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<br /> � �IC�E{/W ID���yl fOf�lIA.S�tl�t11[��O[C Si�C 0�ibC'P/0�►�CSYi�t0!��OWQ Of S�C 00[�iid'�Il1 tblS `
<br /> $EC��t�OfQ01dE�Q(t►�qf4]I G�S JII����11��S�EC�1�►� 1�1OSC Caqdlt10115 i!0 t�1B BO[iOMi'G! (�)
<br /> . �yS LClIdlf v�50mL'IV�IICv t�ICO WOYTd�1C�lIE q11�G[f�11f �[y�1�f�I1C11��_�'NQ�C�S If 11d�1�1id
<br /> occ�e�ro�u�s my a�rautt ot�►«ha cove�a a�ro�e�s;c��p�Ys au e�peas�c inau�d in enro�cmg this savrity
<br /> Iastra�nrat.including.6ut nat Iimiud to.rasoaalsle�tmmeys'fee� and td}pka such a�tion as Yxnder asay reasonabiy.�
<br /> tbqui�e m usun da�E tbe tiarof this 5avriry ln�u�nt.L�a�der�s rigirts in the Propaty aad Boa�ower's obiigation to psy the
<br /> sums s�cu�ed by tbis Sau�itY In�na�t amit conti�e mcUmged. llpon reinstat�ment bY Bamwer. dvs SeaaicY.
<br /> _ Ins�mt aod tLe.obligatioos secuied baeby shaU iar�in fWiy effective u if no axeleratioo iud nccumed. HQwever.this ,
<br /> - • riYh�t w teinstate ahall not apply in tlie rase of accsteradon imdet�17. " --
<br /> ` . i! Sdc ot�Nok:Ct�e d i.aas Sariee� Tbe Naar or a pattial inta�st in t1�e.Note kogWxr with ttps Sa�tuity
<br /> � Iiu�t)msY be soW oae o�mae times wtthont prior�to Bocmwer. A s�le may resvft in:change ia tbe sntity ,
<br />-�� — � (Imawn as the'I.o�a Savrce�')d�u coUats mouthiY Pay�a�ts due under the Note and this Secuii�►1AStrumea� There atso
<br /> - m�y be me or mae cb�aes af tbe T.o�n Senriar�uu�elswd co a sale of the Nae. If t}�e is a chuege of the I.oti►Serviar,
<br /> - — Bamwer wiU be g'rvea wtiueia notice of the clunSe in aoaordtncx witb paragaph/4 above and applirable law. The notic�
<br />-=s w�71 atau dr4 name aad add�e.ss af tbe ne�v Loan Savioer iod die address to which pay�nents shautd be made. The natice will -
<br /> -- aisa 000tain any dtlfe�i�nf�tian reqv'ucd bY aPPlicable law
<br /> �'� 20. Hataedo�s Ssbsta�ces. Barower'shall noe cause or pem�it tbe pnsence.us�dispasaL scorsge.ur nkase oE any .
<br /> _:,� Hwrdous Substa�rea ari ar in the Properiy.�Bormwa stuiIl no[do,nar aUow a�yane else to dn.anydun8 affccUnB�e �
<br /> - Ftuperty tl�t is in vidation of smy Favironma�tai L�v. 'Ihe prx�gtava sestmces shatl not appty to the prtsarce.us�oE —
<br /> storage m the Pmpe�ty of sm�il qwntitia of Harrrdous Su6stanoes that�e s�altY recognized to be appropriau to namal _
<br /> -:�L irsidrntial�LUS aod to main[eaiu�ce of tlfe Pmperry. ;:`�..:. --
<br /> _ $amwer sball P�P�Y$�ve Isnder wriuen notice of any investigatioa:c3aim.dernand.lawsuit ar other xaon by any �_._-_---
<br /> - ' gove�nxal or reguTata�y agency or prlvste puty imolving dfe A�Y and?t�Y�do�is Substance or Eqvuonmentat,..: �___
<br /> - - l.aar of whicb Basowa hu Actual ImoWledga If Barower faansR nr is `no�f"ced by any ��etnmenta} or regvlatoc� ` : ���-,_
<br />- anthority,that any remov�i or otlxr nemediauon of any flazudoas Su�s�axe a�eCtinB��P�Y is necessary,Bormwer �=y:_=f
<br />` s�i1 PmmPUY take all nxessuY mnedial actions in accad�nce w�fi�arvimnrtxntsl Law. =- �-
<br />-_ 'As used in tbis p�csg�apb 20."Hazardau Sabstances°u+e tiw�substark,es deY'uxd as wxie ar hazardous substances by�s:,: =..�F�___
<br /> �: � g.nvironmental Law and the following substrnces: gasoline.kemse�e.othu flammable or toxic pednleum products,fixir .� `;��:
<br /> .-- pesticides and ixxbtcides,volatile solvenu.materials containing�estos at forma1dehyde.and rad�oac[ive materials. As �', ,� ,
<br /> °` - — - -�- - �sed in this P�rs►BiaPh?A."Envimnmental Law"means federal la�::sd laws of the jucisdiction where the Propert�r.is locate�.:::�: _ ,� - ;- �
<br /> ' � that nlau to health.safety or environmmcal protection. - ' '{t;. .=. � -�j
<br /> �. . � .
<br /> NON-UNffORM COVENANfS. Boaower and Lender fuNKr covenaut and agm as fallows: . ,;,.;,_-.:�; �r�-_-
<br /> - ` tL Aeceleratios:Remedies. Leada s6a11 give ndioe,ta Borrower prioc to s�eleratIou tdlorving�orro�ver's �.;c`s:�:;�~.`.;�._
<br /> ' ���., bresch ot any covenaat oc ap�een�ent ia this Security Iastrameat(bat not prbr to acceleration under paragraph i7 _-���
<br /> . ap
<br /> '' uaiess aPPlicabk law provldes otherwLse). The notics sI�U�y: (A)tbe defautt.(b)tt�e`a�dbn tequiced to cure t6e - � , , - ;—
<br /> . `� deGwlt;(¢)a d�tG aot las t6an 30 daps from the date tl�e aolhce is given to Borrower.6y whic6 ihe defsult must 6e °:��.;y;i�:^�—
<br /> -t , curM;aad(d)tbat fsitnre to cure the defauk oa ar befa�e tbe d�te specffied i�t6e nottce may resutt in scceleration ot _ _ ,
<br /> '-�'- tbe anms secored by tbis Security Instrumeat�sate ol ihe Property. The notice shaU further iniorm Borrower ot �.,.'�:' ,_
<br /> � •. the rt�t to reiastate a[[a a�+cekntion pnd tbe r�t6��murt actton to assert the non�existena ot s defpaft or �•�r•'��-_,:=
<br /> �.,......:...
<br /> � +�nz,_,�.,#� nny otl�a�detense af Borrower to acceleration a�saT�' I'ftt�ede(�ult ts aot curtd o0 or beforo the date specified ia r � .
<br /> . ...y:�`:��„„=;� . t b e aatiae;L e n d e r a t i t s op t i o n may r e q u i r e i m m e d i a t e p a y m e n l i a f a 4 o i a i l s u m s s e c u r e d b y t 6 i s S e c uri t y lastramenc • . _
<br /> -,�;;; F�,;:..:.r'` witdart tinnrq�er denwnd and maq iaroke fhe power of sale and any oth�r remedies permitted by�pplicable la�v � `. . � ..';,
<br /> • . "=' . :-�• '.� Lender shall be entitkd to co4tct ap expenses incarred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraPb 2l. t -��, :.:
<br /> ., � �rp.=.:ti�-:-:.;n� , ' ai.;. : .. _T6t'_'_ .
<br /> . :, -- -r �• includ(ng,but not Iimited to,rwsoaable attorneys fees and costs ot titk evideace. ,.. :.;,.,^_
<br /> _�����:_= Ii the power ot sak is invoked,Trustee shall�ecord a notke of default in wch county in whkb any part of the iRti;, . , _::
<br /> _ �,,_r;=;�;,;_ p�Ay��ap�ed and sha0 m�il copies ot sacA notia in the manner prescribed by applics►ble law to Borrower and to � � , J�k
<br /> ��°-" �� t h e d h ee persaas prescr i b e d b y a p p l�c abie Isw After the time ce quired by Appiicabk law,Trustee shall gtve public • � �
<br />` ,�m�: .'`� notice ot s�1e to the persons and in tbe manner Qrescrlbed by applicabk law 7lrnstee,Withoat demand on Bocruwer, � . � �'�
<br /> g��;,�. `. _' _�`_
<br /> slwU sell the Property at pubiic auc�iion to the��esl biddtc at the time aa�ptace and under t6e terms designated in E�n�'
<br /> • ':�,..,��, -�;;. nesakotsdloean � L , � _•— _
<br /> �� y 1 the nutice ot sale in one or more parcefs an��aa�order Trustce determines. 7�usta nwy postpo Y "���;_
<br /> ' ��r': � � cel of t6e Pro rty 6y public anncbuacerneat��e time and place of any previousty schedukd sala Lendes or its � , •-�'��-'._=
<br /> � `.:Y�`. - ''�.=1,:=�?��`'` desiS�ee may pu ciuise the Propert�an aav saf� � " , '`'�''�:-:
<br /> . =' •..;_-:
<br /> ���.-:�'' ,. �._��'='�r^r''� Upoo recei t d nt af t6� rice b1d.Teustee sbxL�drrIiver to the purchasee 1lrustce's deed conveytng tbe. i ;;,';,1:s;��"•..:
<br />_.;� _ ' �:��'::_ P WS'me � t �,;,. �.....•a�,..
<br /> � - •;,,.. Property. The recitais in the Truste�'s deed shall be prirtw facie evidencc ot the truth ot t6e statements nwde therein. , ,.. >�4,;;.,-
<br /> i�'�'' 7lrustee shall a 1 the raceeds ot the sale 1n the toUowin order. (a)to all costs aad ex nses otexercising the power %; ���.'-{'���
<br /> �:�'.._ Pp Y P _ 8 Pe >�':, ', :,,._..�__
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