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.. <br />�. <br />~ £ r� 2011019"13 <br />� �1 kA�r <br />A tracf of land com�rising s part of the Northwost Qumter (NWl/4) und u part of tlie Southwcst Quartcr <br />(SW!/4) in Section Twenty Four (24), Township Elevcn (11) North, lian66 Elaven (I l) Wost of fhc 6th <br />P.M., and n part of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of Sectlon Twenty Ftve (25), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Eleven ( I 1) West of the 6th P.M., ali baing in Hall Counry, Nebraska and more particularly <br />described as follows: Beginning at the southwast comer of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of said <br />Section Twenty Fou� (24); thence running northerly, along and upon tha weat line of the Southwost <br />Quarter (5W1/4) �f said Section Twenty �our (24), a distana of Two Thpusend Six Hundred Fifty 5ix <br />and Two Tenths (2G56.20) feet to the southwest comer of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of said <br />Section Twen4y'Fbur (24); thence deFlecting right 00° OZ' 10" and running northerly, along and upon the <br />west line oF the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of said Section Twenty Four (24), a distance of One <br />Thausand Nine Hundred Three and Seventy Three Hundredths (1,903.73) feet to a point which is Seven <br />Hundred Forty Sevcn (747.0) feet south of the nortfiwest corner of the Northwast Quartcr (NWl/4) of <br />said Section Twenry Four (24); thence detlecting right 90° 30' 25" and �unning easterly, para]lei with the <br />north line of the Northwest Qusrter (NW 1/4) of said Section Twanty Four (24), a distance of Four � <br />Hundred (400.0) feet; thence deflecting loft 90° 30' 25" and running northcrly, paratiel with the wost line <br />of the Northwest Quarter (N W i/4) of said Section Twenty Four (24); a distance of Seven Hundred Forty <br />Seven (747.0) feet to a point on the north line of thc Northwest Quarter (NWl/4), ssid point being Four <br />Hundred (400.0) feet east of the northwest corncr of the Northwest Quarter (NWt/4) of said Scctiou <br />Twenty Four (2�1); thence deflecting rigitt 90° 30' 25" and running easterly, nlong and upon tlie north lino <br />of tha Northwest Quarter (NW 114) of said Section 'fwenry Four (24), a distancb of One Thousand Six <br />Hundred Sixteen und Forty Two Hundredths (1,616.42) feet; theoce deflecting right 89° 40' S5" and <br />running soutberly, a distance of One Thousand Nine Hundred 5eventy Five and Seven Hundradths <br />(i ,975.07) feet; thence deflecting right 89° 53' 25" ond running westerly, a distance of One Hundred !� ifty <br />Two and Eiglit Tent}is (152.$0) feet; thence deflecting leR 89° 59' IS" and 'running southerly, a distance <br />of One Th�usund Saven Hundred Eighteen and Eighty Five Hundredths (1,718.85) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 29° 52' 20" and running southwesterty, a distance of Four Flundred Twenty Nine and Sixly I�our <br />Hundredths (429.64) feel; thence deflecting lefl 29° 51' S5" and ronning southerly, a distance af One <br />Thousand l�ive Hundred Twenty Nine and Twenty Ei�ht Hundredths (1,529.28) feet; thence rumiing <br />westerly, along and upon tlie arc of a curve to tha ri�ltt wl�osa radius is 360.56 feet, a distance of Three <br />Hundred Twenty Two snd Eighty Five Hundredths (322.85) feel (long chord distence � 312.17' - long <br />ahord deflecting right ! l5° 38' 43" from the previously described course); d�anee deflecting right 25° 38' <br />45" Prom the chord of the previously dascribed curve and running northwasterly, a distance of Eighty <br />Five and Six Tenths (85.60) feet; thence running northwesterly, along and upon the arc of a curve to the <br />leR whose radius is 257.73 feet, a d3stance of Two Hundred Twenty Nine and fifty Nine HundredAis <br />(229.59) feet (long chord distance - 222.07' - long chord defleetin� left 25° 31' 10" from tha praviousfy <br />described course) to a point on the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section Twenty <br />Faur (24); thence deflecting loft 25° 31' 40" from tho chord ofthe previously described curve and running <br />wtstcrly, along and upon the sout6 line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Sectian Twenty Four <br />Four (24), a distance of One Thousand One Hundred One and Seventeen Hundredths (1,101.17) feet to <br />the point of be�inning EXCBPTING A Tract of land comprisin� a part of tha Northwest Quarter <br />(NW I/4) of Section Twenty Four (24), Township Elcven (11) North, Range Eltven ( I 1) West of the Glh <br />P,M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: First to escertsin the point of <br />begim�ing, start at the northwest comer of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4); thence running easterly, <br />aiong and upon the north line of said Northwest Qusrter (NW 1/4), a distanre of Two Thousand Sixteen <br />and Farty Two Hundredths (2,016.42) feat to the AC'i'UAL point of beginning, said point also being the <br />northeast corner of a parce! referrod to as "CAAP TRACT NO, 45B"; thence deflecting right 89° 40' S5" <br />and running southeriy, along and upon the east line of said "CAAP TRACT NO. 456", a distanco of Onc <br />Thousapd Nine Hundred Seventy Five and Saven Hundredtl�s (1,975.07) feet to the southeast co�rer of <br />said "CAAP TRACT NO. 45B' ; thence defleeting right 89° 53' 25" and running Westarly, along and upon <br />tha south line of said "CAAP TRACT NO. 45B", a distance af Thirty T�wo and Sixly Five Hundredths <br />(32.65) feet; thence deftecting ri�t�t 90° Ol' 18" and runaing northerly, a distance of One Thousand Nine <br />Hundred Sevenry Five and Thirty Three Hundredths (1,995.33) fcet to a point on the north line of said <br />Northwest Qu�rter (NW 1/4), and atso being a point on the norlh line of suid "CAAP TRA.CT N0. 45B"; <br />tlience deflecting right 90° 24' 22" and running easterly, along nnd upon the north line of said Northwest <br />Quarter (NWl/4), and also being along end upon the norlh line of said "CAAP TRACT N0. 45B", a <br />distancc of Thirty Five aad Sixty Nine Hundredths (35.69) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning, <br />