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<br /> UNIFOHM COVE J orro or and lendor covcnnnt c+nd oflroe os toUows: —
<br /> �, p�ym�t of Pdnctp�l end Intemt. Barrowor shall promptly pey when duQ the principal at end intmrust on thn
<br /> In�ehtednos�evidenca�bY t�Note,pre�aVn�ant and Iete charpe9 es provlCud ln tha Nate, and tho principal of end interest
<br /> on any Future Advancna�acured by thp Daed o!Trust.
<br /> 2. Funds Yor Tsxe�end In�ur�nc�. Sub ect ta eppIicable law or to e written woivor By Londnr, Borrowor sholl pa to
<br /> I.o�xie�relnn funds I�equal to on�emwcit(Ui oPj�h�f Voaely, tex�R�And assessmQnta dwhlch ma t ett8l�n�priority�9vur thls iDoad al L
<br /> sum 1 e.
<br /> Trust,e�xl graund�enta on the Property,if any, plus one•twellth ot yaeriy promlum instei ments lor hea�rd Insurance,ptus
<br /> one-twattth ol yeerly premium installments for mortgage'is e►id roesonable nstimetoa thereofe��imeted initielly and trom time
<br /> to timo by Lendar on the basi5 0(essosaments a�d b
<br /> Thc Fiiixls siw11 ba hotd in en itutltutlon tha d�posit�ar accounts ol whlch����es�unds to uay soidl oxoL��sosaments�
<br /> agonr.y tincludinp Landnr If Lender Ia auch en institutlan). Lendcr ahali opp Y p
<br /> iovSVCri yl�+'►�pj n d�compiiinqfl�nid os:scs�ssmnnts And bflls�unhoss LandorpAysi�ut�tnwapinlarost on ho Fund�innd opDl c blo low
<br /> iorm�lr.l.ender to muko such o charpo. Burrowm and Londor moy ogroo In wriUnfl at tho tiino ol oxnaudan ol lhls Duud r�l
<br /> �rustthat intorast on tha Furxls shatl he peid to Borrower,ond unless suGh eflroom�nt fs mode nr oppUca�lo low roqui��os such
<br /> i,-„erest to bc pvid,Lent4er�hs{I npt hg rp�u��e(j�n�8y Bnrrower any intsrest ar earninge on tho Funds. Landor shnil give to _
<br /> 8orrowe;r,without charA�,en anniiat eccounting of the Funds showinfl crodite a�d debits to tho Funds u��J eh�pur�as�tor
<br /> whictt each debit to the Funds w��mpde. The Fund�are pladflod es addittanol security for the sums securad by this Oeed
<br /> ol Tn�st.
<br /> II the amocint of the tunds hefd by Lendar, togathor with the futuro montlily Installments of Funds payuble prior to 1 e
<br /> due dates o1 taxes,assessments,insurance Rromfums and ground rents, shall axcead the nmount requirnd to pey sa►d taxes,
<br /> ' assessments, insurenca premiums and ground rents as they tell due,such excess shell be, at Bor�owar's option,eithar
<br /> promptt��PPaid tu 8oerower or ctedited to 8orrowor on monthly insteliments of Funds. If the amount of tha Funds held by
<br /> , Lender ahall not be sut(icient to pey taxes�essessments insuranco premiums arid pround rents as they fall due,Borrowar
<br /> shail pay tn lender enY emount necessary tu maka up tFw c�e(iciency w'ithin 30 deys from the date natice Is meiled by Lender
<br /> � to iiorrower requesNng payrroent the�eot. •
<br /> Upon payment in(ull of ell sums secured by this Oeed of 7rust,l.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Fun�s hdt
<br /> by lender. If under paregraph 18 htsreof the Property is sold or the Property is otheowiso ecquitad by Lertder,Lender shetl
<br /> epply,no later than immediately prior r,o the sale of the Property or its ecquisition 6y Lander, and Funds held 6y lender et
<br /> the umn of appUcation es a credit against the sums secured by th(s Deed of Trust, �
<br /> 3, AqpwcrNa�ot Paymon2n. Unless apd�csbie law provides otherwiso,ell payn�onts reaelved by lender under the Nota
<br /> end paragraphs t end Z ht�roni�hall be apptied 6y Lendor first in p�yment of amounts Aflyable to Lender by Qox�ower under _
<br /> paregraph 2 hareof,then ttf'lnterest pmYable an the Note.then to the pr�ncipat o1 thA Nate,end then to intere�t�lnd principal �
<br /> on eny Futuro.Advences.
<br /> 4, Cher{�ax•Ltens. Borrowars ahell pay ell taxas e�ssessmants end other chargas,Nnes and irnpositlans aLtributable tn ,
<br /> tho Praperty wfitch msy attnln a prlority over this beed of Trust,and leasehold peyments or groursd rents,!f atny,in the:
<br /> manner prov�ded under paregraph 2 hereof or,ff not patd in such menner,by eorrower making peymont,when,que,direut�y.
<br /> � to tt�o payee thereot. 6orcower shalt�rompt(y lurnisli ta Lender ell notices ol amaunts due under ttiis puragraph;and!n tha�' '
<br /> - eve�ii 8���utit'ci Si'.o!!Rt����S°�mrnt_iser.rtu,BorrowQr shall promptly tumish to Londer receipts evfdencing suofl pay�ef t��sp
<br /> Borrower shall promptiy discF►arge any licn which hes priority over this used oi'i'rusi;piuu�3�u,itsai 8arzar:st_t�!!
<br /> � required tu discharge eny such lion sa long es Borrornor shell egrea in writing to chs pnyment of tho obligetion secured by
<br /> � such Iten in a manner acceptabte to Lender,or shall in good taith contest such lisn by,or defend enforcement ot such Ifen
<br /> in,Iegal proceodings which operata to prevent tha enforcement ot the 11en or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br /> � 5, H�ard IcKUr�. Borrower shall keep the improvarnent�now existing or he�eaiter erected on the PropertY insurEtl
<br /> •oAolnst loss by iire,hazarda included within the tr.rm "extended coverage",and such other hazards as lendet�may requirQ
<br /> asid in such emounts and Qnr such psriods es Lender me�y xaqufre:providod, that l.onder ahell.not require thett ihe amount af
<br /> such coverega exceed th'at amount ot covnrege required to pey tha sums secured.Qay thi�Deod of Trust. , .
<br /> This Insurance carrier�►xoviding tha insurance shall be ehosen by Batrower sub oct ta uAprovpl•by.l.ender;.�ravidad,thnt ,
<br /> such epproval shall not he�if not n e�dyin suche1niann��p�by B uower making pey�C nt Swhen duei di ecUytto 4he insurence � �."•;.,;��t �,'�
<br /> � undcr peragraph 2 t�teof o, P •• ,,: �;;�..
<br /> carrier. ��th�reof shn1144 in inrm ecceptable to Lendbr and ehall Include e standard mortgage
<br /> � Ati i�►surancepo iiCie�anit rcnati�c __
<br /> cteuse in favar oi and in�qdren ecceptabla to Lender. 1Lender shall huve tho right•ta hotd che paticies�nd renewsls thereaf,
<br /> ar+d Borrawer ahall arompUy turnlsh to Lender ell renewai notices and all rocaipte of�poid premiuma. In the eveae oi losa, _
<br /> Borrower shsM glve prompt not�ce to the I�surance carrier and Lender. Lo�der may makb qroof ot los3 If�►at mads prompilY
<br /> by Bor�awar.
<br /> UMess Lender and Borrower otherwise t+gree in wrltln�,Insurance proceeda shail ba eppHed to restoration or rep�ir of
<br /> the property demaged,pravfded such restoretion or repair is eco�omicelly fessible and the sacurlty of this Deed of TrNst Is
<br /> •� not the�eby impaked. ft•tuch restoretion vr rqpalr is not economicelly(oasiblo or if the security oi!hIs Daed af Tniat would _
<br /> be 6mpatred,the kis�xsnce P{aeeds shell be epplied to the sums secured by thls Daed ol T�ust, wfth il�e exaa&s�,if any�,psid
<br /> to 8orrower. 11 the Property Is abendoned by Borrower,ar It Borruwer faits to respond to Lender within 34'UOys irom tM
<br /> !' dste notice is Meiled bY 4ender to Borrower!hat the insurenca cerrier otters to aettle e claim for insurence��ondfits,Lender
<br /> is auttarized to collect and eppty tlie insuiAnco procceds ot Lender's optlan uithar to�est9retion or�opair ot the Propeny'or
<br /> f ta the sums secured by thts DQed of Trust.
<br /> Untess Lendor and Borrower othorwise egree In wrlting,any such appllcntion of r�ceeds to principal shatl not e�xtend
<br /> ereof or cha
<br /> ' or postpone the dud dat��a.l the:monthly instatlments reterrad to in paragrephs 1 an� 2 nge ti�e amount of such
<br /> instenments. It under�.inrc�graph 18 hereof tho Property is sequired by Lender,a11 e�ght,titte end inte�est of Bouower in and
<br /> ' to anY fnsurance polici�s and im m�d to thr, proceeds ihereaf resutNng fron9 dt�maga to the Property prior�ta the ssln or
<br /> acpuisition&hall pass to Lender to the extent ol the sum�secured by thts DopcJ of Trust immediatety prior�tp such sate or
<br /> . acquts'ttion.
<br /> � g, presenrMlon and Maintenartce nf Proparty:leas�holda:Condomtniums;Ptanned Unit Dev�lapm�b. Borrower shatl
<br /> �';� keep the Property In good�epalr end shell not commft weste or permit impairment oi 8eterloration of the Property and shall
<br /> «;; � ' compty wlth the qrov�sions of eny lease it thls Deed of Trust is on a leesehotd. �f this Deed oE Trust is on a unit in a
<br /> � condominium ar e planned unit davetopment,8orrower sholt per(orm ell of Burrawer's o6ligutions under t�e decteratlon or
<br /> 'covenantS creating or �overning tho condominium ot planned unit devolopment, 4he by-laws and r4gt�lationS of the
<br /> candominium or pianned unit devefapment,end constituent documents. It a condominlum or ptenned unit development rider
<br /> is executed by Borrawer end racorded togother with this Dead ot'frust,tha coveneMs and egreements of such rlder shsll
<br /> be tncorpn�pted into and sh�ll anxnd and supplement the covenant�and agraomonts of thls DeQd of Trust as If tho ride�were
<br /> a part hereal.
<br /> 7, ProtecUon o!L�rr+dor's Secu�ity. If eorrowor(afls to porform the covenen!s and�groaments contelned in this Deoc�
<br /> ot Tn�st,or if eny sctiom c*.r G�roceeding is commenced whleh m�tariatly ailacca c.ondar's interast in the Ptoparty.Inuludine
<br /> ''� but not I(mited to,eminp:�C�amaln, insotvancy,codo entorcemant.or orranc��Qrus•.7ts or proceodings invululaa�r e benl:rupt a►
<br /> • decedent.then Lendtr a7:L�nder's aptlon,upon notice to 8orrowor, mny mni;o��uch appnerenCes,di;burstl such sum�and�
<br />- take such action es ts r+ocossery to protact LendePs interest. Inctuding,but not limited to,disbursemdnt of reason�bin
<br /> } attorney's fees and entry upon tha Property to makcs repafrs. II lendar requirod mortgage insurencts as e condit.ion of makin�
<br /> .v�.._..�_.,�..r T....�� a.,«�wpr shall oav tha nremtums roquired to matntein such insurance in oiFect until
<br /> - iiw ii�r 86o`�nc�,..,...a..a....,•• •.�. - �-- -
<br /> such timn as the requ�rement tm such�nsurence torminates In eccordanCO with Borrowers and i.endai s v.niic�.a iov.+.c�n
<br /> or appUcebte� law. Borrower shalt pay the omount of oll n�o�tpaga insvraneo Fremt�ms in the rnenner provt�ed unda!►
<br /> paragreph 2 ho�eoi.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lander pursuant to this paragreph 7, with interost theroon, shatl bocomo additional
<br /> omcobun srahall p pay bto upon notca(�am�ender t SBoUowerBequ sting ppymant horeot�and sha11 bear intQrest irom tho
<br /> dete of disbursement et the rete pey�6lo iram t(me to time on outstor+dn'ig pnnc�pat undar the Noto unless paymunt of tnterest
<br /> at such rate would 6e contrary to nppllcablu low, in whlch evant such amounts shall bear interest at th�htghest rQte
<br /> permissible under applicabla taw. Nothing contein�d in thls parapraph 7 ahatl requfra Lender to incur any expenso or teko
<br /> - ony a�tion hureundcr.
<br /> - 9. laspection; lender may mako ur Ceuse to 6e meda reasonabtes on�rios upon and inspections of the Property,provided
<br /> - that Lender shalt grva eorrower natico prior to eny such inspectton spec.�ying reasonable cnusu therotoro rolated to LundePs
<br /> tnterest in the Propnrey.
<br /> 9. Condemnbiion. Tho prncoeds o(eny nward or cleim for dameges,direct nr consQ quential In cnnnection with eny
<br /> cundemnation or other takln{�qf tha Propr,rty.or part thereot,or fo►convayancQ fn lieu ot condamnatton,nre hereby essis�ned
<br /> end shall be peid to Lender.
<br /> '� cc�osa ieie�� 2
<br /> �
<br />