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<br /> ` ` � � 17.'11ra�a�f fie rr�a�t�ara la�etid�L�t i�tiee+�en Ii di or a�y ptirt of tbe Prape�ty ar sry i�e�t is iE
<br /> . , ��old or ttaeJe�eed{a if a 6a�eficW entaest in Ba�owes i�s soid ar aansfemed aipd i�orm+ver is aot s n�au�l pann)withart �
<br /> lsodet's ptior'�aaa�mt,I.taaet di�y. �t its optian. imnedis�e payment ia.WU ot sl! sunn sav�d by tlus ' .--
<br /> SowM�►1�twma�t•However.tl�is 4Ption s1W!eot 6e e:e�eLsd�Leode�if c�terdsC is prnhibited by federal tnv as of tAe�se � .
<br /> af this Seairiry laswment- < . � '
<br /> � tf lender exercises tfds opNon.t,ender sd�U gire Bortovires notia of aoakr�tiob.TUe aotia s1�11 p�ovide a period of aat'
<br /> less tlnn-a4 days fcum tt�e d�tc the notioe is dslivaai or mwiled wItdin whidi Bormwer,must psy:a11 svtas secaiad by this .-
<br /> Searity Inst�ummt.If 8attowet fails to pay tllese sums pr�or w the expiration of this periud,.Lendc:may invotce any t�anedies
<br /> peraptted by t6is Sec�urity Iawument�vitharc fuNjer aotia or de�ntod on BorrbRtr.
<br /> � l�. �aer's R�M to 1tdWMa�tf Bormwer mods o�rqin Coaditions. 8arrower.sh�11 have the rigM ta h�
<br /> eafoncaKnc of fhis Socurity tastn�aeet d"tiscaRinued at aay Gmc prior to the arlier af•. ta)S days(ar sndn otner periad as -._
<br /> � applkabk Izw anY specifY for�+einustari�t)befa�e sa�F of the Pmperty purauant to any power oi ssle onntainod ea thes
<br /> Sownry tnsaument;or(b?u�trY��J���enfating tlds Savnty tnutmeaw.Those eoiditi�s�nc th�t Hortav�cr:(al P�YS
<br /> -- Lsader ali s�ons whicb tlKa wautd b�dnt utwhr t6is Setvrity iastramtM aod tt�e Nate as if ao aoceletation had aacurmd;lb)
<br /> cunes,�ae�u�c of aay aucr oovea�s or�ius;tc)pnys m�expa�es inaimea in e�ro�cn�s sorAr;cy�.
<br /> iecludiga.6ut not limite�.W.trssonaMe�tWrrjeys'fxs;and(d)qkes such actroa as I�aider may•erason�bty roquire to assune
<br /> th�t the lien of t6is Secari�Y I�stnunaK,lrender's ri�6ts in the Property aad 8o►�ower's obtig�tion to pay t6e s�s�sured by
<br />_ tbis Se�rity Imtnunait sUill conti�we un�ngod. Upoa •�asa�M,r•� 6y BortewFr, this Seauity Inmument �od the �
<br /> = a6tigafions securod hereby shall ne�rr+in fuqy etTectn+e as�f no aaa;leraaon had accumd.How�ver.this right to reiawRe st�all
<br /> __. not apply in tbe qse of aooekntion under p�ragr�plt 1'T. - ---- —
<br /> "f! Sde a�3�iete' C�+�e d�l�Senker Tfie Note ar a psctiai`intersst in tNe Nate(together w[th tlsis Saurity
<br /> - t�trumait)mry 5e sold ooe or moa times:withuat prios notioe to Boaower.A s�le may_cesult�in a d�nge in tLe e,ntity{Imowa _ ____
<br /> as tbe"Lavn 5eiviar')that collocts morNhlY PaSnr�ents due under tbe Nate aod this Socunty instnirtKat.7�ere also may 6e oae- _----
<br /> - .nr mare c6�oges of the f.o�u►Servicer unrelated to a s�le of the Not�.If ther�e is s change of the W�n Setvicer,Bormv�rer vvili bt �_--
<br /> -_ gi�en writtea not�oe of the d�nge in�ocotd�nce aritd par�gr�ph 14 above aad applicabl4law.7Ue notice ailt-sGste tl�e namc�ad . �_ --_
<br /> add�ss oi ihe aew Loan Savicer and t!x address to which payments should be m�de.Tbe notice v�a'U also coatain aay other �-�-_
<br /> - infonnation requitM by applicable law- " -----
<br /> . Z�Has�+io�s S�eh�ets.Bormwa sh�U not caa5e or per�nit the p�esence,usa.disposal, storage.or nlease of any --°-�---
<br /> - Ha�audnus Su�i� oa.or ia tt� P�opcity. Bormvver sA�ll nat do, aor allow anyane else to do, aaYt6ing �i'fectin8 the -- _--
<br /> pnnperty th�t is in vio(at�ioa of a�r E�eatal l.aw.'Ihe procediag two seatences s6aU not appty to the pc�esence,use.or �. --
<br /> � ' storage on the Propecty�smalt qu�s of Harrrdous Substzn�es tt�at are generally�+ecognlred to be appropriate w nom�l s ,�--
<br /> -- . . .tesidenti�l uses arW to�in�ce aE�ie'Praperty. _ � �"c{�_._ _
<br /> � Bormwec sNall pro�.i�`;±give l.cader writtea aa�ice of any inve�igatiod.ctaim,demand,iawsuit ot dher actton by atry . �
<br /> govemment�l or[egul��ency or private party isrLfving the Pcopesty and aay Hazandous Substance or Envirunmeatai law :+� , _.
<br /> - . � � :�if wiiich 8a�is�iver 6as�al iCnowiedge. If BorroF�icarns.or is�aotified by any.govemmenEal or regulatory auti�ority.that •°..�
<br /> . - :�any removz�as btiter:rer�5ration of any Hazardons Subsrance affectnng the Property is necessary,Borrower shall prumptly taYe ,�:,�:`-
<br /> �° � ���. ' , all necessa�'�ediaS�ans in�with Environrtieatai Ia� ' �,.{. � .
<br /> As�ia this pua�iaph 20, `Harrrdous Substances" are those substances deGned ac toxic or hazardaas substances isy � -'
<br /> F`4 i •,. � � � •�nvironmental L,aw and•c5z'follawing sabstances: g�oline, kerosene, other flu�unable or tosic petmle�praduds. toxte � _
<br /> ,;}�;;;, ,�l: pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials contaiaing asbestos or fom�afdehyde,and radioactive materiats.As used in � •�
<br /> - �his p�agraph 20� •Envimnmental Law' means foderal laws and laws of the urisdictian wNere the �s loarted that s:�-. ����
<br /> ,1 ��Y ','��__
<br /> niate to health,safcly or environmental protection. �"--��':-
<br /> , `°�'' NON-p1�IIFORM OOVENANTS.Bormwcr and Lender further cove.nant and agroe as follov�s: - ��:.. ,�,;--
<br /> �, � ,�"'.' Zl.Auoelerat�n:Remedks.l.eadec shAp give notice to Borrorrer prior to Aooderatioa foflowing Barrower's 6�tscb - , . -. . .
<br /> � ot say ooven�nt oe�ent in lhis Secarity tastcumeet (Mit not prbe to ao�elerstian w�der�agraph 17 uek9s t-
<br /> sppliea6k la�v provides Mher�vise).The notice s6all spedfy: (a)tbe detaWh,(b)tbt actlon required ta care tbe defaWt, � ,`. ',.,--
<br /> , - _�H=� -' (c)s date,nut kss t�n 30 days trom t6e date the iwtice is given to Bormwer,by whkh the defaWt mast be tared;and . . - _
<br /> _'' (�Nu�t tsilare to ame the defaWt on or before the date specitiod in the notice rtwy resalt iq socekration oi the� -
<br /> ,�a ey��saa�rtcy r��a�ot��y.�,�ctce sa��tar��eo�B�o�a ot�be rr�to .. - -_-_-
<br /> rdrtste slter soale�stbn and the dght to bring s oonrt n�tion to asse�t tAe aon�stence o!a defadt or aa�otha ., _
<br /> ' ddeare of Borrnwar to accekrallon smd s�k. If the dafaalt i�iwt cne+ed oe or be[or�t6e date spediled is the aotlee, ":
<br /> ` , I.e�der.sl its opNon.ms9 r�qoirc immait�te pwymrnt in fiill ot sll sams sa�orcd�by tWs Secartty I�t wilLoat _ '-;:�.-
<br /> fretlKe denand And may involce tlx power ot sak and any atier remedies permitted by applicat�b,t��e IaR.�.ead.aw�s{1�w11�6e .. . .:J.
<br /> r .. 17R��� ��!M lYNiIW 1:^
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<br /> �'� .� to.rasonable attorneYs'fas and cos�o��itle evidence. � ��'�``�
<br /> � t:- It t�e povrer ot sak is invoked,j'r�tee sball rorord a�rotiae ot de[aalt in eacN coanty in w6icNe any part ot tbe � � -� '°�---
<br /> . Ptoperty is located and s6s11 mail oopies oP suct��otke In the manner pre�csribed by apptiCabte law ta S�rrawa aed to < ��::� - _
<br /> . • - ttie atrer peraa�+prescribed by appllcabtEl�vr.�}G�the time required by�plicabte taw,Tnista sl�g�vs pabUc notia �" • . -
<br /> � . - ot ede ta tMe peeson+and ie the m�m�er pra�a�8sy Applkabk law.'iYusta.wlthout demand on�rarrower.�ali sell . �_--
<br /> ;,�� } tbe Ytoper�P at poblic anctioa ta the hlg6ese�dde�'9t the ti�ee�place and under t6e terms designated i�the noHa ot -.�•
<br /> f p�k in aea w nare parals and 1n aar+a�der Tn�stee detennu�es.Trustce t�wY P�P�sale ot afl or any paral ot t6e "`.,,.;':
<br />:''�'' .• �ti7 b1 P�ic aiuiouncement at z�e time and ptace ot�prevbusig sc h e dat e d s�1e. l.ender evr tts d e s i g o e e msy - ,:;'„ .
<br /> • • =a• ,••„�,,��' pm�e t6e Property at aey sak. , • ��.
<br /> ` '.;,;'�`;' _ . . ` , _ � � .
<br /> �.'`
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