoul th�prfor wrlti�rt cons�nt
<br /> . al LMbM. A3�cor►Oi1N>n l01M nrnOVOt of�ny Improvemenb,Under mey rlquke T�usta ta m�k�nrrtanp�ments aNthclory!m k.anWt to.:�
<br /> . np1�such improwrrNnb wHh Im,�rowments ot at ieast equal valw. . ,
<br /> Llnder's Fi1�111 b�T�le►. l�ndM and its egenls end representdtives mey eMer upon the Refll Property at aN re�son�bf�Nrrwb•T(s;A,p�t►d to
<br /> � {and�=(nphsSS�n�l4otirap�ct tM Property for ptxpuses of Trusta's Compltance wflh the lerms nnd condiNons of thh Da�d of Tnnt. ,':
<br /> CompMana Mt!!!t Grc'vo'(ntn�ntM Rlqultlmtnts. Truslor ShaM promp8y comply wiih tiN laws,ordlnanCh,and npWaiions,M1w Or MrMIMr In �
<br /> �N�.i,of�tl povwnm�itd authaiil�s applk,�bt�to 1M use or occupancy of Ihu:NrapMy. Trustp may conMst In qood hNA my such kw,
<br /> ordnrnw.�npul�tlon�nd wltAhold comPll�rx�duriny�ny prxwdinp.I�cludinq nPA�oP���PP���so lonp u Tnntor has na'IlMd Ltnd�r
<br /> fn wrllk+p prlor lo dotnp so�nd so ko�y as,ln L�nda's so0a opinlon,L�ndu's IntKer2s.4n tAe Proparty aro nM J�apardtbd. L�nda m�y roquiro
<br /> Tivslor to potl�E�qwl�sacurity ar A�stxNy bond,nasonably satfsfaotory lo l�nder,to prolecl Unders Inbrsst.
<br /> Ottly M PcoloCt. T�uslor Upr�rs twHher lo�btndon nor leove unatlended ths Pro�!Qriy. Trusta thap do aM other ects,In adcHlon to lho6�eCb
<br /> aM MrM ebov�ke 1hiE�octlor►,whtc�from lM ch�vacNr�nd usr ol lh�Propsrly ace raa�onaby nsc�ssuy to proMcf and pr�w th�PropKty.
<br /> � DIIE ON aAL,E-i�111��1�l8Y LEl1D�q. LendK n�y,al Ns oplbn,deelacs tmmMi�ioty dw and p�y�bte aM sums s�curW by l��s C�d W 7rusf
<br /> upon IM tW a Inr�r;wlM�oul lh�Ls�der's prlor vwtti�n cons�nl,01 dl a�ny p�A of ttN Rral ProR+Kty,a any IMaesl In ttN RMd'F�r�pKly A
<br /> '1aN a ira�fM'mMCx Ih�conwyanc��ol�R�et Prop�rly or�ny riyhl,litls or Interest tMreln:wMtMr lepnl.benNiclal a sQuRabN:whefher�vohx�l�ry
<br /> or kwaNKMary;whalfwr by ouhipht saM,de�d,lrtstaumont SaN conlract,land conhacl,conhact for de�d,le�sahotd inNnsl wHh�Nrm preata than
<br /> thew(3)yMrt,IMS♦q7Hon Gontnct,or by,tlt.�sslportwnl,or trensfM o1 any beneFClal Inter�sl In or to any knd trust hdeknp 81M lo Mf�RW
<br /> Prop�ry,a by any othsr mNhod o!conveyance o�Reai P�roperty Intere�t. U eny Trustor Is e corporatlon,paAn�shlp or Mmftld NabWy comp�ny,
<br /> Iransf�r akn I�rJwf�e anv chara�tri ati�rshb nt m�o Ihan tuwntv-fiw noreant f25761 of tho voUna stodc.oartrYfstifu Intwsts at Writ�d CtDiht
<br /> eomp�mr k�Mrrsls,as Ihe case iney ba,ol Trusta. However,lhis option sheN not�be exerclsed by Lender H such ax�rctsa is prol�ibiNd by hdKil
<br /> I�w or DY!VW resk�kw.
<br /> TAXE5 ANO LIEIiS. Ths falowlnp provhlons retallny to the lenes and 11ens on Ihe Property ere e paA of thss Doed of Trust.
<br /> P�ym�nt. 7rusfor sAaN pay when du�(snd In all events priar to delirtquency)eN texes,specfa taxes,assassments,charpes(Indudinp wtlK
<br /> snd s�wrr),Ifnrs and fmposltlons tsvkd�pttnsf or on accounl of IM PropoAy,�nd shaM pay when tlue eM dtlms tor wark aforM on or tor
<br /> sKV(cb nntl�r�d o�m�NrMl turnlsPNd to tAO PropMfy. Trusta sMM matnlaln Ih�Properry(rea of tli Ikns haviny prloriry ov�r a�qwl to th�
<br /> InMr�st of L�undar t�is ONd ol 17usf,�xcspt for fAa lien ol texrs and ass�ssments not du�,oxcepl ta Ita�xlsHnp IndoDtadn�ss nt�rt�d
<br /> fo bNow.�nd�xapt as otherwiss provldad In!his Dead o1 Trust.
<br /> R4�t To Contest. Trusto►msy withhold peymeM of any tax,essessmeN,w ctalm In connecUan wfth a pood fallA dispuls oWr lhY obNptYQn
<br /> to pay,so Inrq�s Lond�r'�Interest In lhe Propery is nol�eopard�aed. II e li�sn arises a�S filed os e resutl ol nonpaymsnt,Trusta sh�N wi1Mn
<br /> iftleen(16)days�tler Ihs tlen srisas or,It a lien is f'ed,wllhln fiHean(15)days aRer 7rustor has notiCe of(M filing,sectxp tM disChu�01 the
<br /> Mtn,pr H roqtps9ed by 6ender,deposit wilh Lender cash or e suN�clanl corporete surety bond or olAer securiry Safisfaclay lo LlnsiK In an
<br />- Etn��,:n!S:t!.M.�nt t�!d�ctt°tg�t�o @�n F!u5�ny Co.•.ts and a:tornaf;'taa;or other tharg65 that c0ufd aCCrue.S z rs�afl o:a fC:C."•l�u:�G 5-■;p
<br /> .
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br />