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<br /> ' 7�OGE7'HFR WiiH al!the impmvemaits now a�l�eat�s�acted on d�e propnt�t.mii al!a�maats.appuaten�css.•� , �
<br /> and fixta�a�ao�r ar baafler a pat a�the p�op�tty. All ieplace�►ts aod ad�aas sl�a11 ats�r be covaeil by this Seairiry .
<br /> �ii�. l�Of ibC�O(E�0111�It iGfl�R�t0/11 dYS.S0Qa7l�t�SWI�t�iS i�IC`plO�GILY�
<br /> BORRO�VVFR COYEKANTS th�t Bamwer is tawi'WIy seised of the est�te I�eby conveyed and has the dght m grant`
<br /> aod cmvcy t1�clPtoparty ud ti�thr Pmperty ts�unaumn6ered,excepc for encumbr�nces of recoM. Ba�towa wutatus and
<br /> will defend geo4riUy the tide w tbe FmpertY Agai�t all ctaims and demu�ds.subject to aey encum�s of tecad: , .
<br /> Tfi[S SECURITY INS1RU11�NT eanbines udifam covea�ts foc natio�l �ue and noa-anifam cova�ants witL �
<br /> limited vari�tioes by iu�i4dictian w consdtute a m�ifam securiry insaument cavertng n�l p�uperty . _ .
<br /> ' , UNIPC)RM COVENANTS. Boaowa and I.ender coveamt and ag�ee as follow� ,-
<br /> L RJ�int at hi��i�Y a����7��Late Cl�ar�es. Bamwei shall promWY P�Y�du�the
<br /> pinchpal of and inta�est on tLe d�t ev�dauod by the Note aad anY prePaYmeet and tate cbuges due under the Note. .J=-
<br /> L Fi�is[arTa�s�I�ra�� Su6ject to appiicaWe law or to a written waiver by Lender.Sorrower shatl pay to
<br /> � Lrnder oa tbe daY�Y IaY�s arr due under ihe Note,uap7 Uie Nae is ptid in full.a swn l"Fimds")for:(a)yeulY
<br /> tues aod assessmet�ts wbicb may attain priaity ovet this Security Ins�utnent as a lien on tl�e P�aputy:(D?Y�y��
<br /> giyme�.s or g�ouad�+ents an tbt Pmpaty,if wy; (c)YeufY ha�rd or peope�ty insurance p�emiums;�(d)Yar1Y fioad
<br /> , i�auce premimm,if anY:te)Y�Y�8�8�iosurarce p�smiums.if any;and(fl aay sums paYabk bY Boriawec ta
<br /> I,erBer.in acsadax�vtrith the provisions of puag�ph 8,in li�w ef the payment of mortgage insurance pcenuums. These
<br /> iums are c�lkd"Fscro�v Itttas.° 1.erWet ma}.at anY�,collect'and hotd Fends in an arnount na w exroed the maximum �
<br /> . a�aonot a len�lec fa a federaUy relued mortgage loan may require#'or Boaower's espow account uiWer tbe fadenl Rrat
<br />— Eswe Settkment Ptoced�es Act of 1974 as amended fran tuae ta tirne.l2 U.S.C.§26b1 a s�q.("RESPA").untess anotber `
<br /> - taw that applies W the Fvnds sets a ksser amouat if so.[.enAer may,at any time.cdtoct and hold Funds in an aa�ount not to
<br />-_= . .excad the ksscr amamt. Lender may estimate the amount of Fuads due oa tlie bacis of cWrent data au�i+rasanable .
<br /> v� �uu�of expp�diwres of tutuc�e Esccow tums a otherw'�se in acca�+Aance with applica6k law. �
<br /> -- T6a limds s6all be held in an insdtudan whose deposits u�e insured by a federal agency,insuumeatality.or eotity _
<br /> = , (iacluding l..e�der,�Lender is such an iastiwtion)or ia�ny T+ederal Hanc Loan Bulk. Ixnder shall apply the Fiinds to PaY
<br /> ={ the Escmw Items. L.ender may not chuge Bamwer fac hotding and app1�the Funds.annually analyTing the escrow —
<br /> - aocam�a verifying ihe Eseenw I[ems, unkss Lender pays Borrowec inte�est oa tM Fvnds and appiicable law permits __
<br /> Lenckr w make such a charge. However.Ler�der may rcqaue Sorrower to pay a one-tia�e�fiarge for an independent�eal ��--�,
<br /> estate tax iepordng service used by L.ender in co�uiec6on v�nth tiiis loan,unless applicabte Taa pmvides ott�erwise. Unle�an •.°�---rt,--
<br /> - �" a is made ar applicabte law ieyuitzs imcaest fR be paic�.Lender stall na be reqnim�m pay 8arower any inter�est or �'r`'"```=:�
<br /> eamt�the Funds. B o m ower a n d l.e n d e r may ap,rae ia writing,however.that interest shaIl he paid an the Funds. Lender r'•`°_° '. -
<br />� � shall gice w Borrower,without eharge.att annual accoan6n�of the Fund4.showing eciedits aud debits ta dte Funds and the _�.��ka��: __
<br /> `'�.
<br />• , p i i r p o s e for which each deblt to the}�mds was made. The randc are pledged as addit{onaI:s�carity+for all sams secarcd by �-'�,��6�=
<br /> '- ttisSec�airytnsuumcn� . • �-�`��';*�irt%- -
<br /> � IT ttie Funds held by Lender eacceed the amounts permitted to 6e held lsy apptica�e�aw,l:ender shall account to T f'`".'= _
<br /> - Boaower for the excess Funds in accordancc with the reQuirements of applicable law. Ii tfie amaunt of the iiuids held by ---=-_
<br />° Lender at any time is not suKcient to pay the Escrow Items wt�en due.Lender may so notify Bortowes in writing.and,in �:�;.;�;�;-,��
<br /> such case Barrower shall pay to l.ender the amovnt necessacy ta matce up the defieiency. Botrower shaU make up!he . '_:��i�A�-
<br /> . , . deficiency in no mo�e than ewelve monthl ...r._�_.:_..�_
<br /> Y PaYments,at l.endec's sole discredon. -. ,F., ����
<br /> ��� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Insuument.i.ender shalt�nsptly refund to Barower any ��.:.•.z;,� �
<br /> Funds lield by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lerider.prior to the acquisitlon or - '���i�_
<br /> , �, sa1e of the I�toperty.shall appJy any Fwnds held by Lender at the time of acquisirion or sale as a credit against the sums ��� �� -
<br /> . w.. .secured by this Security Instrument. . �, >,
<br /> 3. AppUcation of PlAyments. Unless applicable law provides othenvise, all payments receive�fsy lxnder under ,;• -
<br /> para�raphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due undcr the Note:secand.to amoums payable under ��`•'°'
<br /> � _ paragraph Z;third,to interest due:fou rt h,ta princi p a l due;an d last.tp aoy la te c harges due u n d e r t h e N o t e. '��'�"�<�-=�
<br /> ` � Chsirges;Liens. Boirower shall pay ap taxes,assessmenu. charges, fines and impositions attributable to ihe , �
<br />. Pcope�ty which may attain priodty over this Security lnstrument.and leasehotd paymenu or ground rents.if any. Barrower . . __
<br /> shall pay these obligations in the manr�er provided in paiagmph Z,or if not paid in that manner.Barrower shatl pay them on - • ___
<br /> � � time directly to the person owed paymen� Borrowcr shall promptiy fumish to Lendec all notic2s of amonnu to be paid under , _-__
<br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing : �-�
<br /> • .r.� the paymenu. . -
<br />. Borrower shall prompdy discharge any lien whicb has priarity aver tbis Security Instrument unless Boaower.(a)agrees
<br /> - in wrlting to the p�yment of the obltgauon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender,(b)coatests in goad faith the -
<br /> ' lien by.or defends againsi enforcement of the lien in.legal proteedings which in�hc Lender's opinian operate ta prevent the , . ' .
<br /> . � � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secares iram the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien ' ���_,
<br /> � to this Sec�uity tnsttumenG IF L.ender detemtines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priarity ' �=--�`
<br /> aver this Security lnstrument,Lender may give Borrower a noEicc identifying the lien. BorraR•er shall satisfy the lien ur take :,, , '. � �-�'.''
<br />- ` one or rnore of the actions set farth abave within�b days of the�giving of notice. , � '
<br /> 3 Hszud or'Proptrly L�su�lce. Boi'ra�er shall keep the Improvemcnts now exis::*zt�ur her�fter erected on the : • •
<br /> ,'",.���r,*�a�•= ���• � Property insured agair�st loss by fire,hazards incl�sded within the term"exteaded coverage'and any othcr 6azards.including . ' :
<br /> ��•:��,.���'�` .• ftoods ar fluoding,for which Leader requires insurance. This insurance shaIt be maint«iaed in tho amounts and for the _ �
<br /> '.,...—.�,�.w�,. � , .
<br /> Ic�:.--
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