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<br /> ��"�f"`�.�!' A^� �{�Lt� . . � ..m�an y- ' . .
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<br /> • 1'�WLIt Ji° n°b°��°�iz►v��r --_
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<br /> KNQW At��, MEN BY xtil�t;�l� r�rs���rs: .
<br /> T�,�G Yp �,���XNy ��, Ca�y, xnr�idin� aC 4Q3 South tlarrison, .Gxand Is�
<br /> lan�3, N� 68801, do •1►y �h�se present�, make. conaCitute and �l�poi��� ray.
<br /> hu�L�and, Addison F. Cady, �nd my daughter, Judy 0. Peteraon, or either
<br /> ot Chem� as my A�t:�rac:ya�in-Fact� ta do for me and on my behalf, r�ny
<br /> of Che �ollowing:
<br /> � 1. To witr�draRa Uy,checic or otherwiss £rom any r.hecking
<br /> � accaunC or n�v�.nga accoun� which I may have. . �
<br /> 2. To endoxse checks for deposit to my checking ac�ounL
<br /> or savinga �cGOUn� and to recci.ve any �roperty ox
<br /> credi�s owaQCl by me,. i,ncluding ar►y moniea payable ro �
<br /> me by any govexnmental agency.
<br /> 3. To aell or �,ease any, assets owned by me, whether real
<br /> � es�aGe or, nexeon�l �xope�ty and i.ncludin� homsstead � �
<br /> � ' praperCy and. etock and 'oonds, at such prxces, on such
<br /> �erms, gox such length oF eerm, and in such mAnner,
<br /> whether eC.privaCe ar public sale or negatiation as �ny
<br /> . Attorney�--a;n°Fact d�em advisable. They may convey any
<br /> ' � propercy bcr sold by them by i.nstruments o£ conveyan�e
<br /> with cueComary warrant�tes. They may enter any safe�y
<br /> � depoei.0 bpx I leas� .and may remove any iCems therefrom.
<br /> . � �h�y. are �mpowered to make any gifta £or me.
<br /> � � 4. To enter a�nGO egreem.ents pertaining to any prop�zty or ;. ;; :.:
<br /> � . ' inCexeaC L�t nranerty owned by.me ,and on such terma as :,<��. ,
<br /> . p►y ACtornaye-in��'a�C cleem advisable. � Thie ehall include. �
<br /> � contracCe �or gc�ods=• repairs, improvementa, replaceaaents, ��
<br /> �� ,;, and peraotnsl eervicee foY._ the maintenar�cQ, of my property:
<br /> 5. Xn �eneral��, Co �e�tCex� inro any Uusiness 'CranaaCCions �
<br /> . perC�iniriF Co my p�dpPrCy and for my mainCenance as
<br /> full.y as 7� coui.d cso =t m�self.
<br /> '- �; 6. � 1b enCer. i.n�o any c�ntracts ar agreeme�Z;'�s fc�r any � ,.
<br /> � medical, domiciliary, �X other r.�are. needed by me as . .
<br /> deC�rmined� Co be:�in.my best inte.rests by either uf . , .
<br /> � my AtCoxn�ys-in-;T�'�c�, and pay a2l� fees� and charges _
<br /> � nece�sary £ax myi'maintg��nce and care. To au�horize. ; ��;.
<br /> �I.;;::!'� any me$ica•1 pxocedu'res:�,��or me. `. �, . ,
<br /> ...�::.
<br /> � r'2�tify anfl confirm all acts done by my ACtorney,s--in°�'act , . `
<br /> ar either of Chcm, under thie Power af A�;torn�y. Gither �t mY r.:,'.;r;'
<br /> At:CO�Dneys�in-�'acC .�re epecifical�y.. em�,o�i��red �:o .net under l:ll].a ; ;' , ' .
<br /> P�iwer of Ateorney �ndepend�nrl�y. n'�'"�he, .�t;l�er, �r1ii ��iy cl�r.i :;i<„� ;� �:,.�;� �
<br /> or acCion by ei�t��r oP �liQm need no'L• lr�...:lqi.�ied i.�i a��d �on;:e�t1.r��: .;..,�. `�%`,,
<br /> L•o by Che other. � rea�x.v,e tt�e ri�;h:. co �ar.volce Chic? 1'awcr ��1' '�`, �
<br /> A�;Corney by Che �i.li.ng c3� ,such �'�voaal•ion in M�isoell.vieou�: lt�,�'�>>'��:�
<br /> i�, �he� o�GfcQ ofl Che .Ze�;is�er of ne��dt� o� �"I�'ll ro�����`�.,
<br /> N�braska. This Yt�iaer o� AtCorney shall remain in f�i11 Pei-ce ��vc�i�
<br /> � , �h�ough ? may herec�PCer become mentall.y or piiya ical ly incompe�{�i�l:.
<br /> . , . ,�..
<br /> . U;�u��f'��Chie w..,�, day of March � • . , 19 83 , ,. .
<br /> ,. . .
<br /> .. . , ._.. .:�:,
<br /> ,� .
<br /> ;- , .';; ;:}, . . ' � �
<br /> ... --, ' „ .�
<br />- ST�T� OF NEBRASK� � ; .� � , �
<br /> ��:
<br /> COUN'llY Off HALY. � ) �
<br /> On Chi.s ��,,, day of ,�,,,_, Maxch , 19 83 , Uefore me, kile un�ic�r'
<br /> siF�,�ecl, a NotAry Public, w�.thin and Lor sa�.d County, pexsonally
<br /> caine Audrey H. Cady , who i.s lcnown eo me to be the ident icc�l
<br /> pe►•:�i�n whose nr�me i� aftixed to �he foregoing Yower oF Attorney, �nnd
<br /> she �cknowl�dged'�h�r execution ChereoE �o �e her voluntai•y ac�
<br /> and d�c�d.
<br /> �di�ne�s my haad ar�d NoCarial S�al t e ci� lasC above wricten. Ny
<br /> No�arx 1��i�,a�l�M+w�Pixes:�;,,�_,,�• nA
<br /> qpT1tUR C.MAYEA �S�v`
<br />�. _.�. Comm.E�D rab-,•198� � I
<br />- _ �Ry , � _
<br />