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<br /> in the property,includiang the payiug of any sum secu�d by a lien which has priority over this _
<br /> Deed of Trust,appearing in Caurt,paying Y.easonable attor►x�y fees and entering thN propFrty ta
<br /> make repairs. Any a�notuxt disbursed by Lender under thi9 ptu'agraph shall became An additional
<br /> debt ef Borrower securc3 by tl�is Deed of Trust,to bectr interest from the date of disbursement
<br /> and said amount,together vv�th tho ttien unp�ici�,i��ci�3a1 a�t�oui�t,shal1 h��r interest et the h��h�st �-__
<br /> lawfid xnts untjl reftmded bry�i��rmwer.
<br /> 6, 't'b►e prc�c�t�af s c�ndtmnation awsrd are hereb�y assigned and shall be p�d to
<br /> I.ender and�hali bt+ag��licac�to the sums secured by this Deed of 7'rust,whet�ter or not thtn duc�
<br /> with any�exces9 t�be�a�id to Borrower. -
<br /> 7, Any extene�on�or madificatinn�of tl�loan ted by Ler►�cr 4o any auccessor in
<br /> intercst nf Borrower nh�1��eut alxrate to relea�the liub liry of the originel Bnrrower or
<br /> Ac�rrow��'a wuccesrora in interest. Any fnrbearanco by Lender:n exercising any right�r rrmedy
<br /> shall n�t be a waiver�f ur prsclud�thc�xercisa af any right or rcmedy.
<br /> Et, Aay noticc to'lyntstnr ox 8ormwer providod for in thia De�l of Truat ahull be givan by _
<br /> delivering it or maitinE it by�rst clas.s mail unlags Ne�raska I.aw c+equires use af+�i�o�,'�s�
<br /> method,at tho Burrower's lsst known address•
<br /> 9, This Dad of Trust and the Dcbti wldch it securea st►ull{�gove�cned by Nebraqka Law.
<br /> 1A. Lender slu�ll give notirr�ta Tnutor fellowing Bonowar's bc+eaab af uny covenant or
<br /> agrament in�hia Dad of Ttust and the Debt which it securea. 'fhe notice�hnll spocify(a)the
<br /> default,(b)the ection roquimd t�cure the d�fault,(c)a date not less than teu(10)daya from the
<br /> dats thc notice ia given to'Ihtstor by which the defsult must be c�rnd,and(d)that failure to cure
<br /> the default on or btfore tttt+dt�ta spe,c'ifiod in the notice may result in accel�ratton of the sum
<br /> secun:d by this Dad of T'ru�t.�nd ssle of the propecty pursuant to the power of salo bct+�in
<br /> �-- "��
<br /> grantcd. 'The notic.�shall fi�rttier infotm'l�ruswr ofine ngi�i io c�i�i��uic, ���;-r^4:�. ^
<br /> the nght to bring a court action to assert the nonaxistence of a defhult or any other defense of
<br /> Borrower to acceleration and sa1e. If default is not cured,�n or b�fere the data sp�cified in the
<br /> notice,Lenda,at xts oprianati�j�require immediato pnymont�n full of all sums secured bY t�is
<br /> Decd of Tnist without furtbe�r desnaad and may invoke tho power of salo an�un�r other remodics .
<br /> peimit�e+d by Nebraska Law: �.e�dor sl�all be cntitied to coll�ct all expenses i�acurred in puz'suin�
<br /> the reinedies provided in thts h or othcrwise taken w protect its intenst in collatcrai
<br /> desczibed in this Doed of�Trust o�r e�o�e any provisiona ne�of,including but n�ttinuted ta
<br /> repsox��ble attarney fas and��-0sk.s of title evidencc, �
<br /> i 1. If tho powex af sct'}E�is iavoked,Trustee sha11�ccord a antice of de�'��It in each couaty �
<br /> in which any part c�f tti�prop�rcy is lc►cated and shall mail copies of such not�ce m the manner
<br /> prescxibtd by 13e�'t�cu l�,w.. ,`�rustee,witha�t demaad on Borro��,shall sell th��►roptrty�t
<br /> pu6liu�exrion to tht hig�t�b�dder at the tunc ond place a�xi uude�2he te,rma�desigaatod in the
<br /> notice o.f salo in one or:mvrc�.�rcels and in any ordeic Ttustee dote�nin.as.;��'��astx may postpono
<br /> sale o�all or any�cee1��f tf�,�rapedY bY Public announcemc�t at the t�mC�uiid'plaee o�any .
<br /> previously sch�dulod s�e. ��ndar or its des�gnce may purchas�ti�e property at any sale. -.:
<br /> �:1Clpon mccipt of px�'na�nt of the price bid,Tr�stce shaU doliver to th�.purchaser Trustea's
<br /> Yhed r.�nveying tho pro�Q� Trustee shall a�ply the proceeds of ssile in th+��f�tiilowing order: (a)
<br /> to all expenses of,thSa sale�Aluding,but not limited to�Tiustee's fee:,as �ted by Netrra�ka
<br /> law and reason�abic+attornsy fa+es;(b)to all sums securcd by this Deed a�:aad(c)any
<br /> excess io�he pax�n or p�s�s legaliy entitled to it.
<br /> 12. As edditiona�s�:�urih►for the Debt,Trustor hereby assigas all rE�ts,issues and
<br /> profits o�tho Proparty to Lender. Upon acceleratian under paragro�h 1 l t�ir a'bandonpaeat of tho
<br /> property,Lenc�x�(it�person,by agent or by judicially appointed amcsiver)shall be entitled tu
<br /> eniar upon,takk�passcssion af and manage the pmperly mnd to coll��ct thc rcnta of the pmgerty,
<br /> - ilIC3��iIIl$th9S�p33t t�tu:. A,ny rents collea:ted by L�nder or the receiver shull be applied first to
<br /> pay. mca�t of the costs of marcagement of tht progerty�nd colloctiun oF�+ents including,but not
<br /> 1'unitod to,recei��er's fee�,preminms on receiver's bands and reasonable�ttorney fees,and then to
<br /> the swms secusal by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 13. Upon payment df all sums as herein provided,Lander sh�ll direct Trustce to
<br /> _�.L_��.�-..r..r..a t..�..,
<br /> - reconvey the property and shau sw�renQer u�is uecu vi i rus��.u�..����w.�---�- .
<br /> Trusta shall u�cconvey the pruperty withdut wan�anty and wiUiout chtvge to th�persoi�s�egaliy
<br /> entitled to it.
<br /> � 14. Lender,at its option,may from time to timc remove Trustee and appoint�suacessor
<br /> = Trustee by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Deeai of Tr�s4 is recorded.
<br /> - Without conveyance of the property,the successor Tnutee shall succeed to all the title,pov►rer
<br /> = and dutic:s conferred upon Trustee herein and hy Nebrnska Luw.
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