<br /> ..,w i�i�6�R'�vs� ••., 'i
<br /> ,._�,•.�euy7�yh .�vk...,,,.. � —
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<br /> 17.TrAroter of tl�r Praperty or�Beencflci�l IrYtert�R In AorroN�cr.If aJl or any part af the n�perty or wns[ntcrtst in it
<br /> is sold or trxnsferred(or if a betkticiAl Intemt ln Borarower is r,ald or�rnnsferral and Hnrmv�er is nat a naturul�rscm)withou!
<br /> i.cndcr's priur wrilten c�u►u�cnt, L.cnder msey, at I►9 apiQn, requir� immecliate payment !n ILII uf uN sumx socu�al by this
<br /> Security Instrument.li�wever,thls apNon sh�ll na b� exerc:isa! by L.ender if exercisc is prohibltecl by fecicrxl Irw as af the date
<br />, 06 this Sccurity Instrumcn�. �
<br /> If f+entler exerci.yes this optlon. [.ende�r ahalf glve BnrroK�er natice of acceleration. Tht no�ice shall provide a{xri�xi of ix�t
<br /> less than 30 dnys from the dxte�he notiee i9 deiive�+ed ar a�sited within which Borrower must pay all sums r�ecurat by �his
<br /> Sccurity Instrument.If f3on4wu fails ta pay these sums prior tc�tho expiration of this period, Lender may invokc w�y rcmailc�
<br /> permittod by this Secuefty lnstrument wiihuut furth�r naice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 18. Borruw�r's RiRht W Rdnq�te. If Borcawer m�ets c�rtain comlitions, Borrower sl�all have the right ta hava
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument disconti nued at eny�ime prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such otlxr �rind a�
<br /> applicable law rrray spocify for rcinstwement) txfor� �le of the �roperty gursuant to nny powcr of:ale ai:.:«{n,-�l in thi�
<br /> Security Ynu�rum�nt;or(b)entry of a,judgment enforcana this Security Instnitnent.Those cotxlitionY are that Borrc�wer.(w)pays
<br /> Lender sll sums which then would be dile ander this Sf.ctiirity Instrument and the Note as if r��acceloration hxt occunod; (b)
<br /> curcs any defAUlt of any ixhrr covenants or�reeme�ts;(c)psys efl exponses incuri�ed in enforcing this Secudty InstNment,
<br /> including, but�xx limitecl to.neasonable atcumeys'fe�s;and(d)takes svch acKion as L.ende�muy reasonably requiro to assure
<br /> that the fien of this Sacurity instNmznt,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrowcr's obligation to pay thc sums sa.�ured by
<br /> this Securiry Irstrumeot �h,ili cnntinue unchnngal. Upon rcinstatement ay Barrower. this Socurity Instrument and the
<br /> ab�igations securod hercby shall remain fully effcxtive u if no acaltratlon had occwred. Hawever, this righl to ninstwto shall
<br /> t±ot a�ly in the cax of�ctl�ra.tion e!nder��agra;�!?.
<br /> 19. S�le�i Ncte; Ch�nge of l.oin Scrvfcer. 'ino Note or a partial interest in d�e Note (together with thi� Security
<br /> Instcument)m�y be sold one or more times withautpra�roc�ti�e to Ilorrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"/oen Serviar")that rnllects monthEy puyrnents due und�r the Note and thls Security Instrument.'I't�re also ms►y be:orse
<br /> or morc changrs of the Lnar►Servicer unrct�ted ta�saloof the Nae. If there is a change of the I.oan Servicer.Horrnwer.will be
<br /> given written notice of the change in aoocmdance wi�h paregraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice will stata t1b nxme ar�i
<br /> addr�s of the new L.oan Servicer and the uddress to which payments should be mnde. The notice will alsa contain any other
<br /> i�formation nquired by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hazardott9 Substitt�t.Borrower shall noc cause or pe►cnit the pr+esonce., use, disposal, sturagt. ot rc;ease of�ny
<br /> Hazardaus Substarxes on ur in the Property, Bomowtr shall na dn, rEar allow anyone else to do. anything affr.cting thc
<br /> Proprrty thac is in violation of any Hnvironmental Law.The prccoc�rrtg two sentencxs shatl not appty to the presence, use,�r
<br /> stontge on U�Pro�xny of smell quantitias of Haizardous 5ubstancrs t'hat arc grn�erally rocognized to be uppropriato tn normsl
<br /> residentia!uses and to m�,,�a,„in,,t�e�nance of thc Pmpemy.
<br /> R��m�yrr chal!r"--'-'i"si 4fy^i�tvl�!' �ySl�i:�.^��:SS��A1«�SA.°.ti0:�C�wfSli� '�C�iTi�'S'�'� �i��oLit(37 L'�t�"ic:t iw:t��'�� iut�%
<br /> governrtxntal or regulatory agency or private party im-ohing tht Property and any I-Iazardous Substance or Envi��m�cntel Law
<br /> of which Borrower hx.c actual knowledge.If Borarower lwrns,ar is m�titiai by any govemmentnl or cegul�tbry�uthority, t�nt
<br /> any crmoval or othcr rernediation of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affoain�th�Pre�perty is necessary.1Borrower shall pranptly ts��;o
<br /> all neoessary ren�edi�l actEons in acoordanoe wiQ�Emironn�sntai Law�.
<br /> As used in this para��h 20, "Hazar�dous Substances"are thost�substaix�s c3e�uxd as toxic or Bazanious nuhstuxtis by
<br /> �nvirvnmental L.Aw and ihe �ullowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, Wher flammable or toxic petroleum productF, tuxic
<br /> pcsticldes w�d hefiicides,volatile sc►lvents, muerialsoontvning asbestos or formatc�ch�de,and radiwctive mptorials.As used in
<br /> tfi�s p�ragraph 20, "EnvironmenW I.�w'�rians foderal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where thc Property is tocsted thsit
<br /> iclxe ro health,safety or rnvironmental pro[cxtion. �
<br /> • ' NON-UMFORM�OVENANTS. Bormwer an1 La�e�fua!hr�enver.±utt nnii R�as follorrs:
<br /> • 21.Aoc�etlop;�ks.I,er�der slq11 �fve�ollCe to Homower qior to�oekration fdbwlot Hq�±�e�ver's brc�c6
<br /> df�ny.co�as�at or�reaae�t i�e thh Seau�fty Ins�m�rient (but tat prior to acoderat�an unda� pata�r� 1'7 pdat
<br /> ippika6le law prorldes otrerwik). TMe noike �M1i epeci(�: (�)t6e delaulti(b)the a�ian r+e�i�+ed to eure the defaidt;
<br /> �{c)a d�te.not las than 30 d�ys A�oR�the dute the notke 6 givea to Burrvwer, by whlch the dd'iuk mu�t be cured;:�nd
<br /> (�tb�t i�ih�re to au�e tbe detaatt on or betoir�e th�d�te specllial in the »oticP may resuh in�cxekrAtlon ot the snums
<br /> �ed ir�t�S�xority Laetrun�cnt aDtl sak o!U�e ProExrty.The notioe shall tlu�ther in[ornt B�xs�ower of the rkbx",V
<br /> rela��ts�(Ler�oodasHou�ud tLe rl�lit to b�•fat a eour!�cllon to awert tlro non�xbta�ce o�a ddaalt or any ot6eY
<br /> defe�e ot Boernw�er to sooc.4er,#tion and s�k. It t6e def�ult is nM cured oa i�Lefore the d�te
<br /> Q.�ader, at ks optjoo, may m���vqalre Irnm�Wte pyrsxnt in full oi�II sum.s secvred by t6is Secacl�I�nk�
<br />