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<br /> 9. Re�edlee Not �xcluAive. The re�eOlee provlded in thle 1►greerent eha�ll not r
<br /> be excluelve. Upon tha Aefault oE the Trt�ator, the Beneficlsry �eay seek sel�ef
<br /> by any leqal or equltable �esna. The EeneficiAry �ny aeek to entosce the
<br /> agceetienta her� �ade ln euch order and �anner �� BennEiclary seee Elt. No
<br /> conedy la intended to be exclualve but eACh ehall be au�ul.ative. Evn=y power oY
<br /> xaneAy under the peed of Truat to the Trustee or BoneElclary or to vhlcl� olther
<br /> of the� wey otheYVien be entltlad by law wsy be exetCieed concusrentYy or
<br /> 1�depenAcntly ea often aa deewad necoaaezy by the Truatoa or the Beneficlary oc _
<br /> efihex af. than and elther of the� wny p�sreue inconaietent rceedles. The
<br /> BeneEic�ary az Trucate�s RAy proceed to pusnur. a deficiency iudgaen� agalnet the
<br /> TrunY.os �o the extant aucli action ia peraltte8 by lav.
<br /> 10. Trnnsfee oE �hn property; AssuNption. No pe�rt of tho (7YO,pEY�S► or '
<br /> intexeat .thaxeitl mAy Ds, eold vlthin 10 yeaxe of tho.t1Atu o�.t�a al�aed, . .
<br /> t=ane�ersed ox athervieie conveyed by Tcu�toc, unleas �all paywant is waae upon
<br /> • note aecuced by thia Dee� of Truet, exe.luding (a) the areation of a 1Sen or
<br /> encuwbsancn aubotdlnate ta thie Deed ot Truatj or lb) a tranefer by deviae,
<br /> descant oz by o�aYation af lav upon the daath of tbo Trastor; auch actlon 7la a �-
<br /> bceach of thie a►gcoenant, and ueneEiclary May, et Heneflclaey'e opklon declace
<br /> ail euea aecuceA by tbie Deed of Truat to be i�rediately due and peyAble, or
<br /> cauae the Truetee to file e notice oE deEaulE.
<br /> il. locbeax�nce by eeneficlary and ltafver. Rny Eorbearan�e by BerfeLlalaKy to
<br /> Trneree, TKU�tnr or rnyone, !n ax�ralsinq any rlqht ox r�w�Ay h�r�und�e, oe
<br /> oEherelse sE�orded by applicsbl• i�v. ehall nob b� 11 ViIV�C o! uc pr�clulf• tih�
<br /> exetclea oE any �uch clpht oc re�edy h�r�und�r. 4lk�vl��, Ehr �alw r by
<br /> ��naEiclsry to '�ruskaa ot •ny dat�ult o[ Tcuetoc unll�r Chl� d�ad o! �'rurt ■hwll
<br /> not ba d��r�d to b• � viiv�r or �ny othsc oe el�llar 4�l+�ult� �abs�Qu�ntly
<br /> occusrl�r�q. Nn vaiver rhrli be �on�tcued •galnsk t0�� aano!lclacy unl��� ruah
<br /> valvsx ehall bs fxpr�r� 1�nd !n �rlting �lqnaA by th� s�n�llcliry.
<br /> 1Z. eaneiicl�ry's QoM�rs. The Dene!lai�ry vlll cauee to be cs�.�N�aC, tihe
<br /> anClre a�oun! ■�cuti�d by thls Deed o! 'trust, aEter the 10 y�ar tec■ h�� �xplr�d,
<br /> h�nlrnA�� /r�� f�� Ast� n1 Fh� n..A� o��±yfA�A r11 n*Jl�� h�s�� �p,f e•nn�1���±Ra nF '
<br /> thls Ga�d hwv� b�an lulRlll�d. ern�!lclery �ay, In lt• eol� dlr�ax�tlon �1)
<br /> lnepect the pre�lsae et sny re�eonable tiwe ii11 cequlxe su�h �editlon�l
<br /> sscur4ty as �y be ceasoeable= and (it1) �uDstitute the Trustse Aeisln vith �ny
<br /> pacson, entity, or corpozation quali!!ea so Yo act. The attorn�x� ot th�, '
<br /> BeneRiclmey os one aE �h�w �ay now ox eubsequeally be deelgnated the Tru�tee
<br /> fiexeln and aiay p�=fors forc the BenePiclaxy duties ee counsei and ?cuet�e. 1111
<br /> Tzu�L•oxs ehall be �oi�tly and •avateally obilgated and boun�! by th� aetlons of •
<br /> the Benefici�e,y or the Truetor aa herein atated. .
<br /> 13. 1►ttotney's feee, Cnste, and ixpensee. Truator aqtaea to psy all teea,
<br /> coata, and expenaen including attoznay'e Eee expendecl by the 8enefici�cy os the ,
<br /> truoLee to �oliect any au�a dua hereunder or enforc� thla egraewent, su�h au�a
<br /> eFlall be QeeNed nn �dvancoNent to psotect tha eecuslty vhen pa�id by the , .
<br /> tluneElelacy. Providet] fucthex,'hovever, �0at thla eect}pn doen not apply �o the �.
<br /> T�uatee fee referred tio in ptlragl:aph •.3.:E. , , • , ,
<br /> , 1�. Reaoe►vsyance by Tru�tee, upon vrltten requnat af the•��Bensficiacx..statlnq .
<br /> t�at aii enndiiclone of �hie no�� heve been �,e�, an4 upon eurzen8er ofc tf�as bee4 � �
<br /> of tzuak t�nS1�•�he nates to tAe Tzuatce Eoc cance�l�tlon anQ retentlon end apoa '�!� ,�
<br /> , payieent by ��he Tcuetor of the Tsuetee'e feoa, the Tl�qatee aheSl reconvey to tRe
<br /> Tsuator, or •the pereon or peroons legally �ntltled .�hbreto, v9thout rarranty, .
<br /> eny �SOrEion of the prope:ty then hald herannder. The secikals �nd euch � •
<br /> rrconveyanan of �ny ��ttezs or Eac�:a ehali ba concl�►sive proo! of the , ,. .
<br /> truthfuZae�a ti►err_af. Thn O=antee !n eny seconvoyance w�ay be aeac:lbad aa "the , �
<br /> pera�n or �ereons ltgally entitiled thereto." �
<br /> 15. ltbxlces. ,
<br /> 15.1 Ho�ice ae requirea by the Neb=aadca Truat Deet�e Aat ehall be give�. ' �
<br /> 6xcepC �e provided herain end whexevez ,pexMleeibie by lav T�tu��bsa vwive notica:
<br /> Notiae way be eent to the partiee at tholx adAreea as llatetl in �pls aqseaxent
<br /> at ae othctvf.ae changad. All notiicee requlre� herein ahdll be l�'.vcltinq. llny ' .
<br /> p�rty M s4 any ti�� ah�nqt �i��s addr��■ ios •uch natia�s bX,a�s#vazin� os
<br /> w�tiing �o the oth�r pasties .h±areto, a notice oE euch change. Any �►otLCe �
<br /> hereunder sh�il be dee�ed to have been qlven vhen placeA vi�t�ln the U.B. Msl1�, �
<br /> poetage prepaid, adEreesed tio tho addzes�+ oE the pacty aa 11etd8 hereln or as � .
<br /> pzopesly chenged. ,� ,
<br /> 15.2 Truetor, BenoPleiary, and Truatee requeet that a copy of eny notice
<br /> provlded heseundes, peovldeA accosdlnq to appllcable law vr provided Dy the
<br /> ter�a of eny othor eecurity agreesent cuvering tha aecu=ity he:ein� be ■a11ed L•o
<br /> thew at Gho a3dreee pcovl�ed ebove. �
<br /> 16. Thia Deed of Truet ehalf be qovetnad by the lawe of the BCate oE Nebrsake.
<br /> 17. ticceptiance by the Truetee. Tha Txua�ee accepta thie truet vhen tt�ic Deed
<br /> of Trust, Guly executed anA acknovledged, la �ade e public seco=d, ae proviaed
<br /> by lav. '
<br />