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<br /> •o Q9�9-1648 k�E�U ��' Y�I.1ST F'��a �;
<br /> Y.nan No 31�8� (Con9r��ueti) ���a 1����'•��3 �
<br /> -.�:-'-------- -_.--�._.�._:.-�..._.._...: ._.------ .—..-. _. _-----.�����.,.�..���
<br /> w InwAdal��ny�cl dono In rr�ponfa tn such d�hult or pureuinl to auch nolk:� ot d�►NUII;�nd, notwlthii�ndlnQ IFN c.onH�uan;�In
<br /> poffq�lon ol IM Frpp�riy or Ih�coil�cllan, nC�lpl�nd�ppl�Callon al nnb,Is�uss or pralilt►,Truyte� or L�ndN ih�N b��nlitllp !0
<br /> arAralN�wry rfphl prONd�d fa In th�Not�or th�pN�l�d Oa;umenle or by law up�n th�occurr�nc�of wny�wnl oi WIeuN,IncluWrp Ih�
<br /> riqhl lo�xKCiN 1h�pown ol l�N1;
<br /> (b) Comrr:rc�an ecNon to fcrc�ia:�th!�p�ad of Tr�nt ns n mmlpa;lo,eppolnl n rcc^fvcr or r,p�clNCCiI��enfarce nny of Ihe cn�r,n�nh
<br /> h�nol;�nd
<br /> (o) DNiwr lo Trut1N�wrlN�n d�cluellon cf dN�ull�nd dem�nd lor n�N and�wellqn nal��o!d�feult end N�ctlon to c�tn�Trwlor'�
<br /> Int�r�l ln Iho PropN9y lo ba sotd,whlch nollc�Trusl�s ehell c�us�to b�duly lil�d for record In Ih�approprlala offfc�s ot Ih�County In
<br /> whbh Ihe Propaty I�locabd;ond
<br /> (d) Wllh rKpsCl to dl or�ny p�rl o(lhe Personal Property,Lender shail have ell Ihe riqht9 end remedles of a tecur�d p�rty undu tFN
<br /> Nsbnska Uniform Commorctal Code.
<br /> foncbiut�bY powR o4 Ssl�. If Lend�er elects to forectoso by exercise ol tho Power of Sale heraln containod,Lender ahall noUfy TrustN and
<br /> 6MaN d�posll wilh Tru:t�o Ihls D98d o}Trusl and lho Note ond auch receiptp and evldmce ol expenditures made and saourad by Ihis Qpd ol
<br /> Trusl as Truste�may nqulrs. •
<br /> (�) Upon recalp1 of such notice from Lender,Trustee ehall caus�to be nx�ordad,publfshed snd daivered fo Trusta such NoHo�oP IHtauH
<br /> end Nott..ti of S�N u tY�en requlred by Iew and by Ihls Qsed o}Trusl. Trustos ehall,wilhput dem�nd on Trusta,�Iter such ilrt►�a�m�y
<br /> Ihan b�r�quk�d by kw and atln reCOrdoHon of euch Notia of DNtuit und attor Notk�oP Seie havk�p bMn piven u raquk�d hy law,sM
<br /> Ihe Prop�Ay�t fhs Hrn��nd pt�w ol seb Nxed by It In such Notia ch 5ab,eliher�s a whot�,cx In aK+ar�N lols or parcNs a iMms�s
<br /> Truste�sfuN dMm�dMnl,and In such orckr u ft may d�termin�,:nl puplic iuotlon to the hfph�bldd�r for cash In kwful morw►r ol
<br /> th�Urd!�d 3lat�Raw�S�at t1e�Urr.e e!�!s. Tru���s shsN d!livrr to such F��hassr r.purch•�ern 4hleeol N.s Qood end et�lM!!M�^r
<br /> d�cls canvsyitp iM propsrty s�add,t�o1 withoul�ny cotibn�nl or wa�ranly,expreu a ImpNed. 'I'ixt rocHals In buch dNd o1�ny nwller.t
<br /> Or facls sMp b�conclusive prool of tha trulhfulnoss IhereoL Any pert3qn,Inciudinp withoul Ilmiterion Trustor,TrustM,Or l�nd�r,mty
<br /> puroh�s�tl auch saN. •
<br /> (b) As truy ba p�rmiHed by law,aflor ciadUCtinp all costs,(ees end e:cpensea of Trustxe and qt 1hk Tn,�sl,Includlrp cosls of�vld�ncs of
<br /> Ntis In conn�ctton wlih aab,Trustee shnn a�ply Ihe prxeeds of s+�b to.Gaymnnt of (i)eli sums exponAOd unda the t�rrtN d fN�L�dJ ml
<br /> Trust or�nder the terms of the Note nat��han rRpald,Including bul noi llmlio�fo eccrued lnteresl and la?e charpas, (II)aN othw sums U�nn
<br /> s�oured�Yteiuby,ind (lii)Ihe remninda�,�t any,to Ihe person or persons lagaliy enlflled thereto.
<br /> (C) Trusta9 m9y In the manner proWded by law poSlpone sala o}ell or eny portion of tha Property.
<br /> RemMits No14cCiu�ive. Truslee and Lentler,end each ot them,sfiall be onlltl�d fo enforce paymsnf and parformanca at eny IndeblednQSs
<br /> or o6Np�ilons slcurod by Ihts Daed o}Tnnt and Ib exorcise sll rlyhts and�rowQre under this Oaed of Trust,under lha Note,und�r any N lt�e
<br /> Rat�t�d DocurrnMs,a undw any other e9�sement a sny laws now or hereaHOr In face;notwiihSlandir►�,snme a atl ot such irtd�badnoss
<br /> �nd oblip�HOn�6�CUrYd by this Desd of Trt�st mey now or here8fler be olhurv+ISO SeCUred,whether by mortflos}a,ds6d d trusi,pMdp�,1{en,
<br />' asslpnmenl or olhe�wisa. Neitlier fhe axeptance of thls Deed of Trust na its nnforCnment,whether by courl acfian or plxsutM to thr powet of
<br /> � snts a olher powsre Conl�inad in thls OAtrd of Tnnt,sheB pr�JudiCe or in any manner aflect Truste�+'s ar ten�ar's dght to�Mli�upon a
<br /> enfpra Rny oifw s�CUrity�n�bw pr hereafter h6id by Yrustea or Lender,Il N�einp agrssd that Trustes and iendar,and eoch of ttNm,�N!»
<br /> , mtitled to entprco thfs baoQ at'f►ust end any ofher:,ecurity now a Neree!ter held by Lender w Trustee in suph acior and�nn�r q ih�y a
<br /> NtMr d QMm may In thelr absdute discretion determine. No remedy eQntnrrod upon a reserved to Trustel w 4Und�,b inAr�d b M
<br /> ," ucdusivs ol4ny other remedy In ihis Deed o7�Trust a by lew proNded cr permlHad,but each shall b�ciitnu4f(w nntl,bheM ba in�ddNfon Ic
<br /> svery other rernady pivon In thls peed of 7rust or now or hereafler exisUnp pl Inw or in equlty pr by alatute. Ewry power vnnk►Mdy qlwn Ey the
<br /> Note or any of ttw Rslate4 Oxuments to Trustee or Lender or to �vl�lch eilhqr of ihem may ba otherwM.�a entiWW,•m�y W�xardwC,
<br /> concun�lly tx indsp�ndontly,trom tims to Iims and�ts oP,en�s may A�deumod�xpedlenl by Truste�a Lendor,�nA•�fi�hsr ol lh�m m�y
<br /> punu� Inconshl�nt nrne�s. Nothing In Ihls Oaed of Trust shall W coitotruad u prohibitlnp L�nda trom s�kfnp a duh�nny JudpnNnl
<br /> ��Ylnsi thf Trusla to Ihe extent BuCh aCtlOn FS permf!led by lew.
<br /> R�q1Mi1 Fa Motte�.Tnislor,on b�h�N ot Trusla and L�nder,herWy r�quoels Ihut�copy of any Notit�o}D�f�uH«nA�tl aopy of aey Nolk�
<br /> of SW urxMr thi�Dwd d Trust bo malhd to 1Mm ai Ihe addresse�s�t fath In Ilw rtrot par�gnph ot ihls DNd of Trusl.
<br /> W�iw►;ENctlan of R�mWMi. A w�lvor by any perty of w b»ar.h ol�proviston of thh Ds�d of Trust shatl not conn�itltu�w�lvK of a
<br /> pnJudico fh�puf✓�dphb otMrwis�to d�mand sirtct complt�nc�wilh llwl provFSfon a any olhK proviston. ENc1Wn by I.undnr to pursu�any
<br /> nrt�ly�►ro�AdN in tlis D�d W Tru�t,1M Nok,In any iiWt�d Doaument.ar provkfNf by kw sMN nN�xciud�pwoW.1 W nny WMr r�wdyr,
<br /> �nd u►N�cdon lo nxk��i�idNura or b tak��c1lon lo p�Aarm an dsllpatbn of Truslor under Ihls Desd W Tru�l Ntldr ir'i��10 ot Tnqk,r to
<br /> pMtorm shaN not afNcl Lindws rlpht lo doctuu�del�ult�nd tu ox�rclsr any of Ils romadias.
<br /> Atlom�a'F�;Qtp�n�M. If�andsr Instilutas any eult or u,atlon to enforco cny o}lhs terrt»ot thls DeW of Trual,l.nndor�Fwb b��MitMd lo•
<br /> nc�w►auch sum�e th�cotxl may ad�udpe rsasomhte�es attorneys'teos at trint�nd on any eppoal. WMtlw or nol nny,eourl'Ccilon�lt
<br /> Involwd,�1 rsatOnabN u�ens�s Incurce�by Under whFth fn Lender's opinlon ars rNCes,aary at�ny ttme IOr lhe prolec�un e(iNi Inli�ns��th1�
<br /> �nforc�m�M ot Ils rlphts sfu►N Wc�me�D�n of the Inde�lodnoss peyablo on demand and shap beu tnt�ral�t lhe Nolo�ruo!(r�un ths�7�W
<br /> eocp«�ditun undl rop�Id. Expenses covered by thls pareqr�ph tnclude,withnul Iimitellor+,however subje�t to any Mmim•unduaMppaabli Mtw,
<br /> L�nda"s atlorMys'iR�s wh09her or Aqt ther�e!s a lawsufi,Includinp attomeys'(eos la bankruptCy proc�ecyngs(includlnp Ofldtio to modN,►ar
<br /> wcaM any automatk stay ar inJunctf�n�,aPn¢al�and Gny anUclpalnd posbJu4gmont caltecllon se�vkes,tt��ost of se�aronlnp��uanrds,obt�k�irg
<br /> UtN r�porb(tnCludlnp for�:lo9ur�rlport9a,9urveyors'reports,appralsul toe5.11lle fnuurunce,end fae9 fa IhB 9Ya�slse,to'IhU O��nl p�rmitMO by
<br /> _ oppNCabk Gtw.Ttusfa afso�r�i11 r:ay sny cour1 Costs.ln addillon to eu tlthor 3um3 provlded by lew.
<br /> Rlphts u!TrustN. Trustee�fiall havg af1 of tho�Iph44 nnd dutles of Lendar ns sel foHh In thls seCtlon.
<br /> POYYERS ANO 09LIQA710N9�}�7RU3'I'EE. Tho(oltowlny prcvlslons ratatlnn to tho pow�s and obllyatlo�r�of 7rusteo aro prut d thfs ONd of
<br />; 'frust.
<br />... Powes of TmWtse. In add(Uon to a11 p4raers Cf Trustee arlsinp as a mat►dr nl law,Trusta shall haw!hc powcr lo lako thUdoMowhg acti,�ns
<br /> with nsp�cl ld Il�s Propqry upon tM wrtHen Toquast ot Lender end Tru�lo•r: (e)Join In pr6p�dnp�nd flNr�u map or ptol t1f•tht�RW PrapaYly,
<br />` Indudlnp 9h�d�dicatbn oi bitaels ot othsr�NN"to the pu611�• (b)Joln En pranllnp any ea�monl or creatinp ony�estrWiwmomttw RwI fkap�rly;
<br /> �nd(c)Jdn In�ny subo�dhAtlon or other�tiroemont flHectidp�hfa Deed C(Trust or the Inte°ost of Lender under Ih(s Di1bd•�b1Yue9.
<br /> Tru�Me. TrusUs Sh1A meol aA quaii9cttians requlred tor Trustse unci�r�ppllcablo law. In addttbn to the rt9hta end�emodlc�5et torth abow,
<br /> wNh ns{�ci.to�N a�ny p�A ol lhe Prnperty,the Trustee she11 havo Ilw riqnt to toreclose by notice entl s.a�m,en��undaf uJ�ul1 have tAo rtq;�!to
<br />� lurndoe+��by:1u11da1 Iaeclosuro,ln�It!►nr case In nccadance wilh pnC to lh�Cull extenl provlded by appt�ale,faw.
<br /> Sueeeaaor 4rwte�.Lander,et Lender's optlon,mny hom Ilmo to llmo eppolnl u auCCessor Trustee tp any Trusteo anpnlnled hnnundar Ey�n
<br /> Mslrument execWad md�cknowlBdped by Lender anA�ecordeG In[flo offiCe Ot Ih�reCOrder Ot HALL Counly,Nabrncftll. T!�Ir�tErumenl sh�l
<br />' Cenuln.In addtlGri to ap olher mattors ruquked by sl�te taw,the namos of tha orlpinel Lender,Trusfee,and 7nuE;tflt;llob pUdc and pap�(a
<br /> Compuler sysfom rMKena)wt�9re IhIS Oeed of Trusi b rocordad,ersd�thu namo nnd tddress of the succestor trUy9pe,�72?:tha Ins�rurtwrd sh�M
<br /> W�Cltwd and�dcnowNdped Dy iM Ih6 beneficlatNs urtdet ttw DOUd a�Trusl Or thek SuCCessors In InferaEt. The sua,�sor kustas,wilhaut
<br /> i�rir�nw v?mv►rope�iy,ane�su��sd iv ae ma m`�e,power,anu duries coniorted upon iee i nrsiee in��eeu oi►ntsi and Dy�iris
<br /> , l�w. Tft�{�roeedtxs�tor subIItitutlon of trustee shafi govern lo fho exciusiun ot eil otner provislons�or LubSti;�ti.,�.
<br /> NOTICE�TO T!1tlSTOR ANt10TtiER PARYIE'3. Any nouce un6or thls Qaad ot 7rus1 shaN Oe!n wdttnQ,may bs be sant by tetetacslmfli�,and shaA
<br /> b�NNcNw wMn actuaNy dallvwed,or wAen deposlled wilh a r,atlona6y rcrcopnt:�ad overNpNt Caurler,a,tf malbd,sMq be dw�rtwd�MocKw wMn
<br /> deposit�d In�M!lnNW Slete*s mall firsl ctass,cOrtiAed or re�7lsterod mal�,pc�t�go prcpafd,directed to lhe addressos shown ne�v Ihs bepinnlnp af
<br /> Mi5 Qeod of Trusl. Any party mAy Change IL addross for naticeg undur thls Dired of Trust by givinp fotmal written noBCa t0 tha other paties,
<br /> spscMlrsy Ihel the purpose o11he nolkw Is lo Change Ihe partyt9 address. All coples o}nolkes o�toreclosuro trom the holder of any lien whtch has
<br /> ptforfl�r over thb Deod of Trust shall ha sent lo Lender'S address,es sho�vn neur Ih0 beglnnln�ol thls Dood ol Trust. Fa no11Ce purpos�s,Trustor
<br /> e��rle5 to keep Lender and Tru;tee IMOrmed nl et!times o�Truslor's Cumcnl uddrnss.
<br /> MtSCEWHEOUS PROVIStONS. The lollowlnp mfsCellaneous provislong aro u part ot Ihls Deed of Tru�l:
<br /> AmRttstments.Thls Deed ot Trusf,loqelher wlth any Retnled DoCUmonls,constitules Ihe enllre undprstgndlnp and aproertNnt of the parlNs rS
<br /> lo the m�Hers sN Rxth ln lhEs Oee4 0l Trust. No attenUOn of or amondmont to lh{s Deed of Trnsl Shall be eftoc8vs unbss ptven In writ'sny and
<br /> sipn�d dy the puty a perties souqhl to be charged or bound by the alteratlon or emundmenl.
<br /> Applkabk Law. Thla Oecd of Trust has been dellvtred to LenQe��nd ac�epted Dy LenQer!n lhe StMe of�leka��Thls UeE�01 Trost
<br /> , . < 4�
<br /> i
<br />