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<br /> �V" �.17"4�iQ
<br /> 'Prxeed�'ry fn oanne�tior�uvith condemna�tion er other tAkirt�ot tt�e Proparty or paA ftwreof,or far cmnvsy�nce tn liew M cond�emnalla�•
<br /> l.onifer eheN tx�entitied at ite�1inn ic�canmence,s�►Aear in end pro�ecute hi ita own �+arsrs ar►y a�ctlan a�r pracead�r►�s,�n�i shaH Nmo
<br /> bs entitiad io make any oompromtse or selUornent In conriectlon wlit7 suci�taklr��or dar�id�a.Ir�tho Uvarst any r�rt'�n of th3 Prr�terty 19 —_
<br /> so taken or darrwped, I.snd�r s,hal!iu�vs tho aption In ite sale�r�d ebeolute discr�tton,to Ap�ly+ aq auGh proce�d�, alter d�tkw�rvp
<br /> tttstsfrom W o�ata erxi exp�r►ras k�cumd by k In�cifcxi vrith euch Pror'.esds�upon MnY Irxi�btsdrwss�cund h�rstyY�!In wdi _
<br /> ordor u41.,end�r me►y drl�m�k�.or to app4y aM�uch Prnc�s[h�after such ded�xtlon��to th�naorwtbn d ti�Prq�rty upon a�ds aan-
<br /> ditlon�a I,sndsr m�y drtsmdne.My �ppYcatbrt M P�ocewA W Jnd�btsdnts�sh�H not sxt�r�d or paq�ons tf»due dat�d e�nY PaY°
<br /> meMs under 1h�NW��or c�re�ny dNe�lt 1h�roundAr or Mrsund�r.IMy un�p(�Md lund�th�ll b�pMid k�Trutlor.
<br /> g.!�;f�r�•;_;��y �L_�!!•r.ll;�nn ths c,�currence of en Event of De1auR hereunder,w II any ac!la taken w 1epa1 proCeeclir►p �
<br /> oorrwrwr�oad wt�fch matsrldly�Nects l.�r�dw'c ineersst►n tho ProMnY�Lendar may In ib own disuatlan,but witl�o�rt obll�tkx►b rlo�a,
<br /> snd wid�out n�tia to or dwn�nd upo�Tnutor arrd wfthout rdwsirp Tn�stor irom eny oWfg�Uon�do eu�y act wf�id�Tn�1w h�s+ipPwd
<br /> but fdlec7 to�io and may also alo sny other+rct k deems n�csasery to protect the sscu►ity hereot.Tn,aor.haN.b�nrtwdtatety upon
<br /> demNnd th�►Mor by I.snder.PaY to Lends��!1 cocts and�xper►4ss Incurred enN su�na expaxkd bY Lend�r in�`t+on with th�exer-
<br /> ciae tsy Lender ol the forsqoii�y�iphts�toqether with Nttsrest tlter�eon st tlte+dMauk rate providsd in tl�e tJote�which at�fl be acided b
<br /> th�kKwbtsd(!M�secured l�ef�Y+�-R��ahall not tncur any iW�flNy because of anythlnp R may do or omit 2o do herounder.
<br /> 8. Fi�sard�x�R�trri�is.T�u`tor ehail kaep tbs i�roperty tn com.pAar�ca wtth eN ep�tkab�e lews�ordiru�ncee�nd repulatione
<br /> retatkp to kxk�atrial hypiene or envlrratmeMal Pratoctton(�oHsdiveh►rNs�rad to hareln w'Envlronnx�Mal I.aws'�.Yn�qor shW k�p
<br /> the Proparty fres irom aH sub4tances daemed to ba hazendous ur toxb under any Envlronment�F Laws(cofiecUvely rWs�ed to herok�
<br /> ea`Hazardow MatwiAlst�.Truatar heroby wa�ranto end represunte W Lsrtcler,thAt there are no Haznrcfow Matedels on a'�x�deP qw
<br /> Rropertyr.Tn�tor 6��rabY agraea to Irxlemnify a�d hakl hartnbss Lender.ite dirraMors.otfbs�.e►nt�lC�yees and a�n�s�a�d�Y�u°0°��
<br /> sore to I.end�r'c 1ntE►rest,from an�1 pp�irsat any and ell clalma,demey�s,kaa3as end IlabNidsa prislnp in a►nnecdon rWth th�Pro�srwe�.
<br /> uae,altepa�l or ttonepoR of any Haaardow MatetlA{s on, undor,fram ar ahaut tho Property THE FORE(iOtN(�WARRANT�ES/1N[D
<br /> 10.llwipnn�fts sM R�9a.Tn�stor hereby a�siyns to Lender,and,8rent�Lsndef a eecurity intereet In�aM pro�enl�Wtu�a and
<br /> aiter adsinp ronts,issues and proffta of the Property;provlded that Tn,stpr�ha10,untll�he oocurror►ce W en EveM o1 Detault,hsn►�do�,
<br /> t►ave tha ripht to collect and retafn such rert�s�tseues end prolfts as tlkr/t�ecc�mme due and payaWe.Upon the�rrence d an Even1 c�t
<br /> Datauh�Le�le�may�eithar in pereon or by a{�ent,wkh or withput bringing any ec�tlo�or proceedinp�or by a roceiwr appokNed by a
<br /> oaurt�nd wiNxwt repard to the adequacy ol Ns security.entor Upon aix�take passeesion af the Prqperty.or any paR therooi.in ita own
<br /> narne Ar tn the nune d the Trustes.end do any acte wt►ich k deema necsssa+Y of desiraWa to proservs ths vak�e,merkN�bNFhl er =
<br /> +�n1nlSWH ol the PropeAyr�or u�y p�ut theroot ar Inte��t therein�or 40 lncn�see the k�come U�roin�m or protect ihe sscurit�►twnot�nd,
<br /> wltli or wftlwut takUtp pos�essbn of the Proper?V,sue far or oltx�rwise callect the rents,(ssuas and IxnfiR,+thereof.k�cM�dk�D U�ore P�
<br /> duo f!nd w�id.bS�notNyirp ts�xu►b W maka palm�ents to Lender.l.erxfer maY apph►ro��U�sues arul prolite�Isse ooqr a�d�xpens-
<br /> as of operation and cdlectlon inck�dinp atlaney�s ises�tp ony IndxMedr�eas sea+red hsrobY,aH in eudi order es l.ender may deter-
<br /> mine�.The enlertny upon a�d tek4p p�slon of the Property�the cd�of such res�ts�issuee and prollts�arxf the applfcatlo�
<br /> theroa�'as Moroa�d atu�not cun or wew�e any�wrwic or.natice oi deiauii�aK��t��r��:���`� --�"'r..,�, ,
<br /> de(auR or purisuent tn such nodoe of detaWt end, notwith�tanding the�ontinuenoe in poseesslon ot the Pn►PanY a ths �oM�'�°n.
<br /> nc�t and appNoaUon of roMe.N�iae or proNle,Tn�etse and Lender ehali.be entltl�f to oxe�iss�verY rfpht p��vi�kd fo�in any o?�l�g
<br /> Loen InsUumhttts or by luw upon oocurrence of ar�y Event ot Lleiauh��nd�d�p witAo�n Ikr�tatbn the dyh�t to sxerd�e ths powsr ot atilg.
<br /> Furttwr,L�ds�'e'rfphte and remedba under tNs pnro�rnph she�i be cumutative wNh,and in no way a Iimitauuon an,Lenders�and
<br /> rorr�ediM w�der any astipr►mant ot leaes arxi rente renarded eguinat the Propedyr.Leride.r.,7nietes and the rousirer stna�ll bs W�bN to
<br /> aoo0tx�t or�t tor tl�oee ronld ectu�Ny�eC�ivstl. •
<br /> t t.EwMs d OM�ulf.TM tollowkg ah�ll'�ns�itute an Event ot OefaAt un�l�r this Oeed of Trust: ., .
<br /> (a)Fdlure to pay any k�elaNment of.pdnCfpt�l Ov Inbrest of any WMr sum seeursd fieroby wltien dWe�
<br /> (b)A b►er,ch M or dMault under eny provMiom�antainnd M 1hs Nola.this D�1 of'i'n�t.ar►y of the luan{�tn�men�e.or snY
<br /> otber IWn or encumbrance upon the Properiy;
<br /> • (a)A wrft of executbn or etta�xnent or any slinller process ahe��be e�Kered aya�nst Tn�ator whk��et�N b{��ome e Ifee on
<br /> tbs Pro[�e�y or any portA'xi theroof or in�ersst thers9n; or hAU�s ladsr�l.staEe a oltwr s�utt�
<br /> . (dI TE)Bre ehaN be�led i�y�or ayslr�st Tru�Mbr or Bort�ower an actbn ur�tler any Prea�M
<br /> tsw«nsyuletlon r�iidk►9 to bt�nlcrupt�y�Insolverwy or other rellel tor debtae:a there shab be sppoNried enY tr�sks.na�iver.or
<br /> Nquidabr c1 Tn�ator or Borcower cr d Ail or nny part M the Propsrty�or ths rsMt�iseues or prdfh�tl�sr�sW.or Tn�EtN or Bori'bw�r
<br /> etMll meikr nnY p�ns►N�iprun�nt for the benetk ol:crecWas: ' . � .• .
<br /> (p)�11�{���f�Il11le� Qdi�fMhR(N,OOf1Y9yYlri�O�fllA�IM efIC1XI1�1'aTaC�O��M Of 9f)SI(?iR Of Of:'�O�I;k11MMi N1 11N
<br /> ' ProPKly�eNMr vok�nlaNlY or kwoNx�tdrNy.without the exprese wrfqen ooneerit d Lenckr:Pro�rkl�l that Tnx�icx'eh�N be psm�t.
<br /> �ed ro sx.a�te a�ewe ot a�e Properry theic does noc conm�n an optbn to pixd�s�s.nd ms 1e►m.a w�ia�.doEa noR ex�ed ons
<br /> Y�:
<br /> t0/1b�ndorwr�K W the Propert�r,or . . ,,. .•cr enc�xr�txarx.a�of mon than(M a
<br /> (0)It Tn�atot is rat an indiYid�td�tfte Iseuarxe.sels�tren�fer�asui�xr�it,coenreYanos
<br /> oorporallonl a total cN percent of ite tsausd end a�ts4endin0 s�odc�or(if a purtnerM�I e tow nf PK-
<br /> oenc a �pannsntdp intsr�te.or(if a I�Ned NebGit�►compenr)a toc�l ot pe►ceM of u,e Nmiaa NabMity«xr�ps-
<br /> ny kNsr�su or votkp ri�durM�p a�e r��o..a a r�e nern�ns p I�on tne pr�psrty.
<br /> 12 Rwn��:AaaNraMorr Upon DNaWt fn the evern ot enyr Event ot Defauit lander may,Mrllhad no�i�ce exoept as r+�qvinsd
<br /> by 1aw�d�daro aN k�d�bEsdras�t�curod tNr'N�Y b bes d�lo end payabM emd•th��ame sheN theaeupo�beCOme due and payeble wRh-
<br /> out eny pre.sr�r�er►t.dermand.rxote�t or notloe ot eny kind.rnereeiiter Le+,der may:
<br /> (u Dat-�end fhat Truates exe�se the POWER t?F SALE ptanEed henin.and Trt�ales sh�ll tl�eroalts►c�u�TRnfw'a In1�r-
<br /> ost in the PropeRy to be eold�uid the procse0e b be dlstributed�aH 1n the marin�r pruvkled in tS�e Nebraska T�uM DescM I1c�
<br /> (b)Ex�cfsa any and a11 r(phta pravided tar in eny ot the I,cian,instrumetita.or by law u�on oocuRer�oe of any EveM d
<br /> iDetewlt;and � t a receiv�r,or speati�tl�+enlor�ce w►Y d U�e
<br /> (c)Cw►wnenoe an t+adnn to torecloen this�ead ot Trugt ae a mortgego,+appou►
<br /> No rertNdy���f�r�in conf�rt�d upon ar reserved to Trustea or b.ender Ia lntencled W bs exduafvs of enY other ro�rw�dY Mrsin�in the Lo�n
<br /> Irabvmenb or by lAw pmvided or pem�itted.but sad�etW�he cumuiative�shail be i�edditbn W ev�ery o�her remecly►phrsn heroun��
<br /> In the Loen:nswmunts or now or hereattar extstlrp at taw or in equity ar tri►stadite,end msS+be exerdsed concumerMry.k�deps�dentlY
<br /> .Y�..�..
<br /> ��13.Yru�.The Tnastee�ay raeipri al ei�y�i's r�'thaui�tir,e.and Wnder may et any�tlme er�!wittaE�t c.�u�a4�po6�t a eue-
<br /> cessor or suba�tute T�ustee.Tniatne shell not be Rabfe to anY perhi�tnduding wMJ�out limitat�un Lender�8atrower�Tr.�lor or any{xu-
<br /> cAaser ot Nts Propsrty�for eny bss or daunage unteas due to reddese or vANfaA rt�fea�ndu�t�and et�dl no!bs requirod b telcs any actbn
<br /> !�axwtecfhm wNh It�e or►to�cement d thls Deed ot Tnmt unless Indor�tnHied�In writk►D�tor eN alste�aamps�watia�or exPs��es wltict�
<br /> may be eseodated the►�ewith.ln edditton�Truatee may becane a purchaeer at�ny ieb ol the Property qudic�al or ix�d�r tAts power o(
<br /> sa{e prantsd hersin�:posq�one the sale of all or any ponion of the Propedf►.na Provkled bY law:ar ebN ths Prq�erry a�a vuhole�or in
<br /> c�pe�ats panx�is ar 1o4e et Trustee's discre6on.
<br /> 14.Fi�s M�d Exp�n�.!n tl�e ever�t Trustee soqa the PropeRy by exerdse of power of sale,Trustee aheH be erMitkd to eppOy
<br /> eny eale proceede Nrgt tu payment ol all coste end expensas�exerdakq Pow�r M eab�Inds�diny eH 7ruatesb tess�and Lsnder'e and
<br /> Tniatee'd attomeys fees. ectuaNy tncurred tu exient permkted by applk�ble law.ln the event Borrower ar�rustor exer�ise�arsY rfpM
<br /> �reaW�t oiTn,swtors dei ule�t duding ri�ttwui Gn�Uo�e�'I�uae tes�'s tand atret o�mey'f s f��io ths sx�t�t�it p�ameifttad�eppk�cabM'���
<br /> 15.Ftaun Advr�o�s.Upon oequeat of Borrow�r,L�nder may.at Hs option,make addtion�!and tuluro edv�r�oss end redd-
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such edvances ond raadvances.wNfi Intereat thsrscxi�s1�aM be eecured by tl�fe[)sed of Truat.At no tims shdl ths
<br />