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<br /> naymcrcts rruy�x���nger ba rcyuiroci,�t thc option of Lencler,if r�xyngwgo inxurwnce�over�c(in thc wrxwnt wtxi IF�r the•prri�xi
<br /> that I,endlr requirea)pmvided by an insurcr�pproval b}r L.enJex rg+�in bocomea wvalluble u�xl is�►t+twi�tial. &�rra�!n+ec s;htli�p4i•
<br /> the prtmEums rajuired to m�intain mortgngc in+urence in effect,or ta pmvfde�loss r�xrve,untU tho reyuiremem�or murt�c
<br /> IfISLLI'�IlOC GtK�Y II11k4Vi�Aiil:e�+'iul iiii�1;+:�il..i1^�,{'.:::i11i:I1L�:I::'i�1 EIIft�!';Cf C!!��rttrl'v,�T 1;^;fllC�hlt!�NW. .--
<br /> 9,Irrpection. Lrnder or il�s pgent mny m�ke teasanrble entries upon�nd inspoctio�u nf the Pro�rty. i.enttcr sfuil giv�
<br /> Borrower notice at the time aC or prior to en i�nspecllon spocifying reasoruble cause fur the inspoction. •
<br /> �0. Conde�pn�tkn, The pro�,�oeds of smy �wad or cl�Im for ci.tnugra, dircct or consequtntlal, in cunneciion w�ith any
<br /> condemnntion or oti�er taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in iicu of condemnatiun, are hereby•,ossign:cl enn�
<br /> shall be prid to Lender. •
<br /> rn thc event of�tote{twking of thc!'roperty.d�nro:xda s1uil1 be s�glicd to the sums se�unxl hy this Socuriw�r Ir�.stmnYUt.
<br /> �hetixr or not th�n due, witi�rny exe�s paid to Borrowe�. In the event af a partial t#king of the Prcr�xny in�tvhi,ch tt�n fair
<br /> maricct value of the Property immodi�tely before the taking is equal ta or graUar than the unount of the sums sex:uxcd by thli
<br /> Sceurity Instrument immediuely before¢he taking,urtles.g Ac�rrower and Ix�cier dhenvisc agrcc in writing,the su�i�s sccunxJ b,y
<br /> this Securiry Inewma�t slvll be ►wduced by the �nt of the procceds multiplied by the following f►�ctian;,(a) tht towd �
<br /> amou�K of thc sum� socurod immodi�eely beforc the Wcing. dividal by(b) the tdr myrkd v�lue of the Propenx inurYCii�tedy �
<br /> be€im the talcing. My b+�lanoo shali be pud to Borrowa. In the evau of�parti�l taking of the Pr��erty in'rlhict+tt��f�ir
<br /> mrrket value of the Pmperty lmmediatdy befone thc takiag is Itss than thc amixint oi tne sums xcuicl Liur�a+;al,'ty�,cr�,-s t1'.o
<br /> Wting,unless B�xrower and i.en�kr othervirise sgroe in writing or unless applicxble law otherwise pro�ides.the nroceodc stull .
<br /> bc applied to the sums scct►red by thes Seeurity Instnimeni whathcr or not the sums are thcn dut.
<br /> If the Proporty�s�Sxnctoned by Borrower,ar if,after noticc by L�ler to�ormwer tluu th�rnnckmnor offi:n to mvla�un
<br /> award or settle a claiim Cor damages,Borrowa fiils to rtspond to l.erder within 3(?dxys after the date►he nir•�tica is,�ivon.
<br /> Lerdu is authorized to oollect and apply the procaoda,ac its option.eliher to resto�ation or rep�ir of the Fropasiy'or ta it�e+amns
<br /> ., securod by this Sucurity Inchumtnt,whetber or not tha�due.
<br /> , Unless I�rd�r and Borr�wtr othervrise Agroe in zvriting, anY aQplicatioa af pr0000ds to princip�l shall tant extex�d Qr .
<br /> postpone the due data of che monthly payments rofczred ta in WraBraPhs 1�nd 2 or chuige t12e Amount of sud�paya�ents. �
<br /> 11.Borrnwa'Not�td�ed:Forbarauoe By Leaier Not a Wdrer.Extension uf the time for paymr�t a�m�adifi[ntion :�:
<br /> of amortization of the sums sc�c;ured by this Security Instrumax gru�tal by Gender tu iu►y succxs.coc irt irtt,exest wff Fk�mwrar sl}t,ll
<br /> nat operate to nelease the lisDiliry ot�e origirwi Fsorrower or 8orrowtir s�ccFS..o�in u�ic�. i��'�:��'�::.�y—,:f=d Y.:
<br /> c�u�a pcocoo�ings aqainst eny suvves.wr in interest or nfuse to extend time for paym��en,�t or otF.�eEwise mndify,��moninetinn ;
<br /> " of the sums soc�ee;t�d by this Sccurity Instrument by reason af any demand .�ddG 4� UK: �Stf6ti�R1 Qarnn�et oc FErm:sn�'s ,
<br /> � s�r.:�ssnrs in i[�+e.4t.My forfiearance by Laxler in exercising r�ciy dght or trmdy shall not be a w�ivu of or�'�►nxlude dre
<br /> czeyr.a�e of my tip�t br trmody. . t1; ,s�
<br />'�� �� �12. s�ttts ..a As� Bou�a; doiu�e asd sewerat Lb6�it�!: co-sE�per�e. �rhe «�ven.nts ana�,Px►ts of d►iu ;
<br /> SecuntY Imt�ucqte�i:�'slw!! bud and benefit the suooessors and Assig±p�����.,ender and Borrowe�, subject to �tar p'tmviri�onr oC ;.
<br /> . putgcaph 17. �otr►�wet's oaveruu►ts wd agreatxots shall be joint,�nC�'aeveral. Any Bomower who co-�igms �h.ls 5c�cun 'ty ,"
<br /> inarurinan but doea not eaocuce tha Nate: (a)is co-signing this Security I��stn.�mt�t onlv tn mortgage. aru�t and�xomcy qwrt . . .
<br /> garr�y,�er'e intecrst in d�e Proptrty urodtr the terms of this Securlry Insuuirxnt: (b)is not persor�lly obligatod to r��p tho aums
<br /> secuc�cd by this Socurity Tnutument;and(c)agras tha�Lender and sny other Bcrrowa may age+ee to extud�moditj�Y fc�rtier nr
<br /> m�ke aay a000prupodations with regard to the ttrn�s of this Security Inmurc�ent or tho Note withaut th�t Borrowa'r tx�aaart,
<br /> 13,Iw�r�C1�ar�ea. Ii'�tt�e loan sacurod by this Security Inswment is subject to a!aw which sets muinwm loen ciurgas, ;
<br /> , uKi tl�t l�w is finelly iivapreted sa tlut the interest or c�tbr�'lau►ctwrges ooHaxod or to be coltoctod in coanaxiiln with d�c
<br /> kw►cxcaod tt►e pa�mitted liazit9,then:�(a)any such loaa.cl.lsir.gF siWl be c+oducod by tfa amount neassuy to�,.3��'0,�tl�o c.h�r�o
<br /> to tbe permittod licnit:�n¢�t�:;any sums already onllecto�l,fEr�.qa'Bot�+qwer which extxaktl pemutted limits w�;i+1::;iefundal tu
<br /> ` ' to malce this refund b roatuci �ti i
<br /> Borrow�. La�dat:mtY ctwrTsr� Y nB��� ?�P� owed vtxkr the �lote or by m�fcie�,g a difte�t '`�
<br /> PrY►nait to H4i;rro.�tr. If a,nfw�d red�ces principal. thc reducticu��;wiJl bc tttiatod sas a pxrti�4 PreA�►Yment wxiiaut �y''
<br /> Pcel�aYmmt clwitgt S�uder iire•��i�. � � �., ., � �•.
<br /> 14.Nalioes.Any nc�aie;?t�:Rerrowsr provided for in this Sav�ity Inetruma�t sha9�•be givee��liy deliveri�;g�i ux:':�iy nuiiling. •
<br /> it E�y first class mait unless ap�liesble law requins nse of uather method.'R�e notic.e etiill be di�rpta!to the.�'im�ni�dy Acldru�s
<br /> or any odKr adRlress Borrower designates.by �otlee to Lei�dex. Anv�notia to Lender st�l! �-�;iu�c� b}�:fu�'.,;;�t;i,ci•mril�rt�,�� "
<br /> L.erder's address atated t�erein or any od�e;r:nddress I.,��ecter d�signtte.s by notiee to Bomower. Af�;;�lc�.�¢pm��edai'+for in tt�ics,'-`.°
<br /> " Sec�urity instrnma�t sfielt be damod to riavic'b'c+en given to Bc>rrower or Lcndu whcn given As providrd in this,�grriph. :�
<br /> 15.Gowerdfa�g Lw; Se.vetibilitp. This 5ecurity dnstrumrnt shell be govemai by faieral law �w1�'��i�;�ixw of tl►c.
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is loc�tecl. In the a���rn;that any proY�;ion or clauu of tttis Socuriry.I�,a�unrnCbr tl�m Ida1c .
<br /> oonfiicts vrith�tjpj��lic�►te law.such conflia shall not affect other pmvis�,�u of this Socuriry Ynstn:.�x:nt or the Note svhic3�zar►hc��
<br /> given ef�'ea wtirsi!►�;ut th�oonflicting provision.Tu tlus end the provisions ef this Security Instrannr�it uul ihe Note'uru ciocl�rr�i '
<br /> to be sever�le. � ' �
<br /> , lf.Barrowa's Copy.Burrower slwll be given am rnnfortno�d copy of the Note and of this Se�urity tinsts��r.w�;fi.
<br /> . � � , ' F'oim 3024• 91fi,')
<br /> . vp.��+e '
<br />