�"C'"� �- . _ -_C- , ' - � . y .��'.
<br /> ^!'C',ti1.��4 ' . . . . _ ,_��� �- � _—_.
<br /> '�` �.J.�-,4's� i� � .• � c _ ' . � . ( ' . . , � . . ' • . .t t ` ' . ' .
<br /> . � . . ' . c `. ` . � . . �� ... � %w . . . .
<br /> - .. � . _ . -` - ... . ' . r ' t i ' �i— �� . . . .. ' , _
<br /> , ' '�'Q��(��.1bC`ImpIdYCII1GOLS t10W Cf�fGR#�K E[ECiEd O[i fbC�.�!u CiS�Illdltx.Y�U�•
<br /> ` ��001Y.Of�.l�Of f11C�. ����ILlCdS Ebi��i1S0 bG CAYC!!f��f}►!�S$OCOIft�'
<br /> , �1�t l�Of fbC�O[C$�OIDS iS ICfCREd t0111 tW5$OCIRIty TIISUliDICflt tS t�~�G�.� ;
<br /> � BORR�WPR•COVENAN['S,tl�e Barower is tawfWiy uised et i6t estuc he[oby coavayod�nd 6is the rig6t to gtaat • �
<br /> �d comr�jr tfie i'rcippsy ud dnt the P�opeKy is una�imbercd,exapt fa encumbrance�of:n^coc+�. Basawec warrants�nd_
<br /> wN ddmd aaneraltY t6e 6tk1�d�e Ftopecty sgLnst alt ctaimt�ad drn�ds.subject to ury encuinbranoes of recoN. .
<br /> T�SECIJRiTY INSIRLIM�N7'combims wifara►covemf►ts for nationa! use aid uawnifasm coveoaocs with
<br /> Iimieed vari�inasi�y 3a�isd�w�a imifamE secu�ity�cuva�ng zeal psoperiY•
<br /> tINIEaORM C�VENANTS. Hutrowa and Leoder covea�at�nd agcae as follovrs: .
<br /> � I. l���t d Pri��1Af awd Id�t:ltsM7�a�t a�d La1e Ciar�es. Barmv�rer sha�1 P�P�Y F�Y when due tbe -
<br /> �af sod i�t on the debt evide�xxd b7►the Nae ud anY P►'�P�Y������due undtr ti�e Note.
<br /> li�i�iK Taies a�i I�wra� SubJect t��1�+D�law orto a wr►tta�w�iver by Lender Bomuwu st�il pay to
<br /> i.endex an tbe dty a�onthlY psy�s ate dne ur�det the Nofe,mW the Note is ptid ia fulf,a sum("E'wids'�for.(a)Y�Y
<br /> t�xes ud asseunxats whicb may atwa priarity over this Sa+�ritY L�i�n�as a tien oo the RopettY;(b)Y�Y��-
<br /> p�y�ar gtwod tmts on tbe PmQetty, if any: (c) Ye�IY ha�ard°�p�pe�y �R'0�ums: (d)Yearly flaod
<br /> insurrmce pc�iums.�f�nY:(�)}'eulY a�o�gaSe insuiat�ce Pteminms,if any: and(�a�►Y swns PaYabie by Basower to
<br /> Lendec.m sccadance with tbe ptavisions of peuagrapb 8.in�eu of the payment of mo�tgage insnr.urce psmm�ums. 7lfese -
<br /> items ate alled"Esceow Items:' Leader taay.�t aay ume.coltect and hold Funds m w►amount not to exceed t8e rt�uimum
<br /> amow�t s Itndtt for a fada�ily�Iated mortgage loaa may nqu➢re fa Borrowerk escmw accauat uMer the federxl Real
<br /> � E4taoe Sealement Rocedu�es Act of 1974 a4 amended from tane to tm�e,12 U.S:C.$Z6U1 et s�q.("RFSPA'h.unless�notl�et
<br /> law tbAt appiies W the Funds sets a lesser amouat �f so.Lender msY.at any tim�,collect and hold Fiu�ds in�amount not to
<br /> eu�ed the kaser amouet- Lender may eswnau the�mouot of Funds due on the basis of current data aad�sonabla�
<br /> �of txpenditures of futane Esciow ittms ar t�thetwtse ta xca�e with�PP�'�law.
<br /> `. 'i7�e Fwds ahaU be I�eld in an inctitutiaa wHose deposits�insa�ed by a foderdi agencY,insttumeat9lity.a entetY
<br /> : �(iocitiding Leader.if I.anAer is such an ins6tution)or in any Trderai Hame I.oan Bani�. l.eades shall apply�the Fuads w WY.
<br /> :� tUe Escrow Itaas��`:;I.ender msy na char8e Bormwer for taldin8 and aPP19ing the Cunds,aimually analyzing tbe escrow
<br /> - �•� aocount,or verif�u?8 the Pscmw i�ems, unle.'sg Lender pa3B Borraaer intecest on the Fvnds and'ap�licabie Iaw pemtits -
<br /> � lxoder to m�lice s�:�ohar8e- .Howevec L•ai�et may requiie BorrawFr to pay a cme-time charge for an independent nal
<br /> - e�tta�t repaUttg�s�sVio����deria�with.tfus loat�,uniess apPhcable law pmvides otherwise. Unless an —
<br />-- - agroenXnt is made ae appti�:�'�ecNi�s interest to be paid.Lender st�all,nac be nquue�l[o pay Borrower any i�±�or , --_ __
<br /> eamings on the Fwa�s.Bocrovr�and Lender may agree in writing,however,thaat intece9t shatl be paid on the Funds.•II:eader - -
<br /> t
<br /> -- shatl give to Bo��er,without ch�ge.an aruival xecow�dng of the Fuad.�_�*,awi�g c�d'its and debits to the Funds and the . --_---
<br />::�` ptupose for,which each debit to the Fvnds was made. Tt�e Ftmds are p1ed:Y:�as�onal security for all sums secured by __
<br /> - -- this Sawriry Insuumen� r L e n d e r shall acwant.to -
<br /> - ' If thc E'unds I�eld by l.endei ex c e e d t h e amounts pem�i tt e d w b e h e i d_�a��g➢.�b t e l a w. --
<br /> Bo�mwet for the excess Fwids in accardance wttti the cequirements of applicabk'iaa�...�tl�e amount of the Fimds lsetd by
<br /> Leader at any tiase.is not sufficie�to�paY the E s c row Items when due.l.ender may s�iwtifY Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> - aueh case Barcwer shall pay to Lcnder the.amount tkcessary to malce.up ihe deficiency. Borrower shall make up the _-- -
<br /> Ba :_�
<br /> deficietx.y in n��are than twefve monthlY PaYments.at l.endet�sole discretion. _-_=-
<br /> UP�PaY�j in full of all swng secnrrd by ttus Security Insuument,�t:endes shall prompttY rafecad w Horrower any -__�.-
<br /> . ����d hy Lender. If,under paragapb 21,Lender shall acquire or seit the Property,Lender,privs to the acquisition or . �y;,�qe�u;..
<br /> sale of the Properiy, shal l app ly any F un d s he l d 6y i.e n d e r a t t h e t i r n e o€a�u i s i t i o n a r s a l e a c a credit a g ainst the sums. ;`�:�.
<br /> - secu[ed by this Security Instrumen� ;"".�?"-:-
<br /> 3. Applieatbn of A►ymenta lJnless�applicable law provides ot(�e�wise. all payments receired•by Ler�der under • '.':.,,
<br /> , :;` paragrapds 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to arry PrepaYment charges due under the Nate:second.to acnaunu payable under : t<�,__`
<br />'�'� paragraph Z;third,to interest due:fourth.to prtneipal due:and last.to any tate charges due under the Note. �'��_:b.°
<br /> r:.r�: r.
<br /> _ - 4. CMa�ea; I,iens. Botrower shall pay sU taxes. assessments.charges.�nes and impositions attributable to the ,:.�°._
<br /> - Praperty which may attain priority overthis Security I�uument,and leasehold payments or gmund renGV.if ar►y. Bcxrowe* �'__;4.-__-
<br /> ahall pay these obllgations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall�a}�erti on _�,-�
<br /> time direcdy to�ba person owed payment. Bc��ower shall promptty fumisFa to Lender all notices of amaunts w be�id under ,
<br /> � this p�ragaph. ,'f�Horrower makes ti�ese p�}�ents direcAy.Borrower sital4 promptiy fumish ta Lenc3cz receipts evidencing .
<br /> the paymenu. �..
<br /> : Barower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority aver this Security instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees ,.
<br /> � � in writing to the paymont of the obtigarion secureA by the tien in a manner acceptable to L.ender.(b)'contests in good t'aith the ;.;:+�;_
<br /> ' lien by.or defends against enforcert�ent of the lien in,leg�l proceedings which in the i�Mer's apinion operate to prevent ihe � .i.�;,.
<br /> enforcement of the lien;ar(c)secure.q from she holder of tho lien an ageec�ent satisfactory ta Lender subordinating the lien ��.��..�_ _
<br /> to this Security 1n.�vment. 1f Lender determines that any part of the Pra�erty is subject tn a lien at¢ch may attain priority -•
<br /> over this Security insaumenb Lender may give Borrower a notice identify:ng ihe llen. Boaawcr shafl satisfy the lien or take , -
<br /> one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �
<br /> ' S. Hazard or Yroperty lnsurana. Borrower shall keep the�mprovements now existing or hereaftcr erected on the ,
<br /> � ,:S� Property insurcd aDainst loss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended caveruge"and any other hazazds.including
<br /> _ - - - _�== iloods.or ftoodirg,for whic6 l.ender reqnires insurance. This insar•uece sha!!be maintained'ut the amounts and for the _,_
<br /> �T
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