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<br /> s—_rais_ �i � .. ' . . . •. ,� • ' � • ' ' _ �`� '�� , t ,' �' y.
<br /> � .Y _w . � .._ � .�C . . . . z ��� . . � t. _
<br /> . . . ���* ' q� � Jeaea D. itiley
<br /> TFNS7'ENISTDEED.!�dallqs fi di1E`a � ""' 1�,��I"e�it �f33'Vi7'E� �
<br /> � Shaioti J. �Biley husDand 5 infe s nse . a ey Y. ,
<br /> � �Ip�s��tlbMS tt itood aiver. 1B • �
<br /> QMerin'TruMar");andrE��wt�own►ainyaddrMSiiP.O Box�7.YVcodWVer,PD�brska6AQ�i.(l+�nie+"Tru�MS:•rd•�8�fei�l�.
<br /> � . fOR YAtIWIE GOtISI0�AT10N,inciwi�g th�ind�ihdn�ss iMN+�ifiii h�r�in and tM fint Mr�in a�hd.tlr Raipt,of�frd�is Mrri�►
<br /> �ck�rwbl�ii..Tnist�irweoilf fa�t�,tev�e�.oamMs•ar�si�to Ttusht.!!I 1RUST.MflTM PDMIk'�OF 3AtE.tar Nr 6Nrt'e sr �
<br /> :�ar�t af re�t'�cioryt.Yei�r and sy6j�C�10 tht t�rwi�nd t4n�tions o1Nrs OMd of Tnt�t,th ttatprop�rtr d�tcrib�dat foNwrs: -
<br /> ` The .ttest one-flalf (W�? of the Northvest Quarter (tiWl/4) and the Northeast Quarttr�
<br /> . (N8�/43 af the Hoith�test Quaster (NWl/4� of Section Tve'tity Nine t29�, To�rnship ,
<br /> Eleven Cl.i) Nosth, Fange Twelve (12)s West of the 6tb P.M., Ball Co., Nebraska �
<br /> - �.a � ,
<br /> The Southweat Quaxter (3ii1/4) of Section $, Tuttnship 10� Aortb Range i2� iTest of
<br /> tfle 6th P.1�l.; escepting therefsum a tract of land comprissng a part of Ehe Southwest
<br /> - Q�arter of Section 8, Townahip 10, Narthe Range 12, �Test of the 6th P.H., more'
<br /> - �particularlg destribed as follovs: Heginaing at a point on the South line of� _ .
<br /> - said Southwest Quarter said point being 693.75 feet weat of �1�e Southeast camer
<br /> - of said $outhwest Quarter; theace ttesterly alo�g the south `2iae of said 5onLhWest
<br /> _ Q�iarter! a distaace of 529.38 feet; theac� deflecting �ight 90° 27' 40" and ruAait�g
<br /> �;� northerly a distance-of 1�b27.d feet; thence easterly para2iel to said south line
<br /> - of the Sautht�reat Quarter a d"sst�nce of 350.OQ feet; thence deflecting right 90° '
<br /> =1�': 27' 40" �and running Southesly, _a distance of 1,159.0 feet; thence eaaterly parallel ,'
<br /> �to said 3quth line of the Southwest Qs�rter, a_distgnce of 179�34 f�et; thenae
<br />-� • , , deflecting right• 90° 27' 40" and ruaniag southerly a distance of 468.0 feet to the
<br /> : � place of beginning and containing IS.000 acres, mote or lesa; .in Hall Couaty,
<br /> . -.. . ._ = Nebra$ka. - , . - - . . .
<br /> - •
<br /> � •
<br /> ��r_ ,
<br /> 70GETHEB WITtt.all rents.profits,rayaMies,incane and other benefits derived franthe reol property:all leases a subkases covering the
<br /> real propKty or aiy pa�tion tt�eof,now a l�eafter existiag or entered into.and a(I right,title a�d inte�esf of Trusta thereunder:oll in- �
<br /> ' tKasts,estate a otMr cbims,botb in taw and in equity.Mhich Trustos�w has a may hereetter act�ire irt the reot propertY,all eosements.
<br /> ' ri¢its�of-wny,t�n�nKS.Mraditama�ts and apqut�nces tNereof aa3"thereto:oll oil and qos ri¢*s cxid profits,wote►ri�Ms and weter
<br /> � '� stak;all rght,titk ond intarest of Trustor,aow owned a�rhereafter aquired,in and to any land lying wist�in the right-of-wayr of any sneet a �__ _
<br /> �' � `� hgl�we�odpini�g the renl property.any ond ol16ui1�-�gs,fixturos,impravertxnts,ard uQpurtenaxes now or�reoHer erected thereon a ��------
<br /> • ��� halorgirg theteto,(herein refeRed to as"(mproremer►Y'a"tmptovements");and ar�and a!E owards made for tht t o king by eminent damain �}'",•`�r-;j"
<br /> � ' , � e►b1►onY Ora�M9 a purcfiase in lieu thereof,of tbe whole or om►part of the reol property � _ ..,.�;-'��
<br /> '� .�,�� �: AII of the faepoirg estate,property and interest hereby tarveyed to Trustee herein toltectirely►afastd to as the"Property". � .
<br /> (o)The pa�nnaM of indebt�edness evidenced by Trustor's note of even dote herewitt►in tt�e prir�som of * �ree Hundred _ .:-
<br /> �~ • ��'"' Tho�sand and no/100s----------------------------"--'-'��mllas (i 300.000.00 ), ' -
<br /> - to�tha with i�tKtst a!the rate a rates provid�d therein,(herein.toqether witA ony and a!{reriewaks,mod'�cations,and extensions thereof. .
<br /> - r�ferred ta os the"Note"16ath principol and inte�est on the Note 6eirg payabk in accordance w"s+.h s�e terms set torth therein,refaence to • . .��`��;�';
<br /> � whitA is he+'ebfr mode,the finalpoyment Qf princippl and interest,if not soone►poid and if,no�enewc'.s,n �fitations a extensions are made, `""`
<br /> ' �. dus aed poy�b�e on December 15, 1992 � any renewala os extensions thereo�. , .
<br /> , • �.� .
<br /> - • (b)The performance of each agreement and covenont of Trostor herein contained;arrQ '• •
<br /> . �. :�,_ (e)Ths paym�nt of ar�y sum or sums of money with interost tl�ereon which maY be herecfter paid or advonced undtr fhe terms ot this Oeed of ''
<br /> Trust. -.
<br /> ,�.
<br /> (d)�paY�of any fe�►ure odvonces netessaryr to protect the security or any future advance ma�e et the option of the parties;ard
<br />- , ��I (e1 Th�puforrtwncs of a:debtigotion ef any othe►penon named in this Trost Deed to e benefitiary. "�i
<br /> , ; ��. ,. ° ' .;'� 1./r�1�1 hi�ei/�I�i I�Iwrh.Trosta shotl prortptly paY when dus the prirtcs�of ard iMerest on the indebtednes�eviAenced by the •
<br />+ ' ` ''15'•,,::� Note,and all other chor�es and fees as pravided in the Note,and the�nupal of and irterost on ar�Gvture Advances secured by this Oeed of
<br /> .*�';-""'�:`.yj . , . .
<br /> �,.. .� , . Trust. '_
<br /> ;.:.;,..�.:.' �
<br /> •„...i Q.W�re�ry�f Tflb.Trustor is lawfutly seized and possessed of good and indefeasibte titb and estote to the Propeny hereby camreyed anQ �.
<br /> � �a . . •
<br /> . -.�_ .„ - hos th�ripht to 9ranf and eonvey the Property;fhe PropMy is tree ond ckor of atl6iens and encumbrances exceps Cens now of retad;and
<br /> . '. Trusta will waram and defend the titb to the Propertq apainst all cteims and demanQs. •
<br /> �xsr,' ' 3,M�f�we�w1 t�/Iwc��rilb Ea�n.Trustor shall keep the Property in gaad tonditian and repui►and sholl not commit waste or permit � '
<br /> '�=I�•'t�`t::°' i irmmf or d�teriaotion of the Pro pr a
<br /> , i�� �.,;L; � peaty ond shcp comply with the avisions of any lease i1 this QeeA of Trust is on o leosehold.Ho im ove- t .
<br /> t:....
<br /> nNM rww or Mreofter erected upan t�e Property shall be oltered,removed or demolisheA without the prior written consent of Beneficiary. ;�
<br /> u� �•~5�t�.. :.�' T�usta slall tomply wffh ot!lows,ordin�sces,regu{ations.covenants,conditions ond restri�tians affecting the Praperty and rat commit,sufter. '
<br /> . ' ,���- �._���:. ., , , or pe�mit aep at to bs done in or upoy►tks Fraperty in violation of any law,ordinance,regulotion,covenant,condition or restrittion.Trustor j . ' .
<br /> `,��r�.: , sholl canpt�t�or restore promptly and'us good workmanlike manner any improvement on tfie Proptety which may be damaged a destroyed and .
<br /> �-_;�,,� . •.:� . peytwher��w.allckimsfataborperFa'meQandmateriot�fumishedthrrefaeandloranyaMeraticmthereof.
<br /> •-���--_��- 4. Y��t.Trusta,at its ex�iisa,will maintain with insuraa approved by Beneflciary,insurance with respect to the Improvements and ,
<br /> .. _ . . . ` _" .. . p�rsaial propvty,constituting ihe Prope»y,against Icss by fire,lightning,tornodo,and other perits and h�ads covered by standard extended
<br /> __. , .- , cowrqp endars�nNnt,in an amo�Mt equal to at least one hundred percem of the full�epWcement value thereof atd insurance against such ` .,
<br /> • othu hazads and in such unaunts as is customarity caried 6y owners and opecatars ef simul�properties a as Benef iciary moy require far its : ,
<br /> ', � prot�etlon.Trusfor will eanp�y with sueh other requirements as 8ene�iciory moy from time to time request ta the protectlon by insurance ot the
<br /> - • intlresfs of the respective poittie4.All insutante pol'Kies maitKalned ptxsuMtt to this Oeed of Trust shcl!rame Trustor ond Beneticiary as in•
<br /> � . , � � wreEs,as tFNir respectivs interests may appea,ana provide thot there s1w116e no caxeltation or modifitatlan without no tess than t S days
<br /> , .-_ . ... prlor writttn eoMication te Beneficiary.tn fhe evMt any polityr hereunder is not�ertewed on a before 1S days pria to its enpirotion date, .
<br /> _._ - -- -
<br /> -—-,----
<br /> ' : . . '. � Benef iciorjr moy praure such irtsur6nee in acardance wif6 f6e provisiaas.o�paagrapf►"7 F+ereof.Tru4tor shaftttefiver to Banefitiary tfie arigirtat `;"` -_` ` `
<br /> '= r• . policMS ot insurantt Cnd renewols fhereo}ar memo tapias ot such polities dtd renawols thereot.iaiture to futnish suth.insurunce Dg Trusta,w ;
<br /> ' renewals as requtred hKwnder shall,ot the optian of Benef'Kiery,constitute o QetcuH. ! . �
<br /> � • - - = -�Hank and BorraweYS agrpe truat_deed �s.for .$300,000.00 oely while_notes.supporte@ _ :
<br /> ��,� �, ' " by this trust deed may be in excess of this amount. �,
<br /> � ,
<br /> . . . ;.. . . ,. .
<br /> . ;
<br /> _ - � -- _ _.
<br /> : a... •. . ,. _ ... --� _-_- - _ _
<br />