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<br /> COVENAN46 � �6� ���/�\D�
<br /> 1. Paymants. Borr�war nprr�n� t� meku ell peymcnte an tho eecured dehE when due, Unte�e i3orrow�r and Lender agree olNenvlie, ony .
<br /> paymrnie Lender rocelvap Irqm fforrower ur for f3orrowar'o bonnfit will�o �pUtlod Ilr�i to a��y omounto Corrower owo�on tiio cocurorl debt �-
<br /> exclusivn oT Intereet or prinr.lpnt,Recond to Intarent,�nd thon to princlpnl.If partlel propaymont o}the eeeurod debt accuro for any reeaon, It wlif _
<br /> not nduc�or excu�e�ny�chnAiiled p��ment untll tha��curoA 4obt la 9ild In tutl.
<br /> 2.GaNiw A�!TMN.9arnwbr��}q Riy��I t x��,�un�ment�,mti othor chHpe��ttrl6ut�bb to th�property wlHn dus�nd wlll dei�nd titin
<br /> to th�prop�rtV�GNmt any ola{rr�n wMC1��voul�lmp�li the Iisn af thl�deed of tru�t.L�ndu msy requln Borrowu to a�ipn�ny riaht�,ctslm�or
<br /> d�(�n�u wh�ch eorrow�r m�yhnw qMfn�t pMIIW wFia wppty I�bor o►m�tsrid�to Improw or m�lnt�ln th�propirty.
<br /> 3.Inwrine�. Barrowor will kenn tS�o Froporty Iniured s�nder teem��aceptebl�to Under�t �urrowar'�ex6»nte end for 4endu'� bansf(t.All
<br /> In.ur.uco po!:cloa chc!1 Inc�uctu o otancicrd mortpeQ�elau^o In favor of Londer.Lortder t�Itl 6�nemad a71o3�prY�n nr es the Inaured on eny auch ___
<br /> In�wana pollny.Any Insur�naa proGe�dr m�y be��piNd,wlthin Lend�r'�dl�cretlan,t�elthu tM rsitantlon or np�N of th�domap�tl prop�ny
<br /> cx to tM s�cund d�bt.if I.mdnr rvquk��movtQ�p� nsunnc�,Borrow�sr�gn��to mNnt�ln tuch In�unnce tor n lonp n L�nd�►nquln�.
<br /> 4.PropKty.Borrower wlil krnp thn proparty in pood condldan end mike ell repNrs re�aunebly neceaury. —
<br /> 6.Expwua.Borrower�prae�ta pay etl Lender'�expenRet,Includinfl ra��onsbi��ttorneys'fee�,if Borrower broak��ny coven�nts In thls deed
<br /> of truat or in eny oblidatlon eeoured by thli deed af trutt.Borrower will p�y these emount�to Under s�provided in Covenant 8 of thi�deed of
<br /> truat.
<br /> 8.Prior S�eurity Mbn�t�.Uninea 8orrower first obt�ina Lender'e w�itten con�ent,Borrower will not maka or permit�ny chanpos to any pdor -
<br /> =ncurity int�n�ts. Borrowor will pertorm dl ot Borrow�r'o obllpetlom undsr sny prlor mor4yape, deed of 4ruat or other e9cudty eproement, _
<br /> Inciud�np Borrower'e covonnntn to mak�paytnents when due.
<br /> 7.As��t of R�nta�nd Prqfihf.Eorrowor��aigna to Lender the rent�and proflt�af the propsrty.Unteic Borrower and Lender have ayreed
<br /> otherw se In writinp, Borrowor mey colioct and retain the rente ae lonp as Borrower is not In defeult. if Bonower defrulte, Lender,Lender'e
<br /> epant,or e court rppolnted roaeiver may take poaes�slon and manaye the property and colfect the rente, Any rente Lander collecte ehali bo
<br /> eppited firet to tha caate af monnyinp the pr�pnrty, Includin court cotte end ettorneye'tee�,commlaalons to rentei Apent�,a�d eny other _
<br /> neces��ry roleted,expenaea.Sfio remelninp amouot of rents wRl then spply to pnymeMS on tho aecured debt as ptavlded in Cuven�nt 1. _
<br /> e.L�u�helds}Condomin9ume;�lann�d Udt��vNopmKn�.Borrawer eprees tn compIv with tt�a provletona of any teeae i!thls deed ot truat ls on ,
<br /> �l�isehold.fY thir deed af t�at Is on a unit in a candominium or a p1e�rMd unit qevaiopment,dottower wUl p�rform all of Bonowar's dutioa
<br /> under the covenanta,by-lawn,xr regulat�ona ot the cantiominium ar plann�d unit develupment.
<br /> 0.Authorriy ot i.andor to Pi�rm tor�onow�r. If Bcrrowar faila tope rform any of @orrower'� dutie�under thi�deed of trust, Lendor may
<br /> porform the dutie�ar oauoa 40�em to be pertormed.Lnnde►may tipn Horrowsr's name or Pay�ny amount if necsanry for performance. If my
<br /> conatructlon on tha propeny in cllecontinued o�rat carried on in�re�sonobls m�nner,Lendar mry do whatev�r It�ecess�ry to protect Lender'a
<br /> sec�rky intere�t In the properrtV�Thit msy Include completinp the construction.
<br /> lnnder'�t�fture to perf�rm wffl not proatud�Lendsr from exsrclsiny any of It�oth�r ripht�under ths law ur th:�dud of trutt.
<br /> Any�mounts paid by Lendar ta prot�ct Under'�stcurity Intuut will b�s�cund by thl�da�d oi uu�t.Such rmount� will bs du�on d�m�nd
<br /> rnd will b��r intere�t fram the deta of th�p�ymont untll pald In full�t tiw IntAn�t r�t�in�N�ct on tM acund d�bt.
<br /> 10. Ddwk Mtd AooMrntlan. If Batrowe f�il�to m�k� nny p�ymYnf wh�n dw a 1x��ks my covenmt�undN thls dNd of trwt or�ny
<br /> obiipatlan s�cund by thl�dn�d of tru�t a�ny prbr murtpay�a dNd of tru�t, L�rtd�r m�y�cc�Nrat�tM m�turlty Af th�s�eund d�bt md
<br /> Mm�rd ImrrNdl�to p�ymnnt�nd m�y Invok�tM pow�r o}nN md�ny oth�nrt►�dN�p�►mitt�d by�ppllc+bN I�w.
<br /> ��,w.s,..*kf.NeMn.nt d��r,le.N lo lur�by r�auast�d that aod��of tlf�rotic��ot dahuk�nd eU�b�unt to nCh pN�on who I��pety
<br /> Mr�to,it tlii�ddnii of��oh�uch psnon,a���t'forth Mnin.
<br /> 72.lbw�r of iM�.It ths l�nd�r Invok��tl»pow�r of s�N,tt�Trw4N sbaN tk�t ncord in tM offia of th�rql�tw of dNds of��ch county
<br /> wMnM tM nwt pmp�►ty or�om�pert a pareN th�nof i�situ�t�d�mtia�o}d�iwtt containlnp tM In4am�tbn rsquk�d by law. TM TrwtN
<br /> �h�ll al�o m�ll coplr�of tt��nnttos oi d�}�ult to tM Bwrow�►,ta��ch pK�on who Is�party FiK�to, �nd to otMr pKwn� upr��afb�d by
<br /> �pptiabi� law. Not wsa thnn one month�ttsr tM Truttw ncord�tt►�ra2ic� of d�fauR w twc+ monttu it th� uust property l� not In my
<br /> incorpont�d chy ot vlllpo mc1�I�uad in fKminp op�atbn�o�rrt�d on by tM uutta,th�frustN�MN phr�public notic�of s�N to tM pawn�
<br /> ��dir.tlf~puksd�by the FirmbHUm ati���otict{Ton�Act,Truitis ihill o�ftir tM�op�i r•ty�hn�tvv�o sip�atips,�i aa f pi�k�b n,o�t,�hi�wt
<br /> TrustN may pastpone�slu of�II ar my p�rc�l of tl►�property by publia�nnounc�ment at th�tlm��nd p!us o}any prsviously�chsdui�d soN.
<br /> L�r a ks duf�na�mny Qurchaa�tM propKty�t sny e�ls.
<br /> Upon rec�ipi of pr mo�t of thn priae bid,Trustes shall delivsr to ths purchassr Trusta�'s d�ed conveyinp ths prupeny.Ths ncitLls contp(rwd in
<br /> Tru�tfs's cleed she�l be pHmn faola svidtence of the truth of the st�tement�eontatned thsrefn.Truste��hNl�p�ly ttw proc�ed�of tM�al�In the
<br /> toBowing ader: (e1 to �II•�xpens�� of tM ale. Inciudiep. but oot IlmttW to, n��on�bis Trustw'� fn�, nasonM�N �ttwr�y'� fNS �nd
<br /> r�in�tat�m�r►t t�er,(bl ta ell��ume sscund by tM�deed af trust,ind lcl ti»bai�nce,If any,ta the pKSOns I�p�Hy errtitMd to rscslve tt.
<br /> 13.Fa�elo�un.At Lender'�option,this desd of trust msy be faecbaed irt tM m�nner provld�by�ppliaabN law ta fonclosun of mortgopes
<br /> on n�l property.
<br /> tA.irwa�ctlo�.Lendor may ertor the propsrty to i�sp�ct it N L�ndar pives Sorrower Ratice 6eforshand.The�otice muat stete tfis re��on�bN '
<br /> cauts fw lsndar's InspuoUon,
<br /> 16.Ca�dsnaMtlon.Bonower ast!pns to Lender theproceads of any award or cisim for damape�connect�d with a cond�mmtian a oUxr t�kkig
<br /> iicuifty�eementt tha praperty.Such procesd�will be i+pptl�d ae provided in Cownant 1.Thit�scipnment 1��uDJ�ot to tM tsrms of any prlor
<br /> 18.W�.By exsrcisinp en��remedy�wllabt�to Lendar,Lendsr doas not�fvs up��ny riphts to lat�r ua�nY other remody.By not�xercfek►p
<br /> any nmeJy upon Barrowera defautt,Lendet das rat vralve any ripht te t�tsr coneiMr the event o def�uh it k h�pp�ne a8ein. ,
<br /> 17. Ja1nt�nd S�wnl L�• Ca�lyrMra; Succ�tson �rtd Assipia lsamd. All duties urKHr thisd�o4 trust�ra Joint and t�»rd. Any
<br /> Borrown who co•swno thla eed ot vu�t but does not co•:iQn ths under►Yinp debt intVUm�nt(�) doe� so only to ynnt and convey that
<br /> Borrovwr'i intereat In tt�o praperty to tM Tru�te�undx the tarms of thl�dead oTVUCl. in�ddkbn,tuch a Barower�pre�s that ths Londer�nd
<br /> any other 8orrower undor thla dead of trwt may extend,modi�or mak�any other chenges In tM tsrmt of this d�ed of trust or the�saund
<br /> debt wtthuut that Bonawer'a con�ant and without nba�inp th�t orrowre trom th�t�rms of thl�do�d of uuat.
<br /> The duties�nd benef(to of thln dasd of tru�t shdl bind aM beneftt tM succsssas and esdpr�s af Lender�nd Borrower.
<br /> 1@.Motic�.Untaa otherwiae ruquired by I�w,eny notice to Sonower shall be plven by ddivsring it or by mafNnp tt by cartified mdl s�dressed to
<br /> Borrcw�r at the proparty�ddr�s�ar any othor aAdns�that Bortowsr ha 9t�wn to L�nder.Borrower will pive�ny noUce to Under by cxNi(�d
<br /> m�il to Lendw'a�ddr�ss an pape 1 of thb dsad of trutt,or ta��y otMr Wdn�s wl�.Ich Lmd�r Ms d�sfpn�ted.Any ott►sr notia to I.sndK sha8
<br /> b��ent to Lender'i addrnae ea�tated on p�pe 1 oi Mt�d�ed ot tru�t.
<br /> Any notice Rhali bs daemod ta have besn pfvan to Borrower or Lendar whon pivsn In ths mannar�t�ted above.
<br /> 18.Ttn�hr of th�PtoprAV ar�E�netld�i intK��t(n d�Barraw�r.Ii etl or any part of the properN ar eny fnterast In tt is sald ot tronsferred
<br /> without Lender's prlor wrltton canttnt, Lands►m�y dsmand Immedl�t� payment of the secwed d�bt. Lender m�y siso d�m�nd Imm�di�t�
<br /> dimandtp�aymeM In theYebovs tituatbndr I}IL Ii�prohib tf sd by fedsrel law n of the d�Be of thii deed�of truit neferred.Howaver, Lend�r may not
<br /> 20.Raonwyanc�.Whon the obtipatior��ecured by tht�deed of truet h��been pdd and Lender h��na te�rther obllp�tion to make�dvance�
<br /> und�r the Instrumente or epreament�secured by this deed of truat,tM Truats�chNf upon written request by the Lender, reconwy the Vust
<br /> ��i�i�:.Tne i�fod�en�rraw�i�atti i ni venv recordeUonecciu er's�uccessor In Inteest,ths Vust d�W md the note o►other evidenee of the
<br /> 2i. 6ueeaore+ Trur.�aa. Lender, at Lender's option, may ramove 7rustos ertd eppa{nt o cuccasaar trustc�b� firct, matllnp u eopy ot tha -
<br /> eubetihition af truetao ea raqulred by eppllcebte lew,end then,Dy fiiing the subatiriition o}trust�e far rocord In ths offlce of the ragister of deede
<br /> of each county in whiuh tho trwt property,or�ome part thereof,i:situeted.The succeiaor uuHOe,without conveyence oi the property, ehetl
<br /> eueeeed to all the power,duUae,euthorityr end title oi the Truaes named in the deed of truM end of eny succeaROr tru�toe.
<br /> fp�ps 10/2!
<br /> BANNEl19 6Y8TEM3,INC.,8T.C10U0,fi1N E6901(t-A00-397•23411 FOI1M OC�•MT4NE O/18I81 ,�
<br /> ,.l.�-�..,--••�---_..---_-°_ �-_..-_-�---r,� ------- - —rn--�- - '^n°'r , . � - - ---
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