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<br /> � � � . ` .�o�u ` ` 92--� f�3'�'Q .
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<br /> , � : a _ . �g�_ soso� . . , .. � � �
<br /> . � ` ` . �. ` p�SO�L �ER�l11?I9a•s DsED � .
<br /> � : (P�ucsuant ta Pcwer af Sale ia T�TilI) . � �. �-
<br /> ' � �lARION SCHiJLTZ. Peraonal� R�pre�entative of the � ,
<br /> - - -- -- --- - 8STl�TJ�-OF_.1�BGa1RET_�Il�l:Hl�._ Dece$�ed, . - --
<br /> . ,� GRAiITOR, purauant to anthority qivea bp the i�ii7.1 of the Deaeased, : `
<br /> in consideratian: of � ' .
<br /> �D FIFTY CBNTS (#14�1t653.S0)-------------------�-----------"-• ._
<br /> • rece�.t�ed from GR]l�iTBEB _ - �
<br /> ` ' M1UC !�. lYl1lDER and LIZBETB��MADER, husbaitd ,
<br /> ` and wife, as tenants fn common,
<br /> conveps to 6R�lNTIIS�, the fo2lawing-described real estate {as defined __. _
<br /> � in Feb� Rev. Stat. 76-201)s . , -
<br /> The South Half of the Wortheast puarter �S}1�1E�) of Sectioa Twenty- �
<br /> _ aiae [29) ; Townahip Tr�e�lve tl2} North, Ranqe Niae �(9) , West of the
<br /> 6th p:M., Sall Couaty,�Aebraska, excepting a certafn tract described
<br /> as fol3o�s: Heginning at. tlie $QUtheast corner of said qua�ter seation;
<br /> thenae Northerly a distance of 1299.92 feet alonq the East line of
<br /> said q�iartex sectfon to a pcint on the pxoperty line of the Grantor; ,
<br /> thence f�lesterly deflectinq 90° OQ' 00"� second left, a distaa�e of -
<br /> 170.02 feet alonq said liuet thence Souther2y de£lectfrig 90° 04' 5?"
<br /> Ze€t, a distance oE 12g4.99 feet to a point on the Soutlz line of said
<br />__ "' quarter� section; thence Easterly deflecting 89° 55' 2T" left, a
<br /> .:. � distance of 168.15 feet alomg the South line of said qnarter section
<br /> to the poiat of beginning, �aataining 5.05 acres, mere or less�,
<br /> � � which. inc2udes 1.19 acres,.3avzear �less prevaous].y occupfed a$ public
<br /> bighiray, and excepting a certain tracti more particularly described in
<br /> - Deed recorded in Book 76, gaqe 506,
<br /> subjeat to easements, reservations, covenaats, and restrfctions of
<br />-=z record. , .
<br /> = GRANTOR covenants wfth GRANTF:ES that GRANTOR has legal power and law-
<br /> � ful authority to convey the same.
<br /> - EXECIITED: . 1992. �
<br /> - ESTATE OF I�lARGARET ANN BAt�ANN, Deceased
<br /> . . . .. . 'y C�v�--• � . _
<br /> By -
<br /> Margon Schultz -, _
<br /> _- � ' � • Personal Representative -
<br /> _ ' ' STATE OF NEBRASRA �� . . _.
<br />_ �, p se. �
<br />?`� • COtJNTY OF AAL?+ ) :
<br /> ? � � Th orego�aq instrument was ackonwledged Before �ae this �f ;day o� �
<br /> -, 1992, #�y MARLaN SCAULTZ, Persanal Representative of . �
<br /> � the ES TE OF MARGAI�ET ANN HAMANN� IIeceased. �
<br /> -� . . , �
<br /> .. � ��C�� Notary Pu � Cf`G :;,
<br /> M►�MiM►��li � � � _
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