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201101798 <br />statements made in it. If Lender chooses to invoke the power of sale, I.ender or Tnutee will provide notice of sale <br />pun7aant to applicable law. Any such sale or a sale made pursuant to a judgment or a decree for the forecFosure <br />hereof may, at the option of I.ender, be made en masse. The commencement of praceedings to foreclose this <br />Securiry Instrument in any manner auttwrized by law shall be deemed as exercise of the above option <br />Upon the occwrence of an Event of Default, Lender shall immediately be entitled to make applicaGon for and <br />obtain the appointment of a receiver for the Property and of the earnings, income, issue and profirs of it, with the <br />powers as the court making the appointments confers. Grantor hereby irrevocably consents to such appoinhnent <br />and waives nodce of any application therefor. <br />NO WAIVER. No delay or failure of Lender to exercise any right, remedy, power or privilege hereunder shatl <br />affect that right, remedy, power or privilege nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude the exercise of <br />any right, reraedy, power or priviiege. No Lender de(ay or faiiure to demand strict adherence to the temis of ttris <br />Security Imsuument shall be deemed to constitute a course of conduct inconsistent with Lender's right at any tinne, <br />before or after an event of defauit, W demand strict adherence to the terms of this Securiry Instrument and the <br />Related Documents. <br />SUBSTITU'1'E TRU51'EE. Lender, at its option, tnay from time to time remove Trustee and appoiut a successor <br />trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an insttument recorded in the county in whieh this 5ecuriry <br />Instrument is recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, the successor mutee shall succeed to all the title, <br />power and duties confeneci upon Trustee herein and by applicabte law. <br />JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILTI'Y. If this Securiry Instrument should be signed by more than one person, all <br />persons executing this Security Instrument agree that they shali be joindy and severaliy bound, where permitted by <br />law. <br />SURVIVAL. Lender's rights in this Security lnstrument will continue in its successors and assigns. This SecuriCy <br />Instrument is binding on a11 heirs, executors, administrators, a.asigns and successors of Grantor. <br />NOTICES AIYD WAIVER OF NOTICE. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, any notice or demand <br />given by L.ender to any party is considered effecrive when it is deposited in the United States Mail with the <br />appropriate postage. A copy of any notice shall be mailed to each party at the address of the parey givea at the <br />beginning of this Securiry Instrument unless an alteroative address has been provided to Lender in wriring. To the <br />extent percnitted by taw, Grantor waives notice of Lcnder's acceptance of ihis Securiry Instrument, defenses based <br />on saretyship, any defense arising from any election by Lender under the United States Bankruptcy Code, Uniforni <br />Commercial Code, as enacted in the state where I.ender is located or other appGcable law or in equity, demand, <br />notice of acceleration, notice of nonpayment, presentment, protest, notice of dishonor and any other nodce. <br />YtEQUEST BOR NOTICES: Grantor requests that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sent to the <br />address of each party given at the beginning of the Security lnstrument. <br />TO TIIE EXTENT PERMT!"!'ED BY LAW, GRANTOR WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO NOTICE, OTHER <br />THAN THE NOTICE PROVIDED ABOVE, AND WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO ANY HEARING, <br />JUDiCIAL Oli OTHERWISE, PRIOR TO LENDEK EXERCISING 1TS RIGR'TS UNDER THIS <br />SECURITY INSTRUMENT. <br />WAIVER OF APPRA?SEMENT RIGHTS. Grantor waives all appraisement rights relating to the Property to <br />the extent permitted by law. <br />LENDER'S EXPENSES. Grantar agrees to pay all sxpenses incurred by Lender in connecdon with enforcament <br />of its rights under the Indebtedness, this Security Instrument or ui Ehe event L,ender is made party to any litigation <br />because of the existence of the Indebtedness or this Securiry Instrurnent, a.a wel] as court costs, collection charges <br />and reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements. <br />ASSIGNABILITY, Lender may assign or otherwise transfer this Security Instrument or any of Lender's rights <br />under this Security Instrument without notice to Grantor. Grantor may not assign this Security Instrument or any <br />part of the Security Instrument without the express written consent of Lender. <br />GOVERNING LAW. This Securiry Instrument will be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska including <br />all proceedings arising from this Security Instrument. <br />SEVERABIL[TY. If a court of campeteut jurisdiction deternvnes any term or provision of this Security <br />Tnsuument is invalid or prohibited by applicable law, that term or provision will be ineffective to the extent <br />required. P,ny term or provision that k�as been deteimined to be invalid or prohibited will be severed from the rest <br />of the Security Instrument witttout invalidating the remainder of either the affected pmvision or this Security <br />Instrument. <br />UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (U.C.C.) Grantor agrees that this Security Insmiment st�all suffice as a <br />financing statement and may therefore be filed of record as a financing statement for the pwposes of Article 9 of <br />the Uniform Commercial Code. Grantor authorizes Lender to file any financing statemonts required under the <br />Uniform Commercial Code. <br />CONSTRUCTIOIV FIXTURES. This Security Instrument shall constitute a security agreement es defined in the <br />Unifomi Couunercial Code (the "Code"), and Mortgagor hereby grants to Lertder a security interest within the <br />meaning of the Cnde in favor of L,ender in all of Mortgagor's now owned and hereafter acquired goods, build'uzg <br />materiais, supplies, inveatory, equipment, accounts, contract rights, inshwnents, documents, chattel paper, general <br />intangibles and personal pmperty located ak upon or in any way related to the construction of itnQrovemenGc or the <br />�5 D60t-ZOIp CompHeoce Syxans, lrc. FW7:�6Ef. -:tlI0.0.�.365 <br />Commrncitl Com��rucrion 5carity Intmmw� - DL7007 PBgi 4 n(4 aww.rompfianasyste� <br />� <br />��fl, <br />