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<br /> �Pr+uaede�in canneciimi with conAernnation or othar taking pi the Propeny oe paR ihereof,or for conveyance In Ileu of cnnderrre+aUon• '_
<br /> Lend�r aFali bo enNt{ed ai Ks o(►tion to cnmmer►c,s,appear In end pnasecate In ita own �iame eny,ect�on a proceedin�e,end eha11 eko
<br /> hn enlVlt+�i to make nny co�nprominA or eettlement In o�nneGtlon wlth euch takinfl or damage.In tho avent any portbn o1 the Qroperty Is �
<br /> sa t�Can ar dam�ged, Lender ehnll have the n(�tlan In Ita so�e anci absalute discretbn,W t�ppiy al�eu�eh procae�a, s6tar d�rluctlrp
<br /> th�srelran pll coete and eupet►�es Incurrad by It In aannacUnn with such Proc6ede,upon any Indo�tednesa secured!►eretsy and In euch
<br /> crderw Lsnder rr�y deteanlns.or to Apply all such Proc.e�ds�after such d�duc44o�w�to the reataretfon of the Properif►upcx�such oort- ;
<br /> dlti�ie�e L.ender me�y detertnine.Any Eipplfcd.lo�W procaeti.�to(ndebte�tssr ehaN not extend or poetPone the clue deite of enY MY'
<br /> msna ur�r tfw NW��or cun any dN�uN/t�+wrxl0r a twrw�►dR�.My unappll�d turxie shall ba peid to 7rueoar.
<br /> g, phlorrrwnc�by L�rxNr,Upon the occurtsncs o!an Event ol DefauR hersunder,or il Rny act le taken or IepAI proceeding
<br /> co�,�;,s;�:�3 w;•,„;;�i,�ate��.:t:y attcsi:L�rt::r'o Ini:rc�t!n tha C�roF^sty.!^ndar may In It9 otm dlsc�•otion,but Nlithout oMk+�tton to do so, �
<br /> �r1d wkhout notice to or d�rrutnd upon Tnwta and wilhout r�Netin�TnuEor from any oWigation,cb eny act whk:h Tnie�ar hes eps�ed
<br /> but f�led to do srid me►y alw do eny other act N d�ema neoe�aary to�rotect tfis secudty hereol.Truafor ehall. ImmsdiAtsly upon '
<br /> dsrnu�d dwrafor by L�der,pay to Lender stl c�ta enci axpensee(ncurred and auma expended by Lender in conner.tion with the exer
<br /> dae by Lendsr of ths torepolnp riphb,topsU�r wNh Intsrest thereon st the defauft rate provl�ded In the Note,which ahell ba added to
<br /> the ir�btednesa secu�ed heroby.Lertider eiwW not Incur aoy Ilablliry because d anythinp it may do or omit to do hereurxier.
<br /> 9.Ha�t�rdot�s bMt�rtaU�. Trustor t+h�M kwp th� Propsrty In campNanos wfth aN appl{aable tuwe,ordinarx�s arxi re�uledona
<br /> resabp to Industrial hyplene or envir�xunent�l protectbn(caiNcthwly reisrred[o he�aln ae•Env�ronmantat l.awa�.Truuta 3ha1!keep -
<br /> t�+Property troe irom all substencea deemed to bs hazaiMOUe or toxlc undet eny Envirqnmentel Lswe(collaGti+iely t�ferred to herNn
<br /> os '�urdoue Matedata`).Trustar hereby we�ra�end reprdeonts W Lcnder that thare are no Hazardous M�terWe on ar und�r 1he
<br /> Rroporty.Tncsfor hercrby aprees to irxlemnffy and IxNd harmleeo Ls�xier,it��ireatorn�off�trs,en'►RfuYe�s and eoents�and enY euoaea'
<br /> wnto Lsrxkt's iMweet,irom and epa'nst eny end nll clefma,dama�ea,loeaea Rnd Ilsbilflies adatn�In conneatlon with tf�e preaenco,
<br /> us�e,dtnposal,x transFwR of eny Huarcbua MAteriaia on,undxr,from ar ubout the Rroperty.TH�FOF7EQQINQ W�RRANT�ES AN�
<br /> 70.As�nrn�+�ta of R�nt�.Tastar heretiy asalyne to Lender,end grants Lender a eecurfty Interest f�,all pnesent,futuro aad
<br /> sftarerisirp renta.lasues and profits QI the PropeAy:provided tha4 Trustor ahall,undl the oa:ur�ence of an Event of IJefauft,henBttt�der,
<br /> have fhe�ht to cdlect and rotain such rents,issuee and Rrofits ae they bacpmQ due and payabie.Upon the oocurtw�Ce of en Event a4
<br /> pe�l�ult,Lsnder may,e(ther in p�+raon or by a�ent,with ar without bdngfnp any�ctlon or proceeding,or by a receiver appotnted by a —
<br /> oa�,u1 eind wfthout�egard to the arleauacy of fte security,enter upon end take posseasion af the Propertyr,or eny peat thareof,in ite awn
<br /> naune or In the name oi ioa i rusien. euiia uu aa�y ac'w�il�h It�.�ma r:.�.,°�ery er�3re.,�!s to�:es°r:s 5�:��:°lss,t�.::!:�•�wllr,t.or
<br /> rentebtlity af tlw P�pC►rty.or eny Rart thereol ar intsreat therein,or to Increaea the Irx�ome therefrom or protsat the seour�Y hsroof and;
<br /> w�tha witl�out te�khp Posseaebn of the Propetiy,flt�i�r ar.Qther�vias collect the renta,issues and prnfita thsreof�k�kxifnC dxne�i�st
<br /> dv�wx!Unpaid,bY nMityin�tenants to make paymenta tQ�e:�der.Lender may epply rente,teauee and pro►its�(eas�o�ts and expona.
<br /> es d n�+eraUon and collecdon IncNidinp attomey's fees�to flny indebtedne�a aec�ured hereby,aW in such order eus L�nder may datef
<br /> mirn.'t'he enterinp upon and tAkinp paeee�eion of the Propertyr�the ooHection ot euch rents�issues and profits�and.the apWicatla►
<br /> theroof u afaea�id shell not cure or wahre eny de�auR or notice of defw�.ii h;.�nder or Invalidate aRy flet done tn�ponae to s.�+ch
<br /> dsfeuit a pureuAm to such notice ot defauit and.notwlthstandiny the condnuance m�ossession ot.me properiy or u�e a�iia�.-i�r�i,
<br /> n�t and apptic�tion of rente,isaues or protlW.T�ustee and Lender sheN be entitled to exerc�ise every ripht provided for h any�►t_the
<br /> I,,a�I�etrwnents a by law upor�occurtence of any Event qf Deisuft.Indudk�wfttaut IimMatloci the right to exer�iae.ttfe power ei�le.
<br /> Far►"E�r.Lender's riphts and remodlps underthta parapnaph shall be cumutaUve with,and in no way a IlmNatton on,Lender'a rlghta r�nd
<br /> r0at�diea wxler any eas{pnmetlt of leaaes and rente recordetl agelnst the Property.Lei�der,Tnintee and the reoelver.atxW be{inb{o 10
<br /> ecoaint only for thoeo re�►ts actueky recehted.
<br /> 11.Ewnb of ON�uit The tollowinp shalt oonsdtute an Event of Qatauit under thia Deed of Tn�ar
<br /> (a)FeNuro to PaY�Y k�ehJknent of principal or fMerost M eny otlter etxn escurod h�roby when due;
<br /> (b)A breech o!or detault u�cier eny provie{on oar�tNned In the Note.tl�Fe Dsed ot T�ust.eu�Y�f ths Loen instnHnsnts,a anf►
<br /> dher Iien or encumbnnce apon th�Pmperty►c
<br /> (c)A wrk of execuUon or attachmenE or sny stmitar process shall be sntered e�alnst Trustor wh(ch ahaq becom�a Nen on
<br /> the Propeny or any porUon thereof or(nterest theretn;
<br /> (d)Thste s�ell be filed by or eflNnst Tn�stor or Bortower an ac�an tx�der eny present or tuture tedsm+l,stats or otltw sfetute�
<br /> law or ro�#iUca.tela�ng to bankNptcy,tnsotvency or other relief tor debtors;or there shaN ba appolMed eny hualee�roceive�or
<br /> lfaufdetor d 1Y�►atar tlr Borrower or ot aN or any peR of the Property,or tlx�reMei l�auee or proNts tltereol�or Truelor ar Bortvwer
<br /> sghefl rt�ake eny yensnt�gsl�nmeM ta the benefit of croditora; •
<br /> (e)The sMe.trenater.lease.e�seignment,c«weyance ot turtt+er encumbrancs ot ell or ury pert o!or atry InterNt u►1Ne
<br /> PropertY.either voturMerNy a knrolunta�lly�without the expreas wdl:an ccxiaeM of Lender,providDd that Tn�tor shall be permit
<br /> ted to exebate a leaas ot tlie PropeAy thnl doea not oontatn en q�Mion tc purctwaa and the terrri�01 whfch doee not excedd one
<br /> year. � .
<br /> (n�b�r�dwunerrt of the Property:or .. �.
<br /> (0)B Tniator ta not an k�dividual,the fasuance,sa�e,tren�(er.as�ipnmont�comre'yarxe or encu+nb�anoci of more thnn(H a
<br /> �A perin9rehip ir►tereatm.ot(H a hm' IbsdtNabflRY oompunY)n t��stock,or(K a �)the Nmited Iinbility compa.
<br /> ny inteneYs or votlrp rlflhb durk�g the potlod this Deed ut Tn�ei remAlns a lien on the properly.
<br /> 12.RMnrdi�s:AcoNere�lon Upon tMfwlt.ln the event o0 any Ev�bnt of DetauM 0.e�dor may,without notke except as requlred
<br /> by Inv.cJedaro�N h�debWAnes�secured herel�y to be due and payeble and the senw�haM thnreupon become due end payAble wMh-
<br /> oeit�ny preeenhnont�demand�rxoteat or r�otice ot any Wnd.Theronfter Ler�r mny:
<br /> (a)b�riand thet Tnnet�s ex�lse tha PO'WE6i Ot=S�1L.E Qreu�ted hsroin.and Trustee sheil 1tx�saRer.cwes Truala'e k►ter-
<br /> es!in 1ho�r�ro{�eity to be sold and the prooeode tv be d(stdbuted,al!In the mans►er provided tn the Nebraska Truat psede A�
<br /> (4)E�can�se any and all Nphts provlded tov!n eny of tho Loan InatrumeMa or by law upon oocurrenr.e cf eny Event of
<br /> aeraun:ar�l
<br /> (o)CqnNnems ero a�ticn ta(oreclose thla Deed o7 Trut�t na a mort�ayo,eppolnt a recolver,or spocHfcally or�fo�o any of tho =
<br /> covet►nr�b here�if. --
<br /> Norerr�ecly here'fineontemed upon or�eserved to Truotee or Lender le intended to bo exclusive of any alher remedy heroln,tn thu Loan
<br /> Inewmente a by law pinvided or pormitted,bvt eaoh shatl be cumuiaii�w.BhaU bo tn addition W ewn�oiher remedy ghren tx�reun�]er,
<br /> I�n tlie Lann Insfruinente w now or hereaRer exlsttng at{aw or In oq��ty or by statute,arid may be exercised oor�currently►,Indttpendentiy
<br /> ���� Tlu Tn�fam m�v rm3m a}nnv l4riA WithHUf[�n��n.071d LO[Id@f(YlBV�Al1Y 1jfllE 9fl[�WI�IWl�Cffil88 BClDL1�nt Q 8I1C•
<br /> ..��.�.�..�_.� _.-- ------- -- - . .
<br /> oeewr a subsdfute T�uatee.Tivstee shafi not bfl NaL-i�ti to a�Y paKy,(Heiueiir�withaut fimtt�fioi�Lender.Bor�wer,T�veioe cx eny{wr-
<br /> che�er ol the Properly,tor eroy toss or damaqe unless due to roddeae or wHttul mfsa�nrk�ct,and eftull not be requlred to take�ny t+cUon
<br /> In�with the eMa�ement ot thls Deed of Tast unlesa fndemniHed,In wridnq,tor ell cbsts,componsatla�or expenHee whlch
<br />- mey I�e esooclabed tt�ewilh.l�addidon,Tru�iee may become a purchaser at any eab of the Pra�pert!►Qudici�l or ur�ly dte pourer�t
<br />- way praMed heroin);po�tpor�e the sale of ell or any portlon o}the Propecry.as provtded by law:or sett the p�opodyr ae a wtale,or In
<br /> s�eporete paccels or bts at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> 14.f�Mfd Exp�e�.In tfie event 7rustee sells the Property by exerclse of power M sa{e,TNatae shall be dntMted to appty
<br /> arry�te proceeck flret b paymsnt of all coa�a and expenses ol exerclslnp power ot oale,Includh�etl Trustee'e tees,and lende�'s end
<br /> Truslae'e atbmey'e ieea, ectuaAy Incurred to extent permttted by sppl�sble law.In the event t3orrowor or TNator exerclses eny dqht
<br /> prorkfed by lew to cure an�vent of deta�lt,Lender shatl be entitfed tfl recavar frnm Truator ell costa and e�ertses ectuaMyr incumad ag
<br /> a nwN of Truatora delauR,Includinq wiUwut Ilmitation ell Truatee's end aitomoy's tees,to the extent pertnitted by epplkaWe lew.
<br /> 16.Futun AdvancN. Upon request of Bortuy►�er,Lender may,a!ke opUon,make ad�ifiona!and tutura sdvances and read-
<br /> �v�ncra lo Bonower.Such edvances end rs�dvanas,wNh tnterost thereon,ahell be secured by thl�[)eed W Trus�At no tNne shall tl�e
<br /> �
<br /> ' . r • -
<br />