.. �+vY1�'� ' .. 11 .
<br /> —v�wrg�rn.hj':w�M1'N..
<br /> Rl�}�'n?lf��� __ .— —_ ..
<br /> �� � .4»w�-'����'�a�'� �t_ - _ _ _ ................�r.wa' - - - —.-- . __
<br /> � ��/t���
<br /> C:.A�L�.e�;::f.T QI:�.�iA:I:::;.iJpi�ii l.cr.dcr':;r:.ques�.8nrrnc�er sfi�U^Q�i�n t��I.e�Hlcr all lea�ev of the ,-
<br /> Propehy and�I! �ecriri�y ckp�sits rn�k in comx:cdon witfi leases of the Pmpen,y. U�n t�e a�sigomGnt, l.�rxle�
<br /> shall have the right t�maclify, extenc!or t.ermi�wtc the existing leases ancl ro execute new lrases, in l.ender's wle
<br /> di�cretion. As nxed iri�his pxrxgraph G,eha word"tcasc"shafl mean"sublease" if the Serurity Instrunxnt is on
<br /> a ICascht►Id.
<br /> n. ASSIGNM�NT �DF !l�N1S; APPOIN�'M�N1' Qy�' R�CkiVER; LF.NDER IN P06S�IQN.
<br /> Burrowe�absolutcly;utid u�x�rs.�lidorwlly as�ibns ui:d tra�ufecs to Lendcr a!I thc renth and rev�nues("Rents")of _
<br /> the properly, rcgudl�s of to whom tho Rents af the Pmperty aro pxyAblo. Borrowc; Auttarius Lcndar or
<br /> I,ender's agcnts io colloct thc I:ants. end ugroes that cach tenant ot'the C'iuperty sh�ll ppy the Itents to Lcnder or
<br /> L.endtr's agents. Howeti•er.Bormwcr��1 s�crive the Rrnts until(i)I.ender has givrn Borrowec notice of daf�uit
<br /> purxum►i io pu�n�pit 11 of the Security Instrumrnt and(ii)Lerockr has given noti�t ta the tenant(s)that tho Rente
<br /> ara to lx paid to i,ernkr or Lceder's�grnt.This a�aignmrnt nf Rents wnstit�tes un absolute usignmcnt wx!nat
<br /> an ss�ignment for�dditional security only.
<br /> ' if i.encier gives ratice of bceach to.tdomnwer: �i)all Rents receival i�y Bo��rwer siiall be hctd tsy P,ar.c�;•:.r
<br /> as trustx for tF�e benefit of l.erwier only, to be applied to the sums secureJ by the Se�uriry[nstnimanr,(ii)[.ender
<br /> � sh�Ji bc entided to�'allect and roaivc dl of the Rents of thc Properry:(�ii)Borrower xg�ees that each tenant of tt�e '
<br /> Property shall pay all Rents d�e and unpaid t�Lender or l.cnd�r's agents�pon Lender's written demand ta RF�
<br /> ten�nt; (ivy unless appllcable law provides otl►envesa,all Rents c�rl[octed by Lender ur Lendcr's agrnts shi�+bG
<br /> . appiied first to the eoats of takiag controi of snd mar�ginA the Pir�:rty and ec�llecting the R�nts. inciudin�Z, ��t
<br /> na limited to. wtorneys' fa�, recciver's fees, premiums on roceiver's bot►ds. npair and rtxintn�`�ats,
<br /> � inwnuke premiums. ax�s,assessmants ar►d wher ch�rp;es on the Froperty. and then to tbe sums secured 6y!ehe
<br /> � Socurity Instrumrnt: (v)C.end�r.I.�rWer's agents or amy jtxlicially appointed neoeiver shall be liablc to�ccouurt 6�a•
<br /> 2 only tMse Rrnts actwlly reoeived: and (vi) I.e�xicr shall be EntiUed to have a neoe:ver appointat kr :wb.e
<br /> pos.gession of and m�mge the Prope�ty and rnlloct ttwe Rents and profits derived from the Property witiwu�t any
<br /> � ShOWI�g 99 f0 i11Cl�Cqii�I.y t1i[Ile 1C[vp..�iy as aa.vriiJr. °
<br /> IP 1he Rents of the Pi+�perty arc not autficienrt to oover the oosts of taking wntro! of and muagia�e the
<br /> � Propecty ard of mltectin�tt�c Rents�ny funds expar�M1��i by Lender for such purposes sha1� boco+ne indebr�+�icecs
<br /> of Borrowa to�.encier sa.^.ullxl by the Security Instn�tmtrc�t�ursuant to Uneform Covenant 7.
<br /> �+ Bom��r,�reprc.sents and wurants that Borrower�aas not execaatal any pri�or assignmrnt of Ute Rents�n3�hns
<br /> �' not and wi),I•rx�k j►trfarm any act that would prevent Lender fran xxcrcisi;ip�it�rigkW under this�ragrtQh.
<br /> 4cnder, or I.ader's a6eats ur a judicially a�puinted roceiver, shull�aot bc roquired to cnter upon, uke
<br /> ,�" control of�r m�i�ain the?roperty befose or�fter giving notia of default to Borrower. However, I.aderr or
<br /> � L.e�loei S a�uws w+�juiu�wiiy yppviirnu nx�i�'Cr, .iiYy uir ai,�it a��j+tt,�':�%ii�i�S.a,C�auit a^,x'J:�. �.^•a�i :��1°
<br /> `� of Rents shall not cure or wtive any detault or inv�lidate xny�tlier rigl�t ar remedy of[xod�er.lhiN assigrur►cxu of �
<br /> =y Reras af thc Propc:ty slwll terminete��rn��ll the wms socurod by the Securiry Instmment are�vnid in full.
<br /> � 1.CRQ6�'S-lfE�'AULT PROVLSC+UN.Bomower's sief�ult or brach under any�wte oc a�reernent an which
<br /> � Lende�hac an i�uercst shall be a breach under the Security instcumcnt acid l.endr.r may invoke xny af tJ�ram'usdii�s
<br /> ' permiuod by ttce Security:.Snunu�x�nt. .
<br /> ; BY SIGNII�G.$�T,,iUW. B�crowe� acccpts and agras to ihc tcrnu and pmvisions contained in�y 1-4
<br /> . .,
<br /> - Family Ridao,r� . . . .
<br /> : � . , �
<br /> , ,� ,. '.
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<br /> � *'�.�`� (Seaf�i � •�(5GU)
<br /> i�:•,. . ' r��:HHT L �NN 1�1 R � .1lorrower � •9i�rrower
<br /> �,,•.;.�
<br /> ;`,,�'�, � � (Seap <�1
<br /> i.7'.::.-,'
<br /> _'r NEY L F� , -eorrower -eonuwe�
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