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<br /> 9Q- �.Q'�',�SO
<br /> (I)All or put of tho Property.or r beaeflci�l tnterat i�a tnut ownin�aQ os put aY�he Properry,i�eold r
<br /> or othenwi�e trwfer�red(otber thui by deviie or de�orat)�u�
<br /> ��j'�C prnperty i�not occupfod by tho pumhiuer or grantx�hfa or her ptincip�l residence, or tho
<br /> purch�xr or �r�nta daca eo oocupy the PmpertY but hl� or her cradit hu not ban appmval ln
<br /> accord�p�x evlth the c+�quirert�u of t�he Socmtaty.
<br /> (c)Na Wdver.If cimw!rtaacss occur that would permtt Lsnder m requite immodiate p�►yroent in full. but
<br /> I�ader doea not require�uch p�ymaua�I.ender doa aot wdve lts dghts witlt ccxpoct to subsequent aveata.
<br /> (�Ke�utstbir o[HUD Secrdar9. In m�ny circu�mswrces agul�tlnns issuod by the Secntuy will limit
<br /> i,a�der'�r�gbq. in the c�e oY payment dsfaults.so require immeAl�te PeYmai��n full u�d foreclose if not
<br /> p�id, TWt Socusity Iusttument do�a not�utt►or�ge�cceIerulon or foroclosuxe if not pertnftted by�egulati�ns
<br /> of the Secre.tuy.
<br /> (e)Mo�e Not�nsWred.BorrowGr agcaa that if thie Securiry Inaaument and the Note are aot determinod
<br /> to be ciigible for irlauruxe un�ierr the N��tonni kIassing Act�ittdn�!!daya froTn t}�e dau t►ereaf, Lender
<br /> m�y. at iu optbn� �equit+e immediue payment ia fl�ll of all eumr�ecurad by thia Socarity Insuumant. A
<br /> writton suucmcnt aY�nuy wtho�ized�gc�►t of the Sxc�atary d�ted mut�oquent Yo SO days from tric due 1�eroof�
<br /> declining ta 9w�uro tbis Sa;urity Inaau�a►4 u►d the Natr, ah�ll be deemed conclusivo praof of nuch
<br /> �nedigibility. Notv�ithetanding t�►z foregoins� th9s option .rnay aot be exaciKd by i.er►der wLw the
<br /> una�v�isbility of�nso�ruice le eol�ly due W Leudec's faili�sa 'to�+cmit a mortg�ge iwarnrroe yremium w the
<br /> ���• mGnt in full
<br /> 10. Rde�Mtea�eat. Bamower 6�s �tlght to be r�instuod lf Le+ider 1�as raluired immedi�te Pi'Y
<br /> �,beC�uao of Bormwer'r fiiilure w pay m amonat d�es uadcr tho IVote or t�is 5ecudty Inauumcs�t, Thla dght o�plta
<br /> . Gwoa�fler ioreclaaure pmceedinB� �ue inuituted. To relnetate tho S�:curity Izuuumeat. Bor�awer�h�ll tea�kr !n•
<br /> ltimtp��vn�11 u'nounts required to br(na$ot[+owu't�ccount Cu�ant Jnelnding, to ttye extoat theY ace oblig�dons of
<br /> � tlarm�ver nnaer wis jowri}y 3i�u�+µ..�'�u.==,.^'��=�a°on�l«a,xl�,attunaiy attomeyr'fees and expa�qas
<br /> P�Y��d with the fonclo�sca prooeodin�. Upon teinstatam�at �Y Borniwer.thi�Security Inatnunent imd
<br /> the obtfi�tians th�t it �ocura s6a11 ta�+aln in efioct n it i.e�xtar tu�d not required immedi�te P+iY� � iWl.
<br /> Honvcvcr. I�z1a i� aot raNired co perrnie rehuwemau ff: (i) I.ea�kr has aoapted ceiost�t�ent aftar the
<br /> oommencaomt of foreclaure procaedin�witbfn two yw�s immediatelY p�edln�tba�of a cuin�t
<br /> forocloeuee pmceodtoi. (ti) ninWatema�t wW p�clnde [orecicuure on dlffaent �round� in the ti�ture. or (iii)
<br /> �nq�t�u will adver�ely�iLect We priodty ot the liea cxe�ted by thii Socurity Io�ume�•
<br /> 11.�orrow�'Not it[iered; l�arbearwce sy I.s�dee Not s W�ita'. BxSeadon�time�f�in
<br /> modltk�tlon of�moctlz�tioa of t6e amc eer�rod by thir Secvdry In�uma�t in�ted bY
<br /> inucat a;:ormwa rb�ll not oqx+co to celaae the li�btlky oi d�e otistal Ham�wer a Bore+aMet's a�caaear in
<br /> � lt�cet+oet. l�cader�hall not be req�sir�d w cnuumeace ptnoeediu��mY���etr,�t or retYue W axtead
<br /> tia�e far p�yman or othenviee modify�mo�ti�bu of the amr�ec�ued by aWs Socurity Ia�uummt bY ra�on af�ny
<br /> deroend�m�de by We aisin�l8otrowet or Barower's woceaton in iderdt.Atiy focbou�noe b�I�eades iu�ca+eWni
<br /> �ny�i�c a ranedy�all not be a�r�ivex of or pce�lade tbe wurcl�e ot�ny rijht or 7l�e oovea�oot�md�roemena
<br /> � 12.�Md A�d�t�a�odi Jol�t ewl Sercnl Y,kibiHtp: Co+4�t�a�.
<br /> of thie Sxudty insttumeot�hall blad�md beaefit tbo�on wd�utE�nf LeAdst aod Horrowet. subJect W the
<br /> pcovirlom nf p�rnjr�h 9�b). Borrower'�oovemnts amd�g�s�al!be joint�od teveril. My Borro�r�vbo
<br /> vo.si�ns this Sea�riry Iasuumeat but dces not�xecute tha Nae: ���im0�a the ta�of this 5a rity ioitrumeatYN)
<br /> moett��t��00D�Y th�t Bocmwer'm interat ia the Pr�pe�tY �I.ender md�aY
<br /> L n�oe pesyoo�uY obiiauod to wo►tne sumr.ecurea by W1e socurlcy lustmme�;and(c)�+oe+
<br /> otber Hamwer ma7►�gree to�xtwd�modi4y.focbear or m�lce ay+�oo���ith rcg�rd w the tam:of this
<br /> Secsurity IInucumau or the Note wltLout tiut Bom�wer'�wuseat.
<br /> � �1�1(MWl /q�6 M� Mkl+4�e�
<br /> F
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