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<br /> !�`-_..._.�..,,—'.,�'�. ._� _ . . . . � - • .. . . . . . � . . .� . c .
<br /> ` � , � �►�ct ra �o�a oa t�so Og �r o�t 9�—�OS43�'i . '._.
<br /> . ` FA�M.B01�8'lEAD PaO�'1�(.'tI0![ AC! � �
<br /> � ' . � .. D�3CL�I111� •
<br /> - � Ia accordance Kit6 the provisions oY the Nebraska Fer� Nofestead
<br /> `_. . ProLec�itaa act.-tlte andersigaed, LYI,S HABDB89 aod �ANCBS N�DRRS: h�_an�
<br /> • � Nfft, prior to execuiing the arttached �lortgage or Deed pf Trnst dated Jaae 9, �
<br /> 1892, - by and betNeen the undersi�ted and 'P� 3lA�'B BAIQ 4F CAIOO• A ReBrasta . -
<br /> � �Banl�ins Corporatio�t, thereinafter referred to �as "Mortgage"? hereby state and . `
<br /> aclmoWledge: . .
<br /> 1. Thst no part of the ho�eatead af the undersigned is presently, or in ti�e `
<br /> • fnture xiil be, sitnated an the folloking described real estate,(hereafter
<br /> Farcel 1} nor are there any 6uildinga sufficient to be tlesignated as a
<br /> - bosestead, presently located upon��esid Paraei: i:.. �
<br />— The Sonth Half of the 3outhKest Quarter`�8 1/2 8ii 1/4) of
<br /> - . 3ection� Three (3), Torrnsbip Eleven (11) ,.North, Range 8leven
<br /> - - � • (11), �lest of the 6th�P.M. in Hall County, Nebra$lce�., ..,...
<br /> __ _ . _ ., .
<br /> o_ �:::��. . • ; .. _ _ .. �,,:;::..
<br /> �-- — •- - �•�� 2. The undersigned aa�iowledge that .�hile the 1Kor..tgage or T1eed of Trnst
<br /> __ •.::.:;::�:;:;r.',,i..,.
<br /> — ::::.;,;;,; :,�:�.:._;_= re�ains uns��isfied and�a liea :on eaid Parcel 1,. :ti�ey shall have na,�ight
<br /> ��''�-`.�`�:;,�,�: gresentlg a�;:an �the 'future to.:i�ake:a designation!o�•�'ho�estead on Pa.ECe� �,
<br /> ' � ` •. � including ���?ifr�out 1��itation,`.:;i�'the event of �s:got�eclos�re or-�r�'ee's
<br />-= � . sale under the aortgage ur Deed of Trust. ;`�� �'..�:, � ` .
<br />- . � , , _ .- . . . _ � _ .�: :
<br /> � � - 3. The unders4gned ack.�►oWtedge that if, contrary ta:�;�fiis-Qt�eiafser, . they ' =—
<br /> . eatabl ish '�a�'�►a=ea��ad on said parcel i dtirin�;;tiie::�f�e •the`�artgage.or — __
<br /> . . . --
<br /> � ------
<br /> �
<br /> 1 t � �_all , . __.
<br /> . ien u" oa Pa'ree� h ,
<br /> Deed of T�ust ret�ains.unsatisfied and a 1 p.. . + J
<br /> :�, � have no right to -aake a designation of hoaeatesd ta .�u!a eaerit: o£ a� �_—�._�
<br /> foreclosuce or trnstee's sale under the Mortgage flt`��'ee�� c�;�r�ii$t. '��:.,. — �
<br />' ; 4. The undersi�ed state tt�at tbis acicnuWledg■ea�; �s tbeir l�aawiag uad �..�__
<br /> volitata�ry act aad deed aad conatitutes a �rittea diselsi�er- and -
<br /> � scknoWledg�tent under the Nebraska Ft►r� Hoiesteaii ProtQction Act tmd the �`��.`=_-
<br /> ' t��' undersign�d do hereby disclai■ any right to desigr�ate a hoaestead in the -%��T.,
<br /> � event of defanit upon suah lbrtgage or Deed of Trust or in the event of s ;:;x:�;�''-'',�_
<br /> , � foreclosure or trustee's sale under the llortgage or Deed oY Truat. -- -
<br /> r. . .
<br /> 5. The undersi�ed further undE�rstand And a�ree th�t this acknowledg�ent ttnd -. r;•�•-
<br />'�' �� � .;�� Disclaiaer shall be f i led as a preface to and becawe a part of the , _� -
<br /> � Mortga�e ar Deed of Trust. �'
<br /> - -�r+:. Dated: kr,�se 9, 1992• _ t� _ �� ..
<br /> , ' -��'`�� � LYLE ERS F�. , .
<br /> ( j`r, . , . �/1-�� � Cr-GGT�.G.r1 - ��.
<br /> - , ' H�RAI�ICES NA1t1f�S
<br /> ,. fi;'. STATE a�' 1�EflR�iSJ4A ) ' �
<br /> • ��- DOUlITY O�F i�ALL 1 �
<br /> q.... .
<br /> ' The 'foret�ai�: instrument kas ac�nowled�ed beforF- �e this � '
<br /> t;�� `'�. . _,.,�,._, day oY . 199y. hy LYLE HARDERS �
<br /> ' _ .:,s j;i_ :'9 and F��.S NARD . hus�brind and Wife . . f
<br /> -"�`"::z=�;.� � .. ..
<br /> ' �.
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