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<br /> - aoodearu�iion a odkr tikinE of siy pKt of the P�vpenY.ot(a coaveyanc�in lieu`af Fa�denmu�ork a�e.lx[eby assi�tted and . �
<br /> s�tll be paid W l.encler._ .`: . _. ` ` -.
<br /> ia tbe event,af a idaE Wcie6 of tbe I�»periy. the �lail foe appli�ed to the sums secuced by thi�SecuriRy `-
<br /> . �xm.wlKdxr ut�ot�hen�due.witb any eacess ' to_Borrower. tn the evem oi a partial t�lcing oi the F{apertY u► ,
<br /> whicb the tair maka vatue ot the Prope�ty immedi�tdy before tlre tsking is aqual to ar 8mater than the�monnt of the sums-
<br /> sa�u+ed bY th�s S�curity Uistrumant immed�auly 6efar 1he t�king.vniess Borrovrer and E cndcr wlxrwise agree in s�vriting. .
<br /> !���red by tAis Secwriry ln�trumcnt shatl be rcdix�xd bY ttie amuu°t of tt�e proceeds multiplied by tfie foltowing .
<br /> ���: (�j���oun�o f t h c sums s e c u tt d i m m e diatet y 6efote the talcing.divided by(b1 the fair�uket vatue of the ,
<br /> p�opertg imrtKdiateiy befae thc talcingt Any,bal�e chall be Paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial takiag of the
<br /> - ���-�������of tae Props�_immecliuely hefati the takin�is I�ss than the amount of the sums .
<br /> secat,ed immediate!}� befae the taking.nnkss BoROw�er and Lrnder olhen�vise agree in writing ar n»tess appiicable bw.
<br /> olhecwiss provides.4�P��-c sshai!he applied to the sums stcurcd by this Suutity Instiument wlxther ar�t ihe sums are
<br /> thea due. .
<br /> lf dr Pmperty�is at�ndoned bY Bo�ower.os if,after naice by Lender to Bomnwer that Ux condemnar offers to ma{:e
<br /> an�w�rd ar settk a clamt for damaEss.BuROwcr tyits to rtspond to Lender withio 3d days aRer the da[e thc t�otice is givett.
<br /> _ l,rndtr is aad�oriud to colloct and applY tt�e Pro°eeds.at its option.either w cestoration a re�ir of the ProRerty or to the
<br /> � sums sa�ued 6Y this Security instrumen�whcther ar not thrn due.
<br /> Unkss Le�de*and Bai°wer°t�w�se aBm irt writing.any�apQlic�tion of proceeds to principa4 shaU not extend or
<br /> pos7poae the du�d�te of the monthly paymenu reFerted to in patagr�phs 1 and 2 or change the amount nf such paymenu. -�
<br /> 11. Barrower Nat jtelea�d: Forbe�r�ce By t.eader Not � Wsiver. Extension oP the time for pa�-ment or
<br /> arod�ficatiao of amorwatian of the siuns secured by this Secunty Insi�ument gran[ed Dy Lender ta a�y succe�.�in inte�s[
<br /> of Bartower shall�not opetate to rekasr 11�e li�bility of the otigin�l Ba�ower o��°wer's successo�s in interest.-lxnder
<br /> �}��nquired to commence praoeed�ngs against anY successa in interest or ret'use to extend time for payment or
<br /> otlx�wise modify amoctization of the s�un4 securcd bY this Socuritg In.strument by rea.a+n of any demand made 6y the original
<br /> gom�rc�-ar Bor�uwer's successas�in inter+est Any for6ruance by Lender in exenising any nght ar remedy shatt not be a
<br /> waiverof a preclude the eaeneise oi any rigM a n�cnedY• The covenaMs and ag�nts of this
<br /> l� Spoce�ors sad Ass�as Ba�ad:Joi�t aad Several UabUftY:Co�sigoe�'s. t,sQOS of
<br /> Securiry Yropvrrient shall bind and benefit the succ�ssars and assigns oi I.ender and�Borrower.subjecc to tiie pro
<br /> ` puagrapi�'l7.Borrower�eavenants and agre�neets shap be joint and several. Aoy Borrnwer who co�signs dus Secuaty —
<br /> Instrument 6ut daes not eaecute the Nae: (a)is casigning this Security Instrument only to moRgage,grant and cas.�ey that _
<br />'��; 6ocrower's interest i»tfic Property+under the tetms of this Security Insirument; lb)is not personally obligated.to pa}E�e sums , ���
<br /> secund[sy this Security insirument;and k)agree.+that Lender atrd any alxr Sarrowes may�gree to cxuend.modif��f�rbeaf �-�. --
<br /> ;L` m�e any accommndations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the lVote without�that Bamnwer's �,�R:_-
<br />- _ . CM1SEtIG ' �-�-
<br /> � Loao Clwrges. ff the loan�ecured by this Security Tnstrument is subjecrtv a law which sets maximum loan� ��
<br /> cttarges,and that law is finally interpteted So tNat thc intenst or othei toan charges collected or to be collected in connection �f..,=.__.
<br />= with the loan exceed the pem�itted Iimi�S,then: (a)any ruch loan charge shall6e reduced by the amaunt n'ecesd.'cary`�ow�l be ��
<br />-y:��_ the charge to the permitted timi�and Ib)any sums atready coQected from Borrower which eaceeded pem� —
<br />�= zefunded to Borrower. l.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the psincipal oued uoder the Note or by making a _ �_
<br /> - disxt p�syment ta 8orrower. If a cefund reduces principal.[he reduction wilt bc ueateci as a partial Prepayment cvithaut any
<br /> " ptepayment charge under the Note. �• _
<br /> - I4. Noticea Arsy noace to Borrower provided far in this Security Instrument shaA be given[�r delivering it or by �---=�
<br /> . `, - ma�ing it 6y first etass mail unless applicable law reyuires uae of another method.The notice shall be d�,rzcted to the PropectY �������__
<br /> - AdcSr�s or any other address Horrower detiignates by notice to Lender. Any rtotice to Lender shal{be given by fint class ,��:";�;,..
<br /> � ' ma�'�Gs i.ender's address stated herein or any athe�address l.ender designates by natice to Barrower. Any natice provided far : h=:�.;:_
<br /> � ' ` . in this Security fn�trument shap be deemed to h�ve been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pravided in this . ` (=';;1�L___
<br /> , i .�__._n__
<br /> L:� , ' ��iS�Gaces�g Law: Severa6ility. This Security intitrumcm +hall be govemcA by federal la�k and the law af the .�:..- �__�.-
<br /> _ ;.�.,_._
<br />- -r ' ,iu�,s,.'iction in R�;;zh the Praperty is located..ln the event that any pravisian or clause of this Security Caytrumem or the Note ,_. �,�.,
<br /> � iv:ifi`�t.c with applieabte law.sueh conflict shall not affect other provisic►n�of this Security lnstrument�rthe Nate whicb can r'• � �
<br /> �T_r� -
<br /> �' -*` � . ��r:rn effect without the contlicting provitiion. To this end the provitiions af[his�.urity Mstrumeat and the��ote are � �+x,..�..-_:
<br /> �G�L'�ed ta be�+.n zrable. �.�q:�'`
<br /> �: Ib. Bor�eta�+''s Copy. 8acrower shall be given one eanformed eop}vf the�oc�».--�of this Sc:._uttp Intitrucner�t-" .,_,, -
<br />_ � �7, Transfee af the Property or a Beneficial lnterest in Hurrower. Lf a11 or a-4'part af the Fn.-��s:ry ar Any'rr.t:rest in • t :�
<br /> . ....:-'--
<br /> it is sold or transferred tor if a I�eneficial intere�t in Bortower is xold ar tran.ferced z^�t 8orrower is not a naturat persan)° .,?,
<br /> wirlr�at Lender's•prior wdttcn Consem.l.endcr may.ut its cptian,requfirc immedi��c p��:�.m in iull of all sums sewt�d by ,. �,�*;,�;�_
<br /> tflis Swurity Instrucncm. However.this option shall nat be��:errised hy l.ender if cxer�r��s pmhibited by fcder.�F l"a=•as of _ .i,{�:�.�
<br /> the date of this SeCUrity Instrument. ° '` ,•'�•�0�"�-'
<br /> ' ' lf Lender exercises thls aption,Lender�itali give Ecsr�tver natice of aceeieralion. The natice shall provide�aeslod of _ _.:;,.��_
<br /> . not.lecs than 30 dAys fram the date the notice�is deliverect csr mailed within which 8orrower mu.rt pay a[l+::ms�ec�r�d by this . , •.
<br /> Se�a:rity lnsm�ment. If Borroa•er faily to p�y the�c�um.:priar ta thc cxpirati��n of this perivd. G:r.�ter may ir.akc :utiy ,
<br /> ?! t�tt�dies petmitted by this Sewrrity lnslrument without furcf;.r noticc ur dcmand on Horru�vrr. . r•';�; `
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right t�s,Reinstate. li Barrower mect� ccAain nmditi�in+. Be�rro�vcr�halt have thc ns�Tt.r.�havc •�.;?„!: '
<br /> - - � - �-�-.- -.1, enfarcemcrrt of this 5ctiurity 1nsm+ment disconeinued at any time prior to the�arlicr.�f: c a�5 d.'►y�(or tiuch t�ther peritxl as '' �('.,�:.
<br /> . . � Singtc famity-•Faenlr�1:�d}reddk�fac C%1►'11A\11�tiTR1"HEY�-•('ndium Co�rn:�r.:. 9,'9U Ipu.cc a�,f b p��.¢ru ,
<br /> . , � .
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