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<br /> At tlie aptlnn of I.cnder,.a11 or uty p�,-t af the �g�riecl fcese �uM chugea, accrttod inS�t ond pri�x;ip�l ehRil became
<br /> imm�diste�y duo And p�yufilr•o�fc��r:gfving n,�icr ii[t��lrod by�aw,upon ths occyrrcnce of a default or�nytime thare�fter.
<br /> In xddttton� l.,endar eh�!]t�c rnt[91ed w�Il the remodia pmvided by I�w, the Securod Debt, rhie D�ed of Tnut pnd any
<br /> rel�taf dooi�mtrnta includ3tu;withrntt pmlt�tlon,the power to eell the�roperty,
<br /> lf there ie q dafiiult,7Yus�n sk�ll� in addlQon to wy other pemdtted remody,at the requeat of t�e Leadar,�dvertlee ad�ell
<br /> tha Pcoper�/ao a whoie ca i�n�mto puceli at publlc wctiaa ta the hlghest bidder for c.�eh�nd co�vey a��olute title fne
<br /> and cicu af�l[rlght.titt�c irr:l intwmat of(irnntor u auch timc�nd p1�co as Trustx deaign��es.Trustee sha11 glva nodce of
<br /> s�!o incluc4tpg tUo timo,tcfnv�u►c!�i,�ce of eale u�d�dacripdon of the property w be�old ari�quind by the�pplicable l�w
<br /> � in effcct�t�thn tlme af th�prc�ast�i�alc.
<br /> U�wn sala a,F U�s proper►�.��o C�e extene na proLtUieal by l�w.T►urtee eiwll u�ce uxi ckliva�dood to t1AO Pmperty wld
<br /> whlch comr+oys �1tac�Ix�tc xitk+ to.Cfk purchruer. aix!+�fier tlrit paying�Il fas, char�es aod cata� ahall pay to L�endst all
<br /> moneys �dvancrd far rr.g�its,ta�.es, insw+enoe. llea�. u�esrmente snd pxIor w�vmbr�ocea �ad interat thereoa, aad tltie
<br /> princ;Ip�l catd Iuten:t oa�tt�r Sec��u+ed lkbt,P+�Ylag We w�plw�lf wy�to Qr�wtor. Lend'r tnay puer.ha�e th�Propaty.The
<br /> tocltalo in mty d�ed of acen�ey�a�11 be priau fack evldenee of the ficta eet fotth therein.
<br /> All nmetlias a�r dlstinct..arrs�ol��ivc and aot cxclusive.aad�thc Lender is entitlod to all nKnedies pmvldod at law or equlty�
<br /> wheth�r ca�ir^�sly set f4�3�a�noi_ 7t�erc�laace by I�eadrs of r�y sum in payaxat ar gaatie[psya�rnt an the Gcurrl�ht
<br /> aft�r thc bal�mcc!e duo o�tE r�cc!�lerated or after foroclosur�proc�eedings are filed shall not constitute x waiver of l.earler'e
<br /> dght to reqidin fult sM oan�ktrr ctu�e of uiy�aisting default.By not exerciaing any mnedy on Gr�nwr's defwlt, Lauier
<br /> dnes not wui�rn�L,ettdQS's rI�,R ro inter con�ider the event a def�ult if�s cant�nues or happws�Agaln.
<br /> 18.�XPENSE�;:ADVANC�'i�C�N�OVF,NAIVTS;A7TORNEYS'F�ES;COLLF,f.'1'ION COST3,Except whea pmLibital
<br /> by l�w.Grultur�gnes ta{��;U'of Lendrr'e expr,n�s if Gru�wr brea�any covesnat in thia Deod of Tturt.Gr�mtor will
<br /> �Ico pny on'�lumand all of Ikc�dt�r'�eapeneee ixurred in collectiag.inauring,Preaen'la8 or protxtia�the Propaty or la my
<br /> inveatodd..�udlte, in�+oKxi�;►�s nr other ea�unInstion by Lender in trspxt to the Pmpetty.Gr�awr�gt+ea to pay tll oorta
<br /> eud cxpenee� iucurral t��,Lcmder in e�forcln� or protoctin� La�der'� rIghta �ad remedia w�deir this Deed of 1Yuat.
<br /> including�but nat limc'�c�b ro, s.ttorneYs'fas.P+u�sl�8v fea.oouK coats�wd otuer legal expeaus.Onoe the Sacured Debt i�
<br /> fully md finnlly paid.Lt�3:��nea w rda�this Deod of'hust u�d Grautor a�raes to pry far any recoidation a�sb.All
<br /> a�ch umuni{:qn�due nn ��.tml and will heyr intewit fmm the tir��f fhr.xfyanrr_.at tlu�his�Ct r�t�i»�PFirt f r++ti�w ,
<br /> to ti��o�at ptrtviided i�tlym Bvi�lbuce of Debt aod n p�rmtaed by l�w. � � � �
<br /> 1.9.ENV7RONMhJVTAI.I,AWt�A�JD�1AZARDWS S[1HS'R'ANCES. Ae used in thia sax�un, il) ,.�nv3raaamql Ixw"
<br /> mcano, wIthaut Um62�,r,l�v�,t�1m Compreha�ivc Favironmau�l Reapc�nse, Conr�anaation and I.ia,�ility,,A�t.(CBRCLA, 42
<br /> U.S.C.9601 ot�scq.p>n?I�?br.r�federnl,atue aud local lawe� ngul�one,ordinamces.cotut orders,,a4wrnLy geaeral opiaioi�a
<br /> or intecpe+etive, lett�rs et�;ccxrOng tht public heaith. e�fety, welfnr�, eavirannient or a bara�ribus eub�taucx; md. (2)
<br /> "Huudous SnV�stmmce"�3,�uy Wxlc� radloacxive or ha�udo��s �ruterLl. waste� poliqt�slt�ar�in�nt wltich.•hat
<br /> characteristics �vl�ieb ze�3x 3he subataace du�ge�+uus or poteatully dmgemua w tho public b�ith. .aaFety► wdfLre or
<br /> eavironmenc. '�to t��;m.ha�ta� wlthoiu limttattoo� aay tubetaneee defubd ar 'huaYdout uuteriat�" "iox9c�ub+t�oca,,
<br /> "h:..,v.-3c;u�;,��"o: "h:�sra:ca:�ut��" �r my Eavimnmwtal I,aw.Gr�wtor repreu�t�:wursnt�iwd�reea th�t.
<br /> exce�t�s prevlU[uly discit�eect�od acknowledgod ia wrYting:
<br /> A. No�T�`i�cdaua Su�eu�rsa h�a bo�a�1a.or�vitl b�lacatad.moaported.m�nufictured.tneutei��ne8nal.or h�ndled`by
<br /> �Y P�'��.w�rkr��ix�bout We Proprnty.exoept in tLe oMinuy ooune of businpa�od in dtric:t oon�y►lianoe wlth
<br /> all�pp�its�lo Ezn�caorwu�eatal Uw. �
<br /> B. Granw��h�naC�nd syill not cawe,oo�utibute w.or permit the rdaue of au�r H�zutioua��nce ab�the Pmparty. ...
<br /> C. Grmwr wttl innve�UiRely nai!'y I,ender if(1) a c+�la�e or thieueaed rdau�of H�audow �bt�aoc�se�oia; '�.
<br /> . und�c�r�bout thc I'mpaty or mfanta or t6nateae W migr�te from aeuby propaty_;ot(2)tha�e is a viol�t�oa��f.�.�.•
<br /> any�+troironmeatil l.sw wnatni,ng the Pcopaty.Ia such an eveat.Gtyntor wUl ttJce all neoeuary zanedial�c�tia'oa;IA:�
<br /> aa�ordlwt�o with Aniiranunent�l Law. �
<br /> D. Grantor.has ao I�sa�wleCQe of or rr�uoa w bdieve thenc la �ny pp�dio� oc thruuabd tmeati�n.,clrim, or
<br /> proco�u�g of snY k;ind relatia�to(1)my Hu,udout�located u�, uader qr.about the Propaty;or(2)�ny
<br /> violuion 6y Gruat�:R ox tny taunt of�my Env�ul I.iw. G�aator wlll i�nedixiel�aotIfy L,eader in��rit��a
<br /> , eoon as(i�antor 6�¢a«�aoa W believe tba�e it aay ach paWIng or thrateaed Inveatigation.cl�n.or �f��
<br /> �ch a�i oveat� l,c�sdcr i�u tbe rigln.but not tl�e oblIgstion,to P��I���y�p�8�1�Is�t.
<br /> to roatQVe oopi,�:�c+�f�uy doc�aicata c�d�tln�w at�►pmceadic�,a.
<br /> E. Grentor and evrrr�•teaaat have bem�are aod�hall mnain in iWl oompliance with any�pplicable&►vlrnnmaas�l E.aw.
<br /> F. 'Iherca�n+o a�uc�:lar�roruM Atorf�go w�ki,pdv�dum�ne or opsa weUa IocAted an or unda We Pmpe:ty and no such
<br /> wilc,dump or�eu�l wlll be adrlod wileu I.wder fuu ooneeate la writing. . ,` .
<br /> G. Grantar wUl�reppvTwly i�the Propaty.m�nitor the�c:tiviti«�and operatlone on the Pcopaty.�md oonfir�q'xhnt �
<br /> all pamita,liceeed or yppmv�li¢�equitod by�ay�pplic�ble Eavimnmaital I.a►w are obt�iaed�nd oompliod wirh. .
<br /> H. Grantor wUl�armit,or c�uie my k�mt to pexmit.Ltoder a I.a�e:'a asaot w e�er�md in�pect phe ProQaty�od
<br /> review a11 recc,:ds u aay reasonable time to detetmine (1) the existence; louuion �nd nuurt•o�`:ari,y H�rBo�
<br /> Subtvtaaoe on. �ndet os ainout the Pcoperty; (2) the existence. locatfan, natnre. aad magnitudc nf any H�trdnvs
<br /> Su�CUCtrmae thaE itws bxn nl�on,unckr or aoout the Pa,o��ty;or(3)whether or bot Grantor and any tena�at Ar�e nn
<br /> compliunce wi�'h appNcs�ble Ea.vInonma�tal Law.
<br /> I. Upon t:cndcr'�.roquea�i�oci u any time, Gr�ator�gcna, ut Grantor's expwse.to enga�e a qualifitd arvirenraeni�l
<br /> m¢i�ot�et W IIc+rmre m mvimnmmtai n�dit uf thn Prnmtv�nd m su6mit the�lm nf svc]�a�ut�t�rn i.�1rr 'tbw • -
<br /> G`r"vlC�Gi iII�^M�VIt�f�IEAlii Ctl$tIICCT WI10 WII�nGl'f0ilm 6UC}I Ap(�t�S StIbjCCi LO L,C�Cf'B�TOV�I.^ � "^
<br /> d. Lrndea�hae tti�dgbt,but not the oblig�tion,to perform any of Cirantor's obligations under triis arction ut Cirm�►ar's
<br /> capa�se. ..
<br /> K. As a oor�aeace ot any breach of any rtprexntatiov,wamnty or pmmise ma�te ia this soction, (1)Grautor will
<br /> indamtt�y s�d 6old L.e�fer and L,ender'c suocessors or acsf�na 6anrolexs from and ngaiast all loases. cl�tms,. —
<br /> demu�ly� l�ibilittea,d�nugp, altAnup,c�wnsc nod rea�ediation coste,pciWties and expeaxs. includiug without
<br /> limiuttun ail casta ot lidgation and�ttorn�.ye' feeo� vehlch�r and l,eackr'e saocasore or a4signs may suat�in;
<br /> and f3)at i,rnder s disciai.:�,i.ender rc�y nleaae this Dood of Trust�nd in c+eturn Gr�nror will pnnvide I,ender with
<br /> collr�aN of at lc�.st equ�l v�luQ to th�c propecty xeured b�!this Decd of 7tust without prejudice to any o€Lendet's
<br /> righw und�r thte Dced of Truat.
<br /> r �. "i�
<br /> . ,paye I ol e
<br /> 01099 Bu�k�n 6Y+��nn Ine..St.CIOe�A.MN U•W63L7•23�11 Form A(ifCO�OT-N!4rt/0�
<br />