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<br /> 1?.Transfer uf Itie E'mper�Y or A Bene�tclwl Inter�t In gorr��wer•1f u���r u��Y h�n�f ttie Property or any� tcrc +��
<br /> ma , �t its option, requir� imn�ediatc pAY�����rohibitled by federal law a af he dute
<br /> ia sotd or unusfcrrcd(ar if n benetTcial'ntarest in R�rrowcr is soid ar transfcrrcxf und Oorrowcr is not n natural persan)wit�aut
<br /> t.en�tr.r'� prior wriuen co�isent, L.ende Y �nder if exerci�c f p
<br /> Sccur+ty Instcument.iiawever,this u don sha!!n���excrctsed by P riod of not `�-
<br /> of thi5 Security Instru�cns• all sums secured by titiis
<br /> lf I..endcr cxercise�'�sap e�hc�t��r h�c�,v�ered or mailed w thin whichaBorc wcr musc p y��� T�v� e a p�
<br /> �fl c s t h n n 3 0 d n y s f ro m �h�s e s u m s p r i o r t o t h e ex P�rntiqn of this�eriod,l.ender may iuvokc any rcmedies
<br /> .Rcsurity Instnimcnt.If Borrower fails to pay
<br /> �rnrn�itted by this SecueitY �nstrument without fwther notice or dema►�d on Bonower. ��� as
<br /> nt discontinued nt any time pdor to the ear�ier of��� 5 w3�i5 af sale con ained in this
<br /> 18. Borrawer'g R�Sht ta E�einstate. if Borrower mcees ccrtain conditians, Borrowcr shall have �t►e right to z��
<br /> enforcement of Qiis Sc:curity loscrume rt ursuant t y P�
<br /> �n y �� y of a ud ment enforcing this Secariry instrument.Thase conditi�ons are that Bonower: (a)paYs
<br /> a Itcablc I�w ma � if for reinstaeement) betore sale �f thc Yrope Y
<br /> Sccurity Instn�ment;or(b)cntry � S Instn►ment,
<br /> ants ur a reemene�: (c)pays all expcnscs incu��er may�r�onabl�y require�o assure
<br /> l,ender all sums whi�li Ihen would I�e due under this Saurtty Instrument and�he N�otc as if no acceleration had occurred; l
<br /> cur�es nny default of smy other cover � s' fees;and(d)takes such action
<br /> insluding,but no!U�nitai to,rcasonable attorney �gonawer's obligation to pay the sums secured bY
<br /> U n reinstatennent by Bonower. this Secunty Instrumen� and �e
<br /> ttint d�e lien of tlais 5ecurity instrumcn�. L.en�isr's rights in the Froperty
<br /> this S�curiry Ii►stnunent shall continu� unchanged• Po
<br /> obligati�ns sec�red f�erebY sha��remain i'uliy effcc�vi�if no acceleration had occaned•Hewever,tliis right to reinstate Sta;1l
<br /> not npply in the casc of a�c��e��'u°wxier para8 iP�r. The Note or a purtial inter�st in the Note (tagether with this Security
<br /> 19. Sale of 1l7ute; Ctsn�rge at 1�n�^' Le one
<br /> nts due under the Note and this Security L-istrument.There��o��will be
<br /> Insttument)m�Y t�e t�so�d anc or more tin�e5 without prior noticc to Borro�ver.A sale may result in a change in the ennty nawn
<br /> as the"Lonn Scrvic�r')that collects nx�rv���h1y QaYme hcable law.'The notice will state the name and
<br /> or more changes of the L.oan Serv�cer�:rrrclated to n sale of�e�N�a�e��d app har'ge of the Loai►
<br /> cer.
<br /> given writtcn noxice of thc changc in acc:ordancc with paraS P
<br /> addmss of the ne�v Loan Serv�ce►'and the address te���'luch payrnents should���disot sa1 sto ge,o nre�,�f��y
<br /> informntion rcqul��bY applicable I Rnit the p��• +
<br /> 20. l3Rx��ardous Substances. Boei�ower shall not cuuse or 1� two sentcnces sha11 not apply to the presence,wse.nr
<br /> Hezardous S�iUsuu�ces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor a�lnw anyone elsr to do, anYthing affert�a''�:thr.
<br /> enerall recognized to be approQna� to ui�lr�inal
<br /> Aroperty that is in vlolation of enY Environmental Law• The preceding
<br /> .,..���he PinaeftY �i small yuantities of H�ardous Substanots that are g Y •
<br /> residential uses:u�d to m�ilicenance of cne r^■c��'�3'• ��y H�ous Substance or Environmenta�1-aw ;
<br /> Borrower s8rc11 prt��ptly give Lender wntten 1�olvinf the ProVperry tion, ctaim,demuu�. �a�'ouis or^t.her?etion v �a
<br /> g�vernmc��or.regulatory agency o.r�nriyate party S ovemm�ctal or raFulatory authorit�',,.
<br /> is neces.sasnJ•Bo�TOwer shaU prompt,;�ttdke
<br /> of whict� t3nrm�ver has actual knoa�I�dl,�,If Bn�o Substance�affectin�[the PropettY g . ; ,:.: ..
<br /> any�moval on other retnedistion of any H�Environmental 1-aw. •
<br /> ���S��y,r�modial actions in acco�dance �ose substances defined as't�1:da or hazardous substan:es;bY
<br /> As usod i.n this paragraph Z�� Haznrdous S►a�stances" are Qetro- P
<br /> Environmcnt�l Il.aw!►rd th� following11e b�nals c�.ocetait�ingkasrbe�tos or foern�a�dehydeieu►d t�►°�tive�tc�1 e�a��A���� � -
<br /> pes►icides nixi he�.:���d��.volatile soiv� .
<br /> thi� �rt►raBra�sli 2Q. 'Eaviro��'ntal �-�1`v" rtuans federal laws and J�ws of the jurisdiction whe'te the Pro'pes�Y ,,' . ,.
<br /> relatc to hu�lrh.:.::fdy o:e1*�'m�'r:�t.il protxtion. go�wK's�Sr.ca,c� -
<br /> NON-[JNDFORM CQDti�,N.A�3'S:Borrower and Lender funher covenar►t ancl�a8�emd foibwin8 17 un�ess '
<br /> iM_.._«
<br /> r shall�ive nottce to Borrower P►�ba`r�n aoceleration under pp�S��
<br /> 21.Arxcla'at{u�;..n���ie$.i,ende � t not pinc�?' ' uirod to cuce tb�e defaulh
<br /> of an�� rnV�enant or sarea�x�►t tn t�is 5e�vrih' I�N�� ��detaalt;(b)tt�e�ction re9 .
<br /> nan ice sh�11 spx y' whkh�hs def�u1t must be cueed;aed
<br /> applicahle fia�v prorides Mt�awise), i!'�he rat lren w Burrowe�',bY
<br /> (c)x dptes t+ot kae ttwa 3Q d�ys irc�rr�the dnte the notice�� The notice slwll further.]nYotm Barower ot the,�ht to
<br /> (d) ttu�l fiuture to cure t�ti�m�L�and sale ot the Propert�jtied fn��t[se no�-existuenoe of a���or�fy:utba'
<br /> socured by t61s Saurity I a court aciwn to o. [n the notke,
<br /> reinatAte Atte*aa'dera�iw►i�t� �'�8ht to bri�
<br /> detcnsc nt Ibn�ower to ac^a�k*'atloo and sale. It the��fu 1 of�all sum �secured by this Secu�it3'.'�isst+vn�wkhont
<br /> i.a�dcr,�t its oplion.roaY K9uire im��oi sa�1e nd x�y othcr remalies perm[tted by�►pp�i�ble iaw.La�ee s1�11 be
<br /> tucther�4eanand ar�m�Y inroke the Po rsufng tt�e ranedks Provided fn this p�rWSrs►gh 21,tncludlug,but�t►t:p'�ited
<br /> entitlec�tcQV oollect df expeas�s incur�+ed in pu �a9'tt�e
<br /> to,rca�unaMe Attorneys'fets ansl co6ts ot tttl�e evldence. �n vrhicb anY [��
<br /> L�the po rescribed 6y applkaWe{sv�ito�°i'�°blic ratice
<br /> wK of s�le Is in�•olced+Tru��e stwll recoi�t��a�p feult in eACh�t7
<br /> ��x��y is locsted and shAll ttwil cop�es of s�kh notice �red by apPlicabie law,Tcusta s�►ii71�ive p� sdl
<br /> the otlrer pe�so+b P����by ap�i��IAw.After the ttme req t�in!�c t�mtice o�
<br /> of sale to the perso��nd in the manner p�cribed by app�icAble IAw.Tnutee,without demand on i'larrowa',
<br /> tUe�'rnperlY�t Wbl�s auction to the highcst bidder a!the time Rn�n�ee m y P�ti��of��fly pQrc�1 of the
<br /> salo In one or more l�nrc�ls und an any nrder Tn��tee deternines. �busly scf�duled sale. Lender or its desiBeee+naY
<br /> �,���y nY �a� �nnounce�neRt at the time and p��of s�ny p►�'
<br /> purclu�x t6e ProP�s�y At 9ny sale.
<br /> � w��c:�c'�r�o
<br /> pag�u s of o
<br /> i .
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