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<br /> .
<br /> ;. .
<br /> ...�.:�.,�►.., . .
<br /> ,.... _
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<br /> ,
<br /> �4 r. rMr��:S�+�•9kMIVd4iu . ..._._ - - - --
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<br /> ('a�e� '_.._.__—_' .�... -_—__.-- -... ___ ____
<br /> 70GEfNc4i WITH aN the knp�ovemtnta now or hernafter eractrcl on the properly. and�N xaaementa, appuAenance�, �nd
<br /> 1{xtur�a nnw ar hereafter� peii o4 tho pr��c�t}�.A`I in.p?ttr.cments and�ddit�ons eh�il nlao be cavaed by lhis Sacurfty In�trum�nt.
<br /> 9A ut Ihe turago:n�lo rc�fc,red t� In lis!;�ccu�ity 1�isGU�a�nS n�tho 'Froptrty.' _� _
<br /> � EiOFii�0Y1�R COVENANI9 thnt A�rr�w lo lunsnc�umbe ed, except tnr�te iouinbee cG�'at ro UCI(+ O`0lYO'WN IW�f1lthtCj'NfIdC.WHI
<br /> �onvsy Ih� Nroperty and lhat the hropaty
<br /> dN�d p�MrMNy IhH 1111�la ih�Propaty�W���+w��e and A�nu�nde.euHjwt to�ny mcumbrsnce�ut rscord.
<br /> 7HIS 6ECllRITY IN9TRUMENT cambin�s unHortn carsn�n��o fur n�tional uea �nd non•unMorm coren�nts with Nmlled
<br /> v�rfetbna by jurfsdleQon ta conslMute�unHorm��curi4Y Inat�u►ne^I cowrN�q rwf prop�+iy.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN?�. Bortow�'�nd l�ntf�r acv�n�n�+�^��4rN��toNOwr:
<br /> 9.F�r��ri���. �;3 C':I:�:r:! u�v�l Ie��!�+r�!�t; Pr�paym�nt �n�! L�ta Gh�i a�ci�ie c A�a�+pu�a tryna Ho oM , -
<br /> du�th��r�nclpN o1�nd btKwt on Ih�d�bt wkNncsd by th�Not+b�NdMw oprrta�w��ltm w�ivK 6y l.�ndn, 8otrowM ahul p�y �
<br /> Z. Fund�for Tex�� �nd ln�ur�na�.subl�cl co.pa�c
<br /> t a L e n d e s o n l h� d+i y monlh y p�y mwit� ue dus undar the Nots, un14 Qhs Nut� lo paW k�IuN, e eum("FUn bs')1or: i��� +�
<br /> owr t h ls 3 e ai r l t y I n�t r u m M t a� � N m o n t h� P r o p a t y� ( ) Y�N '��
<br /> t�x� �nd �ss„un�nls w!�kh m�y atWn Prk�tY � fi�rd a p�op�Y M�aunnc�premfume; (dI Y�Y�od Insuhnca�
<br /> pRymnnts or qround nnts on thn Praperty, H�ny; (o)y �Y �n euma �bls by Borrower to Lendar In accwd�na�
<br /> ��m�,N�y. ���y�y mong�g�Insur�nce pramlums, N�ny; ��d l4 �sur�ttce preir�lums. Thes�kema �ro caNad 'Eea'ow M�
<br /> wlth tha provi�lone u1 par�ynoh 8. In Ileu of the paymenl 01 mort�se
<br /> Items.' LendK rtwy. �t any tkne, {�u�toa 8 rt weru� esuownRCCCwntt under the lederd R�E e emSett�enll�o adurea
<br /> teder�ly �elnted mortgayn loan m�y �i
<br /> s�ts a lesaer�maunt��f so, Lendar ro�Y• �t ny tlme. ��°C�And hald Funds In e�n'ur.o nth at�t ex�ceed the Isss�r�mount
<br /> Lsnda may ealknate the amount ot Funds due on�the b�sls o1 cunent dat�and re�sonabie ostknetes of expendkures ot b�fure
<br /> EscYpw ttans or othsrwfcs in accordance wfth appYcAbb law.
<br /> The Funda shNl be hdd k��n instit�llor'�ti�oae deposUs ere fnaured 6y s tederal�9e��Y•�slth��ds�to pRy the Escrow
<br /> LE.da� M l�sd_n !e such �n fnstitutlonl or fn or.y Federnl Homd Lo�n Bank L�nder eh�ll�ppiy e ascrow rccuunt, or vwifykiq
<br /> garrts,�ender rrwy not charge Bortowet ior holdhg ond aPPlyAiy the Fu�de,d���w�y cnsSyz�9
<br /> the Escrow ftems, unlesa Lw� p1�Ys dortowx Intenst cui the Funds u►d appNcsblo Ir�v pe�mit� L°nd°r to ^+eke such �
<br /> C4iATyR. I1triY0VEf� Llflder tn1�y rcql?PA BortOW�t6 � a ��k��vids ot ewwl���tl��less �n ta aement«Ia9mar3e or
<br /> us�d by Lender in cannectia" M+h'h this loxn, unbas sppYc�fa B��K Ny �txest w saminqs on ths Funds.
<br /> N�p�i,�{S law requirea k►tenst ta Ise pald� L�e+cler sh�nat be requk�d W(�Y
<br /> ��� �d�,�,� �y�gree in writhg, hoa�aver,thwt iniereat shatl be R�Id on tha Funds. Lend�r sh�9ive to Baroww.
<br /> wlhhout ctwge, an annwJ�ccow+tiny of the Fundo,�,s��fss���N su sFaecured by ihe Seaxityf ewLum�n�ch
<br /> deJoil ta the Funda was m�de• The Funds�re pledg py�e I�,N� �ander ah�ll �ccount to Bomov+es
<br /> N the Funds held by I.ender excced ihe amounts Permfaed t Ncable kw6 1 the�sunount of lhe Funds heid by lendw'at any
<br /> t.7r 1he �cees Fvnda In �ccordmce wHh tho requkementa af aPP
<br /> qme la not sutAcM�nt to pay the Escrow Itema when doe. Lancler^'►sY s�n�o�����s�he��°��Gp��h�n
<br /> sh�ll pay to Lander the amount necessuY�� m�s up the deflcieneY•
<br /> twaNe monthN b�+�Y►�ta� �t Lender'a sok dlaaMlon.
<br /> �pon �t tn iut of e�� sums s�w�.cx i:�2:�n°�-'�`.r:�R•u'°s=""t,landr stul QtamptM ntund to 8orrower�ny Funds
<br /> MM1d by Lander. B�w►dw'W�'�9tiPh 21� L�nder shal!acr�uin or s�M ths Prop�tlr� L�ndac.Prk►►to the�a��ia�
<br /> ptzrpd�ly,shaN yoppN+�Y F��heAd by Unda�t ths tkne o1�o�+laltbr►u*sale �a• crr'dH!R9��t the sums a�cuite�d�21Y lhia
<br /> Srqxky Inati'atheht, ds recdv�d by L�ndqr under
<br /> 3. ���n e} paym�nts. Unlass sppMcable I�w provldcs `o'thMV+ise, aU prYrna
<br /> P+�9�'�Phx 7 xYnd�2'sh�ll bs +�ppM�d: 1ksi�to �ny pnA+Yment chu�ea due�uqdM'ttN Not�: s�cond,to�wnounts PNYsbw undK
<br /> y;MTrd ta fnt�rest due:tourth,to prfncipa►due:�nd last,to�ny iate tharya dw ur►de►the Note.
<br /> �Ch�s; U�n�. 8orrow�r sh�ll pay all wc�, aaseeam�nte, chryes�fine� rnd Mry�oskbna �ttrrwtwble to the
<br /> ove►thts SecurRY Ina��1, md IMS�hotd WYm�nts °�9�'aind rnnts�M�ny. Bo�nwrer sh�M
<br /> 'Prop�rfy whbh may�ttain P�Ia��Y h pr H aot p�id in that m�rm+�� Bortow� shaM pay tAen+�an tMrn
<br /> p�y thaae oi�yatio�s in ih6 mennnr Previdsd in P��P '�''�mish to L�ndw d�u1k.e� of�mowds 4u he Mid unde►this
<br /> ci'rsciiy to tl�e persco o:Yet+ �SY�'�'-'�t. Bort�;s�Bortower shail prartpiiy fwtdoh ta le�d� :�e!p�o ��ncino th�
<br /> p�nyraph. H 6orrower makes thsse payn .�
<br /> �rnsnts.
<br /> '..,, Bonowet'•�haM 1NOmp1�Y dl4cher9e anY Msn whkh hax prlatiiy over this Secutity InsWm�nt ur►I�ss Bvd4Wer. (a) +9roes in
<br /> � �arriitin�►to thr;'ipbyrtnent ot the;ot�+tlon sewnd by the Nin ln• m�nn�r accepWble ta lwnda: (b) contesta s t9� m�*.:h�
<br /> r
<br /> whlct► (n the Larider:a ep�nion op�r� P�`� ,
<br /> ,�Gen by� or a1�oY81ids �fN�inet �niorc�►t ot the lie� h. 7q1d t satltMalotY,'10 Landa vubordkulk►g'ilia,IYen,to ', •
<br /> eniorcern�nt.�o4 rthe fl�n; a(a) securoa hom the hofdK ot the N�n �r►�y��+n �ev�t:lfiis � ,
<br /> thf�saou�tqr�1nslniH+wn. n Lend.r a�t«min.. tn.t.ny prt ot ih•P�roqshi(a nuaJecl to.sl«,wninl, m.qr,•wun plalty
<br /> '� � •:g�puity Msqw�6rit,L�ndr m�y qN� Burcower��odco ida�tllyk�y th�N�ai.�orroww nhaA e�atlsly 1h�M�n��or�tMu ona a mon ot '.;
<br /> .,., ....
<br /> . ,
<br /> Y t ie�.c tl o�a s�t fath abow wMhfn 10 ci�ys oi tne qf+rl"9 of notice.
<br /> ,� 5. H�d o� Prop!H'ty In�u1'aaC�. 8orcowut atMM ksep the NnprovertMn t a n o w�x i s tl n p or I�erwttar r�on the
<br /> property ineurod �fnst loss by tke, ha�rda fnduded withf� the t�m '�xbncMd cov�ye' rnd�ny oth�r h�za�.�irol��
<br /> .,'., Iloods a 1k�odinq,tor whk:h Lenckr roqukas inauramtx+. 3hls Gtsurance sf►�N b� m�ht�lnsd in th��mounb�nd fa►iAq��
<br /> th�t�ander rsquk�e. The Mau�na►c�nler pm„I�"4 the-kiaurance ahal6 be chosen by Horrow�r stubJ�ct to lenda�s rpprovd
<br /> m
<br /> � whkt� stwl not be uwrMSO�bIy+ withhdd. M 6atoVvur.hMs to m�k►tak� coveraq�dKCril�f abovs� Lendr mMy. at l.sod�r's
<br /> ,����
<br /> " optlo��ebLY+ covKa�yt to Exotact Lend�r's ri9hts fn tfie�o�5a1Y In�acorci�nc�vrith panyr�ph 7. .
<br /> . . AM inwmnc� poYcks and r�newds sh� b� accep{uY�te•..to Und�r and ah�N Inciyde�a sUnct�d mortpa� d�;use: L�nd�r
<br /> , �h�ll hwa ths rfpht to hold ths polidaa and renewola. tt 1.'viider cequfns�Son'ower bl�all`!�►'omp1�Y 9��to L�ndK�I�aaiPts o1
<br /> pdd pnmiums and renewal notkee, In th�ev�nt of b sae,��er shNl uke prompl riotkx to the k�surana artlar�a(id l�n�•
<br /> I.ender msy mnk�proof of loss N not made P�omPtiY Y �
<br /> Uni�as L+mder�nd Bwrowa'othsrwise agrce in wt�ing� Inwa^c°prooeeds shap be sppNed to restor�tfon or ��pek oi the
<br /> propqty� dvn�qed,M the restor+�tion or ropak Is oco+►ornk�IMl(easlbte�nd Lender'a necurity Is not lessened.ff the roatC�xdon or
<br /> � rep�k is not econorr►iuNY te�sibt�or L�nder'a securily woutd'be{essened�the insunna proceads ah�N be appYed'!3'thR auma
<br /> sacured by thfs Securfry Instrum�nt, wholhet or not then due, with any excess P�B to Borrower• U 6otrower +Y�ndqna the
<br /> prope�ty, or doea noi answer wfth(n 30 deys n noUce trom Londer that t�s insunnc� c�Ms offend to aettlt A�1akn,then
<br /> Lender may coNect the Insurar�w M��eds. Ler►der may use the procNds to r�or rest�he n U�ca i�pk�n� �Y wims
<br /> saured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day pxbd wr bsan
<br /> Nca�on ot proceeds to prN�dpN sh�M not extsnd or
<br /> Unbaa Lendw u►d Barower othc+wise agree in w�iting, eny 4pp ta. It
<br /> postpone the dus d�te ot the manthy pryroe�►ts reterted to In prnyrophs t �nd 2 or changr lh� smouM o}the paymen
<br /> under pRra9nPh 21 the PropMy Is ecquked by Lender, Borrewer's►iflht to any M�su►�nu pnNctes and procsads rea�kk�p lrom
<br /> .i.�..a. :a in. Prnnedv ador to the acqulsitlon ahall paas to Lendar to tfie eMent of the sums by ihls Sewrity Instrume�b
<br /> - Immecyutely prio►to the tcquinttion.
<br /> d. Occupancy, Pras�rvation� Ma1nt�Aanca �nd prot�tlon of th� Proporty; Borrow�r's Lo�n
<br /> hpiplication; L�ss�hOld�• Borrower sh�N occupy� estabNsh, and use ih� Prope►ty ws Barrower's ptindpal reoldencs wHhk►
<br /> spdy d�ys �her the executinn ot this 3ecu�tty Instrument end ah�q �onUnue to occupy the Prop�ty �s BOI101YBf�6 principd
<br /> residence 1or�at leaat ona year after the date o1 occu►�ncy. uMess Lende► othawlso�qreea In writiny, wh�h conaent ahall not
<br /> bs unneasonably wkhhald, or unless extaivating dreumstances sx�st which are beyond Borrower's conVol. Boma��ior �haq not
<br /> desVoy, darnage o►knP�k the F'roperty.ellow the Property to deterlorate, or commit w�ste on the Properly. Barraw+7 shaU bs In
<br /> M totid u e of ti�e P op¢+ty or�otherwls�rcwtctlsNy NnPuk the Ilen�c eated by�hls Security in wmeant oriL�ender'ds se�c�urity Intcrestn
<br />_ t.�� 1�•�
<br /> Page 2 ot 5 �
<br /> F731G.LMO f319G)
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